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/lit/ - Literature

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9670165 No.9670165 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you read this? Is it even worth it?

>> No.9670200

oh my fucking god
You read the Greeks. Homer and Sappho.
You read the Occitan Troubadours.
You read Chinese Poetry. You learn to find Chinese characters in a dictionary.
You learn Latin, old Greek, French.
Then you read.

fucking retard

>> No.9670220

no, Pound is garbage

>> No.9670265


>> No.9670437

with your fuckin eyes you spacker

>> No.9670441

>Its not garbage, you don't know X yet!!

Yeah pseuds love this game

>> No.9670792

Pound was a better critic and teacher than writer. I'm pretty sure he knew this.

>> No.9671112

really? why does he seem to be so highly praised by critics?

>> No.9671154

he was hard to read and lit only likes authors they can easily pretend to have read. can't do that with pound since pseuds cant even wrap their head around what he was about let alone pretend theyve read him so they just shitpost about antisemitism and facism. check the archive, every pound thread is about politics and not about literature. dont bother asking this board about actual literature, only things you can read about on wikipedia

>> No.9671473

ah makes sense, thanks bud

>> No.9671835

why are you like this? do you like what you're doing?

>> No.9671867


Pound was one of the defining figures of 20th century "literati" who worked tirelessly promoting literature. I highly recommend reading his essays and 'lectures' such as the ABC of Reading and Guide to Kulchur.
Pound was an intellectual powerhouse, a natural savant who casually picked up languages by reading poetry. His ego is enormous which can be tiring, but he knows his shit and is so deeply read you can learn a lot from him. I'd say the same of Borges and Calvino--read their lectures and essays too.

>> No.9672018

>You read Chinese Poetry. You learn to find Chinese characters in a dictionary
That'll work flawlessly, 小白.

>> No.9672042

>a natural savant who casually picked up languages by reading poetry
Ezra Pound's actual knowledge of those languages was greatly exaggerated, especially by Ezra Pound

>> No.9672053


He says on a predominantly monoglot forum from a predominantly monoglot society. Pound hypes his abilities up sure, but knowing a little of many languages is more than most.

>> No.9672064
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>Pseud claims everyone who doesn't like his Pseud meme poet is a pseud

>> No.9672073

You've gone from claiming he had superhuman ability to managing to do what any hooplehead could if they were bothered

>> No.9672881


use the pleco app

>> No.9672901
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>pseud doesn't respond to substance, exposing himself as a PSEUD