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9672470 No.9672470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


"We have free will, we are not all powerful, we are not all knowing, and we experience the universe
with a biological framework and consciousness. I have discovered that due to this inherent structure of our perceived existence, we
follow two distinct paths. The duality of human nature is this:

Every single human feeling, thought, or action at any level of experience or awareness can be categorized under two equally valid
but opposite reactions to the absurdity of the universe. Rejection and destruction or acceptance and building."

"Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of self-control, cowardice,
a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control, wonder and/or humor the individual and society
disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major
ways that destructiveness occurs greatly diminish the quality of someone's life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for
the individual and humanity."


Our inherent meaningless existence produces mental and physical anguish. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate anguish
produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical anguish is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may
reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain
power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which
indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

>> No.9672488
File: 28 KB, 250x238, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling your book faggot. Reaching Tao levels with this shit

>> No.9672490

Shut the fuck up cuck.

>> No.9672491


write some fucking fiction or something

>> No.9672499


>> No.9672526

Because it would be interesting, that's why. Your ideas are interesting but you can't cram them down people's throats. You're either going to repel people you want to attract because it's too forceful and looks insecure, or you're going to attract people who won't in the end think for themselves. Peterson is already saying the same stuff, he's got an audience, but he's not standing on a street corner brandishing Maps of Meaning like a doomsday preacher.

I've read your book. It's interesting, there's nothing wrong with it. You have lots of interesting things to say and clearly you believe in them too. That's great. It's all great.

But you can't just keep whacking /lit/ in the face with a paddle and expect to get anything other than shitposts. Write a screenplay, some fiction, start a blog, whatever. Put up a reading list, I don't know.

I'm saying this because I think you have good intentions and your conclusions aren't even remotely crazy. Just that spamming the book is going to reduce interest.

But what the fuck do I know, icycalm takes his personality to unimaginable places and /lit/ has a love-hate relationship with him too. So whatever.

Anyways good luck, I guess. Hope you crack the self-help market someday.

>> No.9672536

It may well just be 100 posts guy using a new persona.

>> No.9672555

wtf I took the goonpill now???

>> No.9672569

Thank you for a thought out response and thank you for reading my book. You are right that I need to start doing more than post wild claims on /lit/. I really don't know what to do because my book is so unconventional, goes into a wide array of subjects, and is very touchy in many parts. There is also the factor that I believe I have found the core understandings of human existence, so I can't just give the book to someone who is not ready for it.

But really, you think this is just a self-help book, and you think my goal is to crack the self-help market? THIS SHIT IS FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY, and I hope to completely change the course of our entire species.

>> No.9672578

Can I answer any of your questions directly regarding the book? Any specific comments on any parts of the book? Parts you liked, parts you didn't like or didn't understand?

>> No.9672582

>tfw I'm a Goonan-poster but have yet to read any Goonan

>> No.9672626

But really, you think this is just a self-help book, and you think my goal is to crack the self-help market? THIS SHIT IS FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY, and I hope to completely change the course of our entire species.
Hey, fair enough. Godspeed you sir.

No specifics. There's lots in there to think about, I plan on going back and re-reading it again soon in fact. There's a lot there to digest and chew over! Thought you wanted to take a chainsaw to cynicism and ressentiment and BTFO laziness. An admirable project and thoroughly enjoyed the read! If you start a blog, do book reviews, recommend other stuff I'll check in on it.

Adios mi amigo. Good luck with the exploration.

>> No.9672670

No matter how shit life is, at least I don't have to shill my book on a Vietnamese slideshow board, let alone reply to myself.

Oh well goon at least you always have le redpill.

>> No.9672690

Thank you. Sorry, I just hate the categorization "Self Help". But I guess you can say all philosophy is self-help.

Glad to hear you are re-reading it. I have to re-read it myself sometimes. I have lost a lot of momentum and energy after finishing the book but I hope to regain some energy and start laying the true foundations of a revolution and DO THINGS. It took a lot out of me after being in such a high-strung state for a year writing it, and I am down about the poor response I've gotten in the past 7 months, but I've actually sold 110 copies surprisingly. I hoped it was going to be 100,000 copies but realize 110 is better than 0. I don't mean to be a complete shill, but seeing as you are a very articulate person who has the energy to write coherent responses, it would mean a lot if you could write a review for the book on Amazon. Keep an eye out for developments on my website.

