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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 634x282, 2757092600000578-3028596-Mensa_logo_shown_was_formed_by_Australian_barrister_Roland_Berri-a-2_1428401664411[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9699595 No.9699595 [Reply] [Original]

And I have an IQ in the top 2% of all test takers.

I feel so relieved and confident. I really believe I can do anything I put my mind to, I honestly do. Yeah I have my problems, no my writing's not perfect, yes I'm a lazy sadsack, but I also have the capacity to achieve great and incredible things. The wiring in my brain is there, all I need is the will

At this moment I am overcome with a very intense love for life and beauty. I love you, /lit/. I love literature. I am alive!

>> No.9699604

Hey, congrats. Can you please elaborate on the testing. Your IQ score, etc?

>> No.9699610

gj anon

>> No.9699611

>he fell for the IQ meme

>> No.9699613

Is it worth taking? Most informal testing I've done points to an IQ in the high 120s.

>> No.9699620

lmao. whatever makes you feel better my dude.

curious tho, is there much difference between their tests and the practice test they give?

>evidently is not immune to iq ego stroking himself

>> No.9699684
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A high IQ is the intelligent failure's last source of pride.

>> No.9699693

I wouldn't want to go near a mensa meet up , chances are it is full of unironic fedora tippers

>> No.9699729

Lol who gives a shit if some spooky number says you are smart if you don't do shit with your intelligence? That's like being proud you have a 20 inch cock and still can't get laid.

>> No.9699738

I hope you didn't pay actual money for that test, OP.

>> No.9699753


>> No.9699772

Faulkner had an average IQ and wrote phenomenal literature.

Pynchon has a high IQ and squirts diarrhea turds onto a page.

So basically, nobody cares about your IQ and it has nothing to do with your abilities as a writer. It's what you do with what you've got, but what you've got is hardly the important part.

>> No.9699785

what's funny about groups like Mensa is that it's basically a place invented for a certain type of person to be useful by those people themselves.

useful "intellectuals" don't need to create clubs and circles of relations/influence because people who produce things of value natural have circles of influence form around them.

but you take mensa et al., they are usually obsessed with iq and other ways to signal their intelligence/worth to people (usually people who have no interest in superfluous intellect i.e. day laborers, etc.) because they often have nothing tangible to show for it like a doctor has a patient, or an artist has a gallery.

>> No.9699808

>Faulkner had an average IQ
No he didn't

>> No.9699814

What does that say of a person who would criticize such a one as this? Or did you get this opinion from personal experience?

>> No.9700063

People who need an IQ test to feel confident in themselves have already failed. Honestly, think of all the 'smart' people you look up to or probably compare yourself to based on your IQ (lol), do you think they spent their time constantly worrying about how their brain scales on an arbitrary test? You sound like an insecure failure clinging to your IQ in order to delude yourself in thinking you accomplished or produced jack shit. You will never be a great artist or scientist because you devote your time to narcissistic aims and worries instead of the burning desire of a true accomplished intellectual

>> No.9700082

ow w the edge

>> No.9700083

>People who need an IQ test to feel confident in themselves have already failed.
This but without the need to go on about it.

>> No.9700091

Yes he did?

>> No.9700096
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I've been in mensa since I was like 7 or 8 because I had to do IQ testing in 2nd grade to get into a magnet/Gifted school in 3rd grade and the teachers gave me bad reviews since I goofed off in class. I scored 150s in whatever test I took (Cagliari? that sounds familiar enough) which was either 15sd or 16sd. Dunno.

Things I can tell you about Mensa:

1. the bulletins are mostly boring, though especially to 8 year olds lol. I liked the presidential facts, and there was an article on Altruism once so I learned about societal altruism that when I was young. Mix of boring and good

2. a lot of the bulletin writers are very self-important about their IQ like you seem to be. Most of them turn out to be nothing and just learn to celebrate themselves for having scored a high number

3. Bragging about mensa in a professional setting comes across as rude, and doing so in an academic setting (CS, Mathematics, Natural Science, etc.) will get you laughed at. It reeks of either insecurity or lack of accomplishment when you bring it up

4. Don't go to mensa meetings

I will say though that of all the IQ-based societies, it's probably the only major one that actually has value, and a network of some sort. The others are all pretty dubious, especially the super-high IQ ones.

