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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 1002x750, nothing spookinnel kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9669351 No.9669351 [Reply] [Original]

Who is this guy? And what can you tell me about him?

>> No.9669357

oh nothing just an anime character

>> No.9669360

there has to be more to this man...

The caption in that image reminds me of myself.

>> No.9669420
File: 15 KB, 688x585, spook philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look there's more.

>> No.9669421

that's homer simpson. he's from the simpsons which is a popular tv show.

>> No.9669437

and this guy

>> No.9669445

Looks like a poorly drawn MS paint comic.

>> No.9669512

yeah that's homer simpson

>> No.9669523

basically dumb nerds who have no intention of really understanding his philosophy use an elementary interpretation of what he's saying to defend childish beliefs that protect their ego.
that's all you really need to know. He's like Nietzche, people use his ideas flexibly except it's even worse because there is an even more selfish element at play

>> No.9669646


>> No.9669680

>really understanding his philosophy use an elementary interpretation of what he's saying to defend childish beliefs that protect their ego.
are you implying that the politics ramblings are the authentic "message" of stirner?. because is pretty obvious this is his philosophy. this are the implications of what he said, and he knows it.

>to defend childish beliefs that protect their ego.
literally there is nothing bad or biased in this.

>> No.9669740
File: 401 KB, 3857x436, IMG_20170621_214246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may have been a pre-Socratic?

>> No.9669787

>Western Philosophy ended where it began
Really jogs the noggin

>> No.9669842
File: 225 KB, 959x1371, 2chainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask /lit's/ resident Stirner expert anything.

>> No.9670946

Ideologically, which preceding philosopher is Stirner most associated with?

>> No.9671048


2nd Baur.

>> No.9671100

You know how when kids play that game where they escalate imaginary armaments until some little shit pulls out his "everything proof shield"? That, but for grown-ups.

>> No.9671194
File: 374 KB, 800x800, spook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672271


>> No.9672283
File: 2.54 MB, 1468x5376, stirnerstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672288

who hurt you?

>> No.9672507


>> No.9673183

I got memed into reading Ego and its Own. Stirner's just a second rate Young Hegelian with terrible prose. On the plus side, Engels made a sique sketch of him. All told I'd give Max a 4/10.

>> No.9673192


Wrong. Stirner destroyed philosophy and reality. People just fear anyone learning him because it will speel the end of everything because of shit like this: roko's basilisk.

>> No.9673207

*yawn* I'll make sure to add Stirner to my list of philosophers who have ended philosophy.

I just googled roko's basilisk. Well meme'd m'lady!

>> No.9673244


Stirner did end philosophy. Explain how he didn't.

>> No.9673506

"Please explicitly refute my wild and baseless claim."

what the fuck i literally just referenced this in another thread and had never seen it mentioned on /lit/ before. synchronicity (or a wink from multivac)

>> No.9673695

>because is pretty obvious this is his philosophy.
t. dumb nerds who have no intention of really understanding his philosophy use an elementary interpretation of what he's saying to defend childish beliefs that protect their ego

>> No.9673747

He's a phantasm.

>> No.9673753

yeah, he totally ended the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence dude!!

>> No.9674595

Which translation would you recommend?

>> No.9674723

Old one is more clinical, new one preserves more of Stirners fire.

I'd say old and if you enjoy it and want more pick up the new one.

>> No.9675762

New one.

>> No.9675777

What is the unique one? Why is it indescribable?

>> No.9675888

sad man who had no mates so he couldn't figure out what phenomenology was so he just became self obsessed.

his ideas are actually really decent when taken alongside the works of people like fourier and proudhon. theyre the kind of things that amalgamate with other ideologies well.

>> No.9677292

Thanks for this. Finally I get to see what all this spook shit is from the horse's mouth.

At a glance, with all his insouciance and snark, and btfo attitude, he seems like the original fedora guy, albeit much more learned and stylish than the typical fedora. Although his observation that "cheerfulness in Catholic life must perish in this Protestant legality" smacks a little of Chesterton.

>> No.9677301
File: 36 KB, 436x425, 1497324106199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a caricature of an extreme alarmist, who believes any mention of any ideology is an attempt to scare him into believing in something, as fear is cited as the #1 tool of recruiting people to participate in a cause. This is of course partly true but he takes it to absurd levels by deeming every viewpoint or philosophy ever as an attempt at this, or a "spook," and thus engages solely in egoism; or a never-ending sense of self-indulgence dictated purely by his own subjective whims and beliefs.

>> No.9677609

read the book.

I am the unique one and I am indescribable because of my uniqueness

>> No.9678395

Why not read this works instead of basing your opinion on /lit/ memes?

If you have actually read The Ego/Stirners Critics; and this is your criticism, you might be retarded.

>> No.9678400

Attempt to describe ''the unique'' i.e. yourself. What you will end up doing is describing the property of the unique, not the unique itself, from this you get the concept of ''The creative nothing''.

>> No.9678595

/co/fags with elevated self-importance OUT

>> No.9678597


You're not the resident expert, that German guy who actually does lectures on him is.

Not sure if he still posts though.

>> No.9678612

>Being selfish is bad

Give me one rational and practical reason why anyone should care about anything at all that doesn't affect them?

And spare me your grand masturbatory 'humanity' or 'society' perspective.

>> No.9678672

his mummy and daddy and schoolteachers and peers and kids tv shows and disney movies and YA books emotionally inculcated him with that belief so it must be right sweetie

>> No.9678686

because it's mutually beneficial

>> No.9678716

You are always working towards your self interest. Might as well stop misplacing it to some spook and develop good judgement regarding what is truly within your interest.

>> No.9678720

You basically proved his point. Stirner is only concerned with helping other people when HE benefits.

>> No.9678734

Stirner was a prankster who wrote an incoherent philosophy (on several occassions pointing to the stupid oppressive limitations of language, insert my tears here) which can be interpreted to say that you are free to enjoy the privilege of fools/sociopaths/schizophrenics if only you allow yourself to be one.

>> No.9678833

Spooks are a spook

If it boils down to my happiness

If I'm happy I can't be spooked

>> No.9678842

The spook is not the spook that is talked about.