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/lit/ - Literature

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9657303 No.9657303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9657305
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25. Give up while you still have the chance.

>> No.9657306

21 JW.org

>> No.9657310

35. Use the bureau of labor statistics to identify growth fields and guarantee stability for yourself to work as little as possible but always be in demand.

>> No.9657317


>> No.9657340


Take occasional risks, do one thing everyday that makes you happy, appreciate your life and the people in it, save some money every month, take responsibility when you fuck up, try to follow the golden rule, laugh every day, drink good beer, no regrets.

>> No.9657355


24. It might sound cliche but be honest with yourself, best advice I got. That, and when you say you're going to do a thing, do it.

>> No.9657373

25. Don't isolate yourself, be affable, listen to people, maintain friendships, don't be competitive, experience the real world. Don't be governed by your anxieties. Let your will lead the way. Allow yourself to suffer but don't be heavy and solemn. Be light and playful. Don't be optimistic (everything decays). Relish any joy that comes your way but don't try to capture it. That's all I've got for now.

>> No.9657385

20, be as outgoing and sociable as you can, even if you have friends where you are now in life, you should try to make friends wherever you go, you won't have the same friend group forever.

>> No.9657395

4chan doesn't have LaTeX formatting. Stop trying to signal how you use LaTeX for either technical or creative writing. It's not impressive and nobody cares.

>> No.9657417

22 follow stirner's philosophy

>> No.9657421

Turned 24 yesterday. Kill yourself.

>> No.9657422


Major in machine learning. All of the world is moving toward automation. Vast parts of the legal and medical fields will soon be automated.

Join a Jiu Jitsu gym. Have you ever watched Ultimate Fighter? Even shitty, unattractive fighters have hot girlfriends and Jiu Jitsu is largely considered the intellectual martial art.

Lift weights and eat healthy.

Study the liberal arts as little as possible. It won't lead you anywhere.

>> No.9657423
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23, keep your conscience clean. do what you need in order to relax and be happy, fuck the rest of the world. make a habit out of taking great care of yourself and enjoy the fuck out of it.

>> No.9657429

studying philosophy wont give you answers to self doubt

took me too long

>> No.9657447

>ejaculate as little as possible
>always remember you are the cause of your own resentment
>the past yearns for death. let it die.
>the future is the impetus for the present. stay mindful of this
>exercise often
>look people in the eye when you speak. if you cannot, change what is necessary to be able to do so
>porn deranges the mind. stay far, far away from it
>keep your living space clean
>stop eating animal products

>> No.9657452

do autists actually use LaTeX for anything other than scientific papers?

>> No.9657485

>stop eating animal products

>> No.9657506

23. Live in the moment. No that doesn't mean do drugs and be a fucking faggot who thinks that shirking all responsibility makes him suddenly sooper deep, dood. It means that you need to become more aware of your surroundings and glean beauty from all that's around you. Don't try to overstructure your life. Focus on one thing at a time. Pay attention. Treat your problems like they're physical stumbling blocks and get your shit taken care of. And most importantly: make time to read, meditate and exercise. Oh and drink more water.

>> No.9657509

don't listen to dumb fuckup 24 year olds

>> No.9657510

what in the goddamn fuck does this have to do with literature

>> No.9657517

/lit/ is /b/ for pubescent psueds

>> No.9657519

i kek'd, this is so perfect

>> No.9657524


>> No.9657531

Learn a trade now so that you always have it.
Study STEM or law at university.
Save at least 30 percent of your monthly income and put 10% in retirement, 10% in emergency fund, and 10 percent in holiday fund.
If you're a guy, have sex with as many different girls as you possibly can to increase your chances of success in a long-term relationship in the future.
Become an expert at least one foreign country's language, culture, history, and current politics.
Read as much as you possibly can, but read fiction sparingly.
Do not marry or have children if you don't want to.

>> No.9657534

Forgot to add:
eat right, lift weights and learn a BJJ and kickboxing/muay thai

>> No.9657535

winrar. this guy knows.

>> No.9657538

>Vast parts of the...medical fields will soon be automated.

Not accurate. 30% shift towards mid level providers estimated, maybe cuts to m.d. to lean more on specialists. How you do you even imagine an automated medical field working?