From personal observation, IQ after about 120 is diminishing returns in terms of how it materializes into accomplishment

>> No.9700100

I encounter too many people like op in my daily life, you don't know how annoying it is

>> No.9700109

This reads like a reddit post, but I searched and couldn't find it.
I guess we're becoming reddit.

>> No.9700123

In your next post, you will post objective proof that William Faulkner received an average score on an IQ test. If you fail to post this proof, you will tacitly admit to being a liar and a fraud


>> No.9700137
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Hey, don't be mean... I can see from your posting history that you frequent The_Dickhead. People in glass houses....

Hijacking this thread (much like Chris Pratt does as STAR LORD in GotG Vol. 2 (amazing art film!) with that speeder bike) (sorry for that aside I'm a bit of a film nerd) to ask whether I should read the Handmaid's Tale (I hear it is REALLY good apocolyptic literature, like women used as breeding, very scary given how many christians live in those really shitty flyover states who vote against their own best interest) or 1984 (which I read in community college for the first time when I was 21 but now that I have a job as an excel spreadsheet engineer (not to brag, I have a 146 IQ) I am now cultured enough to understand the truth of our society. Like how Iraq is one of those wars that's far off and used as bread and circus). Also be wary of my parenthesis. I am very recursive (which is when something happens inside of something else over and over again).

edit: wow thanks for the 3 upvotes

>> No.9700173

>He fell for the IQ meme
Hey good job

>> No.9700362

I stopped being obsessed with IQ once I found out I had a low one.

>> No.9700391


but pls op, don't write something that only the 2% will understand, write something that the rest of us 98 percenters will also have the pleasure of reading

>> No.9700478

I stopped being obsessed with IQ once I found out I had a high one and am still shit at everything

>> No.9700489

This. I got 130 in Mensa and I am still too shit to get into free university of my country.

>> No.9700500

Buzzfeed's not an official test company buddy
Also you are a living manifestation of the iamverysmart meme plaguing /lit/

>> No.9700509

IQ doesn't mean jack shit. It was conceived to weed out the retards, and that's really the only good use for it.

>> No.9700516

>IQ doesn't mean jack shit.
It's the single most reliable psychological test ever created and is closely related to every measurement of outcome in life

>> No.9700520

No, it's not (to both assertions). As much as you all may hope otherwise, your average-high IQ's won't make a difference when it comes to success.

>> No.9700547

>lmao. whatever makes you feel better my dude.
It seems like your low-key salty that he has a higher iq than you. Do you honestly have a sub-130 iq? Why are you on this board?

>> No.9700552

>iq test
As your post has proven high iq can be achieved by brainlets. It's a meaningless test, its operationalization of intelligence is laughable.

>> No.9700585

It's nothing to be excited about. I tested in the top 1% and I'm a stupid high school dropout wageslave. Your willpower is a lot more important than your IQ.

>> No.9700590

as a low IQ perosn (99-96) I can tell you that willpower does not matter at all.

IQ is the deciding factor.

>> No.9700597


I'm very sorry you brought your exuberance to this cesspool OP. Wash it off and do you. Happy for you

>> No.9700610

Just because you're a failure it doesn't mean it's your IQ. It has very little to do with it, unless you're feeble/retarded. More likely than not you're just pretty shit at life.

>> No.9700612

did you check if you have adhd

>> No.9700619


But really both of those pale in comparison to just plain old discipline, without which willpower fades and intelligence is squandered

>> No.9700623

nah, you're just good at puzzles. or maybe some other stuff, too, depending what type of iq test you took.

iq tests probably have a decent correlation with general intelligence, but that's about it. so do a lot of things. i can imagine a genius doing mediocre or poorly at an iq test, and i can also imagine an utter moron doing brilliantly. after all, how many super high iq autists do you know that fail at basic common sense? if someone can be that super smart and fuck up shit even retards can do with no difficulty, it's not hard to imagine many might also just happen to suck at puzzles or a number of other things that iq tests prioritize.

