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/lit/ - Literature

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9664775 No.9664775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


rest in piece


>> No.9664780
File: 11 KB, 171x266, 198384[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a nick land thread

>> No.9664786

fuck off you bleep autist and culture yourself and listen to petzold

>> No.9664791

Please let her alone

>> No.9664792


Whoa dude you are gonna go against the mods like that?

>> No.9664797

Pure reterritorialization.

>> No.9664806
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, 359612269-Day_51_cola[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late


>> No.9664807

lmao it's more than one person. lmao

>> No.9664808

you bumped so you did too

>> No.9664811

how is this not /lit/ related?

>implying /lit/ has mods

>> No.9664812

>/lit/ literally this mad over a smart qt
Top Roflmao

>> No.9664821

Even if it's bait and you know it it's only polite to respond anon

>> No.9664823

Did she cuck you badly anon?

>> No.9664830

>she missed engagement enough to shill herself on /lit/
holy shit she just hit her cat too, and she thinks we'd be friends.

>> No.9664831
File: 66 KB, 884x412, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't worry guys I learned my lesson when Carli took her vids down. I'll upload these if they go down.

>> No.9664834

>didnt get the veganism video
you failed

>> No.9664836


leave her alone you autists

>> No.9664837

The other thread was just 404'd, so yeah.

>> No.9664838

>they were talking about my eyebrows being too plucked
does she make shit up like this a lot or does she not know there's an archive?

>> No.9664841

I didn't think you guys would really care about this chick at first.

>> No.9664846

well, she also thinks we hate her for being a woman rather than being a pseud, so yeah, she makes shit up a whole bunch. she also thinks we want to talk about her cunt.

i think the anon that said katie was a better /lit/ gf for reading 19th Century literature really got to her. she probably hates katie more than us.

>> No.9664847
File: 151 KB, 1270x678, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the true queen tho?

>> No.9664850

Mods stop deleting these threads this concerns us

We didn't even fucking do anything to her

>> No.9664851

that's a really good cover

>> No.9664852
File: 40 KB, 600x578, 1495447335443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She doesn't even get that it isn't about responsible/irresponsible venues for ideas or any of that: she is a qt and guys wanna fuck her. That is the whole of it.

This one actually seems pretty chill and self-aware, all things considering.

Women have no social capital online but all the social capital in real life. Or at least that's how a lot of anon see it. They think doing this shit is fine because it's balanced out by the advantages women innately have over them in modern society.

I'm indifferent either way, but that is how some anon choose to see it.

>> No.9664855

she's too thin skinned

>> No.9664861

I thought the plan was we're going to resurrect butters. Like an Ozma thing. Sure, she'll still be gay, and a zombie, but she also read Yourcenar.

>> No.9664862

She's literally too smart for /lit/ but fucked up framing the video as an apology, theres nothing to justify

>> No.9664866

she could have had it all...

but seriously the first non pseud girl, even if her thinking was a little out there and pretentious

>> No.9664869

She's really not. Her videos are not very organized. That said she would fit in perfectly here if she were male.

>> No.9664870


my god she is trash

>> No.9664871

People were sperging about her eyebrows, An. I was there.

>> No.9664874


>, An.

Wow fuck off immediately with this faggot shit.

>> No.9664875

>>Women have no social capital online
women love to say they are women on the forums they visit. then men love tohelp with their problems. the only way a woman will live the life of a man is to be a recluse and not disclose she is a woman

>> No.9664879

are you her

>> No.9664880

Oh my that whiteknight in the comments is so fucking gay

>> No.9664881

I wish it were this simple but there was some wild autism in the initial thread that would blow your mind

>> No.9664883

but why make shit up like that? the thread wasn't about her cunt at all. i've seen rimbaud thread that contained more vagina references.

all that happened was anons pointed out the only merit she had to the one anon defending her was he had feelings for her. nobody even says it's because he wants to fuck her. they were talking about him being too head over heels and she hears it as "everyone must be horny for me"

most of the thread was saying that there were better women and she hears "they hate women".

it's not a thin skin. it's kinda psycho to lie about shit like that. shiiiit, no wonder we made her bf nervous.

>> No.9664884


>> No.9664885


>women love to say they are women on the forums they visit.

Lmao are you actually trying to debate this point? Enough of your r9k antics. It's obvious that women get the raw deal when it comes to simply posting on the internet. I'm no white knight (these sloots are on their own as far as I'm concerned) but you'd have to be bitter as fuck not to be able to see this.

>> No.9664888
File: 3.94 MB, 600x600, 1182382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most /lit/izens love and respect women, me included :), and would love to watch more of your cool videos. dont let your chad bf discourage you!
What a faggot!

>> No.9664889

she's probably never actually been exposed to anything like this forum. everyone in her life treats her with kid gloves comparatively

>> No.9664890

This isn't entirely true, you get people saying "you don't need to say you're a woman" all the time.

>> No.9664893

whats wrong with her eyebrows?

you guys ruin everything

>> No.9664894

Hey Biggu

>> No.9664895

I still have the tab up from yesterday. ctrl+f "eyebrow", "eye brow", "pluck", aaaaaaand 0 results. Archive also available at warosu for those that don't have five billion tabs open. Nobody talked about her eyebrows. She made that up.

One did talk about her make up, but that's two posts out of 171. They said it highlighted that her videos were not as unprepped as OP was making out.

Her neurosis about her eyebrow plucking is really just her.

>> No.9664901
File: 51 KB, 499x499, 1490641670897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>representing /lit/ here to apologise. most of the pseuds on /lit/ are bitter /v/irgins who never truly grew out of playing video games. they know a lot about books and authors, but have never actually read them. they would rather skim the wikipedia page after playing overwatch for 7 hours straight

>most of /lit/ loves and respects women, me included (;

>> No.9664903
File: 53 KB, 641x530, IMG_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbit spacing while gatekeeping

>> No.9664906

lol yeah, i discounted the possibility all those people she thinks she's friends with don't listen to her and/or have low standards for her. =/

>> No.9664907

which one

>> No.9664916

Oh shit, do we have to pretend we're male for this thread so she doesn't think it's people think she's useless but men?
t. very butch manly man esq.

