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9675007 No.9675007 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9675013


>> No.9675018

Because it's the acceptable face of misandry and they made it into a tv show.

>> No.9675023

There's a television show, starring that chick from Mad Men that's ugly in an attractive way.

>> No.9675028


>> No.9675029

Its to Feminists what the Gulag Archipelago is to /pol/tards, a scary fantasy story made as a hiding place for justifying your beliefs.

>> No.9675034


Elisabeth Moss

>> No.9675042

>Gulag Archipelago

Fuck off. I love how commies think its fantasy based off Solzhenitsyn's butt blasted wife, who was controlled by the KGB.

>> No.9675062


>> No.9675076
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You understand that it's popular now because there's a TV show made on it. This happens a lot. What was the real reason you made this thread?

>> No.9675082

The TV show, while a bitlot ham handed, is well shot and acted, and women like it because it makes them feel like a victim and powerful at the same time.

>> No.9675084

Maybe if you weren't a filthy frogposter I'd tell you.

>> No.9675088

>and powerful at the same time
I haven't watched it, but doesn't that go entirely against the point of the book?

>> No.9675089


Because it's looking more and more like a frightening reality in the age of Trump

>> No.9675092

Speak truth to the masses.

>> No.9675093

Every episode there is a tiny piece of "resistance" where you can stand up and cheer YAY GIRLLLLLLLLS

source: I watched it with my wife

>> No.9675097
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>gulag archipelago is a fantasy
funny how blatant commies deny the gulags like blatant nazis deny the holocaust

>> No.9675100

It's really awful compared to the book.

>> No.9675104

>frightening reality in the age of Trump
>an unpopular president who's executive orders are blocked by judges and who cant pass legislation
>a totalist theocracy council in a militarized society

>> No.9675108

>In the near future, the totalitarian and purportedly Christian fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war.[1] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along a new, militarized, hierarchical regime of fanaticism and newly-created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated, and by law are not allowed to work, own property, control money, or read.[1] Worldwide infertility has resulted in the conscription of the few remaining fertile women in Gilead—called handmaids, according to an "extremist interpretation" of a Biblical account.[1] They are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape with their male masters in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives.

>Offred (Elisabeth Moss), is the Handmaid assigned to the home of Gileadan Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) and his wife Serena Joy (Yvonne Strahovski). She is subject to the strictest rules and constant scrutiny; an improper word or deed on her part can lead to her execution. Offred, who is named after her male master like all Handmaids, can remember the "time before", when she was married with a daughter and had her own name and identity, but all she can safely do now is follow the rules of Gilead in the hope that she can someday live free and reunite with her daughter. The Waterfords, key players in the rise of Gilead, have their own conflicts with the realities of the society they have helped create.

Woah. Its like real life dude! Its so hauntingly similar to the Drumpf presidency I am legitimately scared!

Wrong, sweetie. Its another dumbass dystopian written by a woman, forced by women because the author is a woman and the message is feminist, is a poor attempt at allegory and has little to no literary merit.

>> No.9675116

it's just like harry potter tbqhwyf

>> No.9675119
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truth desu senpai

>> No.9675128

Why can't women participate in politics without using pop culture references as metaphors for the issues they care about?

>> No.9675129

Anyone else hate it when a book is really good but doesn't get a lot of exposure then suddenly a TV show or movie adaptation is made then everyone likes to pretend they were huge fans all along except they discovered the authors works through the TV/movie adaptation?

>> No.9675133

I just bought a signed first edition first print of Brief History of Seven Killings hoping that this trend continues.

GoT goes for 6k same thing.

>> No.9675137

Do you really need to ask?

>> No.9675138

It's nowhere close to reality. Simply paranoia. In what universe would this society be made. In fact it would fail if it even came into existence.

>> No.9675142

how I feel about ASOUE right now. I loved that series so much as a kid and now everyone says they did.

I guess I'd be fine with it if the people were actually fans, but they are people who watched the adaptation first and usually have the wrong perception of what makes the books good

>> No.9675145

I'd do her, 2bh

>> No.9675146


I could see Seven Killings making a pretty good HBO documentary.

>ASOIAF's fanbase used to be pretty decent
I really hate how the show brought in all the Harry Potter tier fans. It really goes to show how much normies ruin everything.

