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File: 23 KB, 534x355, 4550663_7_8cd6_michel-houellebecq-en-septembre-2014_68730539b00035181bbb264f4a38e9e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9660661 No.9660661 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many French people pretend to not like Houellebecq?

Is it because he's the only honest writer their country has produced in generations?

>> No.9660669

>It's a '/pol/ retard makes up ridiculous claim that isn't true at all, solely to get to talk about identity politics on /lit/' episode

>> No.9660670

It's my understanding that abrasiveness is part of his schtick.

>> No.9660674

If they admitted they liked him he'd just be even more horrible to get them to pretend they hate him again

>> No.9660676

Why would /pol/ like him? His views are hardly similar to theirs.

>> No.9660680

Because /pol/ doesn't read books

>> No.9660683

I didn't say /pol/ likes him. I said OP is a /pol/-tier fag who uses an author to create a thinly veiled political thread

>> No.9660684

Why play dense? Anti-Islam, /r9k/-tier views on dating. It doesn't take effort to see the parallels. If you want to have an anti-women/Muslim thread that's fine but please don't be disingenuous.

>> No.9660686

do modern french people still roast people for being bourgeois? if so, id move there because im also muslim

>> No.9660687

Houellebecq is actually anti-men and anti-atheism

>> No.9660689
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>le french writer that tries to look like shit on purpose to get the "le infant terrible image"

Pic related is how he looks normally

>> No.9660690

If you haven't actually read anything by Houellebecq then maybe you should post in another thread

>> No.9660695

>getting mad someone goes for a certain look for a marketing photo shoot

>> No.9660696

>when he's on TV and has been through makeup

>> No.9660707

That's how much of his work has been received in France, hence the backlash against him, not sure what you're getting at.

>> No.9660725

I've read his books in English and Portuguese. It seemed to me that the English ones were better written, while the Portuguese version was way more crass and simplistic.

Since Portuguese is closer to French, I'd say that his translator into English does a good job at improving his prose, which is not that good in the original language.

>> No.9660751

They elected Macron, what do you think ?

>> No.9660756

They're more bourgeois than ever?

>> No.9660890

Any good English interviews /lit/?

i want to get excited so i can force myself to buy his book

>> No.9660900

French people don't speak English, even when they can speak English

>> No.9660903

>Why do so many French people pretend to not like Houellebecq?
i don't know

>> No.9662519


Hello there, brainlet. Life must be a fairground and a wonderland for the likes of you.

>> No.9662523

Not that anon, but you should stop posting. Clearly you haven't read any of his work or you don't understand it.

>> No.9662528

pc leftist scum i imagine

>> No.9662532

You're a dogpiling pseud. He was literally put on trial for inciting "race hate." OP asked why many French people seem to dislike Houellebecq and I've provided the justifications they hide behind. Nothing I've written is to do with my personal reading of his work.

>> No.9662538

Lets be real though, he's no fucking lamb. He actively promotes his own exile.
The public might miss the forest for the trees with his work but there's some fucking trees to look at

>> No.9662543

Your reply was to the anon's post pointing out that Houllebecq has very different views from the neo/pol/ hive consensus. To which you replied
>Hurr he's anti-Islam and anti-women

Which he isn't really which you'd know had you read him, you dipshit.

Oh and also
keep using this retarded formular. You'll keep looking like the retard you are when you use it in a sentence, you clown.

>> No.9662549

>He was literally put on trial for inciting "race hate."
Thanks for reminding me of the grim future.

>> No.9662550

Most likely not the trees you think they are, though.

>> No.9662561

I know, but he's a shitposter like all of us. It just seems totally missaimed to me to be frustrated that the French public reject him (on the surface), its central to his project.

>> No.9662565

There's a reason though for a law like that. It has to do with science and enlightenment, to not blatantly fuel the fires against whole ethnicities. Because, like it or not, that's plain ignorance towards the human individual that is still at the center of our judical system in what's left of the western world, faggot.

>> No.9662572

I wrote that OP was angling toward a Muslim or woman hate thread, which happens here often. If you take every thread here in good faith then I don't know what to say. I wrote that his work expresses /r9k/-tier views on dating, which it does, albeit with more nuance and humor than what you'll find here. Many of his public comments have been interpreted as "anti-Islamic" for roughly 15 years, and given that context it's not a stretch to read parts of Submission in that way, as some of his critics have.
I didn't use the "anti-woman" label, by the way. That was An doing a less than generous reading of my post.

>> No.9662577
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>There's a reason though for a law like that. It has to do with science and enlightenment

>> No.9662579

Your point being? You'd like sharia law installed?

