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9658688 No.9658688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he dare i say it ?our guy ?

>> No.9658690

Average woman is better than the average man. The best men are better than the best women.

>> No.9658771

In almost ever way except the ability to have people come out of us, I would say yes.

>> No.9658777

Can't think of a reason single reason to speak to a dude instead of an attractive woman unless I'm a work.

>> No.9658790

Let me correct you:
Average woman is better than the average man. The best men are MUCH better than the best women

>> No.9658804

How is the average woman better than the average man?
That's because you just want a hole to fuck and a voice to agree with you.

>> No.9658819

>How is the average woman better than the average man?
Women has a get out of jail free card, which is: marriage.
They can do and want absolutely nothing in their lives and still succeed because they have a pussy.

However, karma strikes back at higher levels.

>> No.9658820

Can't wait until the meme is over and we can legitimately look at literature like this and compare it, like Roosh V etc.

>> No.9658825

When they get married dudes are just like You have to do what I say you're my wife, etc. Not quite the one-way street

>> No.9658826


>> No.9658831

So they get everything for free but aren't allowed to fuck other men. Truly suffering.

>> No.9658844

free sure in terms of not paying money for it but not free by like every sense of the word, zzzzzz

>> No.9658849

Better at what, you retards?

Men and women have different biological niches that are complementary.

>> No.9658853

Women type like fucking children

>> No.9658854

I could not be fucking an attractive woman and still prefer speaking with her. On average she'll probably be a better conversationalist than the average guy, be more pleasant to look at, be more emotive, and have a nicer voice. How compelling do you find the ideas of the average dude? Like I said, outside of work (or talking about sports) I'd prefer to speak with an attractive woman 9 times out of 10, regardless of whether or not I'll be fucking her.

>> No.9658864

Good for them! I think you're done here

>> No.9658865

Because, as I already said, women will agree with you. You don't like being challenged.

>> No.9658869

Well, it's definitely better than starving to death or living in the slums. Like "O Cortiço" by Aluisio Azevedo. You sure this is what anyone desires?
So what if you have to obey some dude? you're living in a posh home with their children while still being able to keep in contact with neighbors and what not.
You've won, food is guaranteed, you've passed your genes for the next generation and anything you ever desire you can get (within reason)

In comparison, in order for a man to be self-suficient, he needs good personality, discretion, assiduity and get *at least* a major degree.
Or, be ready to withstand some dangerous labour which requires physical activities.
Women can always be a prostitute. If they're sexy enough, they can get really rich by this.

>> No.9658876

>Women understand politics as much as a >screwdriver understands crossing a busy street. Sure, you can carry a screwdriver
to the store and buy it a cookie, but in the end it has no goddamn
idea what's going on

>> No.9658892

Only if the dude is rich which I doubt is very many marriages. 'posh home' useless to add in this context because it will probably be standard. wife will probably have to work too given the economy while looking after kids as well (maybe the dude will help too)

For a man to be self-sufficient all he needs is a steady job. even min wage ft will get you more than enough

>> No.9658904

that is in the U.S.
Reality is a little grim outside there.
I've met some poor folks that had to get a pHD so they can earn what i used to get paid when i got a major's in engineering.
It's fucking sad.

>> No.9658912

Women tend to not have interesting ideas because they're more sensitive to social status and conformity.

You rarely meet women with an interesting take on this, no matter if you're in a bar or a philosophy department.

>> No.9658918

*on things desu

>> No.9658922

To be fair there are not a lot of interesting men either. I've only met interesting women

>> No.9658944

Yes but that holds true across both genders. Most PEOPLE do not hold interesting ideas. If we agree with that, then the person who is pleasant to be around (the average attractive woman) is infinitely better to be around. Also consider that she's more likely to introduce you to interesting people if she likes you, as women tend to have more extensive social networks. I'm not saying I don't speak to guys all I'm saying is I will almost always opt to speak with an attractive woman over a guy. It doesn't have much to do with them agreeing with me, either. I think you guys are underestimating the utility of agreement as a social luncricant as well. Women will disagree with you if they feel comfortable and engaged in the conversation.

>> No.9658947

>Women will disagree with you if they feel comfortable and engaged in the conversation.
No, they do it when they don't respect you.

>> No.9658969

That's pretty silly. I could see that being true in a professional context where hierarchies are clearly defined and there are benefits to ass-kissing.
If you're just bullshitting about random stuff in a social situation that has more grey area, of course people have their own opinions. Women will also be somewhat tactful in the way they disagree, it's not some life or death struggle. I suppose a woman would fear disagreement if she assumed you were mentally unstable but that's about it.

>> No.9658980

>Yes but that holds true across both genders. Most PEOPLE do not hold interesting ideas
Sure, most people don't have interesting ideas, but men tend to have more outliers in anything and that includes having above averagely interesting ideas.

>If we agree with that, then the person who is pleasant to be around (the average attractive woman) is infinitely better to be around. Also consider that she's more likely to introduce you to interesting people if she likes you, as women tend to have more extensive social networks. I'm not saying I don't speak to guys all I'm saying is I will almost always opt to speak with an attractive woman over a guy. It doesn't have much to do with them agreeing with me, either. I think you guys are underestimating the utility of agreement as a social luncricant as well. Women will disagree with you if they feel comfortable and engaged in the conversation.
Pleasantness, agreeableness and having extensive social networks are generally traits I dislike in people. I don't like small talk and I don't like dishonesty for social purposes, and I don't want to butter someone up before they dare to disagree with me. When I talk with someone I want to get straight into it without all the social grooming.

Only dysfunctional women who drink a lot tend to be good at this.

>> No.9659018


>> No.9659454

I'm from Italy and I need a master's degree to do the same job my grandpa could do with a high school diploma.