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9706218 No.9706218 [Reply] [Original]

What influence has Nietzsche had on you?

>> No.9706227

I became a cool nihilist

what about u

>> No.9706236
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I got way more from the philosophers that read him

>> No.9706240

If you have to read Nietzsche to realize that Trump is a caricature villain then I have some bad news for you.

>> No.9706241

none. he makes morally truth-apt claims, unfalsifiable statements, and re-defines words to try to shoehorn opinions into facts. he strokes the ego of a person with a secular predisposition in the same exact way kierkegaard strokes the ego of someone with a monotheistic predisposition. he contributed nothing to the field, only made aspects of the field already expanded upon by hume accessible to normals. literally the dawkins of his time.

the YA undergrad patrol will be on my ass any moment, though.

>> No.9706242

I'll admit that I 'read' Nietzsche and had a really superficial understanding of him
He did influence me in some way but that could be confirmation bias

>> No.9706258

I will prevail trough my will, which will result in a better world for me and the people I choose to help and gift my passion to.

>> No.9706260

so, stirner?

>> No.9706277

none so far, beyond good and evil read like a bunch of very quotable unconnected thoughts and i couldn't extract much from it overall, just that he thought different climates created different races with different temperaments.

should go back to it at some point when i have more time maybe. or maybe not

>> No.9706308

None because I realized very quickly that engaging with Hegel and Heidegger was more important than reading the notable quotables of some unstable manchild rebelling against Wagner and his being cucked by Paul Reeeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.9706337


surely then you've read the 1,000+ pages that heidegger wrote on nietzsche

>> No.9706367
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He made me realise a life without conflict would be pretty boring, but that's about it. I didn't find much originality in his critique of religion.

>> No.9706371

The genealogy of morals was a nice breakdown of societal ideology and was a greater unintentional critique of capitalism than Marx. But I'm just a cynical asshole who reads Nietzsche to cement my amorality

>> No.9706377

If I had not read him I would probably still be a NEET
But I think wellbutrin played an important rol in that too

>> No.9706500

He taught me to find meaning and perseverance through suffering. Suffering validates existence. I learned that I don't need to find fulfillment through any team identity, be it family, religion, nation, or political party. I was severely codependent for most of my life, you see. And, of course, the will to power and a rejection of weakness. Unfortunately, people who speak to me about 'deeper things' all think I'm evil, when I'm just being realistic. I've read Beyond Good and Evil and Genealogy of Morals, and starting Thus Spake today

>> No.9706564

I read a bit (also Heidegger on Kant is interesting), but anyone with half a brain knows that Heidegger is the philosopher you need to come to terms with, not Nietzsche.

>> No.9706574

>The genealogy of morals was a nice breakdown of societal ideology and was a greater unintentional critique of capitalism t

Armchair history.

>> No.9707217

He made me realize that the ideal human is strong, joyful, evil and light-footed, not that I am these things, but it's a good compass. Especially when you're about to get caught up in world-blaming or autistic reactionary bullshit.

>> No.9707248
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what do you do if your will is broken
and don't you tell me "use will to repair it" because my meta-will is also broken etc ad infinitum

>> No.9707260

This 4chan contrarianism is getting a bit passé at this point.

>> No.9707261
File: 155 KB, 500x651, comfy guy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give up, but that's practically a tautology

>> No.9707263

This. But Deleuze's reading even more than Heidegger's. Also Klossowski's reading (dedicated to Deleuze). Of course things only really become clear and precise once Deleuze works with Guattari, as weird as that may sound.

>> No.9707283

I wait it out.
Life is like a really weird board game.
Eventually I will roll the dice in a favourable manner.

>> No.9707319

Hume is the philosopher of that age
All philosophy is regurgitated from something older and more in depth, even the GReeks

>> No.9707346

he affirmed and elevated desire, happiness, pleasure, and living in the world rather than waiting or seeking a world elsewhere or yet to come. living with less blame, anger and resentment.

>> No.9707374

If you became a nihilist after reading Nietzsche you read him wrong.

>> No.9707378

Immortal joe was not a villain.

>> No.9707608
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>> No.9707626
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Understand that your inclination or interest to do something about your 'broken will' is evidence of its functioning foundation. There is always hope, and a damning thing it is .

>> No.9707672

None. I read a ton of philosophy, but I never change the way I live my life.

>> No.9707683

If you think too much, you'll end up breaking yourself.

Just like a computer trying to calculate a division by zero.

>> No.9707687


I started a Deviant Art account.


