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File: 91 KB, 323x396, IMG_0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689033 No.9689033 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, let's be honest here.

He was a pedophile.

>> No.9689049

>warns little girl about bananafish
>kills self when she doesnt give it up for him

>> No.9689054

Who the fuck has Boo Boo Tannenbaum as her name?

>> No.9689064
File: 29 KB, 741x568, IMG_0359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to hear you out but I'm gonna need more from you.

>> No.9689069
File: 70 KB, 640x543, IMG_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always get so worked up when someone points out that Seymour was a pedo, and that Salinger's own life reflects his struggle against pedophilia? Salinger had relationships with numerous young girls.

One of the most ridiculous objections is that Seymour couldn't be a pedo because he liked the "innocence" of children. But that's exactly what pedophiles like: pedophiles are attracted to innocence, because pedos themselves are traumatized, emotionally stunted, and unable to deal with the adult world. They don't fuck kids because they hate them, they live kids to an unnatural degree. And it is implied, when Sibyl runs off without regret, that she, too, likes it. Salinger had all of these traits, too: why else is Seymour presented as a brilliant artist and spiritualist? It's not like how Nabokov implicitly indicts Humbert and makes sure the reader knows he is immoral; Salinger is trying to portray a pedophile sympathetically. If you refuse to acknowledge this, you destroy half the richness of Salinger's work.

>> No.9689074

Didn't he meta-retcon Bananfish?

>> No.9689086


>> No.9689088

This theory only gets more plausible when you consider For Esme With Love and Squalor

>> No.9689095

Yes, and that's why he did the smart thing any pedo should and divorced himself from society.

>> No.9690676

And a shitty overrated author.

>> No.9690731

>implying it wasn't implied

>> No.9690779


Please excuse my plebness, but what is the name of this handsome man?

>> No.9690781

Al Pacino

>> No.9690790

vladimir nabokov

>> No.9690810

Your daddy.

>> No.9690827

The OP is one of the last photos taken of Yukio Mishima before his suicide.

>> No.9690841

>le everything is about sex meme

>> No.9690896
File: 276 KB, 1100x1654, matzneff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the problem?
pic related

>> No.9690903

Loving kids is not the same thing as sexually desiring them.
Imagine the story in the context of a war veteran who saw a lot of combat, liberated a concentration camp, was in charge of interrogating POW's, and had to be hospitalized for combat stress, writing about a war veteran.
The leap to pedophilia is a much bigger leap than one to an innocuous love of children and innocence.

>> No.9691393

Wait a minute. Didn't this fucker have various affairs with women, at least one of whom wrote a memoir? Yes, in fact he did. So, no, not a pedophile.

As to his characters, maybe there's something there, but nobody on this thread has made a persuasive case yet.

>> No.9692527

wew lads

>> No.9692556

JD Salinger

>> No.9692565


>> No.9693093

I found out one of my friends is obsessed with pubescent boys and this is an accurate description. First I knew because he showed me a pic of a nude kid before and after puberty. Then I accidentally saw some that pictures he looked up. The way he interacts with 11 year old boys is fucking weird, he's intoxicated by their innocence. It isn't pedophilia but is it wrong that he would weird me out?