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9679020 No.9679020 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that when I want to read a philosophical treatise about mental health, how to live life the right way and deal with my thoughts and emotions I have the choice of

>stale and intellectually unsatisfying greeks and romans
>incoherent eastern magic trick truths of the universe
>the autistic ramblings of schopie and neetcheese
>selfhelpshit by mike mcburger

Why? What is wrong with modern Western intellectuals that they always evade these questions? Why does neurotic slavic man never talk about how to improve your outlook and instead makes abstract observations about fetishes?

Does this bother anyone else?

>> No.9679037

>the autistic ramblings of schopie and neetcheese
These autistic ramblings are literally exactly what you're looking for. I'd also recommend Ride The Tiger.

>> No.9679049
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>philosophical treatise on mental health
>intellectually satisfying
The point is pragmatism, not satisfying OP's passing curiosity. The paths you deride in your OP, if followed, allow individuals to move more freely in the world. That's their purpose and your demands are off the mark.

>> No.9679055

If you think that there's a single method that can encompass the variety of minds existent in the human world, you're fooling yourself.

>> No.9679059

>These autistic ramblings are literally exactly what you're looking for. I'd also recommend Ride The Tiger.
That's really not the road I want to go down. It's needlessly extreme and written by people who didn't go through much and it shows.

>> No.9679060
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Dude I dunno, just get creative

>> No.9679068

>needlessly extreme
Make a coherent argument against them before dismissing them

>> No.9679070

That's cool and all but why isn't there more OC by respected Western thinkers besides the two crazy Germans?

>> No.9679072

Plenty of philosophy provide a radical guide for living, from Socrates to Nietzsche, with life affirming worldviews. You just dislike the answers you're getting because you want something easy that fits comfortably with your nihilist, materialist worldview. You're a dipshit.

>> No.9679074

If you think Nietzsche is extreme, you haven't been reading him properly. He uses a lot of irony & aporia to counter against what seems like extreme statements. You really can't get a full picture of his breadth until you read all of his works.

Also, dudes who went through much love Nietzsche. Even fucking Mike Tyson loves Nietzsche.

>> No.9679075

Not my intended goal itt so I must decline but if you have more reccs that would be great.

>> No.9679094

If I recommend any other's you'll dismiss them without giving them thought, you're not ready to be advised.

>> No.9679096

And I'm sure Mike Tyson read all of his works.

>> No.9679111

What makes you think he hasn't? He's read Kierkegaard too.

>> No.9679115

Dirty anal retentive sophist is anal retentive. Fine, be that way.

>> No.9679119

While Tyson was reading Kierkegaard I studied the blade.

>> No.9679125

everyone knows blacks can't read.

>> No.9679134


I found one

>> No.9679149

No wonder you don't understand Nietzsche. You can only talk in memes. You're the exact symptom of what he was railing against.

>> No.9679155

>The paths you deride in your OP, if followed, allow individuals to move more freely in the world
"It worked for me so it must work for everyone"
>le smug anime face

>> No.9679166

Thats clearly Steve Buscemi

>> No.9679170
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I would love to partake in a battle of wits but I see you came unarmed

>> No.9679180

Just a reminder that if you can't beat this nigger's iambics as a white man, you're a disgrace:

Far rather would I search my chaff for grain
And cease at last with hunger in my soul,
Than suck the polished wheat another brain
Refurbished till it shone, by art's control.
To stray across my own mind's half-hewn stone
And chisel in the dark, in hopes to cast
A fragment of our common self, my own,
Excels the mimicry of sages past.
Go forth, my soul, in painful, lonely flight,
Even if no higher than the earthbound tree,
And feel suffusion with more glorious light,
Nor envy eagles their proud brilliancy.
Far better to create one living line
Than learn a hundred sunk in fame's recline.

>> No.9679187



>> No.9679194
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>its a N fanboys get their panties in a bunch episode

>> No.9679216
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This is what you are looking for.

>> No.9679225

Religions are attuned to a vast quantity of needs. Go there for meaning. Of course, if you are intellectual, you won't be satisfied with sunday school or youth camps.

