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/lit/ - Literature

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9678006 No.9678006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.

She is truly /ourgirl/.

>> No.9678009

She had the looks. It sucks she didn't have the brains

>> No.9678021
File: 223 KB, 780x1008, 1498363752667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9678038


Savage, but true.

She might be a rich and well-connected celebrity but this girl is a born middlebrow where taste is concerned.

>> No.9678040

>find book in the subway
>hand it into lost property

>> No.9678047

so migrants willl use them as tiolet paper great

>> No.9678048

So brave

>> No.9678049

You know, I used to think she was really pretty or cute or whatever.

That was a superficial feeling. This is coming to me as a kind of epiphany, but the connection for me has to occur on the level of awareness and taste. That would for me be probably more important than looks. Not that I would want to get it on with some monster of a woman, but rather than the kind of perspective i dig wouldn't take residence in that kind of physique.

What was I getting at...

I wouldn't go out with Emma if I had the chance, is what I'm saying. I feel like an Olympian hero. All that considered, she is very kind and gracious. Those are both very important qualities.

>> No.9678053

Katherine Burdekin is /lit/'s feminist author. Margaret Atwood is only spammed in popular culture because Canada needs a cultural export to feel relevant.

>> No.9678062

This seems like a bunch of publicity bullshit. Now anyone who finds these books and knows about the stunt won't read It out of sincere interest for the subject matter but because it's a cool little secret between me and Emma teeheehee!

>> No.9678064 [DELETED] 

This is why I am slightly embittered but it fades away in seconds...

It's not good to be bitter but feminists play victimhood so well, I believe them. I wish it were true so they'd be right but it's not, in fact there's men who suffer. I just am not an author who can weave a "manmaids tale"

>> No.9678092

They're only doing it because of the tv show.

>> No.9678102
File: 56 KB, 522x520, DCb-Bd2UwAAPDWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you wake up to a worst emma thread on /lit/

>> No.9678111

Friendship is for men and sex is for women. Don't go expecting both from a girl, or you will be punished by a new epiphany

>> No.9678118

Those dingernails are painted with the blood of her battered bf. She will bite your balls of, chew them, then snowball them back into your mouth while her arm up to her elbow punches the inside of your ass

>> No.9678137

This seems like some shit I would do in middle school. What is she hoping to achieve from this? Does she or anyone somehow see any 'artistic' value in this? It seems like that same lame viral activism(Kony 2012, anonimoose) that you eventually grew out of when you realize how useless it is and how naive you look.

>> No.9678247

>shitty book mocking puritan heresy
>the french

>> No.9678252

>be french subway attendant
>see retarded book laying on seat
>stand in the aisle holding the book
>"whose book is this? is this your book?"
>questioning faces
>"I don't give le fuck monsieur, I have mon own books"
>"me deux! Zis book is stupide!"
>"et me trois! I have une e-readeur"
>"well it's going to le lost and found then!"
>book stays in French subway station lost and found locker forever

emma watson is a moron

>> No.9678253

More like
>Find books in subway
>Hurts my butthole but free ersatz toilet paper

>> No.9678257


a book costs 12 dollars. What is 12 dollars to a multi-million dollar Hollywood star-model-celebrity-mogul-sex-symbol? A lot of publicity.

just send the book to some kid with the piece of shit on their amazon wish list. jesus.

>> No.9678427

>me deux

>> No.9678434

>et me trois
I fucking hate and love you all at the same time.

>> No.9678444

>Friendship is for men and sex is for women.


>> No.9678446

Is she implying that i gonna steal a book?

>> No.9678475

>/lit/'s feminist author.

>> No.9678481
File: 805 KB, 3000x2454, pre holocaust Hannah Arendt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad that The Handmaid's Tale is trash garbage for teenage girls who've just found out about a vague idea of patriarchy and repulsive women who wear Butterfly Glasses (Truly the female fedorah no?) and have stupid shit on their face like dimple piercings

Emma Watson is pop feminism at it's finest, which is fine but she should not be celebrated nearly as much as she is

Y'all need some proper /lit/ waifus ffs, just gonna leave this here

>> No.9678488

dude just read the iliad and seriously reflect for a moment on gender relations

if that's still not enough, follow up with moby-dick

>> No.9678496

Not the guy you're replying to but I was thinking about this the other day. Women very rarely have a genuine interest in anything. For a woman, a hobby or a passion is only a tool to advance their social status and desirability. Women are not suitable for friends because they will never share interests. They have no interests aside from the gaining of higher status.

>> No.9678499

you're fucking deluded if you think women aren't like you in terms of social interaction, or if you think all they think about is sex

>> No.9678511

Hate to break it to you anon but gender equality is a lie

>> No.9678516

Go back to twitter.

>> No.9678520
File: 143 KB, 768x1024, CROSSES REMOVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Christianity is evil. Islam and Sharia must be instigated upon the European and American countries.

>> No.9678526
File: 43 KB, 600x600, pen aint mightier than my pistol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck dodging the lynch mobs when we take over and smash the patriarchy

>> No.9678614

I thought sex is for men, friendship is for women, I don't expected I will get both from the same person tho

>> No.9678691

Not the guy you're responding to, but I personally think it's just a nice gesture. Don't care if it's feminist literature or not, if I found a book just lying there to be taken at a train station or park bench, I would go for it.

>> No.9678714

what sort of meaning did you manage to extract from my post because im not following you at all

>> No.9678729


> she is very kind and gracious

Not really. I think Rowling herself may be, since she's never had it easy in life and knows what it's like to suffer as an average looking woman of average talent but whom is hard working. She got lucky as fuck and knows it. She may be ditzy and liberal but she has reason for the latter and she is probably the former by default. It's hard to hate Rowling.

Watson was born at the very worst, upper middle class and was handed a lifestyle of fortune and fame for poorly reciting some snarky "wingardium leviosa" lines when she was 11. She never learned how to act, unlike her peer Radcliffe who had tried to make something actual of himself. She can't deal with the thought of not being the centrepiece of a dramatic work, hence she cannot be in any role other than main character and cannot be one unless it revolves around her, with exception of HP. This extends to life -- she cannot be generous unless she is the most generous and has a pic in the news, and cannot advocate for something unless she is chosen as the figurehead for that advocacy. I think she's probably an upleasant human being that won't be remembered well in 20 years.

>> No.9678754


Most women don't know how to entertain, they only know how to be entertained. They didn't have to put years into growing the ability to make others laugh from an early age like most guys have, which isn't really their fault and has more to do with biology playing out in the social field, but the end result is that a group of guys hanging out are usually far more entertained and entertaining than a group of women hanging out in similar circumstances. It just is what it is.

Women generally dislike one another on a very deep level (far more so if one woman is markedly prettier than the other) but they will freak out whenever any man says this.


>you're fucking deluded if you think women aren't like you in terms of social interaction

You're literally lying to yourself if you think that they are.

>> No.9678785

I've always wondered how people who share opinions like yours think about their moms.