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/lit/ - Literature

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9658492 No.9658492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I want to be a writer"

>> No.9658499

>"I want to starve."
>"I want to use rejection slips as wallpaper."
>"I want to be harassed by other wannabe writers who think I'm a threat to a future paycheck."

>> No.9658507

>"I want to dedicate my life to an oversaturated yet dead market"

>> No.9658511

>"I want to die"

>> No.9658514

>"I want to be harassed by other wannabe writers who think I'm a threat to a future paycheck."

But this is actually true, readership is a zero-sum game with very few people unaccounted for.

>> No.9658524
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>work at grimy inside sales job as general admin in NYC
>always hire MFAs and MAs in writing, film, literature, acting, theater
>likely highly educated people who are great on the phone who will never be able to quit when they find out the job is shit because they are are paycheck to paycheck for food and rent
>always talking about the life of a starving artist
>always namedropping important artists in their respective worlds and their university
>always bring great big tomes or $3000 cameras or scripts to work
>always inviting everyone to shitty off broadway plays or readings of their poetry
>never in 6 years see any become successful in the least, some self publishing political pamphlets in williamsburg
>tfw firing them because they cant make sales quota

>> No.9658534

>"I want to use rejection slips as wallpaper."
Nobody does that anymore though. Isn't it all done by email or something nowadays?

>> No.9658539

pure psychopathy

>> No.9658540

No, you just never hear from them again. The degeneration of polite society.

Lawyers from sub top 100 law schools are also good fodder

>> No.9658786

>I see writing as a market

>> No.9658801

That's why folks, i have an engineer degree.
Literature as a profession is just a big waste of time.
At best, you'll be poor.

>> No.9659540

Hasn't there only been a handful of successful writers in like the past 20 years?

>> No.9659543

theres been plenty of wealthy writers

probably more than there have ever been before

not many good ones, but plenty of wealthy ones

>> No.9659550

>publicly admitting your dreams and desires

>> No.9659566

Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.

>> No.9659574

As someone who tries to write, I've honestly never said that to anyone. Including myself. I've never thought of making money off my writing. I've always just naturally drifted toward writing as how I feel most comfortable expressing myself and my ideas. Comics being a close second. But I haven't drawn in years. Too depressed.

Been living out of my car a month now. Feels badman; hurts the inspiration big time. At least I can eat well now that I've got an alright paying job.

>> No.9659585

Being a writer sucks. No shit. You become a writer because you need to do it to survive

>> No.9660083

Do wealthy writers exist? Yes. Is the amount of wealthy writers more than one? Yes. Is "plenty" a proper descriptor for the amount of wealthy writer? No.

>> No.9660087


>> No.9660088

LOL! This is me

>> No.9660189

I would never say I want to write desu, it is simply in my nature. On another note, have I already said how much I want to be a writer?

>> No.9660377

If you're not already doing it, it's probably just fantasy.