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9684326 No.9684326 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people hate on Jordan without reading his material?

>> No.9684338

It's a mixture of people who disagree with his anti-SJW stuff and people who are sick of seeing him be the only philosopher /lit/ talks about
It's a shame really because he has a better understanding of Jung than just about anyone currently working in philosophy or psychology

>> No.9684344

It aligns with their ruling political ideology, critical thinking is the enemy.

>> No.9684350

>It's a mixture of people who disagree with his anti-SJW stuff and people who are sick of seeing him be the only philosopher /lit/ talks about
No, it's that his work has the intellectual rigour of an SJW and he doesn't understand philosophy or his own discipline or specialization. He's not a philosopher: he's a Jungian psychologist who wants to decry postmodernism, which includes Jungian psychologists. Pretty sure he doesn't want to decry it enough to turn in his paycheque or credentials either; even if he did want to be illogical, he certainly still wants to get paid for memeing badly. Are we sure he's not a jew?

>> No.9684374

>No, it's that his work has the intellectual rigour of an SJW and he doesn't understand philosophy or his own discipline or specialization
I will give you one chance to explain this, I know you are one of these hit and run autists that spams this "critique" in JP threads and then vanishes.
Go on and tell us your incorrect reading of Jung.

>> No.9684386

because /lit/ is full of marxists mostly. look at the "recommended reading list"

>> No.9684397

>>>9684326 (OP)
>because /lit/ is full of marxists mostly
Fuck, you're right. I've taken for granted how even people around me have fallen to the post modern marxist menace. Peterson is even more important to the times than I thought.

>> No.9684401

People hate you not Peterson

>> No.9684404

I hate his stuff because I've read it.

>> No.9684406

I don't mind the guy, but his fans are insufferable. I preferred when autists pretended to like Logic and Reason instead of reducing Jung to cute platitudes.

>> No.9684410

That's not true, my threads frequently hit the bump limit. I am one of the best contributors on /lit/, at any given time anywhere from 2-5 of my threads are at the top of the catalog.

>> No.9684427

At least having a baby's first understand of Jung is closer to the truth than sucking off logic and reason

>> No.9684432

>Peterson is such a brainlet he fell for the "Christianity is good" meme
into the trash he goes

>> No.9684438

>anon is such a brainlet he fell for the "Christianity is bad" meme
Into the trash he goes

>> No.9684441

Too bad people watch Peterson vids (don't lie and pretend their reading him) to become flashy rhetoricians, not to learn Jung. The type of autist who liked logic and reason likes JP now. They don't care about Jung, they care about btfoing people who disagree with them on the big social issue du jour. Before it was a caricature of Christianity, now it's a caricature of sjws. They don't understand Jung because knowledge isn't good for knowledge's sake to them, it's just a weapon. I'm of the opinion that Peterson panders to these people, and I dislike him for that reason, but I don't mind what he says or believes.

>> No.9684443

good goy

>> No.9684452

Americans are slaves, they cut their pingas. This is against Christianity.

>> No.9684460

I have to agree.
I watch JP for his philosophy and lectures, his BTFO SJWs shit is pretty tame and not that interesting.
However I disagree that he caters to rhetorically-inclined people, since most of his videos nowadays are philosophically motivated

>> No.9684473
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>> No.9684505

I dunno jordan
Maybe you should start making your own decisions, and walking your own path instead of co opting someone elses.

You are just like /tv/ posters, asking for consesus on something before they can say if they like it or not.

Seriously gtfo with this shit, and setting petersen up as a victim by posting these stupid threads in /pol/ and /lit/ saying the stupid barbarans are drooling at his gates.

I hate anyone with a public relations division. And this guy has it. Which is one reason why i wont give this faggot clicks or read his books that are no doubt deriviative platitudes.

This guy reminds me of steven pinker and all the other celebrity psychologists.

>> No.9684515

Nah desu senpai, Peterson doesn't even rhetoric. Pretty sure the type of person you're thinking of would be someone who exclusively reads Molynuex's books.

>> No.9684523

So who do you read?

>> No.9684528

I don't know anything about him. I'm still trying to finish up with Jung and then move onto Joseph Campbell. Apparently this guy is supposed to be the heir to that sort of legacy. I haven't read any of his works, nor have I heard him speak, so I don't judge him. But I have noticed a lot of visceral hatred towards him by very unsavory characters, so I have a bit of a bias that he's probably pretty good.

Can anyone explain his work to me?

>> No.9684539

You are exactly the drooling retard op is talking about, you openly admit to never reading him but you have a hate boner for the guy.

>> No.9684555

Jung split from Freud's modernist view of the human psyche: instead of the individual unconscious, it requires the collective unconscious, suggesting that all meanings are signs of the underlying sigil. As you can see, since you know what postmodernism is, that is directly postmodern. It's not a hit and run; it's something you could have worked out for yourself by knowing what Jung or postmodernism deal with. You are literally too retarded to know what your words mean if you could not see the contradiction yourself.

>> No.9684569

It's a hit and run because your critique is empty and you completely failed to back up your irrational hatred of JP when pressed on it. See ya next thread, loser.

>> No.9684576

>point out direct contradiction
>anon's too retarded to see it
It's not my fault you can't see your reasoning is as good as "blue isn't a colour because red already is a colour". Jungian psychology is based in postmodern thought, and if you would like to go back to modern thought, read Skinner.

>> No.9684579

Why do you want to know?

>> No.9684584

Jung + new archetypes + Piaget + Nietzsche + neuroscience + cybernetics + phenomenology

>> No.9684589

Peterson was a weapon against myself, though. It's a horrible thing to notice that you need authority figure to validate a view to a degree. I had known and believed materialism to be false. Yet to act like that was the case?

