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/lit/ - Literature

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9678505 No.9678505 [Reply] [Original]

What is some classic literature that will kindle my passion for life?

t. Dead inside

>> No.9678509
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Being dead inside is the end goal of intellectualism. You're finally equipped to live.

>> No.9678517

That's something that you gotta find out yourself.
I don't think an easy answer exists- somebody else, some magical inspiring book, etc.

>> No.9678523

the smell of your own fart

>> No.9678578

The Day My Bum Went Psycho

>> No.9678609

The Immoralist by Andre Gide.

Will work extra well if you're into boipussy.

>> No.9678721

David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence

>> No.9679332
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I discovered the audiobook for Fanny Hill:a biography of a Woman of Pleasure on the Librivox website.

And I listened to it at my nightly supermarket job. Packing out pickles while listening to the heroine negotiating a country bumpkin's overly large penis was...Freudian.

>> No.9679342

No books for that, embryo
Go full zoloft or bupropion

>> No.9679376
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at some point you have to stop being intellectual too

>> No.9679455

The Count of Montecristo

>> No.9679461

Moby Dick

>> No.9679463 [SPOILER] 
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Pretty much Herman Hesse.

>> No.9679482

haha, dick!

>> No.9679570


back to /lbg/

>> No.9679585

Kierkegaard. Specifically, The Sickness Unto Death.

>> No.9679616

Read Evola

>> No.9679691

Intellectuals do often become dead inside, but this is not a good thing.

I recommend walking and exercising more, getting out to socialize with quality people, and choosing to feel a general sense of love for everyone, which was a huge step of recovery for me recently.

>> No.9680133

By larping a tribe innawoods with the rest of the fags with identity disorders? No thanks.

>> No.9680149

Albert Camus

>> No.9680163
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Wilhelm Reich might not be a classic yet, but it's pretty dank.

It's a great book.

>> No.9680209

>exercising more
this, something wrong with this attraction to live like filth. clean the house, force yourself to work more. the more active the better. i was in a rut for a while, being short with people and drinking all the time. you just have to put in hard work, eventually things start to seem better when you appreciate the little time you have off.

>> No.9680261

>getting out to socialize with quality people

Feel free to point me in their direction.

>> No.9680422
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Have you per chance read The Praise of Folly by Erasmus? I used to envy my childhood friend for his carefree, humours nature, even though he was dumb as fuck. Sweet Folly doesn't seem to keen with her blessings on melancholics.


I expected these answers. Thank you, but I would appreciate it if we could keep the topic on classic literature. It's not that I'm lacking excercise, health or companionship. I'm not suicidal either, as Leo Tolstoy's Confessions was a great help in that regard. I'm simply depleted of Eros.




Pic related, follow the lamp.

>> No.9680463

One flew over the cuckoos nest.

Sure, it may be sad, but when he breaks the lads out of the asylum to go fishing, there was true heart and just felt so good to see these guys finally treated as humans, enjoying something everyone should feel.

Read it in 2010 when I was 16, and it became my favorite, and still resonates with me.

>> No.9680617
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>> No.9680655

that image looks spoopy af. It looks like it's moving towards you. FUCK YOU

>> No.9680677

I reread The Catcher In the Rye and On The Road 1-2 times each year. The former kinda of has that 'yeah, life is shit, but there are some things worth living for' vibe at the end. On The Road's aesthetic is just pleasing, I guess.