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9668087 No.9668087 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK is irony? I've been trying to figure this out for two years now and I feel like Borges searching a hexagonal library for however many books, only I just want to know what the FUCK irony is. Is Borges ironical? Is DFW ironical? Oh! I get it! Irony is the opposite of sincerity. Wait, no, that's insincerity. Wait, was I being ironic at the beginning of this sentence when I said "I got it?" Or is that sarcasm? Holy shit put my dick in the dirt because I figured out why Wallace killed himself. It wasn't for the fame or because he suffered from depression or because fate willed it so that I might be prone to write him in as my Virgil for my 21st century Divine Irony. It was because he didn't know what it (irony [are these brackets or parentheses ironic?])

WHAT IS IT? Seriously guys. I'm not safe from it wherever I go. DFW, Joyce, Borges, Tolstoy, Proust, Shakespeare, the Romans, the Greeks, fucking PLATO. Fat fuck erudite Harold Bloom (God bless his soul) can't go twenty pages in any of his works without mentioning irony.

>I suggest that the recovery of the ironic might be our fifth principle for the restoration of reading. Think of the endless irony of Hamlet, who when he says one thing almost invariably means another, frequently indeed the opposite of what he says.

We've all heard this definition. I'm down with it. I can get behind it. (am i being ironic right now because although I'm down with the definition I don't know what it means? [because but]...) how the hell does that apply to the actual text? (Oh and btw I'm not talking about dramatic irony you fags). Is Hamlet ironic when he's contemplating suicide? "Oh God I could be bounded in a nutshell blah blah my personal favorite quote" Is that irony? Is him fucking with Ophelia at the play irony? Is him fucking with R AND G irony? G and R?

H.C. (GOD)dard: "I Henry VI opens, with a note of high irony, on the funeral of Henry V." God how. It's ironic that they're fighting after succeeding? THAT's ironic?

>"I don't know how to 'espress' myself," I would gloat over her admission with an ironical and brutal common sense worthy of Dr Percepied. - Swann's Way

>Why, then, try to make ourselves think that Shakespeare liked [Two Gentlemen of Verona], except in an ironical sense, any better than we do?

Please God help me. When Chandler from Friends cracks a joke: is it irony? When Pynchon says sez: is it irony? When the fuck is Joyce being ironic? Are socratic dialogues ironic? Is 4chan ironic? Is saying "nigger" ironic? Am I gay?

Pic unrelated. I think.

>> No.9668094

pic is ironic, it relies on the viewer knowing more than it shows, and then socratesing them to tears for suspecting it meant what it clearly means. that's basic irony.

>> No.9668114


Read this.

Then watch some MDE or something.

>> No.9668121

I ironically enjoyed your post. Or did I?

>> No.9668135

Literally, a lie. Saying one thing while meaning another. The idea being to say something substantive through and by paradox, meaning the literal sense as well as its contradiction hold simultaneously.

>> No.9668157

This is how I've been recently understanding it.

>> No.9668196
File: 82 KB, 721x1024, 1447720125906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought irony was just about subverting your expectations. When you expect something to be a certain way but it's actually something else entirely or the opposite of what you were expecting.

>> No.9668227

"No Graffiti" graffitied onto a wall.

>> No.9668246

great read, anon

in this case Futurama is the most ironical work I've known

in this case it's Infinite Jest, which is infinitely impenetrable for me

>> No.9668247

I don't get the pic, can you explain it somewhat? Also "socratising" :/

>> No.9668257



>> No.9668261

Don't play games with me please I haven't read my greeks

>> No.9668275

Irony has different meanings.

There is dramatic irony, where the viewer or reader knows something that the character doesn't, and the author creates a tragic or comic effect, or both, by having a character or several characters be oblivious about something the reader or viewer knows. There is irony in the rhetorical sense, where you say something but mean the opposite. This is basically the technical term for sarcasm. Finally, there's the newest definition of irony, which some purists get angry at, but is here to stay, because people using new definitions for a word is how language changes; anyway, this is the most popular use of irony: it's when something happens that subverts your expectations, typically in a dark or comical way, or even when there's a sick coincidence.

Indeed, I think all these meanings, only somewhat connected, are evidence of a poor use of language. Irony has become a catch-all phrase, and we need to somehow reclaim some clearness in its use, perhaps use new terms for some of these concepts.

>> No.9668278

Here you go:


That's ironic.

>> No.9668280

socrates used irony as a philosophical method.

the picture looks like an IM, but only looks like an IM screen if you're used to looking at IM screens. because of what you "know" people who are used to IM screens assume that it is an IM message without text and it's not. It's clearly just coloured shapes is a more valid argument than it's an IM screen, because it doesn't rely on a random assumption of IM users.

Most irony works like that. The oracle at Delphi used give out lots of ironic statments:
>Should I go to war with this empire, oracle?
>You'll destroy a great empire if you go to war
>goes to war
>gets rekt
>What the fuck, oracle?
>lulz I said you'd destroy a great empire, i thought you knew I meant your empire would get rekt.

Read the Greeks, they're fun.

>> No.9668290

Oh okay, cool. I understood that much but thought there was some nuance I was missing in what the reader was meant to assume the IM screenshots were saying. Gratzi-- should I start with allegory of the cave?

>> No.9668299

Start with the Pre-Socratics if you want to get into the Greeks for philosophy. If you just want to read Socratic irony, get Plato's dialogues or Oedipus Tyrranus if you want something not philosophical.

>> No.9668330

read E Unibus Pluram, aka Infinite Jest in only 60 pages.

>> No.9668354

i've read it. Otherwise i wouldn't've mentioned chandler. Perhaps it's time for a re-read.

>> No.9668430

dramatic irony: things turn out the opposite of how they were supposed to

(((irony))): overly self-conscious bullshit that only zogged narcissists engage in