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/lit/ - Literature

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9676496 No.9676496 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Harry Potter phenomenon actually contribute to long-term literacy? Will we see a generation of literature influenced by the boy wizard?

>> No.9676507

Hardly. I read harry potter in first grade. It doesn't really teach people much about the english language.

>> No.9676511

It's not the literacy but rather the values and dumbass sentimentality that the book promotes. That quote being a fine example.

>muh choices

pure fuckin ideology

>> No.9676563

being right is usually easy tho
being evil is fucking hard work
those evil henchmen don't just brainwash themselves ya know

>> No.9676577

No because it was a dead end. They don't move on to better stuff.

>> No.9676583

The pulp era didn't, Why should Harry Potter which is even worse?

>> No.9676590


It's escapist material for pre-teens. Try having a conversation IRL with any of these people, they're typically as smart as a pile of rocks. Harry Potter is for children, and adults referencing Harry Potter in correlation with current events do no more than shout to the world, "I am mentally a child."

As to how the book is written, the writing is mediocre at best, but again - it's intended for children.

>> No.9676592

Yes and no. Pulps taught incoming immigrants how to speak and read english so at least they had that.

>> No.9676593


Typical Ravenclaw.

>> No.9676597

>Will we see a generation of literature influenced by the boy wizard?
If you count bad genre fiction as literature, then probably.

>> No.9676599

Can someone make a collage of YA books that advertise themselves as being "for Harry Potter fans"?

>> No.9676665

I doubt it. I know a lot of people who read each new Harry Potter book the day it came out but then never actually read after highschool, or alternatively grew up to only read genre fiction and YA which is "just as adult as literary fiction"

>> No.9676861

>At least it gets children into reading
The biggest lie ever to defend garbage fiction

>> No.9676872

Millions of adults, some of them in positions of power, see the Potter series as a sacred religious text.

>> No.9676876
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>> No.9676879

Does watching porn lead to art film ????

>> No.9676884

>Try having a conversation IRL with any of these people, they're typically as smart as a pile of rocks.
Harvard University (an elite school you are too stupid to enter) has its own 'Dumbledore's Army' that protests Trumpian policies with the backing of J.K. Rowling (a critically acclaimed writer you are not talented or accomplished enough to question).

Objectively speaking, many Harry Potter fans are not just smart people: they are smarter than you

*drops mike*

>> No.9676907

>J.K. Rowling
>a critically acclaimed writer

>> No.9676911
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>> No.9676919


>Harvard University (an elite school you are too stupid to enter) has its own 'Dumbledore's Army'

The West is finished. GG.

>> No.9676961


>Some of them in positions of power
And look at the current state of affairs brought about by said people. My point stands.

>> No.9676963

Guess it's time to convert to Islam.

Allah Vult?

>> No.9676964

I cannot believe that photo is of a real person - a real person actually protesting a Presidential election with a Harry Potter sign. I simply can't believe it. It must be a meme cooked up with Photoshop, or, or, we're done for lads.

There are too many of them - simply far too many. The plebs. The man-children. Feminazis. The Redpilled. They outnumber us one hundred to one, at least. What will we do, when they shake their rattles in outcry and tear down our hallowed groves of erudition? What will we do when we are cast from the Earth like the last Laputans, yet without a flying fortress, or a Randian Atlantis in which to live?

And what rough beast, it's hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?

>> No.9676970

Fantasy is a new genre that emerged in modern times to replace romances (e.g. Sir Walter). J.K. Rowling is just one of the better fantasy authors, and she likely will be remembered as one.

>> No.9676978

The plebs have always been here, this isn't the end times... at least not totally. They always do the same thing; the greedy seize power over the virtuous, the plebs recognise this and in their frenzy they elect a king to rule over them.

Then this king unmakes the world as we know it in war and chaos and virtuous men build a new one. The cycle continues ad inifinitum. We're fucked, but we always were, always are, and always will be.

>> No.9676979

It's to replace mythology. Just like capeshit.

>> No.9676990

Harvard also has almost 40% of undergrads going into social sciences or humanities. Which, to be honest, isn't as rigorous as actual sciences and engineering.