>> No.9684592
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Wow what a genius poem

>> No.9684597

His fan give me a "cult of Sam Harris" vibe. Both groups really worship these guys that they perceive to be smart and they go out of their way to defend them. I can't precisely put my finger on it but it's very creepy. Men should not act that way towards other men.

>> No.9684599

Its pretty easy to hate a person who's face is plastered on the internet 24/7 always asking for peoples opinion on him. Like pr faggots do with gaging public opinion.

Seems like this guy is desperate for approval not only that hes desperate for masculine approval.

Everytime one of these threads comes up its like
>Oh i hope anon likes me.

Which is textbook pandering.
Which makes me doubt his authenticity.

>> No.9684601

I don't believe Peterson would apologise to women. Is this a fake?

>> No.9684605

He's a feminist now.

>> No.9685024

>Both groups really worship these guys that they perceive to be smart and they go out of their way to defend them.
It seems like the thing you can't put your finger on is aversion to idolization, but it is perfectly healthy especially for young males to have a role model as motivation. Men have always been doing this, it is actually a primarily masculine thing to do. Regardless, there are far worse people that get idolized regularly than some Canadian guy saying "Sort yourself out eh let me call you what pronoun I want".

His main idea as I understand it is that we need to reflect on and articulate the aspects of our ancestors' culture (primarily Christianity) that helped give rise to our civilization and revive them in a form more suitable to our times (saving your father from the underworld). Like if Nietzsche ever got out of that slump. Beyond that what the other anon said.

>> No.9685041

>because knowledge isn't good for knowledge's sake to them, it's just a weapon
I want you to find me a single person who acquires knowledge for knowledge's sake.
We all use it as a weapon. That's the whole point. We learn, evolve and adapt to give us an advantage over everyone else. The only person would not be utilising it as a weapon would be a hypothetical person with absolute control of all absolute capital, labour and land, with an absolute mastery in all physical domains.

>> No.9685050

Because he makes wild uneducated claims on the internet about things entirely outside his field and sells his academic integrity for an "alt right" 4chan/Reddit following

I don't need to read his material because it's not his material I have a problem with

>> No.9685079

if you believe materialism false there's better people to make that case than some washed up psych prof from a provincial school

>> No.9685219

To be fair it's like that with Chomsky or Zizek. As far as they start talking about anything outside their field of study they start spouting crap.

>> No.9685241

Which claims specifically do you take issue with?

>> No.9685252

I dislike Peterson and his pseud following but, so far don't have any problems with his assessment and criticism of that Canadian bill and I feel like the claim he's misrepresenting or misunderstanding it is largely ideologically motivated. I watched him speaking in the Senate hearing and him and that lawyer appeared pretty well-informed. I think from his perspective the bill warrants real concern.

If I'm mistaken can anyone please elucidate

>> No.9685283

Can you explain how Jung is a postmodernist? I've read several works of his and I just don't see anything that supports it. Especially in The Undiscovered Self where he for no real reason rides into the political arena to call communist systems bad and then jump back to dreams.

>> No.9685314

because you say you hate anyone a PR team, anything popular, etc.

suggest something

>> No.9685324

not a peterson poem

>> No.9685340

that he isn't as successful as peterson most likely

>> No.9685345
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But it clearly says - Jordan Peterson at the end, not Rupi Kaur some feminist that posts pictures of her menstrual blood on Instagram.

>> No.9685366
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>> No.9685419

>Are we sure he's not a jew?
Is he or isn't he?? Is there really no answer to this?

That it's unclear often means the individual likely is. I've never listened to a word Peterson has said and don't know anything about him, and don't really care to, but anyone who attacks postmodernism without mentioning it as an essentially jewish ideology is suspect. Also, when something jewish is under attack, a jew will often jump out in the lead, pretend to be against it too, and assume a leadership position in order to steer it in a direction that's good for jews. I wonder if all this hoopla over this Peterson guy is being spawned from that or if it's more innocent. I don't know. He's being promoted as a kosher anti-liberal figure though, which means he isn't actually opposing anything at all.

>> No.9685574


>> No.9685592

>I've never listened to a word Peterson has said and don't know anything about him, and don't really care to
And yet here you are, posting, shitting up the entire thread that's dedicated to him.

>> No.9685597
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>anyone who attacks postmodernism without mentioning it as an essentially jewish ideology is suspect
Is this what happens when you spend too much time in a stormfag echo chamber? How many public figures do you expect to criticise Jews

>> No.9685599

I asked a question, Steinberg, so fuck off.

>> No.9685606

Not many, but there aren't very many people out there criticizing postmodernism, are there? So what's Peterson's initiative?

>> No.9685612

>anyone who attacks postmodernism

it seems like people fundamentally misunderstand what postmodernism is...it's a stage of history, no one "created it". it's like saying the bronze age was an egyptian ideology or something, moreover, half the shit people bitch about as "postmodern" is modernism, marxism = modern, freud = modern, finding trash on the sidewalk and calling it art = modern

>> No.9685613

Because he's obnoxious visible due to a group of overly devoted fanboys.
If there were hundreds of people on 4chan spamming threads of Herbert Marcuse and hailing him as this kind of remarkable genius day in and day out I'd feel the same way.

>> No.9685632

Sounds like you're the one who fundamentally misunderstands it. No one said jews "invented" postmodernism, but as it was continually influenced and shaped by them it began to more and more resemble their nature, which is easy to distinguish from European nature. These ideas do not spawn out of nowhere into edgy and weird movements, they are influenced by groups of people and promoted for certain reasons.

>> No.9685642

>Not many, but there aren't very many people out there criticizing postmodernism, are there?
Aren't there? I thought 'postmodernism' became cool to shit on in the 90s.

