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9674013 No.9674013 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9674015

Seems like you didn't get it.

>> No.9674016

Sixty pages in. This is the impression I'm getting so far.

>> No.9674037

The character hits too close to home

>> No.9674369

How can you misunderstand a book so badly?

>> No.9674400

>muh fortune's wheel
>muh hotdogs
>mug virginity
Sounds /lit/

>> No.9674414

He's fat, and he's also socially inept, self-righteous, helpless without his mother, and oh yeah, a virgin. Sound like anybody you know, OP?

>> No.9674423

>muh Boethius
>muh geometry
>muh theology
>muh monarchy

One of my favorite books. I don't know how any active 4channer could dislike it.

>> No.9674426

>muh pyloric valve

>> No.9674446

great book t b h f aaaaam

>> No.9674449

>muh moorish dignity

>> No.9674464

A corker, an epic comedy, a rumbling, roaring avalanche of a book.

>> No.9674467
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>> No.9674472

I own this book, have read parts of it, and have been very impressed with the prose. Extremely impressed, actually. Is there a reason it isn't held in higher acclaim? Does the story suck or something?

>> No.9674488

It's regarded very highly. It won the freakin' Pulitzer Prize and Walker Percy loved it.

>> No.9675870
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>> No.9675923

Took me forever to get through this wet piece of shit.

File under that bizarre category of "Books that are supposed to be incredibly hilarious but are maybe meagerly funny at absolute best".

I don't know how anybody can subject themselves to this guy trying to write dialogue for any character in this book, let along Jones, who is basically a jive-talking Sambo.

This book is basically the "I Am The Walrus" of books.

>> No.9675946

Was the sword fight supposed to be a reference to something? I don't understand why he spent so much of the book building it up when it doesn't seem to be political. Why did he have to be a pirate for the climax?

>> No.9675953

>trying to rip on ACOD for the dialect of all things

You fucking pseud, do you have any idea how many accolades the book won specifically because of how accurately it transcribes Louisiana Yat?

>> No.9675961

I think you're missing the point of picaresque novels.

>> No.9676006

>muh ghastly trip to Baton Rouge

>> No.9676027

It's just a clown show, not literature. Fun for a little while I suppose but no substance.

>> No.9676319

Definitely not true. It's the thinly-veiled last stand of a man so contemptuous of society that his only recourse is to retreat into a posture of grandiosity and unbridled anger, knowing all the while that the only place to go from there is suicide or a mental hospital. It works so well because there can be no redemption for Ignatius. He has completely embraced his instincts and ideals and it has left him friendless, unemployed, hated, dismissed as bizarre, poor and headed for the psychiatric hospital. Do you seriously think he'll make it in New York with Myrna? No way. He'll just be a big clownish homeless shouting at the niggers and wetting himself in public without shame.

>> No.9676327

i wish comedic literature would get more respect. not all novels need to be gloom and doom. i think most aspiring authors forget that a book should be fun to read, or at least interesting enough to keep reading.

>> No.9677452

You are also missing that he is a masters grad student who writes manifestos and was mistaken for a pedophile in the first few pages. That's hilarious right not something that would happen to someone who frequents this site.

>> No.9677479

OP here. I have read more of the book and I must say I regret my previous sentiment. I now enjoy the book much more.
It is one of the faster reads I have experienced. I can read for ten minutes and have cleared at least ten pages (perhaps not fast for everyone, but it's fast for me). Has anyone else noticed this? Is it just the low number of words per page and relatively large print?

>> No.9678731

It's pretty dialogue heavy, which I always find makes for easier reading.

>> No.9678742

No one talks like that.

>> No.9678760

Does anyone actually believe this novel is cursed? Many people have tried to adapt it and they always fail to do so because of something tragic.

>> No.9678766

Not OP but I can agree with this. Some reason dialogue is so much easier to read quicker.

>> No.9678768

It's not cursed, curses are superstitious nonsense. It's actually that Toole's ghost is literally haunting it.

>> No.9678770

Yeah, it's an old industry joke. Apparently there was a really good stage adaptation last year with Nick Offerman as Ignatius. Would love to have seen it, but don't live in the US and I don't think it was filmed.

>> No.9678797

Nick Offerman as Ignatius is genius casting.

>> No.9679162

i thought it got pity awards since the author blew his brains out

>> No.9679279

Why is Ignatius such a big fan of Boethius? He's always blaming things on Lady Fortune which is about as anti-Boethian as you can get.

>> No.9679285

I unironically follow his advice about starting with Boethius and everything else.

>> No.9679403

Terrible book honestly, don't know why it get's so much praise