>> No.9664924

>It's obvious that women get the raw deal when it comes to simply posting on the internet.
have you considered you have shitty internet women friends?

>> No.9664925


>> No.9664930

show me your tits

>> No.9664934


>> No.9664936
File: 37 KB, 469x469, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet friends

>> No.9664937
File: 20 KB, 453x453, sanicthewedgehag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>plebbit spacing

Confirmed posturing newfag: "reddit spacing" is a meme that only newfags use. No oldfags use that corny line.

Every time I see some anon sarcastically call out "spacing" I know I'm talking to a newfag trying to LARP. Get rekt faggot.

>> No.9664945
File: 42 KB, 530x530, 1496423300204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me sad desu senpai... you're not supposed to take the bantz to heart

>> No.9664947


Are you trying to humblebrag about your female friends like some sort of homosexual faghag?

I don't care, anon. I don't even want "internet women friends" lmao. What?

>> No.9664950
File: 20 KB, 605x164, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this is her boyfriend or one of you are a massive whiteknight
>yo I just defended you on the internet for 3 hours, can i get a hello?

>> No.9664952

She's not smart. She just capable of matching the pseudo rhetoric that most of the people here spout out on a daily basis without even the slightest understanding of what they're talking about. Sweeping generalizations about "consumerism" and """baudelaire""" (lmao). She made an absolutely pants-on-head retarded video about quantum mechanics and nobody here commented on that because nobody here knows anything about it beyond vague determinism vs. indeterminism debate threads. Can't you people just pick up a book some time?

>> No.9664954

i swear to god if i've been talking to girls this entire time im gonna puke

>> No.9664955

forcefully keked at this post

>> No.9664956
File: 737 KB, 540x523, blue-tits-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9664961

i'm pointing out you could be a girl or a dog or a bot, but only bots and dogs who announce themselves on the internet get a hard time over being a bot or dog.

>> No.9664964

lol what a fag
surely she will reward him with sex-

>> No.9664968

never listen to a vocaroo thread. they'll steal your ear virginity, half them don't give warnings either which is basically ear rape.

>> No.9664970
File: 57 KB, 576x436, 1487307442234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you niggers have to ruin everything remotely good

>> No.9664974


>relies on newfag/oldfag as an analytical dichotomy

You have to go back.

>> No.9664975
File: 65 KB, 977x785, 1496980659178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a math book thread

>> No.9664976

By God /lit/ keep doing what you do best

>> No.9664979

we didn't know asking her to actually read Baudrillard would cause her to go further into the land of Disney princesses with drawn on eyebrows. we thought she might, you know, just read Baudrillard.

>> No.9664983

is she a student? where does she live?who pays for her apartment?

>> No.9664984

>le raid her youtube xDD

>> No.9664986


I've been here since '06 typing however I feel like. As was every other anon at the time. You are a faggot newfag LARPer and "reddit spacing" is corny shit that newfags say to other newfags.

LARP harder, shit cunt.

>> No.9664987

who said this was a raid you retard

>> No.9664988

>26 posters

Is Kent Allard the hero we need?

>> No.9664989

You have destroyed an attempt at communication.

>> No.9664993
File: 154 KB, 2430x508, Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 9.01.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this guy's problem

>> No.9664996


>posts a year

>> No.9664998

he hates women, and books.

>> No.9665004
File: 428 KB, 1070x1280, 1494955553542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is funny
I thought she'd take it better, has she never been on the internet?
Wonder which thread she saw
We should do this more

>> No.9665008

this is why /pol/ has created the numale criticism
what a supreme fag

>> No.9665009

Professional baiter, professional looser, he can dig his grave with either one Don Juan

>> No.9665011

His problem is /lit/. Based Kent.

>> No.9665013
File: 311 KB, 800x751, cat cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I wrote that

>> No.9665016

go to bed kent

>> No.9665017
File: 112 KB, 1104x800, GuyDavisTheShadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Kent Allard the hero we need?

>> No.9665022

she probably posted herself and figured tits was all you need to be queen. butterfly didn't show us her tits forever, and when she did they were glorious.

do large mammaries indicate women read more? this new one doesn't read much and has small tits. butter read doorstoppers and so did katie and both of them were well endowed.

>> No.9665027

>le disagreeing with me is whiteknighting and you're only doing it desperately hoping she holds your hand while cucking you

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9665028


You're being doxed right now.

See you in hell.

>> No.9665031
File: 42 KB, 640x960, 2215785-theshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>type le "kent allard" into bing
Oy vey

>> No.9665032

fucking hell kent what are you even doing?


>> No.9665035

they created that to hide their own desperation and squalid existence
why do you think they're so obsessed with the sexual activities of people they disagree with?

>> No.9665041
File: 98 KB, 576x719, IsherwoodShadowForNet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't dox someone with no other presence online

And btw, is doxing just another form of friendly banter to test if someone is worthy of entering the litbro discussions?

>> No.9665042

she lives in toronto. ive seen her around. her parents.

>> No.9665048

fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent fuck off kent

>> No.9665054
File: 16 KB, 330x400, room-of-doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all around you
As inevitable as your guilty conscience

>> No.9665056
File: 21 KB, 480x255, shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was your face when you realized it was a ruse?

>> No.9665059

what do you get out of telling lies on the internet

>> No.9665064

Hey guys, come on this isn't fair.

She posted a thread yesterday and we spent the whole time talking about books and Katie.

She can't post a whole thread and a whole video today, and then have Kent steal her spotlight.

How will she get her precious attentions with this Kent guy trying to convince her not to talk to us? I say the decent thing to do is ignore that he's more our type, and sympathyfuck her.

>> No.9665066

if a woman touches her hair alot does it mean she's dtf?

my therapist does it alot....she might have a scalp problem

>> No.9665072

t. ontologicool

>> No.9665073

it's just cooties all girls have them

>> No.9665075


>> No.9665076

um shes pictured with jordan peterson in toronto. what more proof do you need she lives in toronto.