>> No.9700627

As a high IQ person (as I said, I tested in the top 1%) I can tell you that you're only partially right. If you have a high IQ, as I do, without the will to do anything, you'll never amount to much. But if you have a low IQ (of, let us say, 110) with a can-do attitude, you'll likely achieve a lot more than I will.

>> No.9700631

110 is not low IQ.

Highest european country averages are at 100 or 101. Low IQ is below that.

>> No.9700634 [DELETED] 

Discipline is a product of willpower. No one without willpower can lead a disciplined life.

>> No.9700641

110 is above average
you clearly know fucking nothing about basic facts no wonder you're a dropout

>> No.9700642
File: 109 KB, 726x378, 1495814703273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: IQ doesn't mean anything because I'm a loser

If you have low IQ you simply have less potential.

>> No.9700649

Mensa cucks BTFO by Chris Hitchens:


>> No.9700655

>you clearly know fucking nothing about basic facts no wonder you're a dropout

Exactly my point. I tested in the top 1% and I'm an idiot.

>> No.9700659

It's just like height: The """average""" is 5'10, but only because of spics and chinks uber manlets bringing it down. 100 IQ is the """average""" because of dumb niggers. The real average is 110, anything below that is stupid.

>> No.9700662

no shit idiot, that's how iq works, 100 is average and everything else is a deviation from that, god you'd think these people who believe in iq would at least read how it works

>> No.9700667

100 iq is always average. if there was a country of nothing but jews, the average iq would still be 100 because it's not an absolute number

>> No.9700675

Finland is not exactly filled with "dumb niggers". It's 99,8% white (and this is not American white where you include fucking hispanics as white lel) and they have 100 or 101 avg iq.

>> No.9700680

yes and the other guy thinks having 110 is low iq when its lot above avg.

>> No.9700681

>He thinks this is a 'smart' board
yea anon, 4chan, where the only the most intelligent of humans congregate

>> No.9700682

except 5'10 is the average for young white males in the U.S.

>> No.9700683

Fucking hilarious how little a ton of you have in life so you're grasping for IQ to make your life seem worthwhile.

Protip: You're still a failure.

>> No.9700684

Some Hispanic people are white though.

>> No.9700689
File: 66 KB, 708x588, brazilianman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is white in shartistan.

>> No.9700692


>> No.9700694

Fucking hilarious how you saw it important enough to post this post. Even more sad than OP.

>> No.9700698

i think one of the reasons jews are always after shekels is because they have a saying that goes like this: "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?" now imagine if your mom said that every time you tried to impress her with your little /lit/ memes, instead of her calling you a special snowflake who is smart but just won't apply yourself she coldly replied "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?" every time, you'd be like shit, better find a way to stack chips, quoting name dropping dfw and nietzsche ain't cuttin it

>> No.9700701

>It's just like height: The """average""" is 5'10, but only because of spics and chinks uber manlets bringing it down

That's how averages work?? You are just stating how they calculate averages, I have a hard time figuring out what you hoped to imply with this statement. And if you mean just from whites(also implying that's supposed to be the default?) the tallest country in the world has an average of 5'11". I'm 5'11" in the US and I'm taller or same height than 9/10 men I see

>> No.9700709

>125 IQ
>not smart enough to be a genius
>too smart to be dumb
>just smart enough to know I'm a non-intelligent failure
Existence is suffering.

>> No.9700710
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>smart but lazy

>> No.9700732

I will never voluntarily take any kind of test, much less an IQ test and I can say that I am to intelligent for all of you

>> No.9700738

Mother did used to use your latter described approach with me.

>> No.9700756


I don't like betas.

>> No.9700770

Living with an IQ in the 120s truly feels hopeless.

>> No.9700785

We have each other, r-right?

>> No.9700799

>Faulkner had an average IQ

>implying for no reason someone with that much of a verbal talent, varied a vocabulary, and wide reading in classics and literature had an average IQ
>pulling this out of your ass when there are no records of Faulkner's IQ
>not seeing that Pynchon is a great author as well as Faulkner is
>not seeing that Faulkner could better be accused of occasionally "squirting diarrhea turds onto a page" and that Pynchon's prose-style is typically more restrained than Faulkner's at his worst

damn son

>> No.9700801
File: 50 KB, 655x527, 1460055725341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juts download a prohram to increase ur iq silly

>> No.9700817

>being proud of being a brain Chad
No one cares you hit the genetic lottery.

