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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 220x324, Joseph_McElroy,_Women_and_Men,_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9698411 No.9698411 [Reply] [Original]

In about a week you can walk into target and purchase this. Women and men bros unite. We need to come together and read this. There isn't any secondary readings on this book. It will be up to us to discuss wtf is going on. So who's reading it?

>> No.9698427


I checked out the epub and it's boring I need help bros

>> No.9698433

I just finished smugglers bible and it was boring as fuck. Which is weird because his other books were great. Hope this isn't the same.

>> No.9698444

doesnt the author himself hate this book?

>> No.9698450


>> No.9698497

A few years ago read Smuggler's Bible and last year I read Lookout Cartridge. they were terrible. Never have I seen someone (besides Barth) put so much style over substance. I like postmodernist works, but this guy's oeuvre is full of ostentatious dribble. I'm glad he is going to sink into obscurity.

>> No.9698498

I honestly can't wait for more people here to have read this book, it's hard for the 3 of us to defend it against criticism by people who so obviously haven't read it.

>> No.9698506

You have to dig the substance out yourself. If you didn't understand them enough to be emotionally wrecked, it's not necessarily the author's fault. I actually hate this argument, especially when it's used against writers like Pynchon, who's work has hit me the hardest, emotionally, of almost anything I've ever read. Women and Men is the same way, that book had me crying more times than any other in recent memory, and I honestly don't understand why people call it cold.

>> No.9698513

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.9698530
File: 195 KB, 430x363, 1498717229285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love and think I understand Pynchon's work. John Barth, while overly stylish, can some times hit remarkable literary gut punches. McElroy feels empty to me, I have only read those two books, but from the parts I've read from the Epub of W&M it looks like it continues to be so.

>you have to dig the substance out yourself

lol fucking fanboys, I swear.

>> No.9698544

I pre-ordered mine already.

>> No.9698627

How did dukes chapter feel empty? Same with David's wife's chapter? Or even the Kodak hotel Lmao? Nigger explain those to me.

>> No.9698766

why are you so intent in proving McElroy? why do you get so buttflustered when someone disagrees with you? I realize this is the norm in /lit/ but it's something particular to (YOU) the annoying W&M poster, that gets so incredibly fractured when your Daddy gets insulted. What is your endgoal? because so far I see nothing in your little crusade. McElroy will fizzle out and you'll be left with nothing but a bunch of doorstoppers that barely anyone has read and for what? why cant you just enjoy the books you love without hollering like a mongoloid about how great your favorite obscure writer is and how absolutely no one here understands his deep and oh so dense work? get a grip my dude.

>> No.9698782

Answer my question. Share your thoughts on those chapters pussy.

>> No.9700461


>> No.9700497

I really liked Smugger's for what it's worth. I thought it was a pretty solid first novel and that it handled its central themes of solipsism and the whole 'projection of oneself onto the narratives of others' schtick wasn't too bad. Certain chapters, like the ones mentioned by >>9698627
really do stick out. Despite any pomo trickery, McElroy still manages to create pretty great characters (Harry Tindall is based as fuck).

>> No.9700527

you tried

>> No.9700584

The fact that you won't answer that other poster's question or give any reasons behind what you're saying makes me feel ask if you haven't read anything he wrote. I mean shit, you have to dig to find the meaning and emotion in Barth and Pynchon as well, so I don't see how you didn't get the gut punch reading "rent", or really any of the lowercase chapters. There were passages in a few of the BREATHERS that hit me as hard as almost any in Gravity's Rainbow. I understand not liking something, but it seems like your entire argument, every time, is to just call everyone who likes him a fanboy and never explain why. If someone was saying dumbass shit about an author you understand (Pynchon, lol) you'd correct the dumbass too, especially if he couldn't back up his argument with anything but insults. This board is for discussion.

>> No.9700713


>> No.9700823

the board's software here doesn't allow you to have multiple spaces in a line, lol


>> No.9701136

For discussion, not for shilling.

>> No.9701157

preordered from barnes and noble. pretty excited.
hopefully it's a large quantity of printings, i want people to be able to enjoy literature.