>> No.9675156


The more and more people that support Trump, the more that this is a problem. We may have judges who block his stuff now, but Trump regularly attacks government officials and the media for getting in his way.


If Trump supporters had free reign they absolutely would use the Bible to determine legislation and force women into traditional roles again.

>In what universe would this society be made.

The universe where the GOP is unchallenged

>> No.9675157

the false narrative that women are oppressed

like when antifa rioters are protected by the police as they smash shop windows

>> No.9675161

why does lit get the same threads every couple days? with a thread with this exact question like three days ago. get more interesting ideas guys

>> No.9675168

>The more and more people that support Trump, the more that this is a problem. We may have judges who block his stuff now, but Trump regularly attacks government officials and the media for getting in his way.
Even if this was completely true, it doesnt change the reality. He is a secularist know nothing (in the political sense) robber baron that thus far has failed to do anything. we have seen the same thing before during the nixon years, the great depression and the gilded age. Applying inappropriate labels to him, like theocrat, just makes those in the middle roll their eyes and vote republican.

At this point, as an independent, I would rather have Trump than Pelosi or Schumer.

>> No.9675170

Decent bait

>> No.9675192

Women forced into traditional roles isn't exactly a horrible dystopia, it's a regular social system that existed or exists still everywhere and it was/is pretty good.

>> No.9675195
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>If Trump supporters had free reign they absolutely would
>If Trump supporters had free reign

>> No.9675202
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>Implying traditionalism is bad.

I hope you also realise that only a very, very small minority of Christians are Christian fundamentalists. Most people see it as a sort of allegory or metaphorical text.

>> No.9675206


>> No.9675220

The TV series, and Donald Trump. Even though Trump is kind of retarded, women 50 years in the future may realize he was at least right about the Muslim immigration thing, since e.g. France will probably be a caliphate by then.

>> No.9675225
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>Most people see it as a sort of allegory or metaphorical text.
Please post some proof to back up your claim.

>> No.9675228

Welp, that infographic you didn't even provide the source for sure proved me wrong!

>> No.9675231

My bad.

>> No.9675438

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.9675496

What does this prove other than that .001% (3,000/321,000,000) of Americans are dumb and have a lazy understanding of bargain brand Protestantism?
You could find dumber survey results. 1/4 of Americans surveyed couldn't identify the country from which they gained their independence a few years back, for example.

>> No.9675543


>leftists think Trump is going to establish an oppressive theocracy
>meanwhile they want to import millions of muslims who want to establish sharia law

If anything Trump is trying to prevent this from becoming a reality.

>> No.9675618

I honestly can't believe there are people who dislike Trump. He's changed the whole world, everything is more interesting and he himself is one of the funniest people in 20 years. I mean yeah you might disagree with him, but how can you not enjoy this now 2 and a half year ride?

>> No.9675661

'Literal' has a problem here because Protestant take this differently than Catholics and since the Bible isn't 1 book but 66-73, again depending on whose version it is, you'd have to ask for each particular one and then for parts of the story which are or are not literal. Genesis for Catholics for example dogmatically necessitates the real personhood of Adam and Eve, but the rest of it is interpreted differently between Augustine, Aquinas and Rahner.

>> No.9676390

I would. But she is a Scientologist.

>> No.9676442

Rhymes with lose

>> No.9676455

Does the book have that stupid inner monologue voiceover like the show does? I've only ever seen female authors do this.

>> No.9676463

you don't read a lot then

>> No.9676468


You actually filled out a CAPTCHA just to say this

>> No.9676481
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You're a few months too late. It's just a lazy attempt at cashing in on a hot topic that even the people who care have forgotten about by now.

>> No.9676483

I have a pass :)

>> No.9676714

Strongly disagree. I'm four episodes in and it's amazingly good TV. Interesting seeing how it differs from the book though- in a way the show feels more conservative in its implications, because she's mainly concerned with seeing her daughter again. In the book she barely mentions the daughter (seems to have given up any hope of seeing her) and thinks about sex a whole lot more.

>> No.9676752


That's 'writing toward an audience (and executive board)', not an implication of the writing.

>> No.9676770

Was there ever a really good book with a popular TV adaptation?

>> No.9676821

*tips ovaries*

>> No.9676840

>mfw he wasn't being ironic

Back to red.dit, please

>> No.9677372

the gulags were a paradise compared to living under this system.

