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/lit/ - Literature

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9671461 No.9671461 [Reply] [Original]

>next 5 books you plan to read
>how long you have browsed /lit/

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Fahrenheit 451
>Anna Karenina

19 with 5 or 6 months on /lit/

>> No.9671569
File: 15 KB, 714x66, I AM SO PROUD THAT US WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED READING AND WRITING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody reads like this
>something by mary oliver
>something by robert greene
>short story collection by LAG strong

i'm 20 and i've been popping in and out for 7 years

>> No.9671576

Fuck off, Reddit. We already have one of these threads

>> No.9671604

>Also Sprach Zarathustra (currently)
>Moby Dick (also currently but on the side)
>Fathers and Sons
>If on a Winter's night a traveller

couldn't give you any more.


>> No.9672409

>The Time Machine
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>Jane Eyre
>The Sun also Rises
>Mansfield Park
browsing /lit/ since few days ago

>> No.9672846

illiad, crown of swords, moby dick, gulag archipelago, protrait of that one guy(by that other one guy), N/a, 7, 2, N/a, N/a

>> No.9672854

18, less than a year

>> No.9672862


>> No.9672882

why not?

>> No.9672964

The Castle - Kafka
No Longer Human - Dazai
For Whom the Bells Toll - Hememeway
The 500 Days of Sodom - Sade
Demian - Hesse

23, about a year

>> No.9673373

>The Book of Disquiet
>The Last Samurai
>The Green House


At least two years, probably pushing three

>> No.9673377

>next 5 books you plan to read

Who gives a fuck about what you plan on doing? All that matters is what you've done. Fucking faggot

>> No.9673423

Demons by Dosto
Underworld by Delilo
Aeneid by Virgil
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbons
Journey to the east by Hesse

20 been on Lit for probably a year now,

>> No.9673433

lmao datamining on 4chan plebs. You are superdoubleplebby paranoid.

>> No.9673495
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daily reminder that if you do not contribute to the singularity then the singularity will bend time to retroactively punish you for your insolence

>> No.9673504

Finished Zarathustra today. It's a great read, but I definitely feel like I missed some points Nietzsche was making.

>> No.9673508

La Divina Commedia
Gierusalemme Liberata
Petrarca - Rime
L'Italia dei Comuni
L'Italia dei Secoli d'Oro

I am currently in the process of gathering the necessary documentation in order to become an Italian citizen, so I thought I might as well start transforming myself into a full cultural Italian.

I also have every intention of prose-translating Dante in full, so that I might 'absorb' the precision of his style. One canto a day for a month. It's perfectly feasible.

>> No.9674394

>next 5 books you plan to read
Capital vol 1
Human Action
(both of these books are long as hell be w/e)
The AntiChrist
American Gods

>how long you have browsed /lit/
on and off for the past 2 years

>> No.9674481

>The Time Machine
I liked the movie better

>> No.9674502

>Next 5 books
Some short story collection by Lovecraft
The Three-Body Problem
Blood Meridian
Modern Man in Search of a Soul

>> No.9674527


>8 years

>Hard to be a God
>The Melancholy of Resistance
>Moby Dick
>The Rise of the Roman Empire

>> No.9675294

>Divine Comedy (Just started Purgatorio)
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Invisible Cities
>The Name of the Rose
About a year and a half

>> No.9675337

Currently reading:
>The Republic

Next 5:
>The Odyssey (Homer)
>Resurrection (Tolstoy)
>Meditations on First Philosophy (Descartes)
>Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)
>Discourse on Metaphysics (Leibniz)

I'm trying to work my way towards Kant's critique, fyi.


How long:
>About a year and a half.

>> No.9675343

Deadhouse gates
New translation of stirner
Memories of ice
House of chains
Midnight Tides


couple of months

>> No.9675346

i never plan that far ahead

>> No.9675382
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>The Master and Margarita (current read)
>Adventures in Immediate Irreality - Mark Blecher
>The Penguin History of The World
>Sons and Lovers - D.H. Lawrence
>The Divine Comedy
18, dunno how long I have been here for. Probably including lurking around 2 years steady.

>> No.9675412

>The Divine Comedy
>History of the Peloponnesian War
>Tristram Shandy
>The Waves


About two years maybe

>> No.9675483

Is this an actual theory?