>> No.9672830

Beyond goon an evil
The goon science
Goonan, all too Goonan
The gooneology of morals
An enquiry regarding Goonan understanding
Prolegoonmena to any future metaphysics
The city if goon against the pagans
The Goonna Theologica
The orgoonon
Goondemian ethics

>> No.9673403


The Brothers Goonan

>> No.9673422

Stop talking to yourself and get gone goon. Your book is uninspired reactionary garbo and anything in it that seems like a cogent idea is plucked from books written by people who aren't poltarded shills.

>> No.9673482
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We don't have free will. Any definite equation has a definite answer and, the universe as it is right now is the equation.

Our bias, through biology and experiences (which include interactions with other people that are essentially slaves to their own bias) dictate which option seems the best, how deeply we think about something etc.

I think it's important to try to better yourself, but if you do then you were always going to.

The one immutable thing from consciousness is the experience itself - therefore what is feels good is good. Destruction is never a valid answer.

There are two valid and opposing paths. Greatest good for the greatest amount of people - And greatest good for you.
Through the eyes of God and Man respectively. Obviously the latter applies to you. Though this ultimately leads to the former

This is partially symbolized in the Masonic pillars

>> No.9673491

Nah goonan is someone else i can recognize shitpostanon by the way he writes his posts

>> No.9673496

yeah when I wrote that I thought I was replying to one of those britanon complaining about chad threads

>> No.9673498

I wrote this:

My ideas are honestly what's true. Yiu experience life from your own consciousness. This is what meaning for you is based off of, and the outside world only instrinsicly matters insofar as it affects you. The feeling of pleasure negates any ideas of meaninglessness in life

>> No.9673541
File: 281 KB, 350x500, The Foundation for Exploration 2ndEd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very excited to announce that the Foundation Press has just begin printing the Second Edition of Sean Goonan's breakthrough philosophical magnum opus "THE FOUNDATION FOR EXPLORATION". This new Edition of the book comes annotated footnotes by the author himself! Learn all about the inner secrets of the Foundation for Exploration as you ascend the inner circles towards occult mastery!

"A work like has not been written in two thousand years." declares the New York Times!
"I buy it for all of my children on their 13th birthday!" Says Steve Jobs.
"If I had known Sean Goonan would write this book, I wouldn't have wasted my time and retired!" says the ghost of Immanuel Kant.

Pre-order your copy of the 2nd Edition and receive a free blowjob from Sean Goonan himself.

>> No.9673563

Great book, definately reminds me a lot of Nietzsche!

>> No.9673575
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Top fucking kek

>> No.9673576

Laugh My Fucking Ass Off, what is wrong with you people.

>> No.9673635

Here is a snapshot of the section on Economics on the Consumer, one of the four pillars of the economy, which also includes Business Owner, Worker, and Government.

The Consumer-

The consumer plays a major role in making Conscious Capitalism function. In the end, it is up to the conscious individual to choose
to support either destructive businesses or businesses that strengthen society for all. A sacrifice must be made by the consumer in
the form of paying a higher price in order to support businesses that do not operate destructively. In the end the payoff for
supporting certain businesses (this is where nuance comes in) is far greater than the money saved in supporting a destructive
business and economic system.

A business that operates destructively exploits the worker, consumer, and Earth. The consumer may still feel it is necessary to play
into the game of the exploitation of themselves because they believe there are no other options. The consumer may also be oblivious
to there own exploitation. The consumer that does not care about the worker does not have any empathy, common sense, or
understanding of what it takes to build society. The consumer who facilitates the exploitation of the worker is no better than the
business owner that exploits. Consumers do not comprehend that they are also workers. It is in their best interest to support the
actualization of other workers for the sake of the widespread benefits that come around to themselves.

