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/lit/ - Literature

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9703384 No.9703384 [Reply] [Original]

>interesting factoid about yourself
>current book you're reading

>> No.9703392

>I have a homophilic crush
>Infinite Jest

>> No.9703396
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>Own a fleshlight
>Mythology by Edith Hamilton and War and War by Laszlo Krasznahorkai

>> No.9703401

remove datamining

>> No.9703410

>I recently converted to Catholicism
>Typee by Herman Melville

>> No.9703415

>converted to Catholicism

Sorry life isn't going your way bub, but don't just give up.

>> No.9703417
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>First chick I ever banged when I was 16, was 40 years old, fat and had 4 kids, one of which I went to school with. I've never told anyone this.
>Blindsight by Peter Watts

>> No.9703423

>Own a fleshlight
How are they?

>> No.9703454

Great. Better than the real thing.

I had pretty bad premature ejaculation after my last relationship ended. Now I have retarded ejaculation. It's wonderful.

>> No.9703458

>Now I have retarded ejaculation
Good one.

>> No.9703463

No, it's a real phenomenon. Google it.

>> No.9703467
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>> No.9703473

Interesting factoid? I'm George Bush, former president of the United States of America. Go check out my paintings.

>> No.9703474

>I came in my old jobs soy milk on multiple occasions
>the Oddessey

>> No.9703515

>le fedora is the only retort to people who challenge my retarded beliefs.

Off yourself.

>> No.9703523

Tbh, catholicism is very fedora tier compared to protestantism.

>> No.9703583

>I rejected an 8/10 who asked to bang about 4 times in 1 day
>iliad, cambridge latin course book 1 and mere christianity

>> No.9703588

>I'm still deeply in love with my ex
>just finished Dead Souls, will be reading Fathers And Sons next

>> No.9703599

Tfw broke up with a grill who later went on to do casting couch because I wasn't ready for sex

>> No.9703602

>I am literally uneducated
>The Witcher

>> No.9703603


>> No.9703613

I'm cheating on my pregnant wife
American Gods.

>> No.9703620

That sucks. She never talked to me again because she went back to shanghai. For an asian woman she was practically begging for it

>> No.9703622


>> No.9703626
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>dropped out of college twice
>on the heights of despair

>> No.9703628

It's alright I was feeling bad about it but I was 16 and feel good about it now
Also just looked her up and she just had a kid so I guess I won that one

>> No.9703636

Thot begone. Its difficult to find non thots at uni.

>> No.9703640

>Distance relationship
>«Pe culmele disperării», Emil Cioran

>> No.9703645

I was born 29 years ago, I am currently married to a woman, while having sex with another woman who is not my wife, and I am reading a book by Niel Gaiman titled American Gods.

What is there to explain?

>> No.9703647

>Life has gone pretty downhill and kinda improved at the same time. Used to be very social and procrastinate on my hobbies. Now I have a stutter. Get really nervous around girls but have gotten better at art. help.
>How to read water (non fiction but pretty good),the bible, the six pillars of self esteem

>> No.9703658

>virgin, sex intimidates me
>The Quantum Age by Brian Clegg

>> No.9703675

>Lost all my friends in high school after realizing they were all losers
>Didn't realize I was also a loser until my last year of college, currently trying to be less of a loser
>Works of Plato

>> No.9703685

>Fit 6/10 virgin that will probably never fuck because i hate women and i'll never cope by satisfying a fatty, i'll only fuck a hot chick, at least a 7/10
>Yukio Mishima - The Golden Pavillion

>> No.9703699

Sounds like your average Mishima reader

>> No.9703745

>I was born

>> No.9703749

>I smoked weed illigally on a rock in the indian ocean with israeli army

>> No.9703768

My parents had sex, and my father's sperm raced to fertilise one of my mother's eggs. One success and 9 months later I came out mummies fanny.

>> No.9703781

>i was interviewed by a major local news station in los angeles for a segment about rising gas prices even though at the time i couldn't drive and didn't own a car
>creation by gore vidal

>> No.9703783

>I came out mummies fanny
How so?

>> No.9703784

>i often smoke weed in an abandoned airport on my city
>Pyschological Metaphysics by Steve White and Suicidios Ejemplares (Exemplary Suicides) by Enrique Vila-Matas

>> No.9703797

>I can eat Marmite with spoons and enjoy it
>"Trigger Warning" Neil Gaiman

>> No.9703800

Nu funcționează niciodată, bo$$. Pur și simplu nu mere. Stai, ești femelă, nu? Tot aia e oricum.

>> No.9703826

>so emotionally detached a girl told me i needed a therapist
>book of leaves

half done and i cant decide if this book sucks or not. the plot and house are intriguing but not enough that it makes up for the gimicky prose. oh right yeah i know i get it, satirizing academic writing and juxtaposing it with its antithesis, and worshipping post-structuralism and your semiotics 101 professor. it was cool to watch come together or whatever but it's just silly at this point

>> No.9703831

house of leaves mb

>> No.9703836

>i nude modeled for art classes in uni
>legends of the fall, and sacred economics by eisenstein

>> No.9703839


>Eat lemons with the peel
>Anna Karenina

>> No.9703847

>I'm a real life spy
>A good man is hard to find by Flannery O'Connor

>> No.9703850
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I like pubescent boys
I'm currently reading Tristram Shandy by Sterne

>> No.9703889

How do I get your job

>> No.9703909

I once stabbed myself in the thigh with a replica Hitler youth dagger. It got caught in my pyjamas and went right in, the scar looks kind of like a fleshy jalapeno at this point
Lord of the Rings

>> No.9703917

>My entire sexual history consists of a fat chick holding my hand as a joke, and me not pulling away because it was the closest thing to love a woman has ever shown me
>The illiad
I put off reading Homer for a fat minute, but I'm kinda glad I did cause I can appreciate it a lot more now.

