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/lit/ - Literature

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9706907 No.9706907 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Light Novels?

inb4 /a/ I know half of you are weebs and its still literature.

>> No.9706958
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Some of them are decent to read and a lot are trash. /lit/ doesn't like talking about them though, I've tried to make threads about them before and they just want to send you to /a/, /jp/, etc.
Which do you read, OP?

>> No.9707114


Hibike Euphonium got released not long ago and I was wondering how the prose is.

>> No.9707519
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to be honest reading LN's keeps me reading more than normal books. yes I know I'm a weeb. I've tried reading stuff like gravity rainbow and the great gasby but it doesn't hold me attention like LN's do.

>> No.9707722

I've read the currently publishing monogatari series, NHK and haruhi, that's really about it. Don't really want to jump into anything new without at least knowing the content to at least be decent. Though I would like to read Kino's Journey.

They are basically Japanese pulp fiction YA. Easy reads in between more complex books I find, whilst usually being quite entertaining in the process.

>> No.9707939
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Those are good series to read. I'd also recommend HakoMari. There are a lot of translated stuff online these days. There is actually a torrent floating around which has a shitload of PDFs of LN's. Might be worth your while to check out, I think it was on nyaa.

>> No.9708054

Absolute trash.
And not because of their origin,but because they are barely readable.

>> No.9708061


explain to me the value of reading light novels over:
>reading manga
>watching anime
>reading normal genre fiction

>> No.9708066

Reading low grade young adult novels translated from an Asian language to a European language is probably the biggest waste of time known to man.

>> No.9708075

The translations are awful too. There really is no point trying to discuss LNs on an English board OP because they aren't really accessible to people who can't into nip in the first place

>> No.9708121

I was thinking of reading the english translation of Spice and Wolf because I love the anime and it left me with a huge cliffhanger. Although I have a large backlog of things I want to read before I relax with some genre fiction and I'm not sure if my tastes might have changed the last several years since I watched the anime.

>> No.9708138

Most are isekai bullshit so automatically trash

>> No.9708161
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Not a single LN I've bothered to read warranted the praise they received on /a/. Things like Haruhi, Bakemonogatari, Index, Log Horizon, Welcome to the NHK, etc.
It's all dumb dumb derivative garbage so obviously aimed at market research approved demographics the whole artform sort of transforms into a case study of creative bankruptcy in SEA.

I particularly hate the derivative nature of the contemporary LN stories. Circles that engage in reading LNs generally see parody of the genre as a display of virtuousity by the author but don't realise that since 2006, putting 4th wall breaking moments pertaining to anime clichés and whatnot has become so par for the course it's basically a cliché in and of itself.

Moving on; the prose in these books is unanimously absolutely untenable and reads like it was written by a literal 12 year old. Abstract descriptions almost never appear (except in Welcome to the NHK) and the exposition doesn't stray far from describing a character's appearance or kawaii expression, a word for word account of a conversation, or a fightscene. Think B-movie scripts.
This is less the case with, again, Welcome to the NHK, which is by far the most profound work I've read from the LN scene, but still- the authors don't even attempt to create beauty when crafting sentences. Everything from the trite 1st person perspective the author almost perfunctorily uses, to the dry prose, to the awkward (and almost inhuman) dialogue- it's all in service of a self insert fantasy plot that mostly leads nowhere (see haruhi and bakemonogatari) and any theme (in case the LN contains concrete themes beyond "friends are important," etc.) are to be understood easily by high school students and are generally handed out on a platter.
Really, no thought is required to read LNs and are, on the whole, a massive waste of time.

>> No.9708179

"Chapter 2: The lady molester from another dimension"
You see this, you know you're reading a work of art.

>> No.9708187

The only good light novel is Welcome to the NHK.

Probably because it's the closest thing (accessible in english) to a real book even if the prose sucks a bit.

>> No.9708195

As you said, it's a market research thing. The magazine/manga/LN culture radically differs from the western consumption of media.
At least I remember reading that in a book.
They buy this weeks Jump, read the contents while commuting on the subway and then throw it the fuck out.
It was never meant to last. It was created for a stressed soceity to relieve some pressure.
To lift up the piston, you need steam, to get steam, you burn trash to heat the water.
LNs and Mangas are the trash in this case.

