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9680656 No.9680656 [Reply] [Original]

Does reading multiple books at a time work?

>> No.9680695


I'm getting into the habit of day-reading material and right-before-sleep-reading material. Different genres to keep my mind balanced. Really not that hard.

>> No.9680767

No. When I opened a book and I wasn't done with the previous one I started lagging. Like, had 10 FPS and the book got corrupted. You'll have to download more RAM and processor cores if you want to do it.

>> No.9680829

I like to, ideally, always be reading two books, one non-fiction, usually science, philosophy, psychology etc, and one fiction, like a long novel.

>> No.9680876

That's two of us then

>> No.9680882

Yes it's easy

>> No.9680908


>> No.9680958

Same, except with a third book for poetry.

>> No.9681035

same, except
>one classic piece of literature
>one non-fic
>one genre book (wolfe, gibson, tolkien)

>> No.9681063

is that a churka

>> No.9681091

Works for me. I'm always reading multiple ones to switch when I lose interest.

>> No.9681096

Yes. But only two (at most). More than that becomes a challenge. Unless they're somewhat related.

>> No.9681765

Only if they're different genres and subjects. I read a classic fiction novel, a memoir and a science or history book at the same time. Otherwise it gets confusing.

>> No.9681929

I'm reading Roman History along with The Aeneid and Ovids poems

>> No.9681958

I read lots of books at once because I have lots of interests and little time in the grand scheme of things

>> No.9681977

For some people I guess? I dunno I've tried juggling irl tasks and books as a side hobby thing and I've actually ended up leaving a lot of books and stuff unfinished but obviously there are tons of people out there who can and do manage to do so for fun

>> No.9681991

I suppose if you're taking notes it's perfectly doable.

>> No.9682079


I did for a while. Lately, not doing it so much, and I think I prefer one at a time much more.

It really depends on what you read. If you read multiple books that share a theme/style/etc. then you might be OK, but, like I said, of late I've preferred to read one thing, finish, then read another, repeat.

>> No.9682102

you mean...like....one in each hand? give it a go.

>> No.9682308


>> No.9682825

reddit is neither a book nor something i read

>> No.9683765

I have small variation:
I usually read a really long book alongside two smaller ones. <200 pages.

>> No.9683885

at my times at university i developed the habit to read 10 books or more at the same time to get into economy, philosophy and sociology at once in the quickest amount of time.

>> No.9683928

I suppose it would work but I don't do it, it makes me feel very uneasy.

I'd prefer concentrating on one book at the time to really immerse myself in it.

>> No.9684377

as far as philosophy goes, i like reading multiple works at a time and taking notes on them, especially if their individual viewpoints conflict with one another. it keeps things pretty fresh from all angles, and encourages you to think critically about what things you agree and disagree with. i think it could definitely hinder your comprehension if you aren't careful about it, though.

right now i'm studying some books from kierkegaard, schopenhauer and camus. of course, they all have pretty different views, but it's super engaging and rewarding to take bits and pieces from all their perspectives, compare them to each other, and use them to build your own personal philosophy as you read.

>> No.9684388
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Of course

>> No.9684428

I think there's some edit of this in which he's holding Infinite Jest and Ulysses. If only I had saved it when I saw it