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/lit/ - Literature

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9666410 No.9666410 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think of Sashas book series the juliette society? who's the biggest pseud her, ontologicool or James Franco?

>> No.9666417
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All three are cool with me.

>> No.9666444

This is a whore.
Never in the past would anybody have even listened to even less care what such a woman has to say.
You are pathetic if you take any interst at all in what such a woman thinks.

>> No.9668116

Wow. You don't seem stuck up at all.
Why don't you go back in the past, where everything was so fine and dandy?

>> No.9668122

>Never in the past would anybody have even listened to even less care what such a woman has to say.
literally the greeks. they have different words for just for fucking whores, and whores that are for intellectual conversation. it happens when you keep your wife inside reading all day and dumb as shit.

>> No.9668130

*not reading all day
obviously. who wants an educated housewife?

>> No.9668174

This>>9666444 is a bitter landwhale.
Never in the past would anybody have even listened to even less care what such a woman has to say.
You are pathetic if you take any interst at all in what such a woman thinks.

>> No.9668202

Franco, by far. She's writing mildly pretentious erotica, he's convinced he's a genius.

>> No.9668229

this. sasha found another way of making money and it's hard to begrudge her for it. franco raped faulkner.

>> No.9668972

a thousand times this

Sasha has simply got hustle. Franco is an unwitting expert dilettante.

>> No.9668977

I actually liked his faulkner adaptations. No idea what you gays think is wrong with them.

>> No.9669000

don't fucking talk to me, go draw a picture somewhere

>> No.9669009

>This>>9666444#is a bitter landwhale.
Probably, but even though the sentiment was more aggressively/angrily stated than necessary, he's right.

We in the west reside in a broken culture where broken women not only become idols for being gangbanged in jewish smut films, but have their egos further stroked by beta orbiters when they later pretend to be serious thinkers.

A healthy society would never allow any of this to happen, but it is not worth taking ones anger out on the broken whore; that anger should instead be directed at those in charge of our cultural institutions, who intentionally exacerbate the state of degeneracy and take us ever-deeper into absurdity: the jew.

>> No.9669072

the only societies that "don't let this happen" are in Africa, and they are foul and dirty places filled with the most unimaginably degenerate people. It's funny that you've probably never taken a whore on your lap with some buddies to play with, yet you're talking like you're the biggest man in the room because we dont fit some 3rd world Sharia shit-hole idea

>> No.9669088


Kinda good we listen to psychotics, whores and such now. People like Nick Land would have never seen the light of day either. Hell, why even go that far, you think Wittgenstein should have been banned from the Lexicon of analytical philosophy because he had sex with men? Or should Huxley be shunned because he's into drugs and psychedelics?

>> No.9669095

Your comment makes no sense. Try to think out your responses so you'll be able to make more coherent statements in the future.

>> No.9669100
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>should Huxley be shunned

yes, of course.

>> No.9669218

You need an education and it's sad that you're American

>> No.9669228

>he doesn't want to read about hysterical lesbian nuns
what's wrong with you?

>> No.9669229

How nice of you to join us, Rasheed.

>> No.9669234

I think you should avoid English language forums until you have a better grasp of how to construct grammatically correct sentences in that language.

>> No.9669242

May I inquire about the effect you're attempting to induce by calling me 'Rasheed'?

>> No.9669259

Slut shammer in reality: cool dude with his the future on the back of his hand and the never ending mischievousness to titillate the patience of the overly rational with an abundant energy and life force that could theoretically get him any girl but he's secure enough in the world as is and wouldn't even think to bother doing something so boring, the thought of even getting up to drive over and fuck someone exhausts him with tedium. Everything automatically comes to him and he automatically carries it on.

This is what nu-virgins can't ever see.

>> No.9669263

>but it is not worth taking ones anger out on the broken whore
the hottest meme argument in 2017

>> No.9669264
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>when a /pol/ invader takes good digits

>> No.9669282
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>Making blowjob motions with a closed mouth

Sandra Gray confirmed for pseudointellectual rhetorician.

>> No.9669285

>women [...] become idols for being gangbanged in jewish smut films
It might surprise you that people do NOT idolize pornstars, MOST people simply wank to their body of work for a couple minutes, forgetting about them as soon as they finish.
>[females] have their egos stroked by "beta orbiters" when they "pretend" to be serious thinkers.
Have you considered the option that those so-called "beta orbiters" don't just disregard whatever the female has to say based on false preconceptions?
>A healthy society would never allow any of this to happen
So, what do you propose to put an end to this madness?

>> No.9669290

Isn't 4chan blocked in Pakistan?

>> No.9669342

I propose getting rid of the people most involved in the promotion and normalization of this degeneracy.

Why are you under the terribly misinformed opinion that I reside or have ever resided anywhere near Pakistan?