>> No.9679227

Nietzsche fuck ne dadddyy

>> No.9679235


>> No.9679251

OP you will get abuse but I agree. I found Nassim Taleb's Antifragile extremely influential and satisfying but I think a lot of his advice only applies to old money or the already rich.

I feel like it's a stupid thing to ask for because you can't optimise for many variables without looking farcical and even if you could it would be dehumanising.

And a lot of advice is, at the risk of opening myself up to abuse, pure bluepill. Where is the advice book for men that acknowledges that women have 500 matches on tinder a day? Where is the honesty? A Greek king has nothing to say here.

>> No.9679271

>mental health, how to live life the right way and deal with my thoughts and emotions
This isn't philosophy, this is self-help trite.

>> No.9679296

>t. So unique that the paths walked by his forefathers are now irrelevant

>> No.9679298

Actually it's practical philosophy but thanks for your opinion.

>> No.9679301

OP, you need an Imam.

>> No.9679303

Philosophy isn't practical, at least not in the vulgar sense of the word.

>> No.9679304

Well, some methods really do work on nearly everyone. The vast majority of people benefit from exercise and meditation, for example.

>> No.9679319

Irrelevant no, inadequate and simplistic yes. Come on, you know what I mean.

>> No.9679327

>what is practical philosophy

>> No.9679346

That's either natural philosophy (empiricism) or ethics which is just popular, third pressing versio of philosophy most of the time (unless it's directly related to metaphysics and dialectics, like in Plato's dialogues).

>> No.9679357
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OP here kind of dissatisfied with this thread. I wanted to know why there aren't more modern thinkers curious about such important ideas. So many people are confused in their ways, suffering by behaving and thinking like monkeys. Pigliucci released a book on stoicism recently which is something, but then again why does he confine himself to the stoics? It's so low effort. In general, why is there not more curiosity, more attempts to create something great in the area of personal ethics, sorting yourself out and all that while for example there is never ending fascination with epistemology?

Your seem to tell me that the examples I listed are all there is to it, "if it works don't fix it" but that is not the attitude of an intellectual.

Or you're telling me it's not such an interesting topic or it's not the job of philosophers.

Care to explain?

>> No.9679363

>practical philosophy
>That's either natural philosophy (empiricism) or ethics which is just popular, third pressing versio of philosophy

>> No.9679364

This is not the job if philosophy.

>> No.9679371

lose the fetish and your outlook will improve

>> No.9679373

Philosophers are wary of being prescriptive because it's a behavior that destroyed my continent in the last century.

>> No.9679374

Whose job is it to philosophize about the best way to live in secular terms then?

>> No.9679377

Telling people what they should do is no one's job except the individual and maybe religion, certainly not philosophy.

>> No.9679378

The person doing the living of it.

>> No.9679380


just pass the meme test

>> No.9679382

Fucking idiot.

What are you looking for? A "philosophy" of the day to day?

That's not what philosophy is about. You're looking for something that's going to make you all happy to wake up from your 8 hours of slumber and drink a cold glass of lemon water before you do some beginner yoga or some other feelgood bullshit.

Your mental health is your own responsibility, and there are more than plenty studies and suggestions you can incorporate into your life to get your soft little head into a more friendly space. You don't need PHILOSOPHY for that bullshit, you need a self help book. Get off this fucking board.

Once you fix your shitty quotidian life and you aren't a depressed or anxious sack of shit anymore, you have two routes: question the deeper layer of existence, or stay content with your gilded yet small life.

Philosophy will be there when you want to dig a little deeper, but you are nowhere near ready for what you think you're asking for. Go to reddit you absolue trashbag of a manchild

>> No.9679384

Telling people what they should do is no one's job except the individual and maybe religion, certainly not philosophy.
Agreed. Now can you answer my question whose job is it to philosophize about what people should do in reasonable and secular terms?