>> No.9675502

Mason & Dixon currently but nothing on deck next
5ish years or so since /lit/ was created,off and on

>> No.9675546

>War and Peace
>Manhattan Transfer
>La Peste (read it in english, working on my french so want to try simple french prose)
>The Oresteia
20, been on 4chan for about 8 years, /lit/ for 3ish

M&M is one of my favorites, how do you like it anon? Where are you at? I might delay one of my above books to reread it desu

>> No.9675561
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>the three stigmata of palmer eldritch
almost done
>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
>The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

19 and im not to sure probably 4 months

>> No.9675738

>the seven pillars of wisdom
>journey to the end of the night
>the enchiridion
Some foucault and whatever else takes my fancy
I'm 18
On /lit/ for a yearish

>> No.9676638

>Stories of Chateaubriand
>Plays of Moliere
>Plays of Corneille
>Plays of Racine
>Jacques the Fatalist
three years?

>> No.9676671

Life: A User's Manuel - Georges Perec
The Secret History of Twin Peaks - Mark Frost

Oblivion: Stories - DFW
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
The Crossing - Cormac McCarthy
Romeo and Juliet - Bard
The Path to the Spiders' Nests - Italo Calvino


>How long you have browsed /lit/
since about 2012, but i disappear for long spells

>> No.9676675

I don't plan ahead like that. I just pick up whatever seems interesting after finishing my last book.

>> No.9676695

>The Torah
>The Shadow over Innsmouth
>New Testament


>1 week

>> No.9677185

I'm having a really a really good time, enjoying it much more than I expected actually. Just read the chalter where they riled shit up with their first performance.

>> No.9677200

>memoirs of hadrian
>mao II
>death in venice
>by night in chile

two years

>> No.9677206


>Planning out what to read next

>not letting the winds of fate take you

>> No.9677207

>the 48 laws of power
>the secret history of the world
>the prince
>50th law
>the undefeated mind

25 off and on since 2011 /lit/

>> No.9677237
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jesus christ im 28 and the oldest person in this thread?

Flee you youth, go and experience the world. Leave from under thy mother's stairs and act boldly. Learn through mistakes and regrets!

Next book I'm reading is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand :)

>> No.9677248

>The Sun Also Rises, Malone Dies, Absalom Absalom!, The Unnameable, and The Handmaids Tale
>maybe two years, or so. However, I've been browsing much less lately because I feel the board has kind of gone to shit.

>> No.9677289

the "oldest" and most "experienced" and still reading ayn rand lmao

>> No.9677303

>Currently reading
Rock Springs - Richard Ford

>Next five
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK - Peter Dale Scott
The Quiet American - Graham Greene
Lady Gregory's Complete Irish Mythology - Lady Gregory
Bleeding Edge - Thomas Pynchon
Collected Poems - Phillip Larkin


>How long you have browsed /lit/
About four years

>> No.9677327

>Divine Comedy
>Notes from Underground
>Beyond good and evil

t. aimless 18 year old pseud. Been posting since a few months, lurked longer than that though.

>> No.9677336

you got some decent stuff to start with on there, and at least you have the sense to be reading plato. Don't worry too much about being a pseud

>> No.9678250

>currently reading
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
21, on /lit/ for about a year
>next five books
Alain de Benoist - Us And Them
Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Jack Donovan - Androphilia
Jack Donovan - The Way Of Men
Cicero - De Republica

>> No.9678262

doing a christian-themend reading atm
>Bible KJV (currently)
>Divina Commedia (currently)
>Moby Dick
>the Shakespeare plays I haven't read yet

age 22

>> No.9678274

Godel Escher Bach
A Conflict of Visions
(and then in no specific order)
Habits of Mind
The With the Dragon Tattoo



>> No.9679325

>Johnny Got His Gun
>House of Leaves
>The Fall
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>Myths of Sisyphus if I can get my fucking hands on the thing

This is my first post xd

>> No.9679331

Also age 18

>> No.9679353

>A New History of Western Philosophy
>The Human Story: World Prehistory and the Development of Humanity
>The Complete Robot
>Dos Mundos: Comunicación y communidad
>Caves of Steel


Since the board was the conceived.