>> No.9703934

As an ex tradcath larper, I'm gonna warn you that the massive amounts of mental gymnastics you will have to go through to justify supporting a medieval-pedophile-scam-artist cult will take a toll on you.

>> No.9703940

>Trying to decide whether or not to attend a school that doesn't have the major I want or stay at home, work, and be miserable for a year while I apply to other universities.
>Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse and Historia de un amor turbio by Horacio Quiroga

>> No.9703950

>came in my old jobs soy milk on multiple occasions
what the fuck, did you make soy milk for a living or something?

>> No.9703953

>incapable of expressing myself in any way unless I hide behind a veil of irony
>my own diary desu

>> No.9703954

>coming to terms with the fact that i am homosexual
>swann's way

>> No.9703963

Go to a recruiter at your college.
I didn't even legitimately know what I was signing up for, they were just like, "hey do you like talking to people?" and now here I am.
Forewarning though for every hour I do my job it's about 5 hours of paperwork.
It's awesome, and I'd recommend it to anyone, I get to travel all the time, learn about new cultures, learn new languages, and do things 99% of other people never will, but it's exhausting. I'll probably do it another year then go back to grad school.

>> No.9703970

>realized i want to be war photographer and eventually die in some 3rd world country taking photos

>> No.9703973

>I have a large scar on my dick
>edgar allan poe stuff.

>> No.9703977

>I have a large scar on my dick
you and all jews and muslims and half of american males

>> No.9703981
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>> No.9703982

I have a Hirsch Index of 9
The Mind Illuminated

>> No.9703984

Nah mate not around it. Along the length. Goes all the way down my scroat and ends at my asshole

>> No.9703997

Never been out of my home town
the Stranger

>> No.9704002
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>I have my name on a statue in Iceland
>Just finished On the Road. The Stranger or Spring Snow?

>> No.9704015

>I have severe deficiencies in nearly all the chemicals that make you feel, and without weekly suppliments, I would become a sociopath.
>The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.9704029

You're not talking about this, are you?:

>> No.9704036
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you backed the right horse, anon

>> No.9704042
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>I am a VERY indecisive person, and when in doubt about 2 things, it is either thing 'A' or 'B', cannot be the two at the same time, its a bit extreme. Currently, its between literature and IT (programming, networking, database, etc), so its a fucking hell. I start reading a book and start wondering if I should 'get' serious about programming. then I start studying programming, and want to hop back on books, seriously, HELP ME
>reading moby dick and notes from the underground, both on the reading groups. also middleway through psalms (KJV). as soon as I finish the psalms I will start the complete works of sophocles

that 'factoide' is true though, and it bothers me. its like, I feel that if I actually want to take lit or IT seriously, there will be no room for the other. of course, that is not true, but I need some room for other things, like college, gym, procrastinating

>> No.9704050

fuck you, you prick

>> No.9704060

>currently trying to smash my thicc coworker
>The Illiad, then starting on some sci-fi next. Have a Heinlein, Asimov and PKD book picked out, who first?

>> No.9704061

>I got stuck in a chimney when I was 10
>Society of the Spectacle and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9704066
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>23 years, 5 months, 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, and 14 minutes old, at the time of this writing
>I was born in Los Angeles, during a large earthquake known as the Northridge Earthquake, as caused by the San Andreas fault. Coincidentally, my name is Andreas, and upon realizing this quirky connection, I asked my parents if it was intentional. It was not.
>Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me, by Richard Fariña (it also serves as an accurate description of my life lately)

>> No.9704068

Asimov -> Heinlein -> PKD

>> No.9704075


>> No.9704082

you should read last stories by vollmann. The first is about a war photographer in sarajevo during the yugoslav wars. you might like it

>> No.9704090

I think I've been in a constant state of depression since I was 16 its been so long now that I just walk around in a constant state of numbness. I keep telling myself this is the year I change and see someone about it, but that step is harder than you'd imagine.
Still managed to fuck, what's your excuse?

I'm not reading anything right now.

>> No.9704108

>today i walked into my door and unexpectedly i saw my neighbor and got shocked and hided myself behind the door when she looked at me, during the whole scene i was aware of how pathetic of a man i am, but its ok i've embraced it
>great gatsby

>> No.9704110


How's 2666?

>I'm learning Japanese in order to teach English in Japan for a year
>Mother by Maxim Gorky

>> No.9704114
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>> No.9704131

>I'm learning Japanese in order to teach English in Japan for a year
Boi you gonna get EpicNameCucked
Asimov seems to be the winner; I got I, Robot as a lead-in to the Robots series so that should be fun.