>> No.9708197

Is the monogatari series /lit/?

>> No.9708253

Ostensibly so; the first novel opens up with a dry description of a relevant character that drags on for three or four pages (and not in the Notes From Underground way) which made me suicidal. The series has a bad habit of explaining its metaphors too. Me personally, I decided I was done reading this schlock when a character urged the hero to molest her in a bike shed for no real reason. I wouldn't rate the series to be among the best that Japan has to offer. See for yourself though.

>> No.9708259

You say yes, but your post reads like a no.

>> No.9708261

Anyone read the English releases of Legend of the Galactic Heroes? How are those holding up?

>> No.9708262
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Are visual novels /lit/?

>> No.9708279

Which means my post has more depth than Bakemonogatari as a whole.

That's the VN where the girls eat shit, isn't it?

>> No.9708281

Reading warlock of the magus world at the moment, really enjoying it.

I honestly prefer light novels these days because I have shit all time to read.

>> No.9708283

>That's the VN where the girls eat shit, isn't it?

It also made me cry.

>> No.9708287


>What does /lit/ think of Light Novels?

Yes I quite like Haruki Murakami

>> No.9708313

>light novels aren't litera-
>haruhi suzumiya no yuutsu.jpg

>> No.9708342

I have the first three.
They are pretty short and hold your attention while you read them.
Unlike a few other japanese novels, this has bearable prose and doesn't want to make me kill myself.

>> No.9708366

What's the difference between a light novel and a manga?

>> No.9708374

No, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're all terrible, though. You do need to be a bit autistic to enjoy them as with any form of otaku media. Now go back to /jp/.

>> No.9708385

A manga is a comic book, LN is a book with light illustrations sprinkled in.

>> No.9708389


This is 4chan, everyone here is a bit autistic, whether we want to admit it or not.

>> No.9708425

I mean more autistic than the average 4channer, it was an understatement. I'm probably more autistic than the average 4channer, so I've gotten plenty of enjoyment from otaku media. Obviously, it's not as meaningful or well-written as real literary fiction, but literary fiction hasn't exactly been churning out masterpieces in recent decades.

>> No.9708428


I mean you don't HAVE to be an otaku to read LNs/manga/watch anime etc. You can do it casually and not be a massive sperg.

>> No.9708567
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Oh, Monogatari does lead somewhere, it's just Nisio is too much of a piece of shit to show that instead of cliche commedy and fanservice or the occasional interesting psychological profile. For such a long series it's stupidly reticent to show some development actually fucking happening.

>and then she solved these important issues we just discovered and that might be ailing the readership... some other time
>we won't tell you how
>the end
>see you next book

It's like the ending of Crime and Punishment over and over again, but with a shitton of embarrasing shit in the middle.

>> No.9708585

Welcome to the NHK isn't a light novel, baka, it's an actual novel.

>> No.9708614

Reading No Game No Life in the Yen Press translations is extremely painful for me. Too many goddamn sentence fragments. The characters are fun though

Also, I'm pretty sure NHK is meant to be a big boy novel, not a LN like you are all saying

>> No.9708629

Technically, yeah, but the majority is abysmal

>> No.9708865
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>tfw having to go through pages and pages of cliches, pointless worldbuilding, bad sex and action scenes and pretend gameplay in order to get to something actually good

>> No.9708992

>tfw people think Fate and Science;Adventure are good

>> No.9709004
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Has anyone else on /lit/ read Hakomari?

>> No.9709038

I suppose it's too late to say that nisioisin should be read in his native language

>> No.9709050
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Slayers is literature

>> No.9709060

Just because the puns work in Japanese doesn't mean basic narrative details of his work don't suck.

>> No.9709701
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I just find functional psychopaths fascinating, that's all.

>> No.9709734

I feel like you're not enjoying the source material as intended if you're not a massive sperg.

>> No.9710626

They're barely on par with your typical 800+ page fantasy novel.