>> No.9677000
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>> No.9677011

Me in the overalls

>> No.9677040

Harvard undergrads who choose to direct their superior mental energy toward subjects like dildo studies are still smarter than you

>> No.9677075

>you have to be super smart to get into harvard
>in 2017
Not with all the affirmative action going on. It's only hard if you're not in an affirmative action group and go the scholarship route.

>> No.9677077

Rowling contributes to literacy the way Dan Brown contributes to history.

>> No.9677086

Harry Potter is too derivative to really influence literature in a detectable way. A story element that derives from HP could easily be misinterpreted as deriving from the various things that HP derives from.

>> No.9677090

Funny that even Rowling knows the books are shit as legit fiction. She tried and failed to break out in adult fiction under a pseudonym.

>> No.9677094

A university degree from any university will get you a job so long as you apply yourself rigorously in any field and have the proper social skills to network. Funny how the real world outside of childhood and University life works.

It still doesn't change the fact you may be intelligent enough to apply skills if you're still an idiot because every life lesson and moral you've read, heard, or was taught is associated with a book that is primarily geared towards children. Grow up and learn to associate what you're trying to say with a quote that resonates with more than your echo chamber.

>> No.9677121

People are buying fewer books so no.

>> No.9677124

Harry Potter got me addicted to reading

>> No.9677143

is this a real photo? holy shit.

>> No.9677204

what did mike ever do to you

>> No.9677231

and JKR once did a harvard graduation speech or summat didn't she?
of course she started out like "WOO GRIFFINDOR" and so on
then she started going on about how there are lots of poor people in the world and everyone at harvard is pretty privileged actually and they should consider themselves lucky
you can see the audience's faces change
pretty good stuff actually

>> No.9678012

Yes, yes, you're right - quite right, in fact. However, it's a bit bleak, isn't it? Would there were an alternative, but I do not see one. Neither did Rand, Schiff, Yeats, Plato, or God - for that matter.

Yes, yes. Fucked. Fucked indeed.

And why shouldn't we be?

>> No.9678022
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>> No.9678034

Watching art films leads to stop watching porn

>> No.9678044

>Harvard University (an elite school you are too stupid to enter)
which is retarded since plenty of students get low tuition fees

>> No.9678098

No, but it contributed (indirectly) to the decay of political discourse.

Harry Potter was never meant to be some literary masterpiece or some complex philosophical novel with lots of symbolism, it was always a book for children. It got popular in part thanks to the movie franchise, in part because J.K Rowling was good at crafting a fantasy world and interesting characters.

After reading Harry Potter, these people either stop reading altogether or read more YA/Genre Fiction books.

Said people then will get involved in politics, and this is where the problem begins, because they have a superficial knowledge of politics, they see not only Trump, but any republican/conservative/libertarian as villains that need to be defeated, and Democrats/left-leaning parties as some sort of resistance or band of chosen ones.

Harry Potter, Star Wars and Hunger Games are invoked so often in liberal political discourse, because they literally don't know anything else. They haven't read any meaningful work of literature, philosophy or economics. It's easier for them to watch a 5 minute summary on Youtube than to read the actual works. They're intellectually bankrupt.

>> No.9678125

What the fuck did Mike do to you?

>> No.9679047

>drops Mike in a literary thread on a Burmese pet trading site.

>> No.9679336
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, [think'ds'tu].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mu/ isn't afraid to like immature music (ex: hip-hop and pop)

>/tv/ isn't afraid to like superhero/comic movies and other kid/teen films

>/co/ isn't afraid to like kid's cartoons/Disney shit

>/v/ isn't afraid to like kid's games like Pokemon

but for some reason /lit/ flips their shit over YA books, why is that?

>> No.9679413

That's because these boards see their respective media as a hobby, something to do when they're not working or studying.

/lit/ anons view literature not only as a hobby, but also as a tool of personal development. Since reading a book requires a bigger mental investment than watching a movie or playing a video game, /lit/ can't afford to waste time reading the YA flavor of the month book.

>> No.9679440

That's because /mu/ is filled with people who have no taste, /tv/ is full of pedophiles, /co/ is full of landwhales with daddy issues, and /v/ is full of manchildren.