>> No.9665077
File: 135 KB, 798x787, 1498045070930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this bitch is actually chill af

>> No.9665083

Is she native american first nations? She doesn't look white but she kind of does.

>> No.9665087

maybe she just likes warpaint?

>> No.9665091

please don't post smut while ontologicool is here >>9664871

>> No.9665095
File: 128 KB, 478x225, 1493218938282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just take a moment to thank and appreciate the mods for not being gay for once and letting us have our fun?

>> No.9665097
File: 51 KB, 600x900, 1489751270742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mods

>> No.9665101

the only real reason we watch her videos is because shes hot and we want to fuck her right. shes a total pseud and can barely express herself logically lmao.

>> No.9665102

I don't buy it. Kent Allard does haven't this level bantz

>> No.9665111
File: 148 KB, 717x400, theprisonerandthefree[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kents reading this thread.

he just posted about it in the youtube comments

I feel violated.

>> No.9665112

i hope she got turned on by my toe sucking posts

>> No.9665115

do you think there's a chance she'll post her tits in this thread? i haven't been turned on since i scrapped a kid off the concrete at work

>> No.9665120

they rarely do delete anything, anon. you probably posted some duplicate/shit thread if you got reported, and got the mods to check a report from lit.

i miss when they intervened enough to bully them about being plebs for deleting lolita threads. they're much more fun to force books on than this girl.

>> No.9665123
File: 277 KB, 2048x1536, MUsaV7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mods are based

>> No.9665127
File: 799 KB, 680x1047, 1498059130831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she's cool with it bro
she knows we only see her as a gaping CUNT
this will give her a lot more to write about during GRAD SCHOOL HAHHAHHAHHHHAHAAHAAA

>> No.9665129

Her vids are boring as fuck she has nothing to say.

I bet we would have good conversations though.

>> No.9665131

are you a firefighter. my buddy is and he says he does that shit all the time. and the ambulance drivers always make sick jokes lmao

>> No.9665132

some post the TAMPOM copy psata

>> No.9665133

What is her contact info or website? Her instagram is private. She seems like a tryhard and by that I mean she hasn't really questioned anything outside of her comfort zone. She has that happy normie look. She doesn't seem very introverted and she can't convey her thoughts well.

>> No.9665141
File: 113 KB, 500x701, TVtyYyVCm0kFzqA8kOH0rKwl0Brz8sg0ZEX5LaGwpuE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the ambulance drivers always make sick jokes lmao
ayyy that's me

>> No.9665142

>Likes genre fiction, Hememeway, and Eliot-lite
Sad desu

>> No.9665148
File: 51 KB, 589x802, White_Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665149

>we want to fuck her
i don't. the pseud shit coming out her mouth and the salad eater look doesn't do it for me. especially with her noh theater eye make up, she's not really my kind of sexy.

the pseud shit is hilarious though considering the shit she talks about. normally i only get to read that here getting btfo by anon not see it on youtube and then read here about her getting btfo.

>> No.9665150

book of the new sun is not genre trash.

Kent what is your favorite part of BotNS? Are you truly not a pleb?

>> No.9665152
File: 16 KB, 218x290, 1494651353051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lad you are shit at reading people. she might be a bit of a try hard but she is definitely an introverted sort.

>> No.9665153
File: 89 KB, 236x282, 1491585193521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No stop it nonononoNONOTAGAIN

>> No.9665156

>not asking for feet
refine yourself

>> No.9665162

he says he hates when he gets to the scene before the ambulance guys because he doesnt really know what to do with injured people. does he tell it true

>> No.9665165
File: 107 KB, 600x530, 33921e0e2de40de8212d4868200dc88a--ems-humor-medical-humor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665172

please ontologicool, i know you're here. post your feet.

yes. firefighters are fucking morons

>> No.9665174

She is cute but she isn't very ladylike or feminine. She is friend material at best and probably has low self esteem by dating assholes who are way beneath her. She has potential to be really hot but she seems aloof or kind of like she doesn't really know what the fuck she is talking about. If she spent time with me I could train her to be great but you fags scared her away so it is pointless.

>> No.9665175
File: 133 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mc2czpC1gT1r3tel8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have such a low opinion then why bother harassing her?

>> No.9665176

she obv has nice legs, and probably qt toes so start there lol

>> No.9665183

She would probably like Bauldelaire's poetry desu

>> No.9665184

>the pseud shit is hilarious though considering the shit she talks about. normally i only get to read that here getting btfo by anon not see it on youtube and then read here about her getting btfo.
read that again. then read plato if you're still having trouble.

>> No.9665185
File: 1.66 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a problem with the Wolfester?
Its labyrinth that doubles back on itself, characterisation, dialogue, subversion and reinvention of genre conventions

>> No.9665186
File: 85 KB, 633x738, 1496929619436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She has potential to be really hot but she seems aloof

Idk mane seems /lit/ 2 me..

>> No.9665188

i can tell just from her make up that she's fucking retarded, but why would anyone watch a youtube channel of someone they want to fuck? if i want to watch people i want to fuck i'll go to pornhub and get right to the tits thank you

>> No.9665189

you don't think her bf trains her better than you could?

>> No.9665191

>why cant a girl be perfect: the post

>> No.9665195

she is on her way to suidicegirls.com

>> No.9665196
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1496360932778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she spent time with me

>> No.9665197

>all these excuses for not getting her to post her perfectly manicured little tootsies
you failed us, anon.

you weren't quick enough off the mark, and now we'll never recreate that scene with Huxley's ex from Point Counter Point with her.

>> No.9665198
File: 188 KB, 430x320, 1498105147639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she spent time with me I could train her
*blocks your path*

>> No.9665200

>Its labyrinth that doubles back on itself, characterisation, dialogue, subversion and reinvention of genre conventions
What the fuck on you on about? How did you manage to type out such a contrived and vague statement on a book you actually like? Tell it to me straight kent you kike, what was your favorite scene and why.

>> No.9665203

he's nervous she might find out she's like what /lit/ said she's like, so i think she's trained him.

