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File: 74 KB, 1000x667, 1500x1500orthodoxchurchinamerica[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9661467 No.9661467 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the Orthodox Church of America.

There's a tiny parish not far from my house, and I'm curious enough to show up one Sunday.

t. Protestant-turned-apatheist

>> No.9661478

You probably meant this for /his/ or /x/ but I'll answer anyways. Orthodox is a very strict religion with fasting and rigorous praying. If you're a former protestant then you'll have to change a lot of routines.

>> No.9661482

But real Russians get high and jack off to anime all the time.

>> No.9661483


>t. middle-class suburbanite seeking "exotic" experiences to make up for lack of personality

>> No.9661484

Orthodox isn't just Russians. Also Russians are far more Atheist when compared with other East Euros because the USSR used to be an Atheist state.

>> No.9661485

I live innawoods. There's maybe 80k members of the OCA in the entire USA. Just found it curious that there was one so (relatively) close to my house - and in the southeast, at that.

>> No.9661492

Realistically fucking kill yourself. You're unworthy of both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. All you need to know about Orthodoxy is that their icons are god-tear

>> No.9661496

>Realistically fucking kill yourself.

It's not my fault my grandparents dragged me to church every Sunday and Wednesday for the first 15 years of my life.

Nazarene, if you're curious.

>> No.9661499


>I use the word curious in every single one of my posts

Imagine being this memed by a fucking 3rd-grade vocabulary word

>> No.9661504

All I'm saying is that I'm curious about this offshoot of Christianity.

>> No.9661668
File: 89 KB, 363x475, 1495238668272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the western Romans were the true Christians

>> No.9661684

You all are a bunch of faggots. OP, I appreciate your post even though I can't answer it. There are a lot of resources online to compare and contrast Orthodoxy to other branches of Christianity, especially Catholicism. If you are really interested, buy one of Bishop Kallistos Ware's books as an introduction to Orthodoxy.

>> No.9661688

>memeing religion instead of actually following it

>> No.9661705

I cant wait for the Christian LARPing meme to die out

>> No.9661722

>says the increasingly nervous fedora tipper

>> No.9661731

Rathiesm died with Hitchens, thank God.

>> No.9662758

The USSR was a strictly atheist state for a very short period of its existence and could never completely remove God from the hearts of its citizens because spirituality is ingrained in Russian culture. Try not to talk about things you don't understand, anon.

>> No.9663217

All "East Euros" were just as manifestedly atheist as the Soviet Union, and it worked just as well as it did in the USSR: that is, not really. There was a rebound right after the fall, too. And that guy was right: most Orthodox believers do not really practice the faith as ardently as their books will have you imagine.

>> No.9663296
File: 303 KB, 1200x1681, cardinal-sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw despite all the memeing by /pol/ and others, Catholics are probably the branch of Christianity with the biggest amount of faithful adherents

Not that it may mean much in this day and age.

>> No.9664224

I can vouch that Greek Orthodox sell vegetables outside and in the church, which from my small understanding, is strictly forbidden by Jesus.

>> No.9665842

Seriously? Where does this happen? I've never seen any food being sold inside the church. What they so sell outside any any church here is: candles--you can't bring your own candles to light in church, you have to by the church-stamped ones--and all sorts of religion-themed trinkets and baubles, such as small vials of holy water, plastic and tbread bracelets with pics of the Virgin and Jesus ("sanctified in Jerusalem" says the label usually).