>> No.9679388

Nice reading comprehension

>> No.9679390


It's Oprah's job you dumb cunt

stop shitting up this board and go turn on her television channel

>> No.9679396

m8 you sound like a pseud

I'd wager you haven't read a majority of the authors/texts you find "intellectually unsatisfying," and if you have, you clearly didn't understand them.

Also, much of Heidegger's philosophy is him talking about ethics without using the word itself, you just have to actually attempt to read him.

>> No.9679398

Is that strawman argument your honest interpretation of my question? It seems like you could benefit from reading the stoics which are a great introduction in this area and certainly dug deeper than how to be all happy.

>> No.9679399


>> No.9679407

OP should print and frame this post.

>> No.9679421

You seem hell bent on reframing my question to fit your beliefs. I'm not looking for commandments I'm looking for reasonable arguments and investigations into what is worth wanting, having and so on. And my biggest question is why there is not more of this today.

>> No.9679425




Your question has been answered multiple times in this thread, you've even quoted the responses, why aren't you satisfied yet

>> No.9679432

Read The Outsider by Colin Wilson.

>> No.9679451

>how to live life the right way
>modern Western intellectuals

you'll never live a right life as long as you still believe in the "modernity" meme

>> No.9679460
File: 29 KB, 328x499, IMG_0340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are looking for self-help books but your pseud ego is forcing you to rationalize this as some sort of complex task.
Pic related is part of the massive genre you'll be satisfied with once your ego relaxes.

>> No.9679484

You are talking about

>Telling people what they should do is no one's job except the individual and maybe religion, certainly not philosophy.

And I replied to that exact post challenging its assumption that what I'm asking for is "telling people what they should do".

> I'm looking for reasonable arguments and investigations into what is worth wanting, having and so on

Do you believe there exists today, in a similar fashion to what the Greeks did, a way to judge what is worthy of being called the right way to live, what is worth wanting and so on using reasonable arguments?

Let's take you for example. You come into this thread huffing and puffing trying to get a rise out of me, but really you're just playing yourself. Wouldn't you, at least somewhere deep down, like to change that and become a more noble and high-hearted man who has direction in his life and follows his dreams instead of getting triggered by little old me?

>> No.9679494

Maybe you should ask yourself why are people getting frustrated and annoyed about your posts instead.

>> No.9679500

>You are looking for self-help books but your pseud ego is forcing you to rationalize this as some sort of complex task.
No, and I will repeat myself, I'm looking for reasonable arguments and investigations into what is worth wanting, having and so on.

The self help genre, CONTRADICTORY to what I'm asking, preaches a certain way of living often because [cherrypicked study 1,2] or [if you do this you get rich according to Zen] said so. Namaste.

>> No.9679510

Try Optimal Experience by Csikszentmihalyi

>> No.9679512

If they indeed struggle with such immature states of mind I redirect them to


Because believe it or not I have no disdain the Greeks but I'm looking for something a little more thorough and find it unfortunate that great minds of today would rather obsess about philosophy of mind and linguistic philosophy.

Am I really the only one?

>> No.9679521

>I'm looking for reasonable arguments and investigations
>posts Zizek in OP

yeah, no, you are looking for something trendy and easy enough to read. swallow your pride and just dip your balls into the self-help genre, there's no trendy way to get into it

>> No.9679531

You're more likely to find a nosology of human thought in some Literature works. Read Chekhov. He usually writes about a character trapped in a certain mental state due to an inability to see beyond the narrow confines of his biases and ills. He rarely gives a diagnosis for it - but sometimes merely seeing with clarity is enough.

>> No.9679537
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just jump into the Jordan Peterson meme train like all good normies should do

>> No.9679555

>you are looking for something trendy and easy enough to read
Not relevant. It could be trendy, passe, Kant tier prose, Schopenhauer tier prose (NB which is lovely in the original).

>swallow your pride and just dip your balls into the self-help genre,
Show me a "think rich" book that justifies thinking rich over not thinking rich first before giving me the tools of the trade AND engages in discourse with "think about virtue pride and honor instead" books or "think like buddha" books after.

..and perhaps I will.