> Study the liberal arts as little as possible. It won't lead you anywhere.
Oh nvm, you're a troll

>> No.9657540

26. Read Plato's Republic.

>> No.9657542


Things do NOT get better.

>> No.9657544

28. Lurk for at least 4 more years before making your next 4chan post.

>> No.9657550

>>9657303 (OP)
Avoid learning anything which is applicable to the world in the sense that it allows you to better your situation and earn money
Study literature or philosophy at university.
Use at least 70 percent of your monthly income (live in a storage box and throw away things you don't use) for charitable donations and the patronage of artists you appreciate.
Take a vow of celibacy and avoid all contact with the opposite sex.
Reject and dispose of all knowledge pertaining to current events or foreign cultures.
Read fiction obsessively.
Do not marry or have children, even if you want to.

>> No.9657551

>If you're a guy, have sex with as many different girls as you possibly can to increase your chances of success in a long-term relationship in the future.
Are you sure this is good advice? Seems kinda suspect man

>> No.9657556

24, is not going to get better off yourself now

>> No.9657558

>ejaculate as little as possible
>stop eating animal products
>porn deranges the mind. stay far, far away from it

I'm sorry anon, you're terminally gay I'm afraid there is no cure.

>> No.9657572
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Post theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDTXljIqxRE


Do pushups to warm up. Lift, stretch, drink water. Eat healthy. Booze is okay, until you're doing it every day. Kettlebells are nice.

If you really, really don't want to go to college because anxiety or whatever, don't. Join the military or learn a trade. e.g. welding, fabrication, chemical service. Just don't waste time.

Always wear a condom. Don't get married. I'm almost twice your age and still don't want to be legally and financially tied to someone. I've seen friends become miserable with each other and trapped by children.

Be grateful for what you've got, and try to have fun.

>> No.9657579

>>Always wear a condom. Don't get married. I'm almost twice your age and still don't want to be legally and financially tied to someone. I've seen friends become miserable with each other and trapped by children.

Jesus fucking Christ this, I'd sooner sever my testicles from my body than have children.

>> No.9657584

Don't waste your time with useless bullshit.

>> No.9657587

Like reading

>> No.9657599

never spend money you dont have
(if you don't have 30K or whatever it is, don't go to college. you're essentially selling yourself into indentured servitude. the fact that you can "select" your slavemaster doesn't make much of a difference)

we are in the age where anyone can become "self-made" and autodidact if you want to be fancy about it. You want to become the next Rachmaninoff? Fucking do it you cunt. What else are you gonna do? Browse the internet? Treat your life the way it actually is in this Society of Spectacle Age: A total waste of time, and you need to appreciate it as such. Only then can you do something interesting with it. When you value your own time, you tend to seek the usual outlets of fleeting pleasure and comfort. But if you tell yourself off and rape your subconscious in the ass, then you can become a god.

Man is a tether stretched across an abyss.

>> No.9657653

Honestly stop browsing this site.

>> No.9657672

don't go to college and if you do don't drop out for two years and then go back

>> No.9657677
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- Read more. Try to read the important books (Tolstoy, Dante, Bible, Borges), but at the very least read entertaining garbage to keep up the practice of reading. The more you do it the more enjoyable it gets.
- Listen to Jordan Peterson's podcasts.
- Do weed, but only in moderation unless you are sure you can handle it. It's loads of fun but it can also turn you into a lazy sack of shit.
- Get an online dating profile and start that shit up now.
- Go running daily. Lift weights.
- Learn how to cook. Be mindful of what you eat. Eating out = expensive and it makes you lazy.
- Don't play too many video games. About two hours a week is fine.
- Study something you are interested in. Don't just pick a major based on what you think will earn you cash. That only leads to wageslavery.
- Don't be in a rush to leave college. You'll be working the rest of your life.
- Side note to the above two points: student debt is a real thing. Think carefully about how long it will take to pay back any loans you take out. If possible, go to a cheaper school over a more expensive school unless you have a very specific reason to go for the more expensive school.
- Friends are important.
- Go to church. If you aren't getting anything out of it after two sessions find a new church. A good church is an antidote to the depressing hedonistic blame game that the rest of the world plays because they think it's the only game in town.
- Travel. The world is much bigger than you think it is.
- If you want to learn a creative hobby like drawing,music, or writing, then start it TODAY.
- Master one subject of your choosing. The world doesn't reward generalists, it rewards specialists. That said, keep a few other side hobbies too to relax with (just don't focus on them to the same degree as the thing you choose as your specialty).
- Fake it until you make it. People say that thoughts become actions but it also works in reverse.
- If you get depressed then see a therapist. It helps to have someone to talk with who isn't a family member.
- Be nice to people. Not for their sake, but for yours.