>> No.9685652

Yeah I just had an argument with a guy who is extremely militant against postmodernism. He keeps referencing Peterson. He's thick as a fucking brick, I think he only gets creds here because of stupid /pol/acks slipping through the cracks, crying about 'muh redpill'. I will never understand these people's mentality. Arguing with them is like arguing with a muslim.

>> No.9685663

Is it? I would like it if you were right, but it seems way too entrenched. It's been woven in to the fabric of the humanities.


>> No.9685672

>communism is postmodern
Anon, I'm not sure you understand what postmodernism is even though that anon provided a definition.

Communism limits interpretations and provides only one valid interpretation, the Party line, and it's not surprising postmodernists are against that. Communism also relies on historical materialism, which is also a modern perspective, like Darwinism or evidence based medicine. Everyone from the Futurists to Gramsci to the Surrealists are modernists influenced by Marx, but they wind up on different sides of the eastern front. The grand narrative of Communism is at odds with postmodern criticism of grand narratives.

Jung on the other hand thinks things like being psychic might be more important to understanding humanity. Not "understanding how psychic events occur" or explaining it scientifically, but just the magic of it is important. The meaning, the how, the why, the whether or not the magician is cheating or just really an alien from Qarton-II like he said, the objective reality is all ancillary. That a variety of realities are more important than keeping those realities in check to keep society stable like Freud hoped. The Ur-myth doesn't exist, and its descended ghosts are going to keep haunting us even if it did exist to kill the source. The collective unconscious isn't some genetic programming we have, in Jung's view, it's the present psychic pulse of all humanity. It's why he contrasts it with instinct. He's also careful not to draw sharp lines around any of the apparent archetypes or even the difference between instinct and psychic process, preferring to keep them on a related spectrum. e.g.
>Psychic processes seem to be balances of energy flowing between spirit and instinct, though the question of whether a process is to be described as spiritual or as instinctual remains shrouded in darkness. Such evaluation or interpretation depends entirely upon the standpoint or state of the conscious mind.
[On the Nature of Psyche]
Jung's very careful not to make a grand narrative, and used complain about Jungians like they were the bane of his life because a lot of them decided he didn't mean to.

>> No.9685686
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'Muh melanin', just when I thought one couldn't get any lower. Just to let you know /pol/acks are the 'niggers' of /lit/ and this board is honestly better off without you maggots.

>> No.9685696

Also, while I'm mad about Jungians too, why is Niles skeptical of Daphne's powers on Frasier when he's the fucking Jungian of the two?

>> No.9685712

I've never posted on pol. But you're confirmed for an anti-white, and it's you who is out of place on a board discussing white culture. It's you who doesn't belong here.

>> No.9685720

Take this shit elsewhere. You're out of your depth

>> No.9685721

>white culture
>mostly about how ireland and greece are based
fuck off, saxon, we can find ten turks who speak german better than you for philosophy; you are not necessary.

>> No.9685728

Uh... Ireland?
[spoilers]Find anything except Joyce that /lit/ talks about[/spoiler]

>> No.9685731

I think he is a very good professor. His teachings are what really got me interested in Jung in the first place, and I'm glad he's reaching such a large audience on Youtube with his thoughts for living a better life.

>> No.9685732

Hardly, friend.



>> No.9685736

Yeats, Wilde, Beckett, Kavanagh, Heaney, Kinsella, Stoker

>> No.9685739

>he started with Joyce
>he's never heard of Sterne

>> No.9685749

Do they make two of you stay awake in case Ireland needs to defend its custody arrangement for the English language against the British?

>> No.9685780

>I've never posted on pol.
>But you're confirmed for an anti-white

So we got a stormfag/kkk member here. Yup that completely changes everything. Die fucking scum, you don't belong here, you belong in the same maggot filled dump with islamists and anarchists.

>> No.9685783

What an embarassment.

>> No.9685788

The only embarrassment here is you. Go back to the rat hole from whence you came.


>> No.9685794

anon, you failed the interview for board police, please stop bumping threads with your prejudices. they are not well written prejudices.

>> No.9685802

Don't know what a stormfag is either, but since you have still yet to answer the initial question about your race, and are clearly unstable and full of anti-white hatred, I must assume you're some breed of hapa. Which leads to the question, why are you posting on a white culture forum and trying to make pro-white people unwelcome, when it's you is obviously out of place? This isn't your culture, so why are you here trying to talk about it?

>> No.9685809

>a white culture forum
Irish people are not white. Neither are Greeks or the best Russian. We assumed you were here to race mix with faggots, but if you're not into that, literature might not be for you.

>> No.9685824

You fail in fact and humor, and I suspect, life. Good luck with that.

>> No.9685829

You spell like an American. You pretty much just lost every argument on this board.

>> No.9685840

'White culture' as if white people is a monolithic entity. You're not only embarrassing yourself, you're an embarrassment to your race.

>> No.9685844

He's an American English speaker; don't waste your contempt.

>> No.9685850

This is a Japanese culture forum baka

>> No.9685860

This post makes no sense.

White of course means European, which refers to Europe, which is where all the high art the sad mongrels in this thread are pretending is their own comes from.

>> No.9685865

What a clown. Are you shouting, "You'll see! You'll all see!" in a comical voice as you stare in your computer screen reading replies from people asking you to fuck off?

>> No.9685866

We sent you to America because we didn't want your genes here. Stop trying to contact us.

>> No.9685879
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I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.9685888

No non-Europeans here are claiming European culture as their own. No self respecting person with an IQ above 70 would side with you in here. If you want to discuss race politics like an intellectual midget that you are, go to the appropriate place you dunce.


>> No.9685891

See about what?