>failing memes this bad

He's saying before nietzsche he was redpilled and was gonna make america great again and after nietzsche he was slipknot blackpill psycho man

>> No.9707716
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The understandment that in a writer character is more valuable than validity; or, put simply, that ethos > logos. This is to say that I rarely disagree with what Nietzsche is saying on a moral or rhetoric level, but I still cannot stand him.

>> No.9708278


>> No.9708284

So you didn't get kierkegaard

>> No.9708418
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leaps of faith don't have in a vacuum
faithlessness is a void

>> No.9708600

Nietzsche is the philosopher to read if you want to validate your personal believes.

>> No.9708628
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>what do you do if your will is broken
>and don't you tell me "use will to repair it" because my meta-will is also broken etc ad infinitum

>> No.9708631
File: 126 KB, 500x331, nietzschean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go clubbing every night.

Yes, I drink as well. Getting shitfaced is Dionysian and Nietzsche advocated reading him against the grain so I'll booze it up in spite of him.

Dance every day! WOOO OMG!

>> No.9708651

before i read nietszche I was an anime watching dweeb. Now I'm a homosexual fascist bodybuilder

>> No.9708660

then let's dance together, fuck moralists
nietzsche would enjoy this song

>> No.9708690

Not necessarily. Nietzsche's critical breaking-down-everything side is way more persuasive than his lukewarm meme of a solution to it.

>> No.9708699

You realise Nietzsche was extremely anti-alcohol, right? He consider it last man slave tier, a narcotic to make the plebs docile in their faiths rather than strive for greatness.

>> No.9708721
File: 233 KB, 420x286, nietzschean1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read my post. I'm reading him against the grain. Exactly what he wanted. Plus Dionysus is literally the god of wine, so...

It's a battle of the wills. I'm sure me and my girl friends will triump over Nietzsche. Nietzsche couldn't even get laid.

>> No.9708724

my sides

I think of Nietzsche every time I hear this song.

>> No.9708726

>Nietzsche's critical breaking-down-everything side is way more persuasive

Armchair history is persuasive only to adolescents.

>> No.9708732

go walk into some forest or a mountain alone
thats what Nietzsche would have done

>> No.9708746

Pretend your someone else. Seriously, its a start.

>> No.9708747
File: 142 KB, 500x489, nietzschean0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*childish brooding innawoods intensifies*

>> No.9708760

motivational pop songs trigger me so hard. they never fail to include lots of footage of disgusting normies dancing and being happy. it feels like an authoritarian command of some sort. dance you cattle. dance for your masters

>> No.9708771


Reminds me of Camus, youre playing your role out perfectly anon.

>> No.9708779

Muslim ?

>> No.9708786


Whats up?

>> No.9708788
File: 49 KB, 701x471, master_morals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol spoken like a true resentful slave

>> No.9708793

"Islam says yes to life...The rare and luxurious Moorish life!...I don't know how a German could even feel Christian. War to the knife with Rome! Peace and friendship with Islam!" - Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher

>> No.9709287



Nothing, again.

Nothing: The drooling of subjective immaturity that belongs to only children in believing in themselves, so they can fine tune their senses to a "superhuman" level to carry into adulthood, but never capturing the ideal, as no one can capture it;

That if Wagner wasn't a real musician, but an actor, - all of his heirs, whether they acknowledge it, or not, or even know him, or are even in a different medium, are actors as well, - all claiming "'god' is not dead, 'god' is in my art, - if you look closely enough";

And examine away, at adults who feed off an interpreter to be altruistic in finding a profound meaning in something that you could somehow fap to temporarily, and call it "love", and ponder all its meanings;

what is the meaning of wiping your ass with your fingers, when you have rolls of toilet paper in the cabinet, and in your other hand;

Identity politics, and proper context for the sublimity, - if your analysis was off for the "genius", even if you were inductive, and then deductive;

Every Dionysus will conduct music with a dance, and they do not need intoxicants; it's in their blood, - serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, etc . . . mania that is well ordered;

A freak of counterpoint, and fugues;

The flee, and chase of the muse(s) in the "abyss".

But nevermind the fatalistic nothing; my interpretation is off, and yours is most likely the correct choice.

>> No.9709315

Why do you want to fix it? Isn't that a will?

>> No.9709326

If you have no will you are less than human, just animal or ID acting on impulses. You think you have a vague, fuzzy vision of will, but the abstraction escapes you? How can you even define will without The Will?

Surely you would know if you had no will. Or rather you would be unable to identify a lack of will, for what would allow the effort to even have such an idea?