>> No.9700831


IQ has no relevance for this board, and has not ever since they removed language from the test. Language skill is actually an incredibly important indicator of intelligence, as it demonstrates ability to learn complex information.

>> No.9700840

Then why is your prose so meh.

>> No.9700848


Because I'm not writing sodomite love poetry to your mother, I'm stating plain facts.

>> No.9700859

exactly, ever see someone who sucks at writing trying to form an argument or explain why they believe something? they can't even explain why they believe what they do. i always thought with everyone furiously shitposting about whose waifu is superior or what videocard is better for gaming or whatever all fucking day on the net kids would be able to write a lot better, but if you ever assigned an argumentative essay to millennials the results are usually shit unless it's some rich place where everyone is white and asian

>> No.9700870

>tfw high verbal ability but shit quantitative ability
I feel like a woman.

>> No.9700881

omg op this thread is so inspiring i can like literally feel the heart of yours in my heart and its bumpin bumpin bumpin, bumpin so tight i gotta say this is ecstasyious. i also once was writin an iq test but i was so scared i peed a little and droplets of pee appeared on my pants and the instructor noticed and he called me to his office and gave me lectures on pride and social norms and confomrmity and how order and male bravery where the constitutive elements of any strong and fnctionig society and how my peeing accident made him feel so terribly ashamed that he had no other choice but to insult me in the foulest ways as to teach me a lesson but also he had to admit i had scored a great 240 on the iq test and that i was by far the intelligentest person on the planet. I was nonetheless totally depleted of joy and rather felt as if having been slapped in the face by a big hammerus utensil and felt devastated. "Oh god" i prayed to our lord and saviour and inquired as to how i can even live now that my bravery, masculinity and place in society had been questioned, as i had proven i was a beta low test male and definitely incapable of doing anything. I was so distraught i literally cut off my limbs and buried myself in the sahara and cursed my name three times in a row and then again. I got bored eventually and called my dad and asked if he could send me my laptop including my physical pc games collection and also a midget maybe who could follow my commands and control the computer for me and maybe also be dressed in military attire so that i could play strategy games and feel as if i was a general giving orders to my loyal manlet page maybe? But when it was gaming downtime and my manlet was free to do what he wished i witnessed how he was browsing /lit/ and i saw your thread and it really sturck me oh my god i exclamated sscrool up i shouted and he did and i said: Stp: and that's what he did and i reread your post. I was so throoughly inspired because all this time i thought i was a useless piece of shit for being a incontinent nervous wrack who couldn't even take a single test without pissing himself because he elevated the importance of the test to be somehow decisive of my fate but then i saw your post and realized that i had been right all along and that in truth it was my iq that destined my fate and also was a sort of quantitative representation of the quality of my brain wiring and that by having high IQ was actually kind of the greatest, atleast better than those who had lower iq so when i realized that i dictated this post to my manlet and told him to write a mail to my dad to pay some people to get me out of this desert and maybe hire Aphex Twin for a private concierto in my basement where i would sit with no limbs, incapable of doing anything, bt atleast 240 IQ's so that i could listen to a live perfroamnce of Aphex Twins Syro and then maybe think of some great shit i would accomplish now that i had no limbs but 240 IQ and great wirings

>> No.9700892

4chan is the only place iQ is ever mentioned. How come?

>> No.9700898

4chan is the only place a lot of obsolete shit is mentioned... like i think when people say an idea has been thrown on "the trash heap of history" this is where they are taking about

>> No.9702088
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>> No.9702126

>>9700096 is right, even if he/she made up all of it. When I was young I took a professionally-administered IQ test along with a myriad of other tests related to Aspergers, so I was fairly confident before testing into mensa that I would get in as my IQ was "significantly" above their minimum (I wouldn't pay the fee to take the test and go through the trouble if you just want to test your ability). My only purpose in joining was to go to one meeting to see what it was like, but to be honest the fees and the hassle weren't worth the experience.

I expected a bunch of self-satisfied autists, but it was the wrong type of autists for me.