/lit/ is full of people who have bad taste, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.9679534

One major problem is that we don't discuss literature well.
Conversations are ``What's your favourite book?'' ... ``Oh, cool''.
And then we're satisfied regardless.
I sometimes find myself struggling to talk about the books I like well, since I rarely get a chance to and so my thoughts are disorganized or incomplete or vague.
So I guess I am partially to blame as well.

>> No.9679543

Didn't /v/ literally ostracize the pokemon players so hard they got their own board?

>> No.9679549

I honestly just hate the way that HP has all these fucking adults going around like ``The GOP healthcare bill is like the cruciatus curse but then Hillary is like Dumbledore and...''
Like, shut the fuck up, you're not explaining this to a child, think for a few seconds, try to explain things without HP references, flesh out some ideas.
There isn't a HP metaphor for everything and there doesn't need to be.

>> No.9679563

>implying intelligence has something to do with being admitted to elite schools

>> No.9679583

You are just making /lit/ look good.

>> No.9679601

>affirmative action
Middle class white boy detected

>> No.9680345

We have standards.

>> No.9680355

Nonsense. Excellent grades and test scores are still expected. You're peddling a myth tailored to your ideology.

>> No.9680359

I've seen it all. I've fucking seen everything. Holy shit.

>> No.9680390

>replying to such obvious b8

>> No.9680412

A myth? It doesn't take a genius to look at statistics and see that minority groups are expected to have far lower test scores and grades than whites, and on the other end we have asians who are expected to have HIGHER text scores and grades to gain entry. It's not a huge fucking secret. If you are a minority you will a much better chance of being accepted than a white person with the same grades. Everyone knows this.

>> No.9680843

That isn't what I'm arguing. I'm arguing your claim that it is easy for minority groups to get in.

Which is utter bullshit.

It may be comparatively easier, but it is not easy.

Your critical reading skills need work, go do something about that rather than trying to educate your betters.

>> No.9680860

>good grades make you smart

wew lad

>> No.9680905
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>it's a fucking childrens book with zero intellectual stimulation
>the books get darker but never any deeper
>as far as fantasy goes it's not good at all asides from the fun setting to immerse yourself in
>people watch the movies more anyway
>nobody, NOBODY learned to read because of it
I think it made no contribution to literacy. There's just a bunch of punters going around thinking they're righteous because they spout fucking HARRY POTTER POLITICAL ANALOGIES.

>> No.9681023

>Said people then will get involved in politics, and this is where the problem begins, because they have a superficial knowledge of politics, they see not only Trump, but any republican/conservative/libertarian as villains that need to be defeated, and Democrats/left-leaning parties as some sort of resistance or band of chosen ones

But it's true. Right wingers should be hunted and eliminated. They do noy deserve human rights.

>> No.9681033


>> No.9681053

You're essentially arguing the difference between Sensors and Intuitives at that point.

Everyone works with what they have.

I agree, there is a distinction between having exceptional grades and being truly exceptional, however, the truly exceptional ones have excellent grades as well.

The "intelligent" children who do not may be intelligent in a sense of talent, but are fools, and therefore will amount to precisely jack shit in this world.

Should they amount to anything, it will be through severe toil, which they could have circumvented, had they the sense to simply work diligently and make excellent marks.

It is similar to the "smart but lazy" paradox - there is no such thing as a smart but lazy person. Every lazy man is an idiot.

>> No.9681055

Hating Trump is literally the easiest thing to do in mainstream urban America.

>> No.9681098

Despite it being a meme, I still put myself in the 'smart but lazy' category, 'smart' in the sense that the material being taught in school has been beyond easy, and well into university. Until I graduated high school I would barely pass my classes because I would never turn in any work but would get near perfect test scores in every subject. Was considered a truant and never studied, I just couldn't understand how people had to study for tests. Of course I couldn't get into and decent university so I went to my local cc for two years and actually did the work, even if I still waiting to the last second. Transfered to Berkeley and I'm now in my final year in the architecture program and I'm one of the top students. I still find it very easy and I'm still a lazy piece of shit. So yea, I'm 'smart' academically but have no hindsight and constantly repeat the same mistakes to save myself from tackling any problems

>> No.9681106

People shit on Harry Potter and Game of Thrones but they're what keeps this board going.