>> No.9704135

>>Distance relationship

Ok here's me
> 28
> Had 2 LDRs in my life, both ended up breaking up on Christmas
> The Fountainhead

>> No.9704147

what type of recruiter?

usually people dont come to my college with a banner saying "spy recruitment"

>> No.9704154

I mean they'll be from the CIA/DIA/State department or something like that.
If they don't actually come to your school, talk to a career councilor and tell them you're interested in working in Human Intelligence; which is the actual name of the career field. I just said spy for the sake of it being what the majority of people know it as.
Most of the three letters have internships that they can more than likely hook you up with. It's actually not that hard of a field to get into. Just be sociable, be able to think quickly on your feet, and be able to retain tons of information under stress. That's really all they're looking for.

>> No.9704208

Could you tell me more if you are allowed to? Like what do you do? Do you have to know other languages? How sociable do you have to be, etc?

>> No.9704246

I mean it's really a whole wide range of things that you do, it'd honestly just be quicker if you looked at the wiki page for that, it's not exactly secret. But essentially anything and everything you could imagine that would involve gathering information via speaking to someone.

But yes, you have to know other languages, and be able to easily pick up languages. And you have to be extremely sociable and gregarious to succeed, which I'm lucky at because I'm great at bullshitting, in large part thanks to 4chan since it gives me a shit ton of worthless knowledge about a shit ton of worthless things. If you're not social, and you're not willing to go out there and fake it until you make it, you won't enjoy it and you won't be any good.

>> No.9704263
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>meth addict/ordained minister
>elephants on acid

>> No.9704284

I eat Cheerios plain with milk as a drink and I never mix the two. I'm not autistic and I have no idea why I do this
American Psycho

>> No.9704293


>I have a front tooth missing from when I "was drunk and someone knocked me out." Nobody will tell me what actually happened that night.

>Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann

>> No.9704313

>I've held a dying stranger in my arms
>War and Peace

>> No.9704316

>Villa-Matas nice
How did you like it?

>> No.9704317

Please tell it's not like it matters anon

>> No.9704322
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>two-time university drop-out
>Butcher's Crossing
I feel it

>> No.9704354
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1193, Girl_at_a_mirror,_by_Paulus_Moreelse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My late granddad once visited me in a vivid and multifarious dream.
>Infinite Jest

>> No.9704357

21, Boston, M, single, tryina chill in the commons? hmu we will whisper the squirrels
I love squirrels, I can get em up come up to me and nibble my scrotum.

Confessions of a Crap Artist

>> No.9704404

Nah. Got my scar in a skateboarding accident

>> No.9704413

>I am an identical twin and was an extra on a TV show once
>Jenseits der Illusionen by Fromm

>> No.9704427

is your twin hot?

>> No.9704439

>I have recently killed somebody
>gravity's rainbow

>> No.9704441

I'm not quite sure what happened. A seven day bender culminated in me being rushed off in an ambulance with my front tooth missing. I spent the night in hospital and awoke to the sound of a woman howling "kill me!" over and over again. The two close friends I was with claim that they don't know what happened but their recollection for the other events surrounding the night are quite solid so I suspect they've been hiding something from me.

Anyway, that was over 8 years ago so I don't suppose it matters anymore.

>> No.9704453

either they caused it or you did something seriously fucked up and they're covering for you
either they're shit friends or good friends

>> No.9704471

the last time i had an extended, friendly conversation with someone was in 2005
the aleph

>> No.9704478

>the last time i had an extended, friendly conversation with someone was in 2005

>> No.9704508

>I have recently killed somebody

Deetz pls

>> No.9704511 [DELETED] 

>Any eccentric or random fact about me will make me look pretentious because of my age
>The complete works of Plato (crito technically)

>> No.9704512


>> No.9704524


>> No.9704542
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> As I lay dying
>Just started injecting steroids because I'm deeply insecure with my body

>> No.9704543

Can't really talk about it, i will just say it happened in the army

>> No.9704568


>> No.9704577

Reading faulkner or roiding?

>> No.9704584

roiding, dumbass

>> No.9704599

end your life, now.

>> No.9704603

>I can wriggle my ears
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes book 4.

>> No.9704606

kino personal but shit book

but then the kid won't have a dad and the kid will most likely turn out shit because single moms are like poisoning

>> No.9704610
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>ex tradcath larper

>> No.9704755

>I am a kissless virgin
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9704799

He (we) wants details of your affair, pal

>> No.9704824

>need to stop eating so much mcdonalds, i go to a proper university and people find it weird
>foucault's lectures on the will to knowledge

>> No.9704826

Wich translation? Ive heard good things about p&v

>> No.9704838

It's the P&V one, and yes it's much better than Garnett's.

>> No.9704870

I dropped out of high school

Some passages are incredible, some are so riddled with acronyms it is brain numbing. I'm reading it more to prove to myself I can. Im like halfway through.

>> No.9704899

Do you know if this is the case with other Dostoevsky?

>> No.9704908

>I've been on fire more than once.
>The Gulag Archipelago & Rules for Radicals

>> No.9704916

>i had sex with ur mum last night
>the phenomenology of spirit

>> No.9704960

>I was taking mushrooms and snorting blow at 15 but to this day have never kissed a girl
>Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy

>> No.9704976

>my girlfriend of the last 4 years dumped me 2 weeks ago, now im banging another ex-gf from my past (she's 18)
>The Three Musketeers

>> No.9704984

>came into my old jobs soy milk
Welp, looks like im not drinking soy milk ever again.