>> No.9670550

>A healthy society would never allow any of this to happen
in a healthy society, as far as i'm concerned, the liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins

>> No.9670553

post enlightenment philistinic subhuman

>> No.9670567

Hold the phone! Wittgenstein buggered men? Anyway books by whores are old, the theme is at least as old as the Victorian era with penny dreadfuls and I'd be inclined to believe that a lot of Japanese haiku were penned by geishas. Also I wanted to say hold the phone because I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean but it is a vague memory of mine that it was once an idiom.

>> No.9670580

>hur dur look at me and how 'intelligent' is my flowery prose

>> No.9670586

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9670991

what did james franco do?

>> No.9671007

>whores that are for intellectual conversation
That's quite funny actually.

>> No.9671021

Wrote Palo alto

>> No.9671038


Why is writing a book considered pseud? Franco is the only guy in Hollywood pushing for literary adaptations, the guy is sincere.

>> No.9671054

You're not wrong.

>> No.9671261

fuckin jealous much

sasha grey is a black belt at sex (the most important part of life) and is a published author. What are you?

>> No.9671303

I disagree yet agree as well. Nobody cared who she was until she put on the task.

>> No.9671305

Look at this sad beta orbiter pretending race-mixing hooker is a virtuous profession. You can tell his sperm level has completely bottomed out and that he may as well have an estrogen pump feeding into his brain.

>> No.9671306


>> No.9671329
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>mah waifu

>> No.9671340

>le estrogen boogeyman
i should of known

>> No.9671367

She's making money. That's the only objective measure of success in this life and these virgins can't handle the fact a woman who has sex on camera is more successful than they are.

>> No.9671395

that's the problem

>> No.9671419

Do you have an Anal Artist of the Year award and a decent (making sales) book series?

>> No.9671433

>She's making money. That's the only objective measure of success in this life

Keeping women from acting out is also important for keeping nihilistic beta males like this, who've lost all sense of moral responsibility toward their own societies and will die in auto-erotic nirvana satisfying their base desires like monkeys, in check.

>> No.9671468

>should of

>> No.9671476

We would all be able to make money from taking cocks up the ass on camera.
Those of us with a bit of self respect choose not to.

>> No.9671480

Bro, I'm not trying to be insulting, but this isn't r9k, and you're probably not convincing anyone. Anyone above the age of 18, or living in a first world western country, or healthy/ mentally well-adjusted, with frequent sexual, friendly, or social interactions with the other sex, doesn't believe what you do. You would actually be doing yourself a favor if you stopped hanging around forums that affirm your blue-collar, disenfranchised male worldview. Doesn't mean you have to be some liberal lipservice sycophant that humiliates himself so he can get pussy every 8 months, but you've swung in the total opposite direction of the other weak male, and if you actually believe the kind of things you say, I can guarantee you're embarrassing yourself in the real world moreso than you know.

I'm only saying this because it's annoying, but you're also stunting yourself.

>> No.9671482

pretty sure greek men just fucked each other for that

>> No.9671492

She has VALUE; she pays taxes and contributes to society. Makes money. She's great.

Are you?

>> No.9671500

Bitch, I don't even know what r9k is and have 100x the life experience you do. Been to over 50 countries and bedded all types of women.

Don't try to play that game with me, faggot. You are the weak man here, and defending race-mixing hookers will not make you look as virtuous as you think.

>> No.9671520

Not that guy but by saying this you toally ousted yourself as a fucking normie. I can't believe so many people on this board are dimwitted enough to believe they can get away with feigning some kind of respect for this whore lmao I guarantee you that if your significant other is a woman, you're a literal cuck

>> No.9671531

stopped reading desu

>> No.9671534

Dude youre convincing nobody.

No secure man who's slept with more than a few women cares about 'race mixing hookers'.

Every word you say drips with angry virginity. Try to get laid 5-10 times and you'll feel so much better. Get a job, make some money. Then you can get a girlfriend. You can do it.

>> No.9671537

>Do you have an Anal Artist of the Year award
does it still count if I got it from my dad

>> No.9671538

no u

>> No.9671540

>race-mixing hookers
back to /pol/ faggot stop larping

>> No.9671549

you seem like a nice guy
would hang out with/10

>> No.9671560

>don't even know what r9k is
>have 100x the life experience you do

>> No.9671574

>Anal Artist of the Year
what a time to be alive
i love it, to be honest

>> No.9671591
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>(the most important part of life)

>> No.9671597

he's mostly right, tho

>> No.9671603

Men who wish to preserve their society and not see their people blended into mud people care. Otherwise I have no reason to lie. I've accomplished and experienced more than you ever will, that's simply a fact.

>> No.9671632

Yes but it kind of proves how dumb life is

>> No.9671649

never read any of her stuff or even found her very interesting as a pornstar. would listen to Current 93 with though.

>> No.9671726
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why does james franco trigger /lit/ so much? is it because you are jealous?

