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File: 14 KB, 288x360, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
968358 No.968358 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read some Freud, where should I start?

>> No.968361


>> No.968366

I like Totem and Taboo, The Interpretation of Dreams, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and On Narcissism.

But if you're going to get into Freud proper, you do the whole canon - it's all public domain now.

Otherwise, I'd go secondary; and there are so many of those depending on your ideology it would be hard to recommend.

>> No.968367

The Interpretation of Dreams
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

>> No.968371
File: 111 KB, 470x763, LeCrepusculeDuneIdole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.968379

Plain old thirst for knowledge is my primarily ideology so I'll just try some of the books you mentioned, thanks

>> No.968381

Just don't expect to learn anything that's still useful today.

>> No.968382

Totem and Taboo

>> No.968387


Thanks anon. You clearly are the bastion of good intellectual currents and practice!

>> No.968390

Well it's not like I'm going to practice psychoanalysis

>> No.968391


Eh? Shut up cunt, he's good for historical context, but no one teaches his shit today.

>> No.968411

It's like saying that Iliad is irrelevant today. It's called "classic" for reason, works like that aren't measured that way, they're just valuable on their own, no matter how relevant or useful the modern age finds them

>> No.968415

You have to trolling. That is the most blatantly untrue statement. Perhaps you mean in psychiatry no one teaches his methods/therapies, which is true but not really the interesting part of Freud. Even in psychology, there are Freudians around still: see psychodynamism.

In the humanities, Freud is the other half of the unholy union (with Marx).

I mean shit, Lacan, Zizek, Deleuze and Guattari, Irigaray, Kristeva, Zupancic, Stravakakis...all of which find lots of circulation in the academy.

>> No.968426


my psychology major friend says the fucker is mentioned in EVERY class she takes despite his ideas being outdated shit.

>> No.968428

Classic psychoanalysis isn't used nowadays, thought.
It's time consuming and demands a lot from the patient.

>> No.968438


Must go to a shit-tier school, then

>> No.968443

CBT is much more practical and effective as a treatment than psycho analysis, which is far too laboured and intelluectualised.

>> No.968456

>It's time consuming and demands a lot from the patient.

That must be the "outdated shit" part, mentioned earlier (and in all Freud threads).

>> No.968484


Cognitive behavioural therapy is cheap and adequate in other words. Governments look to bottom lines where mental health is concerned and CBT is there. If you have a bit of money, you're probably better off going for psychotherapy. Anyone with deep-seated problems is.