Start with the Greeks
I can fucking guarantee you that no one here started with them.

>> No.9681114

No, plebs who think in political dichotomies should be silenced. You have no claim on the term "human," you are cattle for the herding, and you relish relinquishing your free-thought to your betters.

>> No.9681125

YA fiction uses its genre as a crutch. By the time you are a teenager, there is no reason why you can't be reading real books.

>> No.9681127

I hope that years from now Harry Potter replaces the bible as a source of literary allusion and archetype like instead of having Christ figures we have Harry Potter figures in an ever expanding collection of fan fiction about fan fiction crossovered with more fan fiction so then I can be somewhat justified in blowing my brains out.

>> No.9681137

Smart but lazy is only a meme when you use it as an excuse
If you're aware that you're a lazy piece of shit and should be looked down on for wasting your potential there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.9681178

You did learn from your mistakes, and true to form, you had to make up for them in order to be where you are. You may battle your own inadequacies, but you do so successfully - removing you from the fantastic, "smart but lazy" category, in my mind.

However, I understand your meaning. I have a similar story myself. It was not until I saw laziness and indiligence as self-sabotage that anything changed for me.

The point is, imagine two versions of yourself with identical levels of talent, living your life over again side-by-side. They are indistinguishable, save one difference - one is lazy. Now watch their paths, then tell me which one possesses the greater intelligence.

>> No.9681208


>> No.9681238

>The point is, imagine two versions of yourself with identical levels of talent, living your life over again side-by-side. They are indistinguishable, save one difference - one is lazy. Now watch their paths, then tell me which one possesses the greater intelligence

You don't know how many times this thought has run through my head, I wasted so much time in my teen years doing jack shit, at least half of junior and senior year was spent playing shogun 2. It wasn't until I traveled a little after high school and a couple of years of unemployment, weed, and aimless community college classes that I put all of my choices into question. I've dug myself out of that hole but the damage has been done, productive habits that should have been formed in those years never appeared, now I'm left picking up the pieces. The worst was my piano playing, before HS I would spend hours everyday playing the piano, composing and mastering others songs to the point where I could play multiple songs backwards. I stopped after I bought an Xbox. At 21 I'm recreating my learning process but I know that time I lost will always hold me back...

>> No.9681249

The word capeshit exists for a reason

>> No.9681279

We already have a generation of genre fiction influenced by Harry Potter. All those "dystopian" YA novels about girls who happen to be the chosen one follow the same pattern as the harry potter novels, while the plot setting tries to make a hopeless atmosphere in contrast with the main characters life and desitions. I.e. all those shitty books are a direct consequense of the harry potter novels, of course this consequence in literature is more economical than anything. These are works designed to be movies, to sell millions to teenagers who exagerate their own personal problems in the struggle of the character.

>> No.9681313

>not knowing Burma doesn't exist anymore

>> No.9681321

Yes, I know what you mean, but you have corrected early - still in your prime with your brain still developing. Work hard and you'll turn out well. In fact, you're young enough that at least a portion of the time lost can be made up for by redoubling your efforts.

I wish you great success.

>> No.9681392

I don't even know someone that has read hp, not more than 1 book at least.
Knowledge and education isn't related to true art.

Glad that noone has said anything in defense of hp.

>> No.9681399

An imitation of reddit this salient takes years of practice. I tip my hat to you, good sir.

>> No.9681615

Yes and /lit/ is filled to the brim with pseuds.

>> No.9681625

Every generation has a Harry Potter of its own.

>> No.9681637


I have excellent grades. Aced my HSC and all the units i've done at uni so far.

But, i'm still an absolute dumbfuck.

>> No.9681640

What was the Harry Potter of gen-X?

>> No.9681779


>> No.9682870

>Harry Potter
Just let him die already.

>> No.9682885

>he doesn't know that both the terms Burma and Myanmar are acceptable

>> No.9682890

The funny thing about this is that Trump literally being in situation like in 5 (I think) book, with fake news, politicians, and ordinary folks witch hunt him for everything and Russia in particular.

>> No.9682892


Kurt Cobain duh

>> No.9682899

The best place to go for a higher education in the humanities or politics in America is The University of Chicago.