>> No.9677381

Why would you make a TV show of something generally found unpopular in the first place? Dumb frogposter.

>> No.9677388

Is this supposed to be allegorical? If so, it's pretty bad, like Harry Potter-tier
>You can't have the characters just announce how they're feeling! That makes me angry!

>> No.9677389

t. virgin

>> No.9678198

> xe said while enjoying the comforts of modern capitalist society, to which xe contributes almost nothing

>> No.9678225

Gulag Archipelago was made up shit published by a butthurt anti-semite.

I'm sick of it getting peddled on this board as some gospel against muh ebil gommunism.

>> No.9678243

the enforcement of a new status quo in post-monastic Russia required the inhuman treatment of millions of men

you don't have to take it so personally

>> No.9678251

People denigrate America for being a cultural vacuum of consumerism, but has Canada ever offered the world anything of greater merit than Margaret Atwood's limp shits?

>> No.9678254

Abortion seems to be a big part of it. Not being able to kill babies leads directly to dystopia filled with women as slaves. But a society of women who are eager to kill their children is supposed to be a utopia, or something.

>> No.9678263

Because it's a shallow 'dystopia' that dopes can write about, and bigger dopes can then mime those articles. oh wow it is even more true now OMG TRUMP SUCKS I HAVE A VAGINA
Damn shit, I am sick of this trash. Not only is it a negative fantasy, but it's anti-religious propaganda. oh wow tradition sux prutians sux fuck america. As if one of the most important authors in the English language (much more important than fucking Atwood, trash that isn't even taught in Canadian schools [at least not yet]) wasn't a damn Puritan.

>> No.9678264

I'm trans you fucking cislord

>> No.9678268

Creationism isn't fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is a meaningless term, it's nonsense made up by upset seculars.

Absolute hysteria. The protestantism you people whine about are very new and are far from 'fundamentalist' in terms of theology.

>> No.9678281

all of the posts in this thread were made by the same person

>> No.9678302

lit never change

>> No.9678452

The worst part? That this guy probably hates the nazi larpers who deny the holocaust ever happened

>> No.9678461

True. If a moron think the earth is 8000 years old doesn't mean that he wants to kill all non-christians and create a theocracy

>> No.9678472

Huh? I don't think there's much in there which hasn't already been carried out somewhere in the world, or isn't happening now. Maybe the very specific handmaid arrangement, but that's a pretty short step from a concubine system.

>> No.9678474


y tho

>> No.9678639


I think 4chan might be dying, and in an attempt to keep the remaining userbase, nipmoot is recycling old material. /pol/ thinks it's advanced shilling, I'm not convinced.

This guy notices it.

>> No.9678661

because humans love to suffer. This is why dystopic fiction sells so well shit is easy to write and normies eat it up. then you add women to the target audience and put them up against an oppressive religious regime that would be considered a completely ludacris idea in real life and now you got bestselling classic feminist litereature.

>> No.9678684

Because of muh binge watching.

Plus, people can watch it and then act like they've read it.

>> No.9678694

This is how the minds of liberals function today.

>> No.9678709

They are shill threads, paid posters that here to spread liberal propaganda.

>> No.9679133
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Political memes essentially

>> No.9680078

Was it in the book that they were going to sell the hand maidens (or their services)? I read the book, but I cant remember that part

>> No.9680083


Branfellpf Brumpf

>> No.9680262

prove your obscene claim you fuckwit.

>> No.9680514

95% of people are humorless or cannot see the absurdity of politics and treat it as an extension of their identity, so they can't look at Trump and realize that most of it is just banter or a piss take

>> No.9681782

Memes. My question is is it actually a good book

>> No.9681800

it's too bad dfw didn't live to see it, or holy shit, can you imagine if hunter thompson was still alive? thats a lesson for u kids, never kill urself cuz the next president could be one for ages, seriously, being an america in the age of trump, how can u not enjoy this shit?

>> No.9681824 [DELETED] 


>> No.9681864
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>> No.9682211


>> No.9682230

Watched the first episode of the show because I couldn't get my hands on the book

Didn't seem very interesting, personally I was unable to relate or draw comparison to the real world

>> No.9682266

As a foreigner I really don't see what all the whining is about. Just hysteria.

>> No.9682284

>Most people see it as a sort of allegory or metaphorical text.

Inquisite yourself

>> No.9683684

Back to the top with you!