I'm 31.

>> No.9657689

someone read the tao of sexology

>> No.9657694

fuck as many teenagers as you can

don't waste your time fretting over other people's opinions or if people like you

enjoy it as it comes, don't say no to things you wouldn't love to have a story about

>> No.9657704

The post was loose and aggressive, but not trolling.

The medical records - in particular the auditing of health charts - will be replaced with a deep learning algorithm, but that's basic stuff.

Here's the Google CFO talking about machine learning for lab reports.

Computer vision would be able to spot, for example, a staph infection with better accuracy than a human. As of now there are still cases of staph, cancer etc being misdiagnosed by doctors.

It's not a stretch to imagine the job of a surgeon being completely automated by the end of the century.

As for liberal arts I could be wrong. What have you gotten out of it?

>> No.9657714

(skip to 12:10)

>> No.9657715

Lift weights
Save Money

I'm 26

>> No.9657748

Yes. Because if you don't, you'll turn 35, be married and with kids and think, "I wish I fucked an 18 year old. I wish I fucked two spanish whores that let me cum in their asses. I wish I fucked someone in an elevator." Then you come to resent your wife and kids who you now see as impeding your ability to fulfill those desires. So you murder them and make it look like an accident, and after the crocodile tears to the media, you commence your twilight years of debauchery.

>> No.9657753

Not OP, but you'll allow amendments:

>Jordan Peterson's podcast
He gets completely lost in the weeds imo. If you're interested in Biblical / God interpretations, you're better off giving my thread a look

>'Do weed'
To that I'd add cocaine (no less than an 8ball), DXM and hallucinogens. Moderation without any exceptions.

>Dating profile
I'd replace this with finding a musical venue / a place where potential friends and girlfriends gather - and to go there consistently.
Online dating is a dead end if you don't have a life imo. This may be different when you're in your 30's.

>Study what you're interested in
No, study STEM and go for money

>Go to a cheap school
Along with the above, go to the best school possible.

>Go to church
Not a bad idea. A Gnostic Temple is a nice alternative. There are pretty good people there from in my experience.

>> No.9657768

If she looks like a pure girl, be wary
Sluts are funnier and at least you know what to expect (Nothing good)
Don't overextend yourself, it might cost you years of your life
Don't start with the greeks, instead go straight to Mesopotamia and Egypt. Then you can start with the greeks

>> No.9657771


capital-t Truth

don't let other people tell you what to do, find your own way. received wisdom is worth next to nothing.

>> No.9657801
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>No, study STEM and go for money
Why should I?

>> No.9657859
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>study law

>> No.9658021

Listen as little as possible to 4chan posters.
Figure out what's important to you in life. If that takes heaps of money for a big house and expensive hobbies, do what you need. If you just need money for a small apartment, modest living, and books, go for it. Neither of those is inherently better than the other.
Be willing to change your opinion about things.
If you want to write, don't think you can do it without knowing your contemporaries.
Learn new things outside of you more narrow scope of interests.
Take chances, do the crazy thing evey once and a while. If you don't want to do something, ask if it's because others say not to,or because you genuinely don't want to do it. That's a harder question to answer than you think.

>> No.9658024

24. Real history is in the archives of military bureaucracy.
>pages 99 and 100

>> No.9658027
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You are stupid. Know that. Whenever you feel or suspect otherwise, correct yourself.

>> No.9658032


Too many people are afraid to roll the dice. It's better to die knowing you tried than to live a life full of regret. There is no guarantee you will succeed but better to have confirmation.

>> No.9658033

>stop eating animal products
/fit/ /pol/ or /x/?