>> No.9682928
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yes and all of those boards also revile and ostracize those groups

> pop and hip-hop fans on /mu/ are castigated as poptimists or nu-males

> /tv/ invented the word 'capeshit' to disparage superhero movies

idk about /co/ but /v/ bullied pokemon/nintendo fans so hard they got their own board

>> No.9682964

Rowling writes some of the tightest stories you'll ever read, hands down. She is a master of the craft. The language may not be flowery and may seem jarring at times, but it was meticulously and purposefully executed. If you stumbled over something, chances are good that she meant for you to. I'm not saying it was perfect, but it was definitely brilliant.

>> No.9683033

I can't even tell if this is bait.

>> No.9683129
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>the generation that was raised on these books will be the generation that's drafted into WW3

>> No.9683134
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it makes me so happy to think of the inevitable deaths of billions of my 'peers' across the globe

>> No.9683140
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>> No.9683144
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Harry Potter was easily one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the seriesüf only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but itüfs certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books are g-g-good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King

>> No.9683150

>I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King
gets me every single fucking time
based Bloom

>> No.9683168

>kid's games

Are you implying that not all games are for kids? Gaming is an infantile hobby. No person over 18 should play videogames. All adult gamers are manchildren, every single one of them.

>> No.9683170

>I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times.
Why do people keep repeating this lie? I checked, it's used something like once in all six books.

>> No.9683178

>>/mu/ isn't afraid to like immature music (ex: hip-hop and pop)
It used to. /mu/ devolved into r/poptimism back I. 2010.
There's nothing about attending Harvard that stops you from being emotionally stunted.

>> No.9683179

>complaining about a pasta that's been around for years

come on son

>> No.9683194
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>Why do people keep repeating this lie? I checked, it's used something like once in all six books.
It never actually occurred to me check. But you're calling Bloom a liar? Ok, let's take a look here...

>on the very first fucking page
lmao tip top omega kek

>> No.9683206

That's once. It's not in it again.
Once in book 2. Never in book 3. I'm going to stop looking now because the word 'stretch' is starting to look weird.
She does, however, have (out)stretched hands, or hands outstretched, dozens of times in each book, perhaps that's what he was misremembering.

>> No.9683215

>tfw never read HP before
>that prose
t-t-this is the best selling n-novel of all time?

>> No.9683228
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>that first line

Oh God, my sides.

>> No.9683230

THis is alright. First time I've ever read Harry Potter. It's for young children right? As in under 10 yrs old. Nothing wrong with them reading that. The odd cliche isnt that bad an offence,

>> No.9683310

I'm I the only one who has seen all the autistic fan art that makes Harry indian for some reason, I really don't get it.

>> No.9683319

Rowling never specified he was white, same with Hermione. He could very well be Indian, why not? You're being awfully Eurocentric anon.

>> No.9683328

Yes Potter that well known Indian name. And anyway I'm an Afrikaner, not even European, who's the racist now anon?

>> No.9683339

Rowling has officially come out that Hermione is black so what do last names really have to do with anything? Their paternal name isn't absolutely indicative of a person's background. Do you see many Grangers around you?

>> No.9683345

A lot of highbrow authors like pulp in a self aware way

Nobody of worth likes YA unironically

>> No.9683356

Yes actually I knew one at school and she was white. Anyway I take issue with Rowling retconning characters to be black when they clearly weren't.

Rowling has a habit of grabbing social issues/conversations and acting like the books encompass them. Dumbledore is gay! But she never skillfully included that in the books. Hermione is black! But she never addressed any kind of racism, just "mudblood." I take issue with authors retconning their work to seem more progressive. This is the same author who named the one Asian character "Cho Chang." Being black isn't just a label she can slap on her character to make her books seem more inclusive when she didn't address any kind of black experience in any of the works.

It's just stupid virtue signalling from Rowling to make herself seem progressive and it just gets on my tits.

>> No.9683370

I'm actually ashamed on your behalf for how earnest a response that was. LMao.

>> No.9683481
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>> No.9683585

And what could they have done to be sufficiently "deeper", in your eyes?

>> No.9683694

>Dumbledore is gay! But she never skillfully included that in the books.