>> No.9671746

Jealousy is a big part of it. He's banging all the qt literary girls and we're at home defending our society from race mixing whores. I mean obvs its very important work we're doing it just leaves us with little time to visit 50 countries and bedding women from the corners of the globe like we would otherwise be doing.

>> No.9671813


>> No.9671823

So you can now peacefully shut the fuck up with the satisfaction of being so much better than all of us!
Cheers, faggot!

>> No.9671851
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>He's banging all the qt literary girls

>> No.9671856

Sasha is hot and seems to have a pretty good personality, why are you niggers so buttmad?

>> No.9671857
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>> No.9671870

>mfw i now want to have a kawaii/post-noise band named 'the race mixing whores'

>> No.9671880


>> No.9671895


>> No.9672321

>the juliette society
better than fifty shades of gray?

>> No.9672370

the jokes about it are the best fucking reason ever to learn greek. like the letters to the corinthians being about love and abandoning worldly things in the bible? because corinthians have such a reputation for being a society of whores that the word for to fuck is synonymous with corinth.

there's a hilarious untranslatable joke in strabo about an athenian woman meeting a corinthian woman in the temple of aphrodite and telling her that she should be inside weaving and not out in the streets whoring.
the corinthian responds in the time that it takes the athenian woman to do actual weaving of one piece, she can do all three things implied by the word for taking things off the loom she uses: the word for taking things off the loom posts also meaning to bring a guy to orgasm and bringing down the mask of a ship.

there's also cases where the author of a story is trying to protect the reputation of a guy, and so instead of using the word for just for fucking whores (pornoi, which could be male or female) they use the word for high class educated hooker (hetaerae). many of diogenes anecdotes about the prostitute being too late to sing the wedding song with him because he'd already sung it with his hand call the prostitute in question a high class hooker, when it's far more likely that diogenes hired the cheapest hooker there was.

>> No.9672376

mast of a ship.

corinth was famous for bankrupting the crew of trading ships who landed there, because it was a very good partytown.

>> No.9672412

moar plz professor

>> No.9672556

You'll never publish anything in your fuking life. Know this.

>> No.9672562
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>Been to over 50 countries and bedded all types of women.
Sure you did! ha!

>> No.9672587

learn greek

>> No.9672603

I understand why hearing such a thing would cause you to feel inadequate or assume I'm lying, but it's true.

>> No.9672605

ITT: Queen Sasha Grey & The White Knights

>> No.9672612

why would anybody lie on the internet amirite

>> No.9672618
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Kid, take it from someone who actually travelled around and still does. Don't lie on an anonymous board. There's no need. Cheers.

>> No.9672623

That girl looks a bit like Ontologicool.

>> No.9672632

I don't know.
Good for you, friend. Hope you learned a lot. You still got nothing on me, though.

>> No.9672642

Serious question, is she the best author who ever licked a toilet bowl?

>> No.9672650

seems like burroughs might have tried it once

>> No.9672654
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>> No.9672660

sade would have if they existed back then but i'm sure he tried all the equivalents

>> No.9672661

Where is this?

>> No.9672671
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Patagonia, Argentina's side.

>> No.9672685

How do you know he isn't Bill Gates?

>> No.9672697

*licks toilet bowl*

>> No.9672709

Because I understand statistics.

>> No.9673439

i only read books written by white alpha males and whores, so i'm fine with her

>> No.9674854

hey, who deleted the ontologicool thread?

>> No.9674863


Jesus at least take them out to dinner first.

>> No.9674873

more like BLACKED belt.

>> No.9674910

she's not a belt

>> No.9675742

what a cool lady she is. She's embarced her sexuality and her intellect to the fullest - an example for everyone!

>> No.9676125

> lexicon
Possibly the most blatant pseud-identifying buzzword there is. Anyone else experienced this? It's never the only red flag, but is always a clear, early indicator.

>> No.9676229


>> No.9676653

Are you in town? Do you have bf? How long before you can be in NY? Should I rent a room?

>> No.9676788

>Been to over 50 countries and bedded all types of women.
>talks shit about women who fuck men from other countries

>> No.9677975

The amount of money she makes may be a measure of her success but not her worth. While her novels are likely shallow and lack any notable content, shallow whores just like her will read them with wet cunts.

>> No.9677977

>>Making blowjob motions with a closed mouth
Is this really what she wrote?

>> No.9677985

Ethan Hawke is worse than Franco and Sasha

>> No.9677986


>> No.9678026

bit rude 2bh

>> No.9678221

women are a meme desu

>> No.9679076

sounds fuckin hot

id love to write to make cunts wet

its both noble and finincially rewarding

>> No.9679081

especially when its absolutely the wrong word and renders the whole sentence nonsensical

>> No.9679100

Underrated post

>> No.9679117


happy now samefag?

>> No.9679523

>Never in the past.

But this isn't the past, fuck off.