>> No.9658039

>read fiction sparingly

>> No.9658046
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>tfw 20
>tfw still a virgin
kill me my bros. I wasted the better part of my non-autistic senior year pining after a hapa bitch that ended up dating both of my best friends. Shit's rough.

>> No.9658049

In particular Math and Machine Learning. I already said why
Because it'll allow you to change the world and, if you're unambitious, it'll at least be lucrative enough to retire early.

Note that George Hotz of comma.ai made a self driving car in his garage and has created a self driving company to rival the best tech on the market (Tesla). He even challenged Elon, saying he could make better tech under the agreement Elon would sign a contract with him - Musk backed out.

Machine learning provides a world of opportunity. Once we create a unobtrusive + accurate BMI, AI will provide a new layer of consciousness.

Liberal arts will have you sucking dick in the bathroom of 24 hour fitness in West Hollywood. It's up to you.

>> No.9658070

Get on hormones and one her up by dating all of your friends.

Every 20 year old here is a virgin

>> No.9658086

jesus, stop being so spooked
and at 20 you're still a kid (also confirmed by your post)

>> No.9658121


lift weights
eat properly
groom properly
dress properly
get through with college as quickly as possible because it is a waste of your time
don't develop trust issues
work on bettering yourself constantly
do psychedelics
create frequently
keep a dream journal and analyze them symbolically
Follow your bliss
study mythology and psychology

>> No.9658124

Go to school
Get a job

>> No.9658160

>I already said why
No, why should I study something I'm not interested in. Engineers who do it for money are miserable autists. And many other STEM degrees are actually not as good as you think, nor is STEM the only way to make good money

>Because it'll allow you to change the world and, if you're unambitious
If you are doing it for money, you will have no ambition to begin with, no?

>> No.9658238

you seem spooked by porn and the patriarchy, sounds like a great way to contract stds though

>> No.9658241

25 yr old here. The only advice I can give you is whatever endeavour you choose for yourself, give it a 100%. Don't look back. Don't dwell on yourself.

>> No.9658244

until 25 you think about your pleasures ahead

at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''

you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally)

at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''

at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]

at 40 you begin to think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or bear ''your'' child

>> No.9658246

at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a libertarian, as in dreaming about taxing 100% of the inheritance to have more equal society, mostly out of bitterness from the older generation (who "has it all"), but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches. (because if you would stop this game right now, you imagine easily being swindled wrt to the people who play the game, LIke the misanthrope who like the idea of the humanity dying, but ofc only if he is the last man to die.)

at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side, nor on her side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years) since girls find a way to shack up with whatever man is ready to pay the rent.

at 65, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she better sticks to organic products.

you tell your children that it is worth it to be a normie and hope to die in your sleep with someone on your side.

>> No.9658247

30 year old here.

Get off this site ASAP.

>> No.9658248

Stop frogposting and you'll be fine.

>> No.9658254

Philosophy is fun and will let you understand life better, but it isn't necessarily good nor useful. The jump between 18 and 21, my age, is a lot of growth. Don't get caught up in trivializing something a lot, literally just go "I'm just being whack" and let it go.

Self-esteem seems simple but it's literally like a state of mind. It's either never thinking bad things about yourself, like some people who may be successful or lets say hot, or being able to silence this inner critic. Don't get fucked over by the self-doubt, literally everyone deals with it and sabotaging themselves at times. Learn to be a better, disciplined person and aspire to be well, instead of a pretentious smartass or a man child. You will only get older and be an adult for the rest of your life, so you might as well get used to it and own up to it. You can't keep dodging responsibilities if you want to get anywhere worth getting toward. Ritually speaking, you must cut your hair and put the toys away. Good luck.

>> No.9658284

You watch too much porn, pal.

>> No.9658301

this is pathetic, fuck normies

>> No.9658666

Fuck you and your whining. I'm 26 and I've never had sex.

You get over it eventually.

>> No.9658700

Start Lifting now just lift as much as you can and when it gets comfortable add more.
Buy Land if you can buy guns.
Read Mein Kampf if you arent white dont take it personally but try to understand its message he is the most notorious modern man for a reason.

>> No.9658735

GET BRACES. I fucked my teeth and put it off for so long. Get them!