Yes, and why would it be in the books? Dumbledore is a celibate, 115 year old man. She told people he was gay just to put the information out in the open, but his gayness wasn't relevant to the novels. Why would it even come up?

That said, there may have been one hint. In book 6, they're in the pensieve, and 1930s Dumbledore is wearing extremely flamboyant clothing that draws the eys of everyone in the street. Harry is like, "Uh....Nice suit, sir," and Dumbledore just chuckles and says nothing. He always was a bit feminine.

>But she never addressed any kind of racism, just "mudblood."

She addressed the hell out of prejudice, it was a recurring theme in all the books. The fact that it wasn't about race, or anything specific to the real world is irrelevant.

>> No.9684422

>valuing intellect above morals and richness of living


>> No.9684447

>Since reading a book requires a bigger mental investment than watching a movie

[citation needed]

>> No.9684448

if it's not in the books themselves, it's not canonical, despite even the author's claims

>> No.9685184

/co/ is entirely about childish things, it doesn't get shamed.

>> No.9685194

I mean I read them all when I was 10 and under, but given how many people older than me are so into them, it's a little concerning.

>> No.9685216

Digits confirm absolute savagery.

>> No.9685412

You madman

>je ne suis pas un robot

>> No.9685528

don't know about literacy but the rip offs have been gold.

>> No.9685535

but he is the boy who lived

>> No.9685544

well it was fine when I read it and sometimes you want something simple

>> No.9686034

Most Potter fans are people who wouldn't read books anyway, and I suspect many Potter fans are people who haven't even read the HP books but just watched the movies. The question isn't whether it has improved literacy but whether it influenced its fans' worldviews.

>> No.9686090

which people?
there are people of all types that liked it when they were younger

>> No.9686111

you're coming to the final realization, or at least the last one I came to
the fairest and most just way to run people's lives is to let them run their lives themselves, not because it's better, but because it's what they deserve
a thinking being deserves a choice, but moreover, a realistic thinking being wouldn't recognize perfection it even if it was thrust upon them, and indeed doesn't deserve perfection
democracy is the way forward not because it's superior, nor really because it's inferior, but because it is just shitty enough to work

>> No.9686189

Harry Potter was the first book I read intently which I reread again and again. At the time it seemed like I might read only this one book for my whole life, but it slowly lost its charm for me.
Despite all the hate it gets here Harry Potter is excellent entry level literature, although most people get so wrapped up in it they don't move forward, a mistake I would have very well made.

>> No.9686200

Considering Harry Potter fags haven't read anything other than Harry Potter, I'd say no.

>> No.9686212


>> No.9686288


The people like in OP's pic. They pop up at every protest. I refer to them as "forever-children." I'm talking about people with a warped view of reality. Liking/having liked the story is one thing, basing socio-political viewpoints and arguments on it is another. It shows a blatant disconnect from the real world, an ignorance of history, and overall intellectual laziness.

>> No.9686307

oh fuck fuck fuck fuck, we are in trouble guys!!!

>> No.9686383

>Nobody of worth likes YA

Since when did Harry Potter become "YA"? It's a children's book.

>> No.9686426

>/v/ isn't afraid to like kid's games like Pokemon

Pokemon is the most advanced example of its genre though. There are no JRPGs with more gameplay depth than it.

>> No.9686453

Goes to show how shallow and dumb left wing politics is that its core arguments can be summarised using Harry Potter metaphors

>> No.9686478

I don't get what exactly you think is wrong with it.

>First time I've ever read Harry Potter. It's for young children right?

Yeah, exactly. I'm confused as to what anyone's problem is. Are people not allowed to write for children or is there something horrible about this that I'm missing. What are the super patrician books that kids should be reading instead?

>> No.9686529

When Harry Potter came out people celebrated it as heralding a resurgence of interest in reading and literature among the youth, who people had noticed had began to read fewer and fewer books. Their literacy mostly dominated by on ingesting massive amounts of simple, repetitive snippets of text in the form of videogames, text messages and the internet, which many people felt was degrading their ability to develop critical skills and appreciate complex ideas and stories. Seeing Harry Potter had kids lining up around the block to read long form fiction thrilled people. but in the end, Harry Potter just became the only book people read for almost their whole lives. But it didn't cause this phenomenon. It was just an aberration-- "the exception that proved the rule".

