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/lit/ - Literature

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9679658 No.9679658 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking to get ahold of Plato's works and ideally would like them in paperback however the price is quite a lot. I do however have a Kindle and every work of Plato that I would need is on there for free but I'm not sure how good the translation will be. What is the best version to get?

>> No.9679719

There is no best version. You should be reading these books multiple times so there's no reason you can't try multiple different translations. Watch this video:


>> No.9679722

The translations are Benjamin Jowett's btw.

>> No.9680032

avoid jowett desu senpai

>> No.9680065
File: 70 KB, 308x308, plato_complete_works_173x260_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related there is always libgen

>> No.9680879

The best way to obtain Plato's complete works is to Google, "Plato's Complete Works, Hackett Publishing PDF." You will see a link to said pdf, which you will then put on your Kindle, should you be wise enough to have one, and then you will read said pdf until finished.

You're welcome.

>> No.9681056

God bless you.

>> No.9681060

I have this and find the translations very unpleasant to read. The English is almost difficult to follow with the way the translator mixes past and present tenses and phrases the clauses. 6/10.

>> No.9681110

Why do you say that? I think most of the works I've read so far have been by him, I thought they were fine.

>> No.9681661

I read it cover to cover and I think you're full of shit or just stupid. The translations are fine.

>> No.9681666

ITT: Pseudo-intellectuals who think Plato's raving about episteme and "eternal" knowledge is anything else but meaningless babbling.

>> No.9681672

It seems like ITT: people are discussing translators.