>> No.9665205


>If she spent time with me

lol you wish virgin boy

>> No.9665207

yo fuck this bitch you guys are retards. shes so goddamn degenerate compared to girls like katie OR FUCKING CARLI CLAIRE. goddamn carli was the perfect woman. she just loved the classics. she was so beautiful and pure. this girl looks like a whore who snorts ketamine or does E and listens to techno or is a part of some scene hXc bullshit. kys selves

>> No.9665208

>but why would anyone watch a youtube channel of someone they want to fuck? if i want to watch people i want to fuck i'll go to pornhub

are you actually this normie or are you pretending? pornography is vulgar and unaesthetic, masturbating to full clothed unsexualized women is much more satisfying

>> No.9665210

i see. do you think she will wear more makeup in her next vids?

>> No.9665211

Hello Biggu

>> No.9665214

hello friend

>> No.9665216

carli doesn't count for footfags since she's got ballerina feet.

they do both read which is much better than this bitch tho you're right there

>> No.9665217
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1491608073818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah desu carli was like a sun in the night for us wretched frogposters. fuck dudes, why did she leave? i think it was the knowledge of carli that drove ontologicool to the brink; she knew she couldn't compete.

>> No.9665219

Her boyfriend is probably an effeminate white male who hasn't banged her good. She looks like she isn't sexually satisfied. She needs to try better

>> No.9665222
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 1467392907816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carli truly was the embodiment of purity and the only one of these girls I felt for but we gotta move on. We will never get her back.

>> No.9665223

the play and later the confrontation with Baldanders, the story telling competition, the scenes with the Autarch, the scenes with the mirrors
Its been a few years

>> No.9665225

nah, she's obsessed with her eyebrows though to the point she thinks we cared about plucking them (as men) even though nobody else mentioned them. she'll probably get them done for the next video if she didn't get them done for that one (idk what the cycle on these things are)

>> No.9665226

what a retarded, narcissistic whore.
I want her to drawl about her inane intellectual pursuits in her droning valley girl mumble while I take her from behind with her boyfriend watching

>> No.9665227

>best lituber

>> No.9665230
File: 184 KB, 1000x1625, 1496295004469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough kent. I'm going to dock a point for not mentioning the atrium of time, but good overall. stop white knighting on youtube and you'll be sane again in no time

>> No.9665231

What's wrong with ballerina feet?

>> No.9665232

it's only her mom getting in our way. by the time she comes back she'll be a more hardened by life catholic and willing to talk to us about travels with my aunt and everything that implies :3

>> No.9665233

i could see her going for a chad or some guy that has a manbun and really likes tinder.

>> No.9665234

what's wrong with techno

>> No.9665235
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 1479213266670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah her boyfriend is like trent

>> No.9665236

NO she will come back trust me. she will come back when she goes to college and has a computer to herself. she had a giant fanbase in a short amount of time. i swear she had 3000 subscribers or something. she will be back.

>> No.9665237

I wouldn't want to see her tits. She doesn't have the personality of a woman who is comfortable with her sexuality and seeing her tits would be really sad.

>> No.9665238

stop trying to write fantasies about yourself ontologicolon. nobody wants to fuck you, not even from behind and in hate.

>> No.9665240


Both are probably two potheads from humanities.

>> No.9665241
File: 20 KB, 236x378, 1473820535695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she wore a see-through to display her tits without thinking she is a slut

>> No.9665243

a chad isn't going to go for her. let's be honest here.

>> No.9665244

you don't want to see, but imagine if you were a bare knuckle boxer, except with feet. if you google it, it's pretty much gore pics.

>> No.9665246

see......im the opposite. that would drive me nuts

>> No.9665248

>jealous roastie mad at a THINN woman

what matters to chad is if a woman is down.

>> No.9665251

Awww stop it that only makes her cuter

>> No.9665253

So she got triggered about the eyebrows comments? That poor girl. She probably has lived a normie sheltered life and you wrecked her life because of that. Sad!

>> No.9665254

no u

wasn't atrium in the urth of the new sun?

>> No.9665255
File: 395 KB, 402x551, Yw1uSv6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who left the comment on her last video about you guys. I regret it. I really like her and her videos, she seems like a normal human being trying to think, and I exposed her to the disgusting underbelly trying to peek up her skirt as she did it. I wish I could take it back, truly

>> No.9665259

>this whole post
you're not good at r9k level of understanding. it's like you're trying to LARP as a robot, and considering that girl's video, there's one likely contender for anyone wanting to LARP as a robot in the entire world for this thread. you can sit up while posting tits and feet if you like, chica.

>> No.9665260

Oh thanks. I think I'd rather not. I don't wanna ruin Carli for myself (or maybe I do?).

>> No.9665261
File: 709 KB, 1085x800, ron%20sahdow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she highlights the comments about her eyebrows as an example of how venal the attacks on her are

>> No.9665262

convince her to post her tits and all will be forgiven

>> No.9665264


>trying to peek up her skirt

in the first 3 seconds of this vid it looks like she's going to spread her legs.....then she doesn't


>> No.9665265
File: 435 KB, 562x800, nealadamsshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother you must regret nothing when fighting /lit/s subhuman elements

>> No.9665266

are you asking to see my dick right now, faggot

>> No.9665267
File: 237 KB, 540x960, QuickMemo+_2017-06-21-21-49-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi qt dont worry, i defended your honor ffrom those 4chan trolls for a whole hour
>p-pls respond

>> No.9665270

what's worse: anon seems to have checked the threads and nobody mentioned her eyebrows.

she told 4chan about what made her so self-conscious when 4chan hadn't picked up on it at all.

think she'll like this thread which is prob 33% about her eyebrows? jej

>> No.9665271
File: 27 KB, 494x331, 1495620341976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


niggas be petty

>> No.9665274

Post pics of her. Her instagram is private.

>> No.9665276

I bet she has a wild bush down there.

>> No.9665277

it works for some anons who need the carli cure. if you want to be in love a little longer, well, you could find worse than carli.