>> No.9686774

I'm sure few actually read these books. They saw it was hip to own them. The books were merely accessories, like a plastic bracelet.

>> No.9686812

Bullshit and I don't even like those books

>> No.9686820


>being this wrong
the books are shit, but they clearly read them.

>> No.9686828

And all those boards are shit

>> No.9686835
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1360647621972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read one and find out.

>> No.9686856

> Will wee see a generation of literature influenced by the boy wizard?

It's already happened over the past 10-15 years with the rise in popularity of YA fiction, especially YA fiction that focuses on fantasy like Percy Jackson or Divergent. I don't know how good this really is because they're nowhere near as good as Harry Potter (and Harry Potter is kind of standard baby-core for anyone who reads genre fiction in the first place).

But cynicism aside, if children read from a young age something like Harry Potter and somehow discover literary classics along the way that are just as accessible (Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein, etc) I would hope that's been a positive influence. I would read Harry Potter to my young children but it wouldn't be that exclusively. I think Watership Down is an infinitely better children's book.

>> No.9686886

>pure fuckin ideology
Every value is ideology.Your post is ideology. You don't think values are important? That's also ideology.

Fuck this retarded meme, it's making you even dumber and even more apathetic.

>> No.9688025

Tesch contributed more


>> No.9688107

>he says while posting on an infantile website

>> No.9688158

Does anyone else actually like Harry Potter but still cringes hard at the shit like >>9677000 and >>9676876 and cringe at the IRL fandom?

>> No.9688178
File: 51 KB, 457x640, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or directly to it

>> No.9688187

What were they thinking?

>> No.9688192

Oh, look. Tay-tay's there as well.

>> No.9688199

I like the Robert E. Howard Conan stories but I cringe at the fandom. Most are 400lb middle age fedora wearers.

>> No.9688254 [DELETED] 

>t. 19 year old college tryhard that watch's anime

>> No.9688264

>t. 19 year old college tryhard that watches anime

>> No.9689971

When the children refused to grow up.

>> No.9689974

No. I don't even like these books, but they're surprisingly easy to read, even for a retard. You just want to know what happens next, at least in the first three books. You kind of get bored and want to skip by the fourth book though.

>> No.9690029

Yes. Anything that gets people to read for fun contributes to literacy. Everyone bitching below this? Nice job, I read some of your posts, but no (You) for yous.

>> No.9690474

Yes that would have been good. But they didn't. They only read Harry Potter.

>> No.9690520

She failed the test. She failed Dumbledore's test. Living in a fantasy world is the easy choice.

Well this trend like any other meaningless trend will not influence literature significantly. The people who get to do so are by above this level. There have been fictional characters before you know. They may be forgotten entirely or be some sort of legend or fairy tale today. They have not had any other significance.

>> No.9690526

good post

>> No.9690537


>dat humble brag tho

Literacy isn't just about learning the language. It's also about promoting reading in general, and getting people used to reading often.

>> No.9690845

>>dat humble brag tho
You must be at least 18 years old to post on 4chan

>> No.9690952

You're right, as a kid I hated it and steered clear of reading for a few years because of it. It just seemed kind of uninteresting.

Then my dad told me I'd have to read the hobbit before watching LOTR, that got me back into reading.

>> No.9691132

Literally what I did

>> No.9691729

A lot of people I know now who reference Harry Potter never even read the books. Those who did, have only read those books.

>> No.9691903

Because /lit/ is a philosophy and intellectual board masquerading as a reading board. It cares less for the elements that make a good book and more for intellectual development. It's more like /fit/ and /fa/ and /ic/ than /co/, /v/, and /tv/.

I wish there was a book board and a philosophy board but I guess neither would garner enough attention.

>> No.9692107

Can some post the edit of Harry potter's cover which title is replaced with "when you are grown up and still fan of this shit lmfao".
I really need it.

>> No.9692137

I know this is bait but you can easily enter Harvard by having a house in New England, 100k cash and an intelligible admission letter. The hard stuff comes when obtaining cash and the house. Just saying.

>> No.9692140

>saying being able to read Harry Potter in the first grade is bragging
Every time I come here I am reminded what a shithole this board is.