So what European nationality are you and why are you hostile toward your own people? Do you know what's happening in your backyard? You must not if you consider people like me your enemy.

>> No.9685895

>So what European nationality are you and why are you hostile toward your own people?
Irish people aren't white anon. :^)

>> No.9685896


>> No.9685897

Not Canadian.

Actually, that's exactly what happened.

>> No.9685902

You keep repeating this fable like it's supposed to mean something to me...

>> No.9685903

>Do you know what's happening in your backyard?
I checked. There's rabbits. Should I be concerned, Americunt? Are your knickers bunching up over the prospect of early morning rabbits like an Aussie?

>> No.9685904

t. Canadian

Peterson unleashed the holy hell that is leafposters. Get fucked canuck. You have no claims to the great art of Europe

>> No.9685909

It would if you'd read any of the Huxley dynasty which intermarried with the Darwins and Galtons, or really anything on race theory. But you're American so you don't read. Please leave until you get through Darwin's experiments on inbred flowers and can explain why you were a bad idea with reference to the text. Thanks.

>> No.9685927

Do you really expect an American to get through even a Roddy Doyle book?
Lower your standards, they're basically Brits without an education system.

>> No.9685929
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>white means European

>> No.9685942

I want whites on this board to recognize these arguments and the misdirection, and see what I did here.

I've for weeks suspected that Peterson threads are full of jews, and I was exactly right. The same venomous jewish arguments over and over, and the same immense hostility toward whites, despite these jews residing in white countries themselves. For now. They're of course about to get kicked out as always happens.

But remember: Peterson threads are jew threads. And jews hate whites. Just look at how they attack and the arguments they use over and over. You can always tell. This is why we have to remove these jews, they are very mentally disturbed people.

Thanks for proving my suspicion fellas!

>> No.9685948

>American wants to pretend he was being retarded for marketing purposes
Fuck off you jewish American cunt.

>> No.9685954

this thread proves that anyone with a strong opinion on this peterson dude is lowkey retarded

>> No.9685955

Would you like to try again?

>> No.9685956

>same immense hostility toward whites

I have not seen any hostility towards 'whites' in this thread. Most of them are honestly just telling *you*(stormfags/polacks/white nationalists) to fuck off to where your sub-par IQ might actually get you somewhere. Try this for a start.


>> No.9685958

I can smell the moose shit and bagged milk through my computer screen you nefarious hoser. You've been exposed now leave.

>> No.9685960

(You) are worse cancer than a thousand jews, you hyperjew American personfication of retarded development. I'm glad so few of you have passports.

>> No.9685964

>*you*(stormfags/polacks/white nationalists
it's not because he's a stormfag/polack/white nationalist. it's because he's an idiot and American, which is a redundancy worth stating for his benefit and yours since I smell American education standards on you too.

>> No.9685972

I'm not interested in your youtube links so you can stop dropping them in your replies to me.

I live very far from Canada, as I've already stated. Move on to your next approach.

So the question then becomes, why are jews so interested in this Peterson guy? My hypothesis is that they are trying to direct criticism of jewish Marxism and postmodernism away from criticism of jews.

>> No.9685979

Canadians always lie about their nationality on the internet because they are ashamed. It's the most surefire way to spot a Canadian. They only seek to cultivate disorder and chaos.

>> No.9685982

So you're saying they're Jewish rabbits in my backyard? I'll make them baby bunny yarmulkes right away!

>> No.9685991

You can see the seething anger in these post I'm highlighting. This stems from the warped mental state of the jew. They carry a sickness due to inbreeding, and are programmed to viciously attack both whites and those who criticize jews. Learn to recognize these markers of mental instability if you're white.

>> No.9685998

ten bucks says this guy is a jew, no one else would waste so much fucking time writing out this longwinded bullshit except some jidf wanker

>> No.9685999

I wouldn't know.

Humor is not your forte, friend.

>> No.9686001

liberals and leftist love nothing more than virtue signalng

>> No.9686004

Wow that's crazy that Jewish mental illness is only ever beneficial for the Jews and it never manifests in breaking away from the hivemind that they all share. What else can you tell me about these 'people'?

>> No.9686010

>he thinks all Irish people are Jews
well, that's what you get for reading only one of Joyce's works. Americans are so half assed about everything, no wonder nothing is made there any more except fat people.

>> No.9686012

I've seen this tactic used regularly as well. When the jew gets found out he often tries to turn it around. "He's really the jew, goyim!"

Not working. And your definition of "long-winded" seems pretty off, amigo.

>> No.9686013

Once again the trapped Canadian feigns ignorance in a typical Canadian manner. Truly pathetic.

>> No.9686015
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It's fine, the rabbit says he's willing to convert to Catholicism.

>> No.9686019

your shit is just too over the top dude

>> No.9686021

No the Jewish tactic is to call others Jewish first, before they themselves are accused of being Jewish. As long as you are the first to call someone something they are always on the defensive. A neat rhetorical trick.

>> No.9686027

What do you want to know?

Look at this guy refusing to get off the American vs European d&c approach. Ain't the 90s anymore, Moshe. We're gunning for you now.

>> No.9686032

that's the post you pick out as OTT? I'm not >>9686012 or >>9685998 but your defensiveness to >>9686012 is OTT. /lit/ could call you worse things than jewish if your weren't illiterate, even your short posts have the posture of a catamite.

>> No.9686035

What's your favourite work of art?

>> No.9686039

>Look at this guy refusing to get off the American vs European d&c approach. Ain't the 90s anymore, Moshe. We're gunning for you now.
>americans think that europe likes them more than the 90s
It's like talking to NK

>> No.9686040

Just give up friend. Your insane ramblings are completely idiotic. If you want to beat the jews, learn more about the nature of the world and beat them in their own game. Too bad you're a fucking retard and you'll never be anything more than a pawn in a chess board.