>> No.9665281

I hope she has hairy armpits

>> No.9665282

actually it was fucking butterfly's fault >>9655050

>> No.9665288

yeah, that's a level of LARPing defensiveness too high for a tranny, it's definitely this bitch false flagging. show your qt toes whore.

>> No.9665289

Why does she speaks on youtube instead of speaking to her friends and teachers ?

>> No.9665290

>now a tranny

>> No.9665295

she writes poetry like someone who's never read poetry before.

that's a pet hate of mine.

i no longer like her.

>> No.9665297
File: 89 KB, 330x328, 1497240545971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, it was fucking butterfly out of all people. we honestly need to hang that decrepit wretch; enough is enough

>> No.9665301

aaand anger

>> No.9665302
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1498103279744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665304

post her poetry

>> No.9665307

Nope the fuxking butterfly tripfag posted something about it

>> No.9665309

What is Monsieur Allard saying?

>> No.9665311
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1484911002737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some high schools ban those shorts because they are too slutty

>> No.9665312

holy shit, fake butters took down an illegitimate queen in one line.

that puts her idea men hate her into touch, since apparently trannies are just offering her makeup advice on not overdoing it. that's even better than if this girl just made it up from whole cloth.

>when fake butters is more queen of /lit/ than this girl
talk about failure to launch.

>> No.9665314

over 200 posts in under 2 hours

>> No.9665320

>those old man chicken legs
Honestly thought this was the Peterson thread for a second.

>> No.9665321

Feels like i'm on /b/

>> No.9665322

on Tuesdays i sit at the front
on Thursdays in the back
someone called my prof a bohemian bourgeoisie while she was teaching Baudrillard
i wish it was me
but all i could muster was “ideologue”

what’s it called when you resent someone but suspect it’s related to the behavioural overlap between you and them

who are the people who we want to listen talk about themselves
there definitely are some
but who are they?
am i one?
does every use a point of reference tied exclusively to what happened to them over the weekend
how that reflects
on the subject at hand?
I’m willing to tell everyone everything
except how badly i want to ditch all of my responsibilities and have a child and grow kale
it’s misaligned with my persona

is wanting to be a mother part of my shadow
why are we simultaneously reading Jung
is that divine organization

how many times do i have to speak over everyone’s head until someone calls me the fuck out
how many more times do i have to alienate someone by inserting some allusion to divine providence in casual conversation

how much longer will i involuntarily shift conversation to metaphysics
and leave people with one word on their tongue
is it crazy to want to know the nature of the universe or crazy not to

if i show one more YouTube video about the flat earth psy op or indigo children to people who have higher standards
if I’m only understood on Reddit
I’m alright with that but I’m way too stoned to type something out so please just come over
you need to see this

>> No.9665323

and 41 posters

>> No.9665327

>tfw you've been watching her videos for the past two weeks, keeping them a secret from lit because you're not a fucking retarded half brain who knows what happens

Fuck. You.

>> No.9665329
File: 21 KB, 360x225, colinquinnpinocchio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good hustle, gang

>> No.9665331

>if I’m only understood on Reddit >if I’m only understood on Reddit >if I’m only understood on Reddit >if I’m only understood on Reddit

>> No.9665334

Carli looks like a basic bitch. The girl in OP looks uniquely attractive. Plus dark hair is way more beautiful. IMO

>> No.9665337

shes in her own house.

>> No.9665341

are we really telling women what they should wear

>> No.9665344

lemao those legs

>> No.9665347

>anon is a vice principal
no wonder you're such a loser aaahahahhh

>> No.9665348
File: 100 KB, 800x680, 1494801883172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665349

Must be a troll

>> No.9665350

This is fucking trash but kind of cute

>> No.9665352

god this girl is insecure about carli. i'm not a fan of carli but how you think her hair is light in comparison to this basic no books bitch is mindboggling. you might be colorblind or something anon. whatever it is when you can't tell black from black.

>> No.9665357

This is better than most of the stuff of the stuff you guys post.

>> No.9665359
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1491630185704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you take this out context she has nice legs it's just an unflattering light and frame

>> No.9665360

Dude what fucking planet do you live on where Carli is basic and this bitch is unique? Cause I want to go there now.

>> No.9665363

grace's poems are shit and still better than that. did grace's nude video ever get taken down?

>> No.9665365
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Neruda


>> No.9665367

She looks like someone who has never suffered spiritual or physical pain. She seems like a normie.

>> No.9665368


>> No.9665371

>trannies are just offering her makeup advice on not overdoing it.
I've hurt myself with laughter and I'm suing you.

>> No.9665373


>> No.9665374
File: 450 KB, 500x338, 1495161975621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is wanting to be a mother part of my shadow
>why are we simultaneously reading Jung
>is that divine organization

she is sophomoric but this girl is actually /lit/ though. /lit/ as in the spirit of this board. this is some shit a regular lurker in their early 20s would write.

>> No.9665375

>le pretty people don't feel pain maymay

>> No.9665377

he said nothing about pretty. she does seem normie. she thought telling 4chan they hurt her feelings about her eyebrows was a good plan. that's some real normie shit.

>> No.9665379

I hope she reads this thread and stay on lit forever to narrate us her sexual liberation

>> No.9665383

>a regular lurker
>would write
they don't write it here without being told to go back to /mlpol/ and the only way you'd know they write that way is if it's you or they're not a lurker.

>> No.9665389

>sexual liberation
We could probably get her to read The story of O for less effort.

>> No.9665391
File: 401 KB, 980x980, img_2662[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she learns to roll a spliff instead of smoking a cigarette and a joint at the same fucking time like a goddamn moron.

>> No.9665392

Basic white bitch. Pale as a ghost. Just saying she isn't appealing looking. The girl in OP looks cute in a unique way.

>> No.9665393

make her read the story of the eye

>> No.9665394

i don't think there are as many crossboarders here as you think

>> No.9665396


i never even check those threads. i was presupposing. it'd all read like shit to me anyway.