>> No.9705000

Good. Stuff makes you gay, ya' know

>> No.9705013

Have a crush om my professors daughter with whom Im friends.

>> No.9705015
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>am so coward and weak I want to just off myself, but then again I am too coward and weak to actually do it
>Kafka - The Trial

>> No.9705031

Were you dating a 13-14 yo when you were 18?

>> No.9705036

people who confess to actual fucking crimes on 4chan

>> No.9705082

>my closest friend disappeared suddenly and inexplicably this year and I haven't made contact with him since
>Urth of the New Sun

>> No.9705098

keep roiding

>> No.9705127

i was dating a 13-14 when i was 17, both were under the age of majority (18)

>> No.9705143

does Romeo and Juliet not apply to your state? Usually there must be only two years between you

>> No.9705163

>maintained two relationships simultaneously
>reading Ayn Rand
checks out

>> No.9705190

>I like smoking weed
>I don't read books, I'm just here for the memes

>> No.9705204

If you're still here, look up ms. Daisy casting couch. She's pale skinny girl.
Funny part is Daisy is her dogs name, her dads license plate is/was UFOBLVR and first time I met him he was watching Ancient Aliens (probably in 2010/11), so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised she did it

>> No.9705209

Once you're done with that read Leviathan. Godspeed anon

>> No.9705220


>interesting factoid about yourself
I was arrested five times in the first five months of 2015; in August of that year I became a high school English teacher.

>current book you're reading
The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks

>> No.9705222

>I don't read books
That's why you like smoking weed.

>> No.9705228

>I was arrested five times
What for?

>> No.9705241

I have crippling depression
City of Saints and Madmen

>> No.9705250

good luck being a slave, friend

>> No.9705252

try cheating on your cheat

if you do that, and as long as youre able to admit to yourself youre cheating you'll realize how absurd the idea of devoting yourself to one person is

>> No.9705259
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>secretly sabotage handicap scooters at local supermarkets and watch the morbidly obese people waddle back to their cars instead of grocery shop on foot. I also rub my taint sweat, swamp ass and scrotum pit (skin between groin/scrotum and leg, smells awful), rub it all over my hands on a hot day, touch all the door handles and fresh produce and frozen food so the bacteria stays alive as long as possible, and I do unforgivabl things to their bathrooms
>Tao Te Ching

>> No.9705262

>Recently accepted I'm bisexual
>The Spy who came in from the Cold and 2666

>> No.9705278

that's not interesting

>> No.9705282

>My penis size is literally at the 99th percentile but I haven't had a girlfriend in several years
>Alternating between Dubliners and LOTR - The Two Towers

>> No.9705296

>i saw a helicopter crash on a beach, a really long trail of intestines, and the pilot and passengers badly burnt corpses

>> No.9705302

fine then
>My ex-gf and I once masturbated each other next to her 10-year-old sister, she never noticed

>> No.9705365

Eres de Castellón?

>> No.9705375


>Used to have a thing for smashing various pastry dishes on my forehead when I was 13, one day I smashed a piping hot sausage roll in my face and it burned me, leaving me a scar above my right eye.

>The Road - McCarthy

>> No.9705402
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>Absolute weaboo for everything Japanese except anime.
>Runaway Horses

>> No.9705406

fuck you

>> No.9705415
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>the first time I had sex with a girl I couldn't cum because I couldn't get aroused enough, and when I went limp I lied and said I came

>> No.9705417
File: 184 KB, 900x1200, 309124d9767721518a9967fe0803a72b298443cddbeb3e96defc9a400f461b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you kinda like those milsim westaboos?

>> No.9705421

>always wrap my dick in toilet paper if not about to appear naked in front of others
>the winding stair and other poems

>> No.9705425

I really like history, but my favorite history to study is Japanese history, ALL periods. Japanese History is probably the only country-specific history I know fairly well all throughout and can have a sustained conversation on every single period, Japan and my own country, the USA.

>> No.9705438

>I got hit by a car the other day
>Stoner and The Rise and Fall of the third reich

>> No.9705485

>>the first time I had sex with a girl I couldn't cum because I couldn't get aroused enough, and when I went limp I lied and said I came
This is pretty common for guys' first times. Don't overthink it.

>> No.9705552

>when i was younger my family was too poor to buy books so i would steal them from the school/public library by stuffing them into the belt of my 2 sizes too big hand me down pants
>The Republic

>> No.9705560
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Assistant manager at a gas station, currently half live in my truck and my camping trailer. Living good life.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

>> No.9705656
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>>meth addict/ordained minister

easily the most interesting person itt.

>> No.9705687

>I am imagining my ex gf of the same age as a nymphet as I notice the delicate, childlike features of her face, hoping that I don't end up reading a book that justifies this newfound fetish.

>> No.9705699

this, he won't be a FREETHINKER atheist like us, what a loser LOL

>> No.9705713

>I can't concentrate on anything anymore because I have tinnitus
>/lit/ threads

>> No.9705721

>bebop boy on his okay pasokon

>> No.9705854

Attempted suicide by hanging at the age of 9
Currently ready the Idiot by Dostoyevsky

>> No.9705943

enjoy it while you're young anon.

