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File: 50 KB, 303x379, Derrida_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9683974 No.9683974 [Reply] [Original]

This man is your FRIEND


He fights for FREEDOM

Classically trained and rigorous, Derrida has utmost respect for the established traditions of communication ('writing') and asks only that we consider -- and it is true that we should -- how these traditions are established and whether they are appropriate for their time and place.

Barthes, however, is a total anarchic madman who wants to cut out literature at the roots and salt the earth so nothing grows again. Barthes is the key to all of these problems we have with SJWs asserting their own authority instead of what deconstruction is actually about; openness to the strange life of writing.

Please leave Derrida alone.

>> No.9684034

>all of these problems we have with SJWs
Zizek and others of his ilk already shat on muh SJWs a decade ago, why do you think opposition to them is new? Does Peterson mention Derrida in his videos, is that why he's cited so frequently in these kind of threads?

>> No.9684069

>Does Peterson mention Derrida in his videos, is that why he's cited so frequently in these kind of threads?

Yes and yes.

>> No.9684136

that is a jpg, not a man. idiots like you are why he wasn't photographed for so long.

>> No.9684150
File: 57 KB, 764x862, lol_derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, it was Heidegger

t. Jacques "I hate photography because it creates an ideal of the author and all of my work is an attempt to deconstruct that" Derrida

>> No.9684191

Don't like the look of this guy, looks like a dick. Most other famous philosophers look like dope dudes, but I wouldn't want to be friends with this guy.

>> No.9684255

I would like to smoke weed with him

>> No.9684260

he looks like some hollywood playboy

>> No.9684274

Good answers, goyim. Now, when other goyim try to tell you he's a subversive jew who tried to destroy western philosophy, just remind them how hip and cool and edgy he looked.

>> No.9684280

If he didn't succeed then what's the issue?

>> No.9684296

He did succeed. Temporarily. But who knows how long the scars will last.

>> No.9684301

How the fuck would one lesser known continental philosopher destroy Western philosophy? This isn't a fucking Avengers movie, stop fabricating grandiose narratives

>> No.9684320

He's the poster boy for the jewish philosophy that has infected humanities departments throughout the west. Perhaps you should educate yourself before weighing in on things you aren't well-versed in?

>> No.9684370

>Perhaps you should educate yourself before weighing in on things you aren't well-versed in?

Loving every laugggghhhhh

>> No.9684387

>stop fabricating grandiose narratives
>postmodernism as incredulity toward metanarrative
i saw what you did there

>> No.9684430

You're talking about what Barthes has done. Derrida was a classicist and worked within the tradition he was trained in, not to subvert it but to strengthen it. Derrida was vaguely leftist, sure, but 'deconstruction' (the American idea of it) can be used to support any politics or vocabularic regime -- conservatives can use it to assert the importance of the tradition. Deconstruction, as he understood it, was natural ("It just happens") and "essentially affirmative" -- his words.

>> No.9684444
File: 58 KB, 900x505, hollywood-hogan-wcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like barthes because he granted intellectual legitimacy to professional wrestling

>> No.9684445

I understand you're just repeating a narrative that was told to you and that there's little I can say to convince you it's bullshit, but it's bullshit. Do you know how jews think, anon? Do you know how they approach these things?

>"It just happens"

Get woke, bud. Lot more going on here than you realize.

>> No.9684453

>ZOGposting this hard

>> No.9684459

>being this ZOG'd

>> No.9684466

There's no real reason deconstruction(ism) took off in America like it did. It certainly wasn't any Jewish machination since it doesn't resemble anything close to what Derrida was actually talking about. I don't deny that post-structuralism has left a bad taste in the mouth of the West, I'm just saying that this is because of how America reacted to these ideas, and specifically Barthes' way of teaching it. Despite Derrida being ostensibly Jewish there's literally no evidence that he is playing out some ancient tribal scheme. He was unfamiliar with social constructionism which existed in the U.S. before his writings, most practical elaborations on how to teach deconstruction, and was aware of the possibility of feminists to just simply inherit the structures of ineffectual teaching rather than put them into question. He started with the Greeks and I suggest you do the same.

>> No.9684493

>There's no real reason deconstruction(ism) took off in America like it did. It certainly wasn't any Jewish machination
That's precisely what it was. Surely you aren't this naive? Do you really these things happen organically? Please, friend. No, it occurred as a result of a heavy academic push from an academia that by then was overwhelmingly populated by jews.

>there's literally no evidence that he is playing out some ancient tribal scheme.
I mean, those are your words, not mine; but they indicate that you -- as I stated initially, assuming you're the same person from before -- are simply not well-versed on how jews think and operate. If you would like to attain a more rounded understanding of these things, you have to wade into that territory. Since you have not, your understanding remains incomplete.

>> No.9684563

>No, it occurred as a result of a heavy academic push from an academia that by then was overwhelmingly populated by jews.

Then why does the American reaction not resemble Derrida's work? Could it be that the 'subversive Jew' himself was subverted by Jews? I won't add anything else to this comment because I don't want you to avoid the point again.

>> No.9684663

I'm a nice guy, so I'm going to explain this for you.

Not only does it resemble Derrida's work, but both Derrida's work and the related ideas western academia in general embraced resemble distinctly jewish machinations that go back millennia.

You cannot see this because you don't understand the jewish question.

Jews advance their interests by inverting the norms of their host society. In ancient Egypt they were expelled for practicing this type of "normative inversion" (see: Moses the Egypian). Now, this behavior can take many forms.

But for the topic under discussion, western philosophy, it goes like this: Europeans use philosophy to search for truth, advance knowledge, and find meaning, because that is a reflection of the European spirit.

When jews get a hold of western philosophy, they distort -- or invert -- those things, hence postmodernism/deconstruction. So there is no truth, knowledge is impossible to obtain, and meaning is purely subjective and therefore meaningless. That is the inverted reflection of the jewish spirit, which is again defined strictly by its opposition to what existed before.

Now, I know you think that jews are just like you, but they aren't. They define themselves against your societal norms, and they intentionally invert those norms then use their power to enforce this new, backwards ideology on everyone else. That's all Derrida was doing, and it's for the most part all postmodern philosophy is.

>> No.9684685


>thinks the exodus was real

>> No.9684704

>Not only does it resemble Derrida's work

Do you want me to sit here explaining why it doesn't or will you just selectively quote my argument again as a springboard for your verbatim argument against 'Jewish interests'? Don't worry, you don't need to do any handwaving to figure out how to fit your speech around what I've said -- you're a dishonest person and I don't know why I bother replying to you since this is all you can manage to say. Reply if you want but I won't be reading it.

>> No.9684732

I told you from the very start that your understanding was incomplete, and I explained why that was so, which I can do since I've been exactly where you are. You decided to shoot back and you are now angrily trying to grapple with the gaps in your knowledge. Okay. Such is life. Good luck.

>> No.9685353

it was in their minds

>> No.9685610

Literally the worst and least interesting postmodern philosopher, into the trash it goes

>> No.9685941

>He fights for FREEDOM
.t secular humanist