>> No.9665397

Guy posted "She looks like someone who has never suffered spiritual or physical pain," which is what I responded to. It's plausible to infer he was commenting on her being a qt.
I don't know whether or not she's a "normie" and wasn't replying to that part of the post.

>> No.9665402

>there are 43 persons in this board RIGHT NOW dedicating themselves to the arduous task of promotingsome used-up whore with the CLEAR intent of overshadowing CARLI CLAIRE


>> No.9665403

my man I'm not sure where you are from but every semi alternative bitch in Toronto looks like that (which is every girl. basic af)

>> No.9665404

what cigarette is that?

>> No.9665405

i'm sure she had physical and spiritual pain when some chadwick longdicked her anus or when she didn't feel as pretty as a photoshopped picture of kim kardashian, but any kind of serious angst, probably not no

>> No.9665406

especially that eye liner. it's like the new meme in make up.

>> No.9665408

once again /lit/ shows itself to be no better than /b/ or /tv/ or any other shit tier board.

>> No.9665410

Oh boi, and those are fucking viceroys, ahahah

>> No.9665411

viceroy's I think.

I'm going to buy a pack tommorrow so I know what she smells like

>> No.9665412
File: 43 KB, 299x405, Augustine+of+Hippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used-up whore
Will chastityfags ever learn? Promiscuity is the patrician choice. Even Augustine knew

>> No.9665414


>> No.9665415
File: 34 KB, 352x387, 1495180123390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. soft cunt

>> No.9665416

she lives in Vancouver

>> No.9665417

I will spend the day reading her blog

>> No.9665419

Do you think spiritual or physical pain makes you ugly? I mean, yeah, sure, if she had massive scarring all over her face, it might be about looks, but that doesn't necessarily make people ugly either. The normie part is that she's likely to never suffer the extremes of society.

She wears a lot of make up too, so it's hard to tell if she's pretty because of that but easy to tell she's a normie from it. Maybe she'll wipe it off and reveal her MS13 ownership tattoos under those layers, but I doubt all that make up is hiding anything abnormal.

>> No.9665420

hot pusy

>> No.9665421

>kim kardashian
These are bad and lazy reads. Like I wrote earlier, >>>/r9k/

>> No.9665424

you're the one who posted some sluts youtube channel faggot, maybe you should have posted it there instead of here, not /lit/ kys

>> No.9665425

kek wait til this nigga finds out how much incest there is in Western Canon, he gonna have to rethink this whole books thing

>> No.9665427

go away, kent

>> No.9665429

If I were Claire's BF, I would not mind cheating on her with ontologicool

>> No.9665430

Oh jesus christ of course they are. Forgot those exist.
>Viceroy and joint
Why try THIS hard to fit in

>> No.9665432

!!!promiscuity =/= whoreness!!!

you'd know this if you had the decency to understand that CARLI is our true GODESS-QUEEN

she can be as much of a promiscuous deviant as me wants with me tho

>> No.9665436
File: 311 KB, 540x960, QuickMemo+_2017-06-21-22-30-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes the k in pic related

He probably is. I really hope so

>> No.9665437

because Carli has enough muscle to have a pelvic floor? good point, you'd have to wait until after Carli had a few kids to get that sloppy feel and fuck the farts out of someone.

>> No.9665441

I'm not sure I understand the first part of your post. I replied to a robot who basically said "she looks like she's never been in pain." I disagreed with that because everyone feels pain and his was a robot-level assumption to make.
As for the "normie" part, I doubt many of the people who use the word are on society's extremes. Most of them are likely shy dudes who've developed a bitter attitude, but I don't want to psychoanalyze people I don't know.
Wearing makeup makes a woman as much of a "normie" as her wearing clothes does. It's expected and they do it and it's fine. It says little about her character.

>> No.9665442

there are a thousand social media platforms for r9k normie shit, this is not one of them, take this shit elsewhere

>> No.9665443


oh, mais monsieur, c'est moi le boifriendo de madmoiselle Claire e je ne voudrais pas de le bon et vieux "over the fence counter-shagging", eh bien, ohoho, je suis plus français

>> No.9665445
File: 56 KB, 699x456, Boxxymk2m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this htread

I mean....I started it as a joke to rustle the mods

>> No.9665448


>> No.9665451
File: 202 KB, 585x560, 1497065954333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i bet that white knight faggot was canadian

he's got fuckin leaf stink all over him

>> No.9665454

Got damn those are some manly looking legs. He must be a tranny.

>> No.9665456

>authoral intent
>actually mattering

ahahahahaha, go fucking take lit whatsoever 101, ya dingus

>> No.9665460

>must be a tranny

my dick can only get so hard

>> No.9665468
File: 67 KB, 334x367, 1498108551582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thread is doing Avatar numbers...I wonder why

>> No.9665470

oh fuck, manly legs, and she has those tiny estrogen tits...yup, it's a man.

>> No.9665472
File: 33 KB, 311x499, 41OayeDTQFL._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but pic related is a rally good book

who killed roland barthes? lol

>> No.9665476

You decided he was a robot talking about prettiness, when he mentioned neither of those things. It seems you're thinking more about those things as relating to spiritual and physical pain more than he is, because you are writing about those things and he is not.

>doubt many of the people who use the word are on society's extremes
you realize a lot of them are hikkis with pissbottles? it's a no longer human kind of life with less social contact and less sex. it's pretty extreme for most of them, and not about the normie things you have references for to relate the term to.

>Wearing makeup makes a woman as much of a "normie" as her wearing clothes does
it doesn't, because not wearing make up is more normal than not wearing clothes, but you also obviously haven't heard the catchphrase "all women are normies". to be honest, putting paint on your face has been argued by women to be a sign of poor character or being characterless in feminism for ages, so i don't know where you're going with the idea that following the mob says nothing about your character

you're trying to strawman something which you haven't lurked long enough to understand, and you make snap judgments that show more about where your head is at than where that anon's head is at. some of them are bitter and not shy. some are extremely autistic in a medical sense. some are just caught in extreme social circumstances, but most people are biased against accounting for those in discerning the motivations of others.

tl-dr; lurk moar because robots have done more research hours on their jargon than you can without getting a pissbottle. you're not going to override common use

>> No.9665482
File: 101 KB, 960x720, golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a pic of her? If so, those fingers... fetal alcohol syndrome confirmed

Also wtf is up with her foot. It looks severely malformed

>> No.9665484

>its sad that /lit/ guys...who are the guys I usually hang out with. blah blah blah.

pffffft I'm certainly not like the guys she hangs out with. I haven't spoken to a female who isn't a blood relative for over two years.