According to the doctrine of modern economics, with economies of scale, large corporations are able to cut costs and sell their
products to consumers cheaper. Under the same doctrine, the consumer should buy the cheapest product and support the most efficient
business to save money and in turn support a system that uses resources efficiently. Except common economics and economical thinking
does not consider the larger picture. Unconscious consumers choose to support businesses in the component that is most visible,
their ability to produce a product efficiently and cheaply. Yet this ability does not make the certain business the best choice. If
a consumer supports the corporate economic structure, they are supporting their own indirect demise. They may get their goods
cheaper, but they must also work for cheaper for the same corporations that control the economy. Large corporations are soulless-
they have no concept of rejecting destructiveness and choosing building. Individuals become faceless cogs in the corporate machine
and are treated that way.

>> No.9673639


A strong overall economy is one in which the focus is on strengthening the smaller-scale economies of the communities within it by
supporting small local businesses. This economy is also one in which money is not allocated to entities that extort and exploit.
With a small-scale economy you have the opportunity to form relationships, keep a closer check on how the business operates, and
trust in a local business run by people you can interact with. By supporting a small local business you are more likely to get a
well-crafted or tailored high quality product and you support the self-actualization of the workers and business owners who choose
to operate in the way of building. By supporting the community economy a person supports the community's ability to be self-reliant,
along with helping each individual in that community to become self-reliant. Self-reliance is incredibly important in the formation
of a strong individual and for its practicality in strengthening communities against the turbulence of the larger world.

Small businesses have a greater opportunity to allocate power to its workers more easily.
Small businesses have a better opportunity to not extort the workers or consumers.
Small businesses are less likely, by their nature or by their operation, to have less of an impact on the environment and on the
aesthetic of the environment.

With a small-scale local economy you keep the money local and in the hands of people you can trust and who do not exploit. By
supporting large-scale corporations you give money to an entity that extracts money from one area and allocates excessive profits to
people living elsewhere. There is less oversight in dealing with large corporations and less of an ability to influence their
destructiveness. The destructiveness of a large corporation flourishes because each individual that contributes to the operation
feels no accountability. The consumer must invest in small locally owned businesses. It is counterproductive to join into the
corporate economic scheme by putting money into the status quo corporate stock market. The corporate status quo is status quo
because it is pushed onto the masses and because it is the easiest and less risky way to make money. The individual must look at the
origin of fast-money making and must look beyond quick profits. Special care must be made in choosing the right small local business
to invest in because these businesses are less of a guaranteed money generator.

>> No.9673647

continued...and I'll stop posting.

In a system of capitalism, there cannot be an excessive artificial propping up of non-destructive businesses that do not operate
effectively. There must be competition or else the use of resources is inefficient. The individual will to compete and produce the
greatest most efficient product must be preserved. It is also to the benefit of society that some industries simply will have to
remain large-scale as well. In these industries there is less room for the self-actualization of workers and large-scale efficiency
is highly practical. These businesses should be the last to be converted into smaller-scale counterparts, but there should still be
focus in eliminating all destructiveness in operation and if necessary, scale. The conversion of industries to small-scale will not
happen overnight.

>> No.9673683

I know you are just projecting your own insecurity so I should just ignore you like I do all the other dunces, and I know it is impractical to say this because there are so many books to sort through, but, don't knock this book until you read it cover to cover.

>> No.9673686


>> No.9675120

>there own exploitation
typo m8

How do you feel about finding a way to give big corporations strict rules that keep them from exploiting and destroying. Maybe (dynamically) limiting the amount of money the big guys can earn, depending on how they run their business.

Ideally people will hopefully realize the big picture, that there is a balance to be found that mutually benefits the consumer as the corporation, in the long and short term. Money can't buy happiness.

Sry if that was cringe.

I'll probably pick up your book, I like it.

1 more question. I feel like it's clearly possible to reject and build, as well as to destroy and accept.

How is it not?

Good luck, start writing a new book I'd say.

>> No.9675297

>there own exploration
Goddamit it, thanks.

My whole thing is that the only way to truly curb destructiveness is for every single individual to become conscious of their own personal destructiveness, and work together to create a better society for all. No artificial "incentives" or "rules" that try to curb destructiveness, just DO THE RIGHT THING. What the right thing is I lay out in the book.

>1 more question. I feel like it's clearly possible to reject and build, as well as to destroy and accept.
I don't understand what you mean by that. Of course every person is going to go through feelings of both sides, and maybe switch between rejection and acceptance or switch between destroying and building 1000 times during the day. But I say if you want life, you must choose the path of building as your ultimate goal to strive for.

Thank you for the interest.