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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 226x346, gravity's pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9680081 No.9680081 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book good?

Also where can I read it online. For free no credit card bullshit. I'm just not interested enough to pay for it yet because it's postmodern shit but if it's good I'll buy a copy.

>> No.9680152

Just started reading it, it's amazing. I feel like it's going to be better than V. Actually, now I want to buy a physical copy.

>> No.9680160
File: 73 KB, 524x468, 1436423121440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link pls

>> No.9680169

if you're not smart enough to find it online you probably shouldn't read it

>> No.9680175

I googled it but it's all paywall shit or give us your CC info

I am not giving some site my fucking CC number so they can "verify my country", how much of a cuck do they think I am.

>> No.9680192

Is this bait? Easily found using Google.

>> No.9680195

Yeah you're not ready. Start with John Green and work up to it

>> No.9680207

The full text or a preview?

Come on man

>> No.9680208

Here's the mobi version, if you need some other file format you're on your own. Or use Calibre.

>> No.9680326

Just use libgen mate, or google it.

>> No.9680344

You pay first, read after.

>> No.9680511

Fuck off spoonfeeder

>> No.9680521

>sharing knowledge is bad
you sound like an angry little cuck. you should be a janny.