>> No.9665486

her eyes are so far apart. This bitch doesn't have jackshit against Carli.

>> No.9665487

ohh, never heard of it, care to sum it up?

>> No.9665488

She's right on that point, honestly. Someone else posted earlier that she'd fit in here if she were a dude and I think that's likely the case.

>> No.9665489

Where I am from everyone is a pale ghost and they Ll look blonde. Boring as fuck.

>> No.9665494

if she were here no one would know if she's a dude or not but since she's an attention whore she's on youtube and not here, fuck off, fag, youtube is shit

>> No.9665498

Binet (who wrote HHhH which is pretty good) writes about someone investigating the death of Bathes. So it has all these hypothetical interviews with the luminaries of post ww2 french academia(foucault, julia kristeva, deleuze, derrida etc etc) its actually pretty funny.

>> No.9665500

I don't think she would. The people who post garbage thoughts like her videos are normally bullied into silence and so don't really come back or learn to lurk. She wouldn't be able to talk for as long without responses telling her to cut the shit she hadn't read it here either, because word count, but I can see her calling everyone bullies within two normal /lit/ responses to a pseud-poster.

>> No.9665501

she uses the word intellectual like 50 times
>muh intellectual ideas
>"introvert balance"
this is the most reddit bitch around
kill this cancer

>> No.9665502

>if she were here no one would know if she's a dude
come on, anon, she'd announce she had tits like she's immune to the tits or gtfo meme. we'd all know she was a girl because she's an attention whore and she wouldn't stop being one here.

>> No.9665503

>khan academy

>> No.9665504

Carli's that thing that you can't have and when you do get it you get erectile dysfunction (or whatever lacan was going on about)....also she looks a bit like a child.

ontilogicool is a terminal prick-tease that haunts your sleep at night and gives you erectile dysfunction because everyone else can have her except you.......but you're the only one she flirts with

>> No.9665508

it sure sounds interesting, gonna make my way around it anytime soon

hope I can get my hands into some physical copy here in bananasland, cheers, lad!

>> No.9665509

the not even basic bitch ITT doesn't seem hard to get tbph. she's so full of her own shit, she's bound to buy at least half of yours

>> No.9665511

>but you're the only one she THINKS she flirts with because her goddamn eyes are so far apart she sees 360 degrees

fix'd for ye

>> No.9665514

she's just trying to be existentialist like sartre

>> No.9665516

stop talking about her eyes cocksucker

goddamit. im whiteknighting for her.... ive fallen for her.... now i have to endure a period of intense self-loathing before i get it out of my system....

im out

>> No.9665517

no worries, she'll keep an eye on you

>> No.9665518
File: 31 KB, 429x451, IMG_7388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I hate /lit/bros. fucking ruined it.

>> No.9665522


lost, best cringe thread ever.

>> No.9665523

she was already ruined, /lit/ just had it the patrician way and put her in her place

dare I say beneath CARLI CLAIRE

>> No.9665526

stop calling fake butterfly a bro. she's a tranny and skinwalker and probably BPD, but she is not a bro.

>> No.9665530
File: 638 KB, 1920x1080, 1492980158521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now officially comfy-core.

Post comfy shit.

>> No.9665531

Trannies are bros though

>> No.9665532

p much all our gfs have been better.

>> No.9665533

TERFs aren't people by anyone's standards though so your opinion doesn't count.

>> No.9665538

word breh, she's just a burnout for a one night stand, don't undesrtand what's all this fuzz's about

fuck and forget, you damn fags

>> No.9665542
File: 241 KB, 772x670, gary%20gianni%20sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you sexist neckbeard stalkers are still debating this shit

>> No.9665544

sorry broseph, this is a girls only safe space and you'll have to leave with your sexist rhetoric.

>> No.9665547

>girls only safe space
>harass and bully and stalk and raid
what did he mean by that

>> No.9665548

Reminder that there are just maybe 25-30 anons who circlejerk these youtuber threads cause they're really bored or something, while the rest of us are discussing literature and hiding every single one of these threads.

>> No.9665550
File: 381 KB, 1024x576, 1496134840860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's harsh to be reminded of our place in society, but this is the truth /lit/. Despite our knowledge we are reviled and scorned.


>> No.9665551

Have you ever been to lolcow?

>> No.9665552
File: 260 KB, 693x413, 1480647229595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freakin' check'd

>> No.9665553

There are about 48 of us here, and face it, this thread is more active than your DFW jerk will ever be. Join him in suicide

>> No.9665554

kek I don't think she would have made that video saying "hi" to us if she knew how many dykes are here.

>> No.9665556

>the rest of us
All 4 of you

>> No.9665557

doing god's work anon

>> No.9665559


>> No.9665561

You say the term "sexist" as if it has any validity to this conversation. Sexism isn't even an issue. The issue is that women are incapable of being good people. They will roll over you, kill you, and deprive you of your life. The world has been infatuated with this stupid idea that if you call a woman out on her bullshit that it makes you sexist somehow. Sexism is as natural as baby making. Its worked because it's what women are supposed to do. Succumb to their base desires and be treated like the harlots they are. White knighting will get you nowhere with them. I know from experience.

>> No.9665567

From the catalog it looks like a lot of those good posters were the ones who came here. I don't know how to feel about that, but quality posting dropped off when the "rest of us" were left to discuss literature without the anons ITT.

>> No.9665574

Anon, women won't do that. This particular woman would, but the other youtubers don't get that treatment. Probably because the other ones read the books they talked about, while this one is def going through the motions to get attention for nothing.