>> No.9662594

I'd like a law based on firm principles of Liberty not despotic arbitrarion. And I'd like to put lead between the eyes of any cocksucker that would like to instigate otherwise.
What you're talking about isn't enlightenment its medieval tier pragmatism

>> No.9662596

>Hates modernity
>Hates immigration
>Hates feminism
>Drops harsh truths that speaks against political correctness
gee I wonder why he isn't popular culture?

>> No.9662601

I tried to read the Possibility of an Isle but in the first 40 pages this guy wrote so many descriptions about wet sweaty balls and the smell of asshole that I simply had to put it down.

>> No.9662603

>science and enlightenment
I'm not trying to stop or even slow your "progress", but you can't stop me from thinking it's nightmarish.

>> No.9662607

And yet you post here. My own balls at the moment are plump as a bulldog since I haven't wanked in a while and just a tad damp with the June heat, like a cool glass with salty condensation.

>> No.9662609
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>> No.9662610

>firm principles of Liberty
Ok, let's hear them. If you don't think the protection of the regard for the individual isn't then I'm curious to hear what is.
I'd also like to hear how the protection of equality before the law is 'medieval pragmatism'.

>> No.9662613

Your point being?

I was just trying to say that although he may have some honest and provoking things to share, the fact that he's a r9k fag ruined it for me.

To each his own.

Also, you blew it at the cool glass metaphor.

>> No.9662614

t. somebody who doesn't know the freedom the laws he lives under guarantees him and where they root from.

>> No.9662616

>Also, you blew it at the cool glass metaphor.

I wanted to make it sound appetizing

>> No.9662624

The state should not punish individuals based on the propositional value of their expressions.
I will give exception to contexts where the audience has no choice but to listen but no one is forced to read a book.

>> No.9662639

I am assuming that you are well aware that there are techniques of how to subvert freedom and how to manipulate opinion. To think these are not a constant danger to the process that is societal and scientific enlightenment would simply be naive.
There are dangers and threats to every form of community and they have to be monitored, regulated and fought, like it or not.
You surely are aware of this though, right?

>> No.9662649

he's an atheist himself, he just hates everything and everybody or rather he pretends to hate everything and everybody just like he pretends to be more pathetic and awful than he really is because this, along with his pretentious self-inserts in all of his novels and blatant lies (like telling everybody he's younger than he actually is, etc.) when it comes to aswering questions about his real life are in fact parts of his auto-ironic act

>> No.9662651

Living is a danger, no one is guaranteeing our feet in this world but ourselves. Your amelioration through legislation is just a ballsless way of delaying the inevitable which is subjection of one of the two opposing principles of operation.
I don't care if it might make things more comfortable and safer, I will never support making compromise with the pre-Christian sensibilities of third worlders

>> No.9662660

>Survival of the fittest.

Too bad. For a second I thought you might provide an actual argument. Hot air and prematurity of thought it is then. Enjoy the ride while the community that made you and which provides for all you aquired in this world will carry you.

>> No.9662668

Spot on, by the way, anon. Exactly what H.'s deal is.

>> No.9662680

Oh please, what I spoke of was not survival of the fittest but the exact opposite, protecting what is precious to us which is our ideals.

>> No.9662685

>he's an atheist himself

He does have clear spirtitual longing though. An atheist no doubt but not a very good one.

>> No.9662702

>protecting what is precious to us which is our ideals
Oh so it's 'us' and 'ours' now, sorry if I didn't catch that. I thought it was just a globalization of your subjective, egotistic half thought out notions. My bad.
But correct me if I'm wrong: When you basically say that 'legislation is just a ballsless way of delaying the inevitable' - you surely are referring to death and suffering there? because if so, then your disregard for the weak is nothing but the misguided notion of survival of the fittest.

>> No.9662723

Its not survival of the fittest, its a matter of not seeing responsibility of the rightious to legislate on behalf of the vicious.
If the weak are prayed on the perpetrators will meet their retribution and they will do so on a law written for a society for the weak not the vicious.

>> No.9662733
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>> No.9662741

All fair and good, but how does that idea tie into your disregard to the danger of subvertion of the structure of a society and the undermining of base by agitation, misinformation and willful confusion of truth.
Where is your regard for the 'weak that are prayed on' there?

>> No.9662745
File: 48 KB, 600x592, 1497902379894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to capitalize Truth.

>> No.9662750

Because the ideals are everything to me. The consequential struggles we must go through to uphold them are an executive matter not a legislative one

>> No.9662754

So, in other words: The strongest may win. Thank you for your time.

If you are seriously disregarding the relatively sound value of scientific redutionism at this point in time, you are simply a reactionary thinker. And when I say 'thinker' I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.