>> No.9705951


>I have acceptable social skills, however when I like a grill I go full blown spaghetti and ruin it everytime.
>"Picknick auf dem Eis"

>> No.9705953

>I'm a 2 year NEET
>The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.9705954

>son of a gang leader
>the complete robot - isaac asimov

>> No.9705960

>I have gay relationship with 69yo guy
>The Western Lands by Burroughs

>> No.9705962

you're so young, you'll figure something out. what is it you might want to do next?

>> No.9705964

>I have sexual fantasies about my sister although I have a literal 10/10 gf
>The Odyssee

>> No.9706215

>spent years working at NSA
>Idylls of the King

>> No.9706228

love the game

>> No.9706262

>Have a large amount of gay/minority/alternative friends but secretly believe the discrimination they encounter to be justified
>Consider the lobster

>> No.9706281

are u me?

literally samea ge and same situation, weird dude, I started stuttering and getting nervous around women and improved in art shit, also i procrastinate

fucken weird what happened 2 us bro

>> No.9706283

dad died when i was 6.

dw m8. i turned out alright :^)

>> No.9706364

>i have perfect pitch

>> No.9706389

>used to be a "professional" gamer
>Infinite jest

>> No.9706430

>I get really obsessed with stuff and then completely forget about it, like for example I will read non stop every day for a few weeks and then I'll completely stop reading for months at a time even if I'm halfway through a book I'm really enjoying. Happens with music, films and games as well. Its really annoying.
>crime and punishment

>> No.9706443

>>>spent years working at NSA
doing what?
about the nsa, tell me something only a few people know

>> No.9706455

>Going to end up marrying and have tons of kids fulfilling life's purpose
>In the meanwhile, you'll just pretend life has no purpose and anon is living in a delusion. And the reason for this is to hide your own insecurities and failures.

>> No.9706474

>Almost got into a relationship two years ago, the girl was into me but I fucked it up and I still think "what if"
>Germinal by Emile Zola

>> No.9706525

nice try FBI.

I worked in an office, operating a special computer. My second post was much more mundane legal admin work.

>> No.9706549

My age you say, my age? proclaimed, askingly, the old man, imitating or rather repeating the question that he thought had been posed to him. "No one asked you, old man", Directionless Dave said in response but the old man simply ignored him and smiled wisely or idiotically, which response Directionless Dave categorized as probably appropriate because he wasn't good as speaking. He then thought "all cats are grey by night" and chuckled at the disarming ingenuinity of this little sentence, which already appears in Hegel and so on and so on, to disprove the basic assumptions of scientism but Dave also realized that it wasn't applicable here and the old man was in no related to or representative of anything but just an old man.
The old man then implied that people and men under the age of 30 didn't have anything interesting to say and even if they did, they would say it wrong which Dave who was only 25 years old thought was a scandal/an affront to his basic humanity but was unsure who to call upon to stand up for his rights/dignity in this case as he couldnt do it himself
But suddenly Dave and the old man who was now intent on saving face and not being called an opponent of human rights both realized there was a UNICEF office nearby to which they now both hurried, the old man's age which he had previously been proud of now a hindrance which he tried to overcome by throwing sharp or annoying objects at Directionless Dave's feet who were infront of his own as the younger man was clearly faster than the old
As they reached the office at similar times because the old man's strategy of slowing Dave down had worked they had to realize, saddeningly, that it was all closed and shut up and there were wooden boards over the windwos and doors and a big sign saying "Oh the Humanity" in red letters that looked the MS Word font where the letters look like they are written in blood

>> No.9706625

>I'm still scared of girls because I somehow never made a transition from half-serious childhood pseudo-relationships to teenage sexual/romantic ones. Parents always picked fun at me for being popular with girls as a kid so I was just embarrassed to be around them.

>> No.9706628
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>i don't know
>Buddhism For Dummies, 2nd Edition

>> No.9706639
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Im one of the few people on this board from a non western, non white country. Also I've turned down many women just because I was afraid of being in a relationship

Mother by Maxim Gorky

>> No.9706807

>I'm sick of people telling me to work more while there isn't a good reason for it other than more money
>The Idiot by Dostoevsky and The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky

>> No.9706815

thanks senpai, ill definitely check it out

I think it's fantastic, I just finished up the part about the killings and it was the most grim section of the book. I'd recommend reading TSD first if you're interested in reading 2666

>> No.9706817

>broke up with a 8/10 doctor with a great personality, a house and half a million in the bank because I wanted fewer distractions for muh writing
>Crime & Punishment, rather disappointed

>> No.9706838
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>good luck being a slave

>> No.9706843

i haven't read the idiot yet, how's it going so far?

>> No.9706847

Top kek, my man.

They recruit them so young?

As far goals go, that's pretty interesting. Why?

Did you survive?

Does it have more perks or downsides?

>> No.9706848

>believe i will contribute at least one creation of worthwile, intellectual value to society before i go
>fear and loathing, portrait of the artist, bridge of birds

>> No.9706861


>> No.9706864

>being this retarded and autistic on all fronts

>> No.9706872

>I once jacked off on my school bus with a girl in the seat in front of me.
>Gravity's Rainbow by Tommy Pinecone

>> No.9706877

Same age and same problem here friend

>> No.9706894

Ambition bad anon? Kys eh

>> No.9706910

I didn't mean that for you m8, I meant it for >>9706817

>> No.9706931


>> No.9706978

>Cumming in soy milk
What a champion.