>> No.9679356

JOhnny got his gun is pretty good. It was assigned reading in high school and I enjoyed it. I originally planned to just read the sparknotes

>> No.9679404

No worries, anon. upper 30's.
>ab initio
reading Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, Forester. Up next:
O'Brian's Master and Commander
Cornwell's Sharpe's Rifles
Kent's Midshipman Bolitho
Oliphant's Journey to Katmandu
*decided there was a lack of Napoleonic naval adventure series' in my reading so this summer I'm reading all these series' through. Decided to knock these out when bored out of my mind at a Solstice party a few evenings back..
Have a few others running besides--
Boorstin's The Image. And the original The Seven Deadly Sins essay compilation: Wilson, Sitwell, Connolly, Fermor, Waugh, Sykes, and Auden.

>> No.9679416

>On human nature, Scruton
>Enlightenment's wake, Gray
>The Transition, Kennard
>A collection of Tennyson's poetry
>A collection of Rosetti's poetry

I'm 22, and been browsing on and off for about three years

>> No.9680045

>Mythology, Edith Hamilton
>Holy Bible
>Beyond Good and Evil, The Neetzsch

>> No.9680067

>The Raccolta
>The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels
>The 27th Kingdom
>The Old English Boethius
>Enchiridion Symbolorum

I'm [20s] and have been coming here for 3X years.

>> No.9680082

I remember when I was at your current stage and thought I had reached the top
boy oh boy

>> No.9680087
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>next 5 books you plan to read
Ensayos, Emiliano González
Paradise Lost, John Milton
The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Tennessee Williams
Long Day's Journey Into Night, Eugene O'Neill

Currently reading King Lear and Nibelungenlied


>how long you have browsed /lit/

almost 5 years, more or less

>> No.9680098

Pleb coming through


1 month

Götz von Berlichingen
Das Urteil

>> No.9680124

I don't read as much as I used to. I just started rereading An American Tragedy and might reread Great Expectations

I post on here sporadically but since my first post it's been like 5 years

>> No.9680132

Actually thinking about it, I'll probably reread slaughterhouse 5 again

>> No.9680216 [DELETED] 

>Storm of Steel
>ths Stranger
>Twenty Thousand Leagues
>The Metamorphosis
about 6 months

>> No.9680572

>Savage Detectives
>Moby Dick
>All the King's Men
>Waiting for the Barbarians
>Selected Stories (Robert Walser)


been browsing about three years

>> No.9680643


>Up next (no particular order):
Surely You're Joking
Reasons and Persons
The Republic
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Lathe of Heaven

>Browsed one year

>> No.9680777


>The Odyssey (Pope translation)
>Zen in the Art of Archery
>Great Expectations
>Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
>Das Niebelungenlied

21, about 3 months i think

>> No.9682013

>Pedro Paramo y El Llano en Llamas
>Anna Karenina
Im 18.
Those are the only book I have planned to read right now. Im currently looking for some other books that were recommended to me and some of Dostoyevski's books. When I find them i'll eventually read them.

>> No.9682015

Oh and i've been browsing for half a year now, I think.

>> No.9682020

>the seagull - tchekov
>fear and loathing in las vegas - thompson
>naked lauch - burroughs
>pedro páramo - juan rulfo
>líola - pirandello

Rate me, /lit/.

>> No.9682024

There's an anecdote where Mishima dissed Dazai in public for being a crap writer with no sense of aesthetics or poesy.

After you get over the initial love of alienation & angst, you'll start to orient yourself towards Soseki, Kawabata, Tanizaki and Mishima.

>> No.9682064

>One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse (currently reading)
>Concrete by Thomas Bernhard
>The Dehumanization of Art & Other Essays by Jose Ortega Y Gasset
>The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
>Manhattan Transfer by John Dos Passos

>26 years old
>browsing /lit/ for 1 year

Not necessarily the next 5 but 5 books I plan to read soon. I don't have some ordered queue of books to read, I start whatever I'm feeling when I finish a book. Funny how most of the posts in this thread are either nomemes or memesonly.