Also something to take into consideration is that you are a monumental failure if all you have to show for your intellectual capacity is your score.

>> No.9702131

When did they remove language from the test? I'm >>9702126 and both the IQ test and the mensa test that I took had a verbal/language-oriented portion.

>> No.9702133

>When did they remove language from the test?

when a bunch of asians got mad about it because it involved critical thinking and there was no way to memorize your way through it

>> No.9702138

my parents had me take one in like the 80s when i was a little ass kid, there was no reading, just weird pattern matching shit, they said i scored hella high but i doubt it

>> No.9702154
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>> No.9702158

>OP posts obvious bait thread about IQ
>tons of low IQ posters are triggered into replying


>> No.9702169

My Grandad had a tested IQ of 155. He delivered bread for a living.

My Dad had a tested IQ of 150. He repairs fixed odds betting machines.

Don't waste it.

>> No.9702170

that's why you shouldn't listen to the rich tricksters with grad degrees telling you not to go to university

>> No.9702195
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Reminder we live in a meritocracy :^)

>> No.9702202

Because of my autism I score very high in some fields and very low in some fields and this makes it difficult to sum it properly

>> No.9702548
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go to sleep, sheep

>> No.9702606

Wow, he writes like someone I want to punch in the face wtf. Who reads this shit?

The article in a Tl;dr: "I am better than Mensa idiots."
Can he not see the fucking irony in his writing?

>> No.9702613

Isn't that basically what the I.Q. test is (most of them anyway)? Recognizing patterns and whatnot?

>> No.9702619

i'm honestly not surprised my thread has received such hostility.

let me make it very clear: not one of you--so full of anger and insecurity--could ever, ever compete with me on an intellectual level. while i have not read anything close to the entirety of my collection, i have read an incredible amount; i can speak intelligently across disciplines and subjects; and i have plenty of worthwhile opinions, some controversial and some sanctioned. but you don't care about this. all you do is hurl ad hominems; you ask nothing about my interests, you ask nothing that would demonstrate your knowledge or challenge mine, and you don't respond when i do try to engage in any meaningful way.

you all are truly flawed human beings. until you start acting like adults, i will ignore you, and continue offering what i have to those worth speaking to.

you embarrass yourselves with your gross stupidity and lack of basic human decency.

and i know: this post will receive nothing but the same kind of belligerence. i'm not going to be surprised--but just know that, the more you post as you have, the less anyone in this world will respect you or take you seriously.

engage me on an intellectual registrar or not at all. these principles should be obvious to you; but they are not, and reaching you seems impossible. therefore, i will give up before i succumb to the same type of anger.

>> No.9702711

What are some other ways to know How smart I am? I feel like I could do anything with the knowledge that I have the potential.

I just feel stupid whenever I try anything difficult. I know I'm not a genius. Can I accomplish anything with enough dedication? I know nothing about math for instance. Can I be a master of integral calculus in a few months?

I try but I don't get things. I read some of rumi's poetry which I though was mediocre before I read more about it and realized I missed a lot of beautiful symbolism. I read Heidegger's being and time (with very little knowledge of philosophy admittedly) and gave up after some 40 pages. I'm slow with numbers, lazy, depressed. Im a mess. But I do sincerely feel that I can do anything if I have the knowledge that it is possible, no matter how hard.

It's confusing, because I've always been told I'm intelligent. By friends, teachers, parents. I'm confused 4chan, help me please.

>> No.9702720


>> No.9702759

I high IQ just measures your ability to retain information. Congrats on a good score, but like one anon said, having a big dick and never using it is like a tree falling in the woods when no one's around. Masturbation doesn't count.

>> No.9702760

>What are some other ways to know How smart I am?
There are none. IQ is probably the best way and it's shit.
>I just feel stupid whenever I try anything difficult
Otherwise it wouldn't be difficult, would it?
>It's confusing, because I've always been told I'm intelligent. By friends, teachers, parents.
Meaningless. It's easy to appear intelligent.

The bottom line is that if you're passionate and keep trying you'll succeed eventually. Stop worrying about how intelligent you are and if you have the potential to succeed. Stop worrying about being good enough. It will only discourage you.