>> No.9706983

>I'm a line cook, worked in a supermarket kitchen for a while, will get an on-campus job once I get back to uni in the cafeteria kitchen
>Utopian Pessimist by David McLellan

>> No.9706989

It was objectively the best choice for both, anon. Now she can find someone better for her, and I can enjoy the dating process over and over again without going in to deep while having more time for the stuff I love too.

Was too inexperienced at start and didn't know what I wanted. It wouldn't work. The alternative would be going full comfy NEET, dragging her down with my faggotory and then eventually ending it all either way because I'd want more variation.

>> No.9706995
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>I'm still a virgin and turned a 6/10 chick down in high school because my standards were too high
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9707015

It's a shame I can't enjoy Japanese art or mythology without being called a weeb.

>> No.9707035

>Tripped on 450mg of DXM yesterday/today. Too much like heroin desu; not to my taste.
>Bleeding Edge by Pinecone and an anthology of Puertorrican literature

>> No.9707082
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>Stabbed in the face as a kid, now my left pupil is fucked up
>The Fall by Alberto Caymbus
Pic unrelated

>> No.9707150


>> No.9707153

Hopefully you are going to read his whole Polynesian trilogy in chronological order
You will probably like Mardi a lot

>> No.9707252
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>> No.9707499


Sounds like a bad case of rationalization. You didn't love her?

>> No.9707585

>>dropped out of college twice
>>on the heights of despair

How fitting. How do you feel about yourself, will you reapply?

>> No.9707696

Pretty good read so far. If it stays on this track it might be one of the best things I've read so far. (That said, I have not read a great many things.)

>> No.9707702

>Do professional voice over, self-taught screen writer by age 11-12
>none because god dammit, I still feel like I can't write after I read a book

>> No.9707886

Love is all about wanting the best for your partner, no? Being together with someone who has totally different goals and expectations from life, is not the best recipe for a long lasting relationship and more as she wanted. We were open from the start about our wishes for the future but too young to really consider the implications. She tried to make it work. I tried to make it work. Eventually it was obvious for both that it won't, so someone had to do the first step for a better future. She's way too fucking nice (like, getting therapy over being too nice) and would probably stick to my dumb ass through everything but it'd be like taking care of a blind, quadriplegic dog that doesn't even bark. Wouldn't it be objectively better for her and the dog, to put the poor thing down and getting a new one eventually?

Obviously I thought about my own future too, since muh art and giving a great person the attention she deserves is just too much. Shit, even now distant friendships and fwbs are a pain to manage, it hurts not having time for someone who needs it, and not having someone who needs it, solves that. I'd rather die a alone after living for me and my goals, than in the arms of someone who loves me after living to satisfy them. Which totally makes me a selfish immature shit ... hence more reasons not to burden a great person with that.


>> No.9707900 [DELETED] 

I wipe my ass on bath towels after
Light in August

>> No.9707905


>> No.9707914


>> No.9708076

>I've had this recurrent dream for about a decade: a Black silhouette chasing me. When I finally overcame my fear of being caught (a few years ago) the silhouette stood still in front of me, then remove its mask... it was a chick I met in some other dream I made years ago and to whom I promised I'd marry her... I think about her pretty much everyday
> Mithridate from Racine

>> No.9708112

>hi my names anon and im an insecure coward

>> No.9708131

>I have braces
>Moby Dick

>> No.9708143

>I headbutted someone once and got snot in my hair

>> No.9708748

>I collect records & tapes

>> No.9708842

>I thought "ibid" was a really long encyclopedia or something until about two minutes ago
>Water Margin

>> No.9708887

Was she fat or just not thin?

>> No.9708975

Yeah fuck American Gods such a crappy book

>> No.9709002
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>interesting factoid about yourself is literally dude weed lmao
>doesn't read either
I'm sure you're a really cool guy to hang around

>> No.9709005
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>I have a cyst on my pituitary gland that prevents my body from synthesizing it's own growth hormone

>> No.9709008

fuck *its own

>> No.9709009

>I've been on 4chan for a decade, so there's nothing interesting about me that can't be said of anyone else
It's actually pretty fucking great, compared to my expectations that it would be a slog, considering everyone here calls it shit. I guess the worst Pynchon novel is still leagues ahead of AGoT, which was the previous book I read.

>> No.9709013

>I have a cyst on my pituitary gland that prevents my body from synthesizing it's own growth hormone
how tall are you

>> No.9709019

5'9", although I lie and say 5'10" most of the time. I know it's manlet tier but I'm pretty happy with it considering that I was projected to be 5'4" when they didn't realize I had a hormone problem and wasn't treated

>> No.9709030

>I typed I into my phone and the suggested words were love and the name of an anime character

>> No.9709033

that's hardly even short enough to count as a manlet

>> No.9709036

I just said that because I'm on 4chan. IRL I dont feel short at all

>> No.9709071

>am most likely carrying an std that I contracted from an encounter with a girl over a year ago but haven't looked into because I no longer have medical coverage
>rabbit, run

>> No.9709104

It's fine. Some of the short stoires left me quite confused with their ambiguious endings, but, it's an enjoyable collection, though nothing particularly amzing.
Got any recommendations of him?
Lol no. I'm from Portoviejo, Ecuador.
The airport have long been out of use until some years ago when it was used as a place for cultural events. After a quite devastating earthquake last year (you might have heard of it) some families without home moved there temporarily, but the landing strip is unused and nov¿body goes there, and that's where i smoke.