>> No.9662840

Still ugly as fuck tho.

>> No.9662855

I bet his guy is non-white

>> No.9662862

I bet that you're unemployed or live in precarious situations.
Also probably eastern Europe?

>> No.9662883

Not even that anon, but
>eastern Europe

try again.

>> No.9662887

He tied racial "hate speech" to science and enlightenment. He's a nigger for that, no matter the color.

>> No.9662889

Nope, I'm a middle class white anglo with a decent job

>> No.9662895

he's not that good a writer. french people prefer things to be a little more highbrow and pretend to understand it.

he's pulp literature

>> No.9662897


t. illiterate plebtalk, oblivious to the systems they live in. Sorry, but trashtalk like yours, providing literally no arguments, really isn't worth my time.

>> No.9662902

Yet you're the only one acting and talking like a nigger here.

>> No.9662905

I'll take that as a yes. You sound like some small dick asian who is happy for your rulers to treat you like a child

>> No.9662911

Your 'arguments' pretty much speak for themselves here. Enjoy your existence in the social outskirts. And enjoy the ride, while others make way for your comfort.

>> No.9662917

Sure and you enjoy that breeze up on your fucking high horse

>> No.9662918

I want reddit to leave, but I know that I will have to leave instead.

>> No.9662923

Spoken like a true intellectual well done.

>> No.9662951

I wasn't the one who started reverting to taking a cunt tone because when my arguments faltered

>> No.9663056

His prose is edgy trash without a single trace of elegance or respect for the art, I've read YA with better prose
he's really not worth wasting time on
t. french

>> No.9663065

I'm French...well French Canadien, but I enjoy him and several people I know in France like him, but are a bit nervous to admit it.

>> No.9663327

When will this meme end? Everyone knows he is Dutch

>> No.9663343

>Michal Holubek
When will this meme end? Everyone knows he is Czech.

>> No.9663348

>Mickey O'Hallorbegh
When will this meme end? Everyone knows he lives in Ireland

>> No.9663383

>Miguel Holbeque

>> No.9663386

>Michele Olbecchi
When will this meme end? Everyone knows he is Italian

>> No.9663391

>Mihai Hulubescu
Romanians never get the respect they deserve.

>> No.9663397

>Mihăiță Hulubaru
He's actually Moldavian my friend.

>> No.9663406

>Michael Hollerback
He's a goddamned American, faggot.

>> No.9663412

>Micah Holodeck

When will this meme end? Everyone knows he lives on the Enterprise D

>> No.9663421

Mikayel Holabekh is Armenian actually

>> No.9663436

This, why else did Gwen stefany write a song about him

>> No.9663715


Miikka Hullupekka is Finnish. Great author though.

>> No.9663725

This reddit piggybacking of unfunny jokes is the fucking worst. All of you kill yourselves right now.

>> No.9663735

They do this in every Houellebecq thread desu

>> No.9663737

It's spelled
>Michael Hollerbeck
And he's not American, he's German, my friend.

>> No.9663741

Go play Sharia law officer somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.9663754

t. someone who hasn't read La carte et le territoire

Sorry but the Prix Goncourt outweighs your opinion, Pière.

>> No.9663759

>Why do so many French people pretend to not like Houellebecq?

His writings about the failures of the sexual revolution and modernism make people deeply, deeply uncomfortable because it conflicts with everything they were taught in school.

>> No.9663802

Moi je l'aime bien Michel

>> No.9663922

Submission was a book exploring how modern secularism can't propagate itself and how Abrahamic religions can overpower them (Islam the one being the most likely to become politically influential) it was practically an endorsement of converting to Islam.

>/r9k/-tier views on dating
Sure he shows characters that have r9k views explains their thought processes and the social changes behind them but they're always presented as pathetic.

>> No.9664117

>Mikael Höllebäck

He is obviously a swedish author. Is this french thing a meme?

>> No.9664129

>Michael Holbeck
He's obviously English

>> No.9664173

The english translator does a sick job copyin his almost blank/bland style. I haven't read the portuguese versions of his but have read french n english.

>> No.9664186

Pre-Christian are you fucking retarded? Islam is a post christian religion you fucking imbecil. What's your point even; give an example of who you'd put lead in between their forhead.

>> No.9664190

Islam is only post Christian chronologically. Theologically its a total retreat back to Judaism. The sensibilities of the middle east are still pre-Western in that way.

>> No.9664209
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a pseudonym for Marko Hallaqen, the Nokia engineer who created the first VCR/Betamax duel player

>> No.9665338

>Mike Holla-back
He's obviously a fucking nigger

>> No.9665613

Mykhaylo Hulyubyuk is Ukrainian, neighbor.