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/lit/ - Literature

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9687205 No.9687205 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit

Anyone else having a problem with alcohol consumption while reading? There is nothing i love more to sit in some nice caffei place, have a smoke and jug of wine and venture in to Sci-Fi world.


>> No.9687221

What is wrong about this? As long as you're having fun...!

>> No.9687226

What's the problem exactly? Drinking is fine as long as it doesn't disrupt your life

>> No.9687235

Well i have reading directly connected with drinking wine, i have like 1L daily consumption, but i read like a madman.

I feel like having those 2 connected together is not a healthy relationship with literature?

What are your experiences?

>> No.9687247

Eh, I typically can't read when I'm drunk. I usually prefer coffee (or tea) and a bit of weed. And a liter a day seems like more than is typical, but it's probably healthier to drink that way than binging on the weekends. Like the other guy said, if you're enjoying it I wouldn't worry. If you want to see what an unhealthy relationship with literature looks like, just read some threads here.

>> No.9687266
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Im new on /lit mostly /fit /pol user here

can you give me an example anon?