>> No.9686041

Did they fake the Holocaust just to give themselves an excuse to reach America and start taking it over?

>> No.9686053

It's easier just to make it all up rather than beating them. You can't beat them at their own game whether you're European or Asian. Jewish-Chinese rule the Chinese communist party with an iron fist.

>> No.9686055

Depends. I didn't bring up the jewish thing until later on, after I felt certain that my theory about Peterson threads being jew threads had been confirmed.

Of what field of art?

>> No.9686059

they already took over when the racist clown wilson took on (((brandeis))) as an advisor, that was the first time american boys died for israel, and was far from the last, ironic that one of the biggest backers of segregation would also be the one to sell america out to the jews

>> No.9686066

Let's go with painting. Hard mode: nothing from the 19th century.

>> No.9686069

>my theory about Peterson threads being jew threads had been confirmed.

of course jews love peterson, attacking post-modernism and supporting nationalism is good for israel, the idea that people should have "ethnostates" is key to the legitimacy of israel

>> No.9686070

Yes, ironic is a word.

>> No.9686072

oh it's the retard who insists on extra parentheses.

>> No.9686076

well i just put it there in case the jew scholar didn't know who brandeis was

>> No.9686084

you put them in every post you can because you're such a snowflake idiot you should consider transitioning to female.

>> No.9686087

I'm Jewish, of course I know who Brandeis is. We learn about him all the time.

>> No.9686094

oh so you admit you're jewish, cool, so can you stop wasting all of our time with your fake anti-semitism, shit is boring and makes everyone looks stupid

>> No.9686102

I don't really have a favorite, and having been to most every major museum in Europe and being easily amazed by portrait art in general due to my lack of skill in it, the vast majority of it gives me tingly good feelings. There's very little I don't like.

Jews are the main force opposing nationalism in the west. I'm still trying to figure out the jewish interest in Peterson though. It seems like a diversionary tactic, but I can't say for certain at this point since I know little about Peterson.

>> No.9686112

>portrait art

Interesting, it's usually ignored.

>> No.9686113

He must have arrived late to this thread and not seen how his coethnics were trying to hide their semitism after getting exposed. Too funny.

>> No.9686126

>Jews are the main force opposing nationalism in the west.

nationalism is kind of stupid anyways, bring back city states...say...how do we kno for sure that nationalism wasn't all a jewish trick? bring back renaissance style republics and principalities

>> No.9686149

Because nationalism is directly opposed to jewish interests. The international jew fears nationalism more than anything because any effective nationalist movement will hone the people's collective strength and use it against jewish power. Jews want those people to be weak individualists, not people who desiring to defend their homelands against jews and the others jews let in to our countries.

There's also the matter of the international systems jews use to take power away from the nation: IMF, world bank, UN, EU, etc., and the Soviet Union as an early model. Jews construct international systems to oppose the nation state. So no, nationalism is not what they want, because it's the only thing that can defeat them with ease if actualized and put into motion. That's why they're ramping up mass immigration, to make nationalism democratically impossible.

>> No.9686162

Also, I think we have a city-state system now. The jew thrives in urban environments and tries to restrict power to those city-states he can overwhelm. This is the case in NY, LA, and DC, which are some of the main concentrations of jews outside of Israel.

>> No.9686166

You would have to define postmodernism to decide that it has any direct relevence to the collective unconsious. And you would have to decide that the collective unconsious is the overall Jungian ideology. Which it isn't, considering the self in completion and mandela is his argued ultimate state of consiousness. Nowhere in the idea of syncronicity or of the collective unconsious does Jung state that he had a disbelief in personal development or an inclination toward groupthink and the dissolution of the indovidual. On the contrary he argued for the opposite in clinical treatment and to never lump an individual into anything larger than that individual during analysis. Have you read any Jung at all?

>> No.9686213

Explain why postmodernism is good?

Not memeing. Asking honestly.

>> No.9686218
File: 33 KB, 466x349, 1464412262047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that stupidity isn't contagious because lurking these summer threads went from insufferable to oddly entertaining.
Fuckin hell you guys are something else.

>> No.9686227


>Why people hate on him?

Peterson: You have to grow up and be an adult eventually. You can't shrug off responsibility and consequences forever.


>> No.9686233

it's not "good" or "bad" it's just the inevitable outcome of disillusionment with modernism, it's like saying was the baroque good or bad? compared to what? late renaissance aesthetics? what if it was "bad"? then what? people didnt know they were in the baroque during the baroque so they didn't ask "is the baroque just a jewish trick to ruin the renaissance"? the fact that we even have guys like peterson bitching about post-modernism is post-modern

>> No.9686235

>>"it's not "good" or "bad" "
This here is the main reason why post-modernism is legitimately bad and serious danger.

>> No.9686240

Because he's guilty of the exact same stuff he gives Fucko and Derriding shit for... not being able to explains his views, obfuscates them when they come under attack.

>> No.9686243


>> No.9686256

>it's not "good" or "bad" it's just the inevitable outcome of disillusionment with modernism
Why are people disillusioned with modernism if it's not bad? And why would that feeling of disillusionment not make you declare postmodernism is good? As for the other parts, if people do not like the baroque period are they not allowed to say that baroque is bad? Even if it's simply their opinion? Why would that person's opinion make them 'thick as a brick' compared to your opinion?

The fact that Peterson is bitching about postmodernism isn't post-modern it's just life. People bitch about shit. What's the problem?

>> No.9686258

marxist don't like to get exposed after the academia supposedly abandoned that school of thought due to hilarious failure of USSR as a state to live up to its utopic ideals.