>> No.9682150

The Bell Jar
The Fall of Public Man
The Birds and Other Plays
On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias
The Decline of Pleasure


3 years and 8 months

>> No.9682193

>Titus Andronicus
>maybe then more stuff by shakespeare idk
>Apollodorus Library

Want to finally just get to into the great epics, and probably someting like over the year on /lit/

>> No.9682215

>Security analysis
>Your Options Handbook
>War and Peace
>Whatever looks interesting next


>browsing on and off for 4-5 years

>> No.9682312

Ulysses-just got to long playlike section so feeling optimistic I'll be done soonish
Forty Stories-Barthelme
Savage Detectives-Bolano
Mason and Dixon-Pinecone

>> No.9682316

>tfw you used to be the youngest on these kind of boards and now you're the oldest one

>> No.9682319

>treasure island
>ovid's metamorphoses

>> No.9682325

hmm not sure that's true unless you are also nearing 50 and I am not the oldest here lad.

The Victorians. AN Wilson
Wonderland. Steven Johnson
Haven't decided what is after that, depends on my mood.

>> No.9682356

age 18, been browsing /lit/ for about 6 months now

Currently reading:
Moby Dick
Makioka Sisters
Metamorphosis and other short stories by kafka

Going to read
(not really a book but) Waiting for Godot
(also not really a book) The Crucible
Don't really have any other books in mind, maybe C&P?

>> No.9682700

> Les Miserables
> Coriolanus
> Rashomon
> Walden
> The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

> 25

> past two years

>> No.9682771

>The Trial
>Naked Lunch

Planning to read:
>more kafka
>atrocity exhibition
>the plague
>catch 22

>a year or so

>> No.9682777

>The time machine
Socialist retard who thought bacteria will extinct before humans

>> No.9682784

>the old man and the sea
>fear and loathing in las vegas
>the catcher in the rye
>the picture of dorian grey
>the trial
19 & about a month here

>> No.9683257

24, not really from this place.

actually reading Moby dick

>Don Quijote de la Mancha (again)
>Leaves of Grass
>Brave New World Revisited
>Frankenstein (again)
>Meditaciones del Quijote

i am out of interest in new things, every recomendation i get is allways shit tier

>> No.9683262
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>Bible (digging through the Old Testament atm)
>Moreeni (at the side)
>Uuni (Halfway through)
>Against the Day
>Nicomachean Ethics


>for three long, sad years

>> No.9683612

-Crime and Punishment
-The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire I, II, III

That'll do for awhile. I don't make a habit of browsing lit.

>> No.9683622

Bible, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, various Shakespeare plays, Canterbury Tales, Dante.


Three years.
>digging through the Old Testament atm
You mean, like, 90% of the book?

>> No.9683636
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>You mean, like, 90% of the book?
Don't use that tone with me, youngling

>> No.9683642

I'm nineteen in one month and one day you tremendous homo, and I'll use whatever tone you deserve.

>> No.9683648
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>next 5 books you plan to read
Don't know, but next book might be a shakespear compilation or magic mountain.
>how long you have browsed /lit/
Since late 2012, on and off

>> No.9683667
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>you tremendous homo
That's it now you've gone and done it that's the last straw I've been 19 for exactly two months now and I don't need to take this shit from some 18 year old punk who thinks he's so fucking grand. Listen I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you

>> No.9683669

Oh, to be young and stupid once more.

>> No.9683677

I've read Stirner. I've read quotes from De Maistre. I'm not *a* punk. I AM punk.

I'll fetch the guillotine.

>> No.9683741
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Oh you've read Stirner? That's cute. See this in my hand? Yeah, that's right. It's Stirners masterpiece, The Ego and Its Own, IN THE ORIGINAL. Let that just sink in. I bet you haven't even learned German to be at the level to study serious philosophical texts without secondhand thoughts of the translators. Just repeat after me, DER, EINZIGE, UND, SEIN, EIGENTUM. Couldn't follow, huh? That's what I thought.
Let me just give you some advice, kiddo. Being punk is only a phase, so don't take it to heart. I know what it is to be young. But you, you don't know what it is to be old. I've asked so many questions to the wise men I've met, but couldn't find all the answers, no one has as yet.
There'll be days to remember, full of laughter and tears. After summer, comes winter and so go the years. I'll play the old while you post me the new. In time when your young days are over there'll be someone sharing their memes with you. Someday, you'll be saying the same thing. Time takes away, so the story is told

>> No.9683781

German? GERMAN? Bahahahqahahahahahahahaha

No, I have not learned such a basic language. Why should I? Every German worth speaking to speaks English, and every German work worth reading has a perfectly serviceable translation. We Anglos are worth serving.