How's Castellón? Is it nice?

>> No.9709105

lol america

>> No.9709134
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>i once lost my mind and believed that i was the reincarnation of julius caesar—so i went around wearing purple and no shoes for a year while i called myself "julius."
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9709138

>I'm going to a shitty university in the fall just because it's a 7 min bike ride from my house, even though i have a 3.8 gpa in STEM
>Carnap's "Introduction to Symbolic Logic"

>> No.9709142

why would you read Carnap as an intro to formal logic? he's a neat philosopher (esp. in Aufbau and Logical Syntax) but his technical work is just subpar and historical curiosity

>> No.9709143

Yea, it sucks cause I could probably take care of it with a z pack but the doctor's appointment/prescription would cost 30x the value of the drug. At least I own guns.

>> No.9709147

Shooting your dick off is no solution.

>> No.9709151

People still buy porn DVDs?

>> No.9709155

>I soccer kicked a mans head once in a fight, like full force
>Swann's Way

>> No.9709160

dude old people get so confused about technology

>> No.9709165

Well that painting guy cut his ear off like a century ago and now everybody talks about him

>> No.9709169


>favorite book
The Brothers Karamazov
>interesting factoid about yourself
If you wrapped me around the earth four times, I would die
>favorite drink

>> No.9709228

>Actually live a nice life, based on stoic philosophy
>Letters, Sinesio from Cirene

>> No.9709239

Christ breaks all chains

>> No.9709249

Shame he's Catholic then.

>> No.9709266

>never worked a job consistently in my life because I am so insecure
>Osman's Dream, The Caesars, Book of the New Sun

>> No.9709389
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>I sell drugs for a living
>Island by Aldous Huxley

>> No.9709419

i was just there to buy amyl nitrate. also, it was in the american city with the highest number of strip joints per capita.

>> No.9709421

I don't believe that's you. I'm just saying it's strange that such a thing still exists.

>> No.9709434

He's already gonna be because you are a peice of shit your self

>> No.9709457

what kind?

>> No.9709482

>>My penis size is literally at the 99th percentile but I haven't had a girlfriend in several years
h-have you considered a bf?

>> No.9709501


oh god, this hits too close to home

>> No.9709513

There's a surprisingly funny story and very satirical by young Lovecraft about this:

>> No.9709518

what do you think of japanese new wave, or the "artistic" pink films like "go, go, second-time virgin?" i used to really like those flicks when i was your age, as well as mishima.

not all anime is bad, you know. satoshi kon is one of my favorites; just really haunting, modern horror that only a japanese person could dream up.

>> No.9709528

>I have no friends and a 4.5 inch penis

>> No.9709531


P&V are to russian literature is what fagles is to the greeks—an oprah-sponsored meme. the best translation i've found of Brothers Karamazov is Ignat Avsey's for Oxford World Classics. for Crime and Punishment, it's widely accepted that David McDuff's is GOAT.

my in-laws actually helped get P&V together, which is why i can shit-talk them to their faces. good folk all in all; i can tell they're academics at heart. but fuck their shitty translations, seriously.

as for non-pope greeks, i like lattimore.

>> No.9709547


>> No.9709553

Damn why do you think that

>> No.9709571

Read Ecclesiastes

>> No.9709575

>I'm a congressman
>Mein Kampf

>> No.9709583

>always wanted to be a musician and spent lots of money throughout highschool and college on used musical equipment that by the time I figured out how to use always turned out to be semi or completely broken. I am now trying to sell all of it on ebay for parts or not working.
>Sir David Ross's Aristotle

>> No.9709602

This nigga knows, fuck P&V

>> No.9709616

>mostly just eating potatoes

>> No.9709617

>I have absolute pitch
>the Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.9709620

Pure contrarianism. Nothing more.

>P&V become popular
>Constance Garnett is shit

>P&V become too popular
>P&V are shit

Constance Garnett is fine. P&V are fine, too. I doubt /lit/ autists know better than Hemingway and DH Lawrence who both sang Garnett's praises. I doubt /lit/ autists know better than actual Russian scholars who sing P&V's praises.

>> No.9709625

Do you even speak Russian?

>> No.9709940 [DELETED] 

>i have a huge fucking fetish for my 40-45 year old lit teacher
>Crime and punishment

>> No.9710014


a slew of competitive exams and tests have made me fear neetlife like the plague. So if I have a few holidays even a week long I get agitated and start thinking I'm a NEET and I'm worthless. It really sucks and is fucking my life up.

>current book
The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
Columbine by Dave Cullen

>> No.9710050

I'm not a virgin
About to start another Vonnegut book, not sure which yet, I've got about 4 I can pick from

>> No.9710059
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Actually, I change the thing about me.
I am scared of sex because I've never been with another woman than the one I lost my virginity to, and I had trouble getting and keeping an erection with her, so I get sexual anxiety and am scared of getting intimate with anyone else, which is why I haven't since. But as recent as 2 days ago I could have had sex with a girl I'm in love with, but didn't make a move.
She's about to move away in less than a month and I may never see her again but she's the girl of my dreams.

I want to die.