>> No.9686260

Ah yes, the extremes where the only two groups are Peterson and a far-left nutjob.

>> No.9686263

Your post makes a good point, but the following is simply incorrect:
>it's just the inevitable outcome of disillusionment with modernism
It's not an inevitable outcome; it was an outcome that was massaged and brought about through the culture, which produced a progressively more degenerate and nihilistic reality among the atomized citizens of the west. Lit board, lit example: ~50s beatnik stuff is a good example of how jews in the publishing industry in the pre-postmodern era cultivated this postmodern condition by telling people it was cool to have no ambition, do drugs, and act like a wayward degenerate, etc.

You see? These things aren't organic. That's not to say they're completely planned out, but if you understand the jew you understand why he pushes culture in these directions, which leads to the destructive movements that get enshrined within academia, and change the course of history, and lead to them getting kicked out. People move these things, they don't move themselves.

>> No.9686279

>Why would that person's opinion make them 'thick as a brick' compared to your opinion?

Because unlike them, ambiguity makes opinions open to change. If you've already made up your mind, there's really no point engaging with you. It is like trying to convince a farmer from the middle ages about the benefits of automobiles.

>> No.9686281


>> No.9686286

i have no idea if you're a really a paranoid anti-semite or a jewish guy pretending to be, but either way i have to thanks for finally getting me to stop reading this site...this "jewish explanation of history" is just retarded, when i come to /lit/ a few years ago it would feel like i was talking to relatively smart people, now this shit is just plebeian all the time, i wonder where the smart people went? oh well

>> No.9686287

>Because unlike them, ambiguity makes opinions open to change. If you've already made up your mind, there's really no point engaging with you. It is like trying to convince a farmer from the middle ages about the benefits of automobiles.
So you're saying you're open to change your opinion on postmodernism? You're open to /pol/lack opinion and "muh redpill?"

>> No.9686298
File: 95 KB, 517x557, 1496725957957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck PMURT!

>> No.9686302

Don't try to pretend you're smarter or more informed than anyone else. Look at your grammar and look at mine; you cannot even write coherently, so don't expect to get recognized through this act you're trying to put on. You are the uninformed, the uneducated, and the weak-minded precisely because of this plebian attitude you don when a subject that makes you uncomfortable is brought to the fore.

Now be gone, peasant.

>> No.9686318

>i wonder where the smart people went? oh well

They're smart enough to refuse to participate in threads like this.

>> No.9686326

So Israel is an exception? Both in that it is Jewish ethnonationalism and it doesn't function as a 'host society'

>> No.9686333

>These things aren't organic.

Degeneracy is organic and natural, yes. It's why civilisation is only a comparatively recent development in human history, and why there is such a struggle to keep it standing.

>> No.9686342

Correct: ethno-nationalism for me, but not for thee.

A sentiment that can be extended to many things, like taking rapefugees displaced by wars that have benefitted only Israel. To sway such things constantly in your favor requires enormous power, power whites must band together to dismantle by removing jews from out national territories.

>> No.9686351

I can understand the conclusion but the way you've argued it leaves more to be desired. You require that one must take what you say at face value or else be a Jew or complicit white. If your goal is to convince anyone other than yourself I think you should be more consistent.

>> No.9686353

To an extent that is true. When the lower factions if European man are given incentives to pursue their pleasures instead of upholding the morals and values of their civilization, it will naturally degenerate. But jews are a degenerative enzyme that makes that much worse, since they gain power by actively promoting such degeneration.

>> No.9686355

I'm failing to see where you believe I was inconsistent, please explain.

>> No.9686356


>> No.9686372

>You would have to define postmodernism to decide that it has any direct relevence to the collective unconsious.
He literally does. Read down the quote chain. >>9686166
>On the contrary he argued for the opposite in clinical treatment and to never lump an individual into anything larger than that individual during analysis. Have you read any Jung at all?
That would literally be a postmodern mode of thought, which rejects grand narratives. Could you read a dictionary definition of postmodernism, because what you are describing with >>9686166
>isbelief in personal development or an inclination toward groupthink and the dissolution of the indovidual.
is literally modernism, which postmodernism reacts against. Congrats, you just defined Jung as postmodern all by yourself, though you seem to think postmodernism actually means its opposite. Seriously, though, read the the thread, and learn what your words mean.

>> No.9686376

A good 9/10 of those who hate are sympathetic to sjw shit

>> No.9686381

Vague references to some historical events and unwillingness to incorporate others or to explore causes beyond begging the question, unclear idea of what European culture or spirit is (which relates to the above), default belief in causation rather than correlation, failure to reconcile contradictory points with the narrative, insistence on attacking the opponent rather than the argument, reliance on misleading statistics and ideas based on them, and there's probably more. It doesn't really matter to me if you choose to apply more discipline to your arguments so they are more logical, exhaustive, and rigorous, but like I said, if you want to convince others you'll probably have to do something other than preach to the choir. If this is all elaborate trolling though then this is outstanding work.

>> No.9686386

yes it could never be they hate you as much as sjw shit and the only people who talk about sjw shit more than you are sjws on speed

>> No.9686391

/lit/ would never hate ignorant retards who misuse technical terms. They seem like the kind of board that would never beat you with a dictionary before bludgeoning you with Heidegger for not knowing the difference between literary and philosophical postmodernism. Lovely people.

>> No.9686396

That's not necessarily post modern. I've never seen a single one of you advance a good argument as to why this harvard lecturer is wrong and you are right

>> No.9686397

>an entire thread of Peterson hate
>not a single valid criticism

Either this guy is legit or /lit/ is just retarded and easily triggered.