>> No.9665576

there are 53 posters in this thread

>> No.9665577
File: 31 KB, 615x434, 1480027413108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this man and, know what?, he doesn't give a SINGLE fuck! All he does is carry he's sweet sweet FERRERO ROCHER batch to his eating place and then unwrapping one by one and licking the crust while thinking about all those FUCKS he DIDN'T GIVE!

>> No.9665579
File: 96 KB, 1127x685, IMG_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The issue is that women are incapable of being good people

>> No.9665581

>The issue is that women are incapable of being good people.
yowtch. way to lower your reading comprehension level to kent's.

>> No.9665583

it is an issue because the hate an anger and abuse is directed at her gender

show me where /lit/ has ganged up on a male youtube book video blogger

>> No.9665584

this thread has now transcended

every post below this one is OFFICIALLY TRANSCENDENTAL

>> No.9665589

the hobgoblin is male, unless he's shaving off his ginger face fuzz to become a tranny for views.

all the other youtuber girls /lit/ has worshipped and copied reading lists from. it's not that women are dumb, it's that this particular woman is dumb.

>> No.9665590

My thoughts on this roastie. She hasn't had enough alone time to be able to reflect on herself on a deeper level. She probably gets so much attention that nobody takes her seriously. She isn't mature enough to understand the deeper context and ideas that make up a good writer. She isn't getting in touch with herself. She is unable to express herself on a level that shows some form of individuality or advanced thought or diction.

>> No.9665593

>You say the term "sexist" as if it has any validity to this conversation. Sexism isn't even an issue. The issue is that women are incapable of being good people.
>Sexism isn't even an issue.
>The issue is that women are incapable of being good people.
Not sexist
>The world has been infatuated with this stupid idea that if you call a woman out on her bullshit that it makes you sexist somehow.
Persecution complex
>Succumb to their base desires and be treated like the harlots they are.
Not sexist

>> No.9665595


C'mon you're not even trying to hide your constant bullying of my man Cliff "Gobblin" Sergeant, you damn roasties

>> No.9665596

We go swiftly to our deaths, anon, proudly and bearing ourselves truly.

>> No.9665598

>tfw striking a nerve
Yes I'm sure you /mu/ brainlet memers would have interesting and insightful things to say, if only you felt like it.

>> No.9665601

>In his final example, Baudrillard cites the simulacrum of divinity as yet another instance of meaning derived from an “edifice of representation.” (1983, 368) He claims “God himself has only ever been his own simulacrum”, which is consistent with the view of Protestant religious doctrine as a human artifact of reductive beliefs that sacralize labour as a means in itself and sanctify possession and accumulation of material items as a means to security in salvation through a God assigning these things beliefs (1983, 367) Baudrillard essentially erases divine providence as a reality directly accessible and imparts a notion that believers have gone beyond belief in a distorted truth and descended into an illusion of God – one that is merely an image confused as the “real”. This assertion matches neatly with those made by the 17th century natural philosopher, Francis Bacon who disclosed that “human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly distorts, and discolours nature by mingling its own nature with it.” (Matthews: 1989, 49) The structure imposed, in Weber’s account, a structure of rationalized economic capitalist order, lays the scaffolding for which human perception if framed – it delineates what is possible and as Baudrillard discovers, it cannot detect simulacrum from the real. Through this, conscious awareness becomes an entanglement between structure (cultural and economic systems) and mediating individual desires that emerge and are regulated by these systems.


>> No.9665603

IMO ontologicool should dump kent for biggu, he seems like a good lad. kent is REALLY up tight he should def kys.

>> No.9665604
File: 977 KB, 300x261, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love her so much. I want to feel her body weight ontop of mine. I want to feel her breath on my skin. I want her to lull me to sleep with her intricate ponderings about whatever the fuck she talks about.

you fucked it again /lit/

this hurts so bad.

>> No.9665605

>cliff is kent
jej that's believable.

>> No.9665607

the fuck is your definition of sexism?

>> No.9665610

>cliff is kent

what did pynchon mean by this?

>> No.9665611

>anon points out you clearly don't produce content of any worth for hours
I'm sure you'll always be mommy's special guy no matter what anon.

>> No.9665612

I've now come to realize that a sizable portion of /lit/, perhaps 10% or more, are literally just /r9k/ but with books on the table in front of them instead of a plate of chicken tendies. Fucking pathetic, I've lost so much respect for this board since seeing the way many of you treat an unassuming girl like this one. Oh well, back to reading and just ignoring any of these kinds of threads I guess, I'll take comfort knowing that he majority of /lit/ users aren't as toxic as the ones that eternally shit up these threads whenever they appear.

>> No.9665615


wtf kent. get your shit together.

>> No.9665619

>ohoho, surely a connosieur such as meself would not mix with such lowly gents, c'est moi baguette baguette

go fucking spam DFW threads, you faggot

>> No.9665621

The world is full of anger and hatred. Do you really believe in fairy tales of women's rights? Women are destroyers. I wasn't even talking about her, just in general.

>> No.9665622

>he thinks his babbyfeelings will change /lit/ owning you on Baudrillard into /lit/ bullying you
nah, m8. she's the one who shifted the conversation to r9k.

>> No.9665624

She wrote on OURGUY


>> No.9665630

Sexism is a term used by stupid feminists to stifle dissent and control the narrative under the guise of being on an equal playing field as men.

>> No.9665631
File: 279 KB, 499x674, Isherwood4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro

>> No.9665633
File: 27 KB, 300x155, IMG_0244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would he say about /lit/ lashing out at some girl over her innocuous YouTube channel?

>> No.9665635



ill always fight for you, my sweet clubfooted ballerina <3

>> No.9665636

uh gee I dunno maybe like discriminating against someone based on their gender?
so in this context harassing a youtube book reviewer cause shes a *gasp!* g-g-girl! and that really rustles your jimmies?

>> No.9665642

Nietzsche girl is a better meme on that subject too.

It's brilliant she's obviously tried to aim for the kind of people she thinks we are. She says she thinks we're like her friends. But every facet of her act has been done better by some other girlthing we've memed.

She's like the omega female of memes.