>> No.9710159 [DELETED] 

>Going to study history in college. Unsure of career future. Maybe a teacher, maybe a curator.
>On War & The Myth of The Twentieth Century

>> No.9710166

I'm 23 and, when not medicated, have a blood pressure of 220/80, whilst weighing 187lb.

>> No.9710169


Go and see a pro? She might help you build up some confidence and then you'll finally be able to get on with your life. Unless you're a puritan sort at which case I respect your stance but you are probably screwed (and not in the way that you'd like).

Even those nice prim and proper girls want a good lay behind all the keeping up appearances business. Go and see a pro a few times and learn how to sling it like you need to or watch every Beatrice in your life leave for a man that can make their legs turn to jelly.

>> No.9710186

I'm currently pretending to be a girl in an online game.
Moby Dick

>> No.9710229

Why do you underage idiots always admit that even when you know it's against the rules?

>> No.9710238

Improved the testosterone content at least.

>> No.9710268


I figure being on /lit/ is acceptable. If I was on /b/ or something then yeah, I'd expect a ban. But I'm not being an asshole and I'm contributing to the thread.

Plus I'm not gonna be a tryhard and fake my age.

I'm not the guy you replied to btw, I'm the history guy.

>> No.9710299

It's not justified - becuase it's not real

>> No.9710302

There was already an underaged who got b& in this very thread. It doesn't take alot of effort to say that you are one year older. It's just pointless and dumb.

>> No.9710331

Not an argument

>> No.9710333

How do you know that?

>> No.9710434

>I think I crushed an old man's dreams this morning
>War and Peace

>> No.9710484

>Does it have more perks or downsides?

downsides right now. ive had to move from england to scotland because of something my dad wont tell me about and i dont know when itll be sorted

>> No.9710496

did you come out to your dad?

>> No.9710549

Heads up, you dont need to know any japaness to do that. Knowing japanese will help you get around and make japanese friends, but when i taught english in china i was discouraged from speaking chinese in da classroom.

>> No.9710599

I'll put it on the list, thanks.

>> No.9710842

>I play chess everyday but I'm not even good at it
>Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.9710858

>fluent in 4 languages and picking up a 5th now
>The Interpretation of Dreams by Freud

>> No.9710879

>all these """"""""""interesting facts""""""""""" about yourselves
just goes to show how boring and basic most of the fuckbois who browse /anonymousgoodreads/ really are

>> No.9710884

Why'd you get married then you fucking retard

>> No.9710904
File: 27 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I browse random boards on 4chan
>I don't read

>> No.9710966

>I'm fluent in 5 archaic languages and speak Spanish fluently
>Beowulf in Old English

>> No.9710969

>i only had cyber sex with 15 year old (inb4 permitted in my country you americucks)
>simulacra and simulation

>> No.9710978

what the fucking waste of time zjebie pierdolony

>> No.9711091

Nope. Want to go into linguistics and the archaics I know are great for poetry, learning other languages as a base, etc

>> No.9711115

Which ones, how do you know them and how well?

>> No.9711186

(On scales of 1-10, 10 being native)
>Old English; 8
>Old Norse; 7
>Latin; 7
>Ancient Greek; 8
>Sanskrit; 4

There are lots of online sources for it all surprisingly. I've not bought a single book on them, it's all been online. For native English speakers, Old English and Latin shouldn't take more than year to learn to the point where you can decipher a large majority of the text. All else is a matter of your own motivation and interest

>> No.9711278
File: 33 KB, 500x333, 1474266719970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the one up to

Lmao comparing e-penises online

>> No.9711306

It's not a race ;)

>> No.9711312

Cry harder

>> No.9711317

Kill yourself. You make me sick.

>> No.9711332
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Now were talking!

>> No.9711403

>I have an identical twin brother
>American Pastoral by Philip Roth

>> No.9711419


>> No.9711421
File: 33 KB, 311x499, 41h5HalQ28L._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fly a Frogfoot for a living

>> No.9711435


>> No.9711478

>my sole real life experiences in love consist of two girls confessing to me; felt kind of bad for them

>> No.9711549

most likely you would have ended up in a flimsy romance lasting a couple of months. whatever dude. i doubt you missed out on much, don't expend too much energy thinking on it.

>> No.9711650

How did they die? Did you provide them with solace on their way out?

>> No.9711878

you dodged a bullet

>> No.9711967
File: 1.01 MB, 1322x2048, IMG_0354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i honestly think magical thinking exists because it worked so many times for me (eg. the other day I went to bed thingken about Abbey Lee Kershaw and the next day I saw a girl identical to her on the bus at a time when I'm usually the only one on it)
>Gravity's Rainbow and Pale Fire

>> No.9712056

See a doctor before you have a psychotic break.

>> No.9712067

get more pusy

>> No.9712229

Thanks man, wanted to do it for a while
I'm reading on thought disorders and it's helping a bit to acknowledge it

>> No.9712312

If you get help sooner rather than later, you can prevent the illness from fully developing. That's how it went for me, and I never developed some of the worst symptoms of my illness because I was treated early on. Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.9712545

Actually the clause is for 4 years faggot
kill yuorself, thanks

>> No.9712552

>The Duino Elegies
>I feel like I'm on the verge of making a seminal artistic invention

>> No.9712747

>knows all countries of the world and their capitals; also know all significant rivers, oceans, and mountains