>> No.9686398

>whoa dude you are just as bad as sjw if you fight against them

nice fucking d&c kike.

>> No.9686405

literary postmodernism
>le author's voice
philosophical postmodernism
>le author's voice but we're all authors

>> No.9686406

whining about sjws sounds much like the whining of sjws. maybe try to make less whining sounds.

>> No.9686408

This is just the latest in a long line of Peterson threads where we're all kind of sick of the discussion we've already had and are now just being dicks to each other instead, faggot.

>> No.9686409

Well, I'll take that into consideration, but you're still not being very specific about what I've been vague about. The European spirit as it regards philosophy seems fairly thematically consistent since we have 2500 of years of it to extrapolate certain themes; I also did say that jews "did not invent" postmodernism, so I didn't put all my eggs in the basket of 100% direct causation; and I feel I remained extremely civil while the jews who were in this thread were seething with resentment toward myself and whites in general. I'm also not sure what statistics you were referring to, but that's my rebuttal.

>> No.9686413

*beats you to death with Heidegger*
*burns your body with the footnotes and annotations of The Third Policeman*

>> No.9686414

Peterson isn't whining. He has literally more than hour long arguments.

>> No.9686422

You're whining like an SJW when they try to get me to watch their shitty hour long youtube video like it's a book. You're as retarded too.

>> No.9686424

You spend too much time on this board if you've made this observation, faggot.

>> No.9686431
File: 147 KB, 852x480, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your pills, there are more than 1 person ITT talking.

This post of yours appears more whining than what I've posted so far.

>Shitty hour llong YT video like it's a book
lol what?

>no ur retarded
Classic argument.

Seems to me that the anti-SJW movement is really disturbing your psyche. Or should I call you xir or hem?

>> No.9686434

Is he the only person alive who still believes in pragmatism?

>> No.9686438


>> No.9686440

Who else is there?

>> No.9686444

Your mom

>> No.9686446

>/lit/ hates us
>maybe we can get ./lit/ to leave and then the board will love our shitty ill informed youtube videos
you haven't spent enough time here. /lit/ will be shitting on his career for years longer than you can fanboy, and the more you shill him, the more they'll turn to picking apart Peterson from his first college paper to his professional ethics and they'll cite texts. you're probably spurring on Peterson being remembered as incompetent in more subjects than he teaches with more citations for his bad work than his good work could ever hold.

>> No.9686448

I don't know how new you are to these parts but the way you are greentexting is a sign of autism here, and so is posting irrelevant images.

>> No.9686449

She's dead so she doesn't apply here.

>> No.9686451

>more whining
what is it sweetheart, did your period remind you of the patriarchy?

>> No.9686452
File: 102 KB, 916x690, 1498453882657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steve Bannon not extremely relevant to anti-SJW movement and backlash against liberal leftist hypocrisy.

Educate yourself, nigger.

>> No.9686460

>blahblahblah SJW shit
what's that honey, tampons are phallic symbols? how awful. enjoy smearing yourself in clotted blood for empowerment, I'm going out to return some video tapes.

>> No.9686464

No, that does not make you less annoying, Bobby.

>> No.9686465

I got some healthy advice for you, kid.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9686470

I don't know anything about Peterson. You need some sleep.

>> No.9686471

>I get my advice from youtube
try their advice about swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon

>> No.9686474

I fucking knew you'd post that faggot argument of yours but unlucky for you, you activated my trap card: your post could have been written and submitted without an accompanying image and it still would have made the same amount of sense. Get fucked newfag Canadian

>> No.9686475

>I don't know anything about Peterson. You need some sleep.
You're in a Peterson thread. Do you kick people out of Joyce threads for talking about Joyce?

>> No.9686479
File: 312 KB, 500x500, 1490964515309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should of filtered the thread when you first saw it, but the nature of SJW is that of wilful victimization. They enjoy it and the privilege it brings to them as an oppressed group.

It's an imageboard, dear lebbit.

>> No.9686480

How does /pol/ feel about Peterson? Is there suspicion that this recent craze around him and the possibility that he's a jew is a move to create a semi-intellectual version of the anti-sjw alt-lite, in order to subvert the alt-right and keep newcomers exploring the tenets of nationalism in a zone where jews aren't spoken of negatively?

>> No.9686484


>> No.9686493

>more whining like a girl
Is your boyfriend not working hard enough to keep you in trinkets? Or did he insult your feminism again, sweettits? Have a (You) and jiggle a bit for us baby, we're not really listening.

>> No.9686494

Yes and autists post images in the same way you do. Comic books and shit, what a fag.

>> No.9686496

It's an ugly girl. That's why she's not posting tits for attention and instead is whining for attention.

>> No.9686501

Lol first I was a Peterson shill and now I'm trying to kick people out of the thread? What are you on about?

>> No.9686507
File: 39 KB, 330x319, 1492105662777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is reaction image.
please gb2 r/books
sort yourself out kid, you don't sound very healthy.

>> No.9686515

I'm talking about the topic of the thread. Apparently you want to talk about Peterson while not knowing anything about him, so yeah, shilling seems the best answer. What the fuck are you doing in a thread you have no interest in, no knowledge on, and posting about what other anon's should do? Just lonely?

>> No.9686524

>ugly girl gets called out
>thinks youtube catchphrases will make her not ugly
>thinks youtube catchphrases will make her not sound whiny
not the way it works, uneven nips. not even if you switch to zoella instead of peterson. you're going to have to get over being an ugly chick who only gets attention when she whines like an SJW. get a paperbag, you're a bigger attention whore than shia

>> No.9686526

It's a 4chan thread. There are no prereqs friend. You should redirect some of this empty anger toward fixing your attitude and your shitty life. But you're probably like 19 so I guess continue taking yourself this seriously lol

>> No.9686527

He is the /lit/ version of SJW. He is here, as an oppressed person because Peterson thread makes xir feel uncomfy in xer hugbox. Now, why doesn't xer just filter the thread and be done with it? That wouldn't make xer oppressed anymore and xer wouldn't have no reason to cry and bang in the thread.