>> No.9702764

>but I also have the capacity to achieve great and incredible things
You don't, IQ doesn't work like that.

>> No.9702777

Is this real, fellas?

>> No.9702778

Yes it will. Once those with high IQs find a passion and flip the switch, they will excel where the average wouldn't. Ambition is a state of mind (mostly) unrelated to IQ, and everyone has it. It's just harder for the more intelligent to use it constructively under the weight of this fucked up world.

>> No.9702782

Kids always have really high IQs, it's just a quirk in the test. You'd probably only be average if you took the test as an adult.

>> No.9702792

100 IQ is average by definition you complete and utter moron

Holy fucking shit

>> No.9702800

Mensa is a scam

>> No.9702866

people seriously pay money for a meaningless number?

can your ego really be that sensitive?

>> No.9703062

>/lgbt/ is higher than average
>/m/ is lower than /a/
>/sci/ is an outlier
Nah, this looks more like a baitpost.

>> No.9703081

the IQ metric is a joke based on series of subjective axioms resembling a matryoshka doll. mensa is a business that feeds off of this, I can't really respect anyone's intellect who doesn't realize this. if you are intelligent you will know.

>> No.9703087

from someone who has used /m/ and /out/ plenty, not really possible. /out/ is kindof stupid and /m/ is remarkably mature, even though they all like explosions and robot toys so much.

>> No.9703508

I miss this poster. I hope he's on track to curing his anal cancer or whatever the hell he had

>> No.9703550


>when the highest scoring group got mad

Yeah no, they had no incentive to change a system they dominated, only the low scorers would do this.

>screeching niggas call out bias in analogies and word logic
>now the test is all abstract
>they do even worse now because it's harder

>> No.9703570
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I'd rather be lucky than smart. In the real world, shooting from the hip will always be a more valuable skill than aiming well.

Also if you paid to take that test there's a high chance that you're just insufferable to be around irl.

>> No.9703834

>not knowing rapture
He used to post around here more often. You can easily guess his threads by his mostly unused library and him trying to argue with anyone who says something negative about it. The saddest thing is that he actually seems like a nice person if getting his balls chemo'd didn't made him into a passive/aggressive sperg.

>> No.9703864

Your most likely to amass wealth and be successful if you are a narassitic psychopath.

>> No.9703901

The funniest thing about that thread was that he tried to play the nice wise guy skit until he snapped the shit out of it.

>> No.9703929

This thread actually doesn't have a damn thing to do with literature. Sage, report, kill yourself, etc.

>> No.9703936

His library would worth something if he wasn't a full-blown monolingual murrican pleb.

>> No.9704012

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you undergrad? I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class from every single Ivy League university, and I’ve been involved in numerous tech, consulting, financial, and law firms, and I have over 300 books on my Amazon wishlist at any one time. I am trained in library science and I’m the top archivist in the entire US Library of Congress system. You are nothing to me but just another philistine. I will wipe you the fuck out with dialectics the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of rare book dealers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the intellectual storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your collection. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can scan and share PDFs in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the stack of hardbacks I carry around at all times. Not only am I extensively trained in book-trading, but I have access to the entire inventory of every top colleges' library in the US and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of /lit/, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit shelfies all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9704023

I give your pasta a long s for shit.

>> No.9704032

I speak 5 languages fluently, i don't care about IQ.

>> No.9704039

/diy/ 160 masterrace reporting

>> No.9704040
File: 40 KB, 1808x257, mods actually realize they have a board to check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, things actually didn't go so well for him.

>> No.9704044

This isn't YLTL

>> No.9704112

Oh god I went to my mom's mensa meeting once and some people were unbearably awkward even sort of rude, not in a pretentious way but more like they were anxiously reticent to speak to an unfamiliar.

The conversationalists were mostly retirees and led mundane retiree lives.

But IMO this is a great place to converse face-to-face with people likely read for enjoyment.

>> No.9705884

>It's easy to appear intelligent
I never understood why is it so? And at the same time why you can get people who might laud your "intelligence" and then completely ignore, is like saying "you are a great person but fuck you I don't give a shit". I don't get it.

>> No.9707256

>muh lazy but smart!

Fuck off. Saged