No, I am learning a language worth learning, a language few Westerners in their infinite ignorance ever bother with: Ching Chong. When I am done, I will read the best literature this world has ever seen, and no one will question me, because none of my pasty white compatriots will have read it (nor any Chinks -- you think they could appreciate good literature like I could?).

Now, run along little Kraut, or I will do to you what my ancestors did to you seventy years ago.

>> No.9683890
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>We Anglos are worth serving.
Oh, I suppose it makes sense that AN ANGLO would choose to study emotion-driven tonal languages such as Ping Pong instead of pure, truthful and logic-driven languages like Hochdeutsch.
And just to inform you, I'm not a German; I'm just very proficient at a wide range of languages. I'm actually from Finland, a conqueror nation which speaks a god-tier Uralic language with extreme agglutination
Our literature is rich and full of eternal wisdom no puny Indo-European could comprehend, even if our texts wee translatable to such an inconsequential '''''''''''language'''''''''''''' as english

>> No.9683899

Finns aren't even European and hence half human at best.

>> No.9683902

>next 5 books you plan to read
Anarchy, State and Utopia
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Separated by Politics and Religion
The Wealth of Nations
The Leviathan
Capital in the 21st Century
>how long have you browsed /lit/
Casually on and off for 3 years.

>> No.9683925

This got pretty weak towards the end, but it was fun

>> No.9683932

>19 with 5 or 6 months on /lit/
why do I keep coming here

>> No.9683933

>Anna Karenina
>Faust (Goethe)
>Paradise Lost
They'll probably change, and I may pick some others on a whim.
>Almost two years

>> No.9684056
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> The Brothers Karamazov
> Plato dialogues (Symposium, Crito, Phaedo)
> The Road to Wigan Pier
> The Gay Science
> The Stranger
2 months lol

>> No.9684202

I pity your ignorance, yet I pity your confidence further still. You know nothing of this proud race's language, yet still you shitpost. The grammar is autistic, far beyond anything attained by your pet spergery. Besides: why expect an Anglo to choose anything but the most anal, analytic language around?

I am special because I am Unique, and I am Unique because I buck the trend. I do not study German, nor, God save me, French, nor Arabic as the normal snowflakes do, nor Nip as the normal eastaboos do. Nor Finnish, as the normal Pseuds do.
>I'm actually from Finland
That's what I said. You think I can't read your little raamattu?

A book written by MY people, might I add.

>> No.9684209

>5 or 6 whole months
woah man you better stop now sounds like you're addicted

>> No.9684246

>/lit/ is full of pseuds and children
who knew

>> No.9684262


>> No.9684313

>high-rise by jg ballard
>speedboat by renata adler
>the mezzanine by nicholson baker
>either 2666 or the savage detectives by roberto bolano
>coin locker babies by ryu murakami

21, 2 or 3 months

>> No.9684319

>all these newfags

>> No.9684548
File: 119 KB, 726x960, 13782046_1129340337112522_4722647182440987820_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13 Reasons Why
>Invisible Darkness (about Paul Bernado and his crimes)
>A Scientific Tragedy (about "Genie" that girl whose father kept her trapped in the cage from birth to the age of 13, the book goes into the linguistic studies of it, i.e. was she ever able to learn a language entirely? etc etc)
>The Broom of the System
>Wolf unter Wölfen

I'm 21, have browsed this board for almost 2 years.

>> No.9684587

>>13 Reasons Why

>> No.9684607

Oh well yeah I'm sorry. My little sister got me that book for my birthday because she knows I love to read.
She's only 12 so she doesn't really understand my tastes but she knew it was a popular book and she bought it from money that she earned herself from working a summer job at a vet so I'm gonna read it and I'm gonna love it and I'm gonna tell her that I fucking loved it because I'm not a sociopathic fucking asshole. Fuck you.

>> No.9684923

I'm italian and if you read La Divina Commedia alone you'd be ahead of most italian people. Read some Calvino as well. I wish you the best of luck with the translation and the citizenship.
In bocca al lupo !

>> No.9685232

3 dh lawrence novels. rereading look homeward angel. maybe david copperfield.

>> No.9685243

Perhaps that will salve your conscience as you contemplate your plebbiness.

>> No.9685261

Recently finished Dracula, bretty gud

>> No.9685266