>> No.9686528

>I'm a shithead
Thanks for clearing that up for me, anon. Lurk moar.

>> No.9686536

>lurk moar
I am too busy shagging your mummy and shilling shithead

>> No.9686537
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>> No.9686544

Peterson anons seem much more triggered by this thread than SJWs. They're also super triggered by SJWs and self-triggering since they're also the only people who want to talk about SJWs. It's like watching idiots walk into each other and cry every Peterson thread. They've never read the works they want to cite, and just like SJW girls from rich backgrounds, they think if they cry enough it will get them an A on a book they never read.

I half expect Peterson anons to tell me they couldn't find out he's wrong about postmodernism or Jung because postmodernism and Jung are both oppressive forces designed by Peterson haters.

It's as much fun as watching SJWs trying to explain how Catherine the Great was oppressed.

>> No.9686545

If you have pictures of Steve Bannon saved as reaction images you just might be a redneck

I hear Peterson gets a kick out of you Kekistan boys

>> No.9686548

>ugly girl when whining doesn't go her way
>I KNOW I'LL @ THEM ON TWITT-- oh no, they're anonymous
another revolution foiled by that patriarchy, eh, peterson lover?

>> No.9686558

>Peterson anons seem much more triggered by this thread than SJWs
This was explored earlier itt. Many hardcore Peterson anons are Ben Shapiro-tier jews, and jews are more psychotic on average so it produces this effect.

>> No.9686562

Jung did say he despised Jungians, and Nietzsche's whole Zarathustra schtick kind of pre-emptively thwarted off copiers and idolizers. Those two are Peterson's main influences, so I wonder if he has a similar feeling about his parrots.

>> No.9686565

I think more of them are idiots who wish someone would tell them they are smart. If they were jews, they'd just re-upload his videos with better tagging.

>> No.9686575

Most of "them" are just kids likely only beginning to find their intellectual sides. Hopefully his videos spur them to read philosophy.

>> No.9686576

He's not smart enough to understand what postmodernism is, don't you think understanding Nietzsche might be a bit of a stretch? I mean he was dumb enough to get into an argument where the only people who will listen to him are people who hate SJWs with all the passion and informed background of an SJW. You definitely missed a lot of Jung and Nietzsche if he thought that would be a good plan to not become like those psychos.

>> No.9686579

>>I think more of them are idiots who wish someone would tell them they are smart
Why would they go to Peterson? He drives the point home about IQ on his introductory classes and about less smart people and supersmarts. There's nothing but harsh reality in there.

>> No.9686581

If you're that much of an idiot by the age you're watching him on youtube, you'd better be four and have clicked on it accidentally.

>> No.9686591

He probably doesn't drive home the point that IQ only tests normal ranges, since that would contradict his point which the science he uses pointedly disavows. It does indicate someone who wants to convince normal people they could be supersmarts.

>> No.9686593

Were you well-versed on Nietzsche, Jung and the postmodern question when you were 15? Don't be such a cynic.

>> No.9686605

Does he not understand postmodernism? How specifically? Did you post about it in this thread already?

>> No.9686608

Yes, but this is also an over 18s site.
>but I should get a pass for being young and poorly read
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH do you know where you are? Get good. Or at least get a professor who isn't retarded from youtube.

>> No.9686623

>do you know where you are?
I'm on an anime board that is frequented by teenage communists, psychedelic burnouts, neets and pseuds. Not exactly a braintrust. Just look at the catalog lmao it's a wasteland.

>> No.9686627

He seems to think postmodernism is the same thing as being an SJW and doesn't include Jungians.

SJWs are very into overarching narratives (the patriarchy, systemic discrimination, proscribed speech), which is not postmodern at all.

Jung's a reaction against modernism in psychology the way Heidegger's a reaction against modernism in philosophy, and both are postmodern.

Peterson basically proves he doesn't know what postmodernism is by criticizing what are modernist movements for postmodernism, while being a professor who specialized on a postmodern topic. There's apparently no sense of irony about the contradiction either, so I think he's just ignored the friendly nudges his colleagues must have given him by now because internet fame got to him.

>> No.9686630

>I'll assume nobody else is well read
Your loss. Look up the golem effect, you'll get what you want.

>> No.9686631
File: 448 KB, 803x598, picture-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well-versed on Nietzsche
>being an undergae psued

>> No.9686633

Le ebin 4chinz lejuhn

>> No.9686637

it's more "/lit/ does some severely autistic shit to youtube"

he's right. you don't want to be our youtube bf. it doesn't end well. we read too much proust.

>> No.9686647

So are you implying that he doesn't have the true understanding of postmodernism? Isn't that kind of against the spirit of postmodernism?

>> No.9686652

I got bad news for you.

>> No.9686655

Well, if he wants to be a postmodernist and not rely on a dictionary definition, then yeah, he could mean a punnet of peaches by postmodernism and paint himself purple to prove it.
If he wants to criticize postmodernism without being one, yeah, he should learnt how the dictionary works.

>> No.9686656

I'm not talking about you, monolingual.

>> No.9687131

well he his critique of postmodernism is critique mostly of Foucault and Derrida and their intellectual offspring, and he's pretty clear about that if you pay attention to what he says and not memes. so yeah maybe he's being to broad with the term, but you're just being intentionally obtuse to conflate his views with opposition to anything that can be technically categorized as postmodern.