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9691381 No.9691381 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you first realized that life is a wholly aesthetic sensation?

>> No.9691384

According to my understanding of Kant, everything in nature is beautiful.

>> No.9691386

Three and a half years of age.

>> No.9691390


>> No.9691397

Although unconsciously I knew this when I was like, 5. I refused to watch cartoons that were "ugly" no matter how good they were. It may also be the reason why I used to be so goddamn fascinated with diy shows when I was that age, too.

>> No.9691964

Keep dreaming, boy.

>> No.9691968

Post your feet bitch

>> No.9692409

What indicates that this specific poster is a girl?

>> No.9692869

Years of experience on 4chan

>> No.9692873


>wholly aesthetic

>not wholly ascetic

doing it wrong senpai

>> No.9692890



At that age I still had fear of power structures and authority but in my thoughts and actions I already knew that morality was a meme and aesthetics and sexual gratification were all that mattered and were the secret motivating principle behind everything. The only thing I still didn't understand was why it was a secret at all.

>> No.9692894


>he still thinks fetishes distinguish between gender

baby mode fetishist

>> No.9692931

what the FUCK did you mean by this?

>> No.9692986

I think its fairly obvious what I mean by it. Asceticism > Aesthetics

>> No.9693024

Literally 0 good philosophers go for asceticism. You're doing it wrong, Juan.

>> No.9693032

I wish this thread would take off a little bit more.

The idea of aesthetics completely free of morality combined with OP's pic is making my dick swell.

>> No.9693034


No one outrhymes me, shmee

Listen here, stoicism is a fantastic ascetic philosophy. It doesn't even have to be ascetic 100% of the time, leaving plenty of room for aesthetics. Its mostly aesthetic though. That's one example my dude.

>> No.9693043

the aesthetic is a subset of the hedonic desu

>> No.9693049

>not good

>> No.9694166

Not necessarily.

>> No.9694218

Daily reminder that the whole notion of the "aesthetic" is retarded and a cancer intrinsic to the modern world, and Kant was an idiot to come up with it.

>> No.9694220
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>> No.9694221

I was at that age in which i read the picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.9695102

Life "is" not a detached gaze at things from within a shell of judgement. Continue reading.

>> No.9695688

Good goy. Give in to mindless hedonism.

>> No.9695822

Please everyone read some Kierkegaard. The aesthetic mode of being isn't good for you

>> No.9695823

when i needed to explain why architecture is my favorite form of art and using "aesthetics" is an easy and quick way to do so.

>> No.9695826

life is not a sensation but the condition of the possibility of sensation

>> No.9695848

This. Just wait until the anhedonia hits.

>> No.9695861

post your cock

>> No.9695871

That's how you know, but that's not what indicates it.

>> No.9695877

But he doesn't offer any viable alternatives

>> No.9696218

ummmm, just take a leap and let Jesus take the wheel senpai :^)

>> No.9696226

>Implying the religious mode of life isn't the most aesthetic

>> No.9696230

since I became a solipsist

>> No.9696243


>he thinks aesthetics = hedonism

>> No.9696429

>implying you get to choose your mode of being

the difference between you and I is I can interface honestly with what is before me while you have to either wittingly or unwittingly obfuscate it.

>> No.9696582

What's the difference?

>> No.9696795

>Being a prisoner of your senses.

>> No.9696822

Dooyeweerd split the world into 15 categories (though they aren't exactly since he was working off Heidegger), of which the aesthetic is only one of them. He argued that reducing experience to any one area is limiting life itself. This applies even if you merely use the word with a larger definition in mind.

>> No.9696857

Maybe read about it instead of spending your time on /pol/

>> No.9697005

So you have no answer

>> No.9697025

why does zoey deschanel always play a manic pixie dream girl

>> No.9697030


What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.9697171

But human art is tens of thousands of years old, anon.

>> No.9697290

Stoicism is not ascetic at all. You don't know what these words mean.

>> No.9697298

Because she looks like a manic pixie dream girl.

>> No.9697301
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Between 14 and 15.

>> No.9697310

what does "living in accordance with one's nature" look like for a being whose inmost essence is rational, anon?
how is ataraxia achieved, anon?
why are all the crucial "indifferents" material goods and sensuous pleasures, anon?

>> No.9697434



>> No.9697458

What about Aquinas' assertion that aesthetic beauty is the divine in us recognizing itself in the phenomenological world? I think Kant may even reference ol' Tommy boy at one point, though it's been a hot second since I read either desu...

>> No.9697464


>> No.9697475

And hopefully 16 when you got over that nonsense, yeah?

>> No.9697476


We have the theory of natural selection now we don't need dogmatic explanations from autistic metaphysicians

>> No.9697506

You have no other means of interpreting data.

>> No.9697524


>> No.9697547
File: 10 KB, 349x346, 48a142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot that the action natural selection is conscious thought instead of "who produced the most offspring". My bad, anon, I should really go re-read Darwin's chapter on why the cup size of American women increased from a B to a D over the past two decades, and worldwide consumption of cosmetics is at a record high because that makes them more capable of shoving infants out of their genitals.

Unless you're trying to imply that physical (aesthetic) attraction to another being is itself the selective force... implying that there's some form of a priori notion of beauty (written in the genetic code?) with which one knows he must copulate. I could buy that!

But... wait a minute... it seems as if... you just treat "divinity" as a substantive for "genetic code" (you know, because he didn't have knowledge of genetics)... are the arguments one and the same??????

pic related.

>> No.9697946

I don't know if those statistics are true, but wouldn't they be directly related to "who produced the most offspring", as you put it? Larger breasts and better (looking) skin are both indicators of good health.

I don't know, maybe i'm misinterpreting your point. You are asserting that there is some sort of divine inclination within each person that makes them attracted to people and things, completely unrelated to fertility rates, right?

>> No.9697947

I'm not >>9697476 btw

>> No.9697953

That's not correct.

>> No.9697965

only hedonist define life through sensation

>> No.9697998

21, two months ago; meaning of life is to express, experience and create beauty.