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9666431 No.9666431 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a hardcore internet addict who spends ~14 hours a day online. What are some books or schools of thought to help out a person like me?

I've been reading up on determinism, free will and compatibilism and it's all looking pretty bleak, I've been living this shit life style for 10 years and I've been thinking that there's no traits in my disposition to lead me to a better life. I can think a lot but I never act. I have no discipline and I don't know how to suddenly rework my body and mind into a disciplined lifestyle.

>> No.9666450

Get better leadership.

>> No.9666451

Turn off the computer and go outside you fucking spastic.

>> No.9666461
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clean your room

>> No.9666482

>not living life by the flip of a coin

>> No.9666486

The only leadership I have are the occasional nags of my mom, my desires and my habit of going to university on most of the scheduled lecture days. I would say I have no leadership otherwise so I don't know what better leadership would look like.

>> No.9666491

Internet addiction is necessarily a bad thing. Depending on what you are doing, it could be constructive, however you posting this thread is not a good sign. Get help, and go outside for a bit.

>> No.9666502


Addiction is by definition a bad thing, it means you spend so much time chasing one thing that other areas of your life are suffering.

>> No.9666512

i'm addicted to succeeding in life.

>> No.9666542

Harold Innis - "Bias of Communications"

Also, disaster works wonders on disposition. Or psychological turmoil.

You can be a barn-burner to see the moon, or you could place yourself in conditions where you go Into the wild with a good book or two, or you can achieve the levelling of all action, the complete condemnation of the will, and be gifted a breakdown of what makes you, you and them, them. This is a sort of meditation that requires a secular understanding of transcendental values. The effect can be achieved by other means, but is not recommended because of the horror the solution induces in certain individuals. What you want is duress that cause your support structure to weaken, so that you can be validated or break free from that cohesion.

By no means do I recommend taking a hiking vacation in a foreign place of your choosing. Nor of seeking nature for re-creation of embodied consciousness. Try willing not to get past the stuckism portrait of your necessitated social self.

Scepticism and Animal Faith. I've yet to read it, but I'd like more imported goods into my marketplace, please.

All better? Cocoa?

>> No.9666560

What do you dislike about your internet use?

What do you feel you're missing out on?

>> No.9666575

>>What do you dislike about your internet use?
The amount of time spent that isn't going to other areas in my life such as my studies.

>What do you feel you're missing out on?
Academic success, a social life, a healthy body, a consistent sleep schedule.

>> No.9666591

Feeling the same here, no girlfriend, skipping school, no friends, still a virgin and seriously considering suicide. Been a neet for 8 years and counting, the internet is my drug that keeps me calm. Just can't bring to kill myself though or to commit myself to anything meaningful. Read a lot of books too and doesn't really help.

Just saying, from the same situation, you won't find satisfaction on the internet. In this state you need to find something to break the cycle. Start a cult, join the French Foreign Legion, go to Syria. Honestly this neet limbo where you let constipation and inaction control you is just going to drive you closer to suicide, might as well go out with a bang.

>> No.9666594


the peterson pill was made for you

>> No.9666609

>>Harold Innis - "Bias of Communications"
This seems really interesting.

The rest of your post makes me realize just how dumb I am because I don't quite understand a lot of what you're saying.

>> No.9666636
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Have you considered the possibility that in reality you simply want to be on the internet more than you want those things?

A lot of people say things like 'I want to lose weight', which realistically would mean 'I want to adjust my diet and exercise regimen in such a way that my body fat decreases', but often means 'I want to magically get what I want without any effort'. Given the real options that are available, it turns out that they in fact do not want to lose weight. The cost–benefit analysis tips in favour of maintaining their current behaviour.

In practise, they do not want to lose weight as much as they want to overeat. So when they say that they want to lose weight, they're voicing a desire that they might entertain on some level but have no real intention of gratifying under the actual conditions.

So maybe you would ideally, in a world were things were different and easy, be a person that spends less time on the internet. But in the actual circumstances, obviously being on the internet outweighs not being on the internet and getting your life together by your current standards.

Otherwise, wouldn't you simply do it?

>> No.9666814

The french foreign legion seems cool, desu

>> No.9666819

do you play video-games?

>> No.9666822
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Read the Koran and Hadith. Then book your flight to Syria and verily liberate yourself!

>> No.9666835

You should force yourself to join some social group, involve yourself in face-to-face community.

Are you interested in anything political, religious?

>> No.9666853

why appealing, this rant ignores the pain of the dynamic between long term goals vs short term goals. its ok to vent.

op, go listen to peterson or take a walk outside

>> No.9666881

>Have you considered the possibility that in reality you simply want to be on the internet more than you want those things?
Yes, I beat myself up about it a lot.

>> No.9666885

Yes, about half of my time on the internet is games.

>> No.9666928
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The brain is plastic... To some extent gene expression is plastic as well. You have to adopt new routines and simply trust that your body will adapt and re-wire. You'll still have genetic limitations, but the amount of change possible is still remarkable.

Discipline is most difficult at the beginning, just keep in mind that as your body/mind's expectations change and your facility for discipline improves, it will become less and less so.

You don't have free will, but you do have agency... You can exert more conscious control over local variables and structure positive feedback loops. This is more than likely your only shot at existence--make the most of it.

>> No.9667076

This way of thinking has helped me put that dynamic into perspective desu. I know it can sound sort of harsh/oversimplified, but it can a helpful thing to call yourself out on your bullshit.

With some things the answer, or at least a beginning, may be to simply own up to it. When you achieve clarity about what you want it can be liberating to admit to yourself that, yes, spending this evening drinking beer and shitposting is actually the way I want to spend my time, even if it's not conventionally considered an admirable way to spend it.

If you don't accept some of your baser tendencies you end up like one of those people who feels guilty any moment they're not being 'productive' and that's a shitty way to live as well. I get that way when I get overly obsessed with things like health and and happiness, it backfires because you're always beating yourself up and fussing about it and become stressed to a point that is ultimately detrimental.

Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time and so on.

>> No.9667110

You could consider finding a shitty job, living minimalistically and spending your time reading and shitposting if you simply have no motivation to achieve some kind of successful life.
I've been trying the whole college deal for 2 years and I've come to the conclusion that I am simply too lazy to bother with it. I can either kill myself or abandon my naive dream of academic writing.

>> No.9667766

OP here, just mowed most of my grandmother's overrun lawn with her near-broken corded mower. First time in a while I did anything so physical, it felt fulfilling, if nothing else.

>> No.9668417

must be mentally fulfilling as well to help the old lady out

>> No.9668435

Definitely this. Your problem is that you don't believe you have the potential for good in you, and that your life feels directionless. Peterson has the advice you need. Here's the basic gestalt:

You don't see the potential for good in yourself. You don't have a direction in life, which is why you are not dedicated to anything. What you want to avoid is saying things like "I'll never change the world, everyone's going to die," etc. You can't make the world into a utopia. You can't destroy all the evil and suffering in the world. OK. So what can you do?

The answer is to take control of whatever portion of the world you can manipulate and minimize the amount of evil and suffering in it. Start with yourself. Start small. Reduce the number of things that you do in the day that you're ashamed of, or which otherwise cause you to suffer. Ask yourself, what should you stop doing? Then do it. This will require discipline, like the tenets of a religion. Don't care about an afterlife? Fine. How about this: if everything you do is something you're proud of, then you never need to feel the emotion of shame again.

>> No.9668465

Read Will to Power when you're coming down from acid.