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/lit/ - Literature

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9707409 No.9707409 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on Everyman's Library?

>> No.9707414

Go for a edition with good notes instead of one with a pretty hardcover.

>> No.9707428

probably the best quality mainstream hardcover you can find

>> No.9707442

Or just read the book and decide for yourself what it's about, what the themes are, and what the author was trying to say.

>> No.9707446

sometimes you want a book that will last

>> No.9707452

Dumbest thing I've ever read in the history of my life.

>> No.9707465

not that anon, but no, you're objectively wrong.

>> No.9707479

>can't read a book on his own

>> No.9707485

doesn't matter what 'edition' you get. really wish people would stop saying this. As long as you have the text you're fine

>> No.9707486

Every book will last if you take good care of it.

>> No.9707498

It looks nice to hang on your shelf, but I want a good translator/editor/notes. Though I could be wrong, and it could be stellar quality. Anyone recommend a good place to get a library from? Britannica Great Books seems tempting.

>> No.9707541

Got the Everyman's Library edition of War & Peace pretty much mainly because of the fact it was in three volumes, making it easier to read. I also checked the translator too, so you know.
It's decent, but I still think Oxford World Classics is by far the best publisher you can get for classic novels.

>> No.9707748

>notes and introductions are brainwashing mechanisms!

kek kys senpai

>> No.9707752

If you don't know what you are talking about, you should shut up. Editions matter.

>> No.9707959

Shitty translations.

>> No.9708898
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The fact the book wont ruin my shelf by making it look like /lgbt/ vomited on a pile of wood is nice.
I keep seeing anons say bad translations, can you elaborate? Maybe say which book(s) you didn't like? I was considering their The Divine Comedy

>> No.9708917

Like the older editions, pre-1965, of specifically English and American classics. Pepys, Boswell, Gibbon et al.

>> No.9708924
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x2100, translationchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their divine comedy is good

>> No.9708976

Thanks for the infograph, anon!

>> No.9708993

None of my translations are on this chart.

>> No.9709059
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 4b23b983dd13e9b4ba5c5179bee4fbbf--middle-fingers-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm italian and i don't need any goddamn translation so i can enjoy the godly Fratelli Fabbri Editori Divina Commedia

>> No.9709074


lol that's like the only good thing about being italian these days who are you even kidding

>> No.9709124

Oh, we can do a lot of other great stuff. Like, making actually good pizza.

>> No.9709153


>actually lists pizza next like a caricature of himself

kek. i hope your country full of thieving gypsies enjoys that great pizza.

>> No.9709200

this should really add the study Qur'an. While it is certainly perrenialist, it has a lot of resources within it and really makes reading the Qur'an very interesting as it draws from a lot of medieval sources

>> No.9709204
File: 31 KB, 561x561, 1459385713597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to your shitty country last winter, everyone drives like shit and immigrants roam freely like it's their turf. Swindling tourists must be the pride of your people and the highest achievement they can ammount to.

>> No.9709205

Lasagna cannelloni pasta!

>> No.9709211

awful chart

>> No.9709264
File: 59 KB, 500x402, a531759ccef918b014e7f228f089ee55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying babbies, can't hear you over my being genetically superior

>> No.9709591

Pleb version of wordsworth

>> No.9710022

>t. 56%

>> No.9711184

No thank you Mr. "Cultural Enrichment"

>> No.9711567

>reading the (((introduction)))
/lit/ is fucking dead

>> No.9712021

You're the ones that always post asking for everyone else's thoughts on a book you just finished so you can make sure you're allowed to enjoy it, aren't you?

>> No.9712196

Amazing. The Montaigne is really thicc and great quality too.

>> No.9712520

Don't know if this is the right thread to ask this, but, should I buy the Harvard Classics, 1909, for 250? It contains all 51 volumes

>> No.9712557

Fuck off memester. If you're going to read the Qur'an, it is a version worth reading and should be in the chart.

>> No.9713106

The NIV is the satanic bible, do not ever recommend it to anyone

>> No.9714064
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Many of the translations will be out of date
Many if not all of the English-language books are legally available for free on the internet due to them having fallen into the public domain
You could get them at the library
The type will probably be small and irritating to read

Not worth 250 imo. It does look like an interesting selection of important books though, albeit maybe a little Anglo/liberal heavy.

>> No.9714201

No they don't.
The glue in paperbacks dry out. My war and peace is 110 years old and feels newer than a 10 year old paperback