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/lit/ - Literature

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9688119 No.9688119 [Reply] [Original]

are you a piece of shit? what do you read for? what do you read? do you read it correctly? do you even understand any of it? what's your life been like?

>> No.9688127

>are you a piece of shit?
>what do you read for?
>what do you read?
Novels,Fantasy, Classics, Epics, Modern /lit/, Romances
>do you read it correctly?
>do you even understand any of it?
It's open to interpretation.
>what's your life been like?
Very well, why thank you for asking.

>> No.9688138

>are you a piece of shit?
Not entirely.

>what do you read for?
Kills time, it's an occasional conversation topic too.

>what do you read?
Whatever looks interesting

>do you read it correctly? do you even understand any of it?
Mostly, if something goes over my head, i'll just look online for different interpretations

>what's your life been like?
Pretty good

>> No.9688159

>are you a piece of shit?
Probably. I don't think highly of myself at all.
>what do you read for?
Entertainment, Escapism, personal growth (yeah, I realize the irony)
>what do you read?
Books, fanfiction sometimes
>do you read it correctly?
Probably not.
>do you even understand any of it?
I hope so I guess.
>what's your life been like?
Boring, with some painful episodes inbetween.

>> No.9688180

>are you a piece of shit?
I'm not a good goyim.
>what do you read for?
Life is insipid (and indeed meaningless) without feeding your imagination, heart, and mind something.
>what do you read?
History, Classics, Contemporary, Horror. Sci-fi somewhat, but I can't stand fantasy.
>do you read it correctly?
Redundant question considering the next question you ask.
>do you even understand any of it?
I certainly miss things which others do a far better job of extrapolating upon.
>what's your life been like?
Painful, joyous, and sometimes redeeming.

>> No.9688248 [SPOILER] 
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>are you a piece of shit?
Oh yes.
>what do you read for?
Entertainment, escapism, feels, an insecure desire to feel "intellectual," and occasionally new ideas/information.
>what do you read?
Muh literary canon, religious texts and theology, books about music, books I read in my childhood, history, philosophy dumbed down for brainlets, and too many /lit/ threads
>do you read it correctly?
>do you even understand any of it?
>what's your life been like?
I've been incredibly lucky and have a high tendency towards finding things beautiful

>> No.9688592

>Are you a piece of shit
>What do you read for
Desire for self improvement and to feel like an 'intellectual'
>Do your read it correctly
I hope so
>Do you even understand any of it?
I understand well
>What's your life been like

Thanks for asking Op

>> No.9688616
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>are you a piece of shit?
>what do you read for?
I read for many reasons
>what do you read?
Literature and philosophy. I used to read history too
>do you read it correctly?
>do you even understand any of it?
>what's your life been like?
Very good. I'm very lucky

>> No.9688736
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>fiction needs to be read "correctly"
>fiction is something that is "understood"

Jesus Christ.

Here's a critical thinking exercise for you: Would literature departments (where you got these ideas from) be necessary if storytelling was a mostly settled artform which anyone with basic reading skills can innately recognize the value of?

I would guess that you read for a sense of self-esteem to say such things.

Me, I read purely for the joy of walking around inside the mind of an artist. The imagination can dream up some wonderful things.

>> No.9688794

>are you a piece of shit?

>what do you read for?
Either entertainment or learning, depending on the work.

>what do you read?
A bit of everything? From shitty but fun japanese light novels to the classics to the big literary movements in history to philosophy and history and politics and shit. In the 3 languages I speak. These, for fun.

I also read maths, logic and technology books, to improve in my field - say, Lewis Carroll's math books, yeah, but I'm also currently reading High performance MySQL - optimization, backups, and replication, for I believe obvious reasons.

Just, keep your pseudoscience bullshit, specially self-improvement crap, to yourself. Or really, any "technical" book which has nothing to do with maths. I guess I wouldn't read cooking books either, but I wouldn't have as much of a disdain for one as what I have for self-help books or /x/ ones or shit like that, I guess.

>do you read it correctly?
Depends on the work? Like, I did take speed reading classes when I was in college, but just for credits. I don't use it because I actually like reading.

>do you even understand any of it?
All of it?

Read slowlier, nigger. And get a dictionary.

>what's your life been like?
I mean, I guess I've never gone hungry or been abused or gone to war, so there's that. That said, life sucks and then you die. Try to have fun and make life not suck for anyone else. Specially, avoid forcing poor children who never asked for it too live.

>> No.9688870

>are you a piece of shit?

>what do you read for?
to seem educated / cultured

>what do you read?
whatever people agree is culturally relevant

>do you read it correctly?
i don't care

>do you even understand any of it?
i understand it exactly to the extent i'm culturally prescribed to

>what's your life been like?

>> No.9688872

never gonna make it

>> No.9689882 [DELETED] 


>> No.9691272

>>are you a piece of shit?
>fucking probably.
>>what do you read for?
>fun, new points of view, seeing different ways of writing
>>what do you read?
>MUHCANON, MUHBOOKSTHATINSPIREDTHECANON detective novels, alt-comics, manga
>>do you read it correctly?
excuse me?
>>do you even understand any of it?
oh yes, what masterworks of the human condition are expressed in phillip marlowe (fucking jackass)
>>what's your life been like?
kinda shite, but first country, cant complain too much.

>> No.9691277

>are you a piece of shit?
>what do you read for?
>what do you read?
Novels, philosophy, nonfiction, a tiny bit of poetry
>do you read it correctly?
>do you even understand any of it?
>what's your life been like?
Good, but I haven't enjoyed it

>> No.9691772

>are you a piece of shit?
>what do you read for?
Insight. Everything else looks pointless to me. Almost nothing is physically now, so books valued only for their aesthetics are a waste. This generally restricts me to only reading philosophy, though I still don't do it much. It's something I feel obligated to do, since I'm intelligent enough to understand it, but lack of motivation along with other symptoms of Depression leave me to stagnate.
>what do you read?
Mostly the Greeks and the Romans
>do you read it correctly?
I dunno
>do you even understand any of it?
Generally yeah. It is sometimes hard to hold everything together in my mind, like in some of Plato's dialogues. I get the gist of it, at least.
>what's your life been life?
Quite mediocre

>> No.9691804


are you a piece of shit?

what do you read for?
> escapism

what do you read?
> genre fiction

do you read it correctly?
> no I read it with my feet

do you even understand any of it?

what's your life been like?