>> No.9658740

23. Get out as quickly as you can and don't have any kids yourself.

>> No.9658778


Best advice here

>> No.9658787


It's more motivating to write a book on self motivation than it is to read it

Playing to improve and playing to win are two different things

Reading a language does not necessarily teach you how to speak it. Likewise, reading a language does not require you to know how to speak it

Principle of charity and metacognition are the two most important mental skills you can learn, but it's difficult to teach them yourself on your own. Find a way to learn them anyway

Write down good thoughts

Tell others about your plans, brag about your eager intentions to them, so that your fear of disappointing them and looking like a retard will act as motivation. Only good for small goals like starting a good habit or stopping a bad one

Become someone you'd want to spend time with, or at least get away from being someone you wouldn't want to spend time with. This will stop sounding like a "be yourself!" line only after you've learned how to into metacognition

Elitism isn't inherently bad, autistic antinormie-ism isn't inherently bad, normie-ism isn't inherently bad, don't get caught up in the rabble's shitflinging and apply principle of charity

None of these apply if you don't consider yourself the main character of life

>> No.9658858

Join the military for that dope security clearance and free college money.

>> No.9658862

He's right you know.

>> No.9658921

stop posting pepe, it's pure cancer at this point

The only truly good advice ITT desu

>> No.9658978

>advice you've heard dozens of times before in your life
>"best ITT!"
You don't know what's good for yourself.

>> No.9658979

Hello mister plebbit xS letsa go to reddit? :)

>> No.9658998

>Pair of "red pilled" anons falling for the biggest meme of all time


>> No.9659000

His other suggestion are terrible. Dropping animal products is da shit tho

>> No.9659005

First answer best answer

>> No.9659011

22. Kill yourself. This is the the advice I'm giving you, and would give my 18-year-old self, too.

>> No.9659043

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Genuine question, awaiting response eagerly.

>> No.9659048

24 in a few days.

Eat your greens.

>> No.9659053

Learn a combat sport. It's fun, it's a good way to stay fit, and it could potentially be useful one day. If you have time then you should learn two (one for striking and one for grappling). Some good choices are muay thai, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, judo, and brazilian jiu jitsu. Stay away from mystical Chinese bullshit and stick to stuff that works.

>> No.9659059

>Accept that you lack self discipline.
>Once truly accepted, take on a discipline.
>Start with one, then more and more.
>For each discipline taken, attach it to a luxury you current overindulge in.
>Reward and punish yourself based on how well you adhere towards the goal of your discipline--time increments can be as little as hours and great as weeks or months. Years are for passions. You'll get there.
>For any goal to become less work and more routine it must be consistently obeyed for a minimum of 28 days.
>If after this amount of time you don't enjoy the discipline in some way, consider dropping.
>If you do not have people to discuss your progresses and disciplines with, find them. This in itself may be a discipline for some. Relationships very often require work, whether intimate or ideological.
>Never look back.
>Realize that being involved in life and not the idea of life is twice as rewarding.
>Make your disciplines passions.
>Live off of doing what you love.
>Realize life is everything you ever wanted it to be, you just had to find yourself over the idea of yourself.
>Live happy, die happy.

>> No.9659063

>not suggesting the greatest martial art in existence
karate trumps all, son. and don't go shitting on kung fu.

>> No.9659068


>Free will doesn't exist
>The self doesn't exist
>Family is a spook
>Sexuality is a spook
>It's better to have never been born

Subsume yourself to Capital

>> No.9659078

Learn to defend yourself
start digging an underground shelter
Start amassing arms, water, food, and other supplies in the shelter
Map the surrounding area, identify foraging and hunting locations, as well as dangers
Get a rowboat, row as much as possible
Lift and run

>> No.9659092

This is also sound advice. The only reason I regret not stating in school to get some high paying job under a degree is because I'm unable to invest in an underground, bugout shelter.

>> No.9659167

Make an effort to talk to people.

>> No.9659174

Hmm... I dont think I've lived enough to have much profound advice. Best I can do is: avoid reacting to a Facebook post on your phone, because its hard to control and easy to accidentally select a reaction that is very inappropriate for the post in question.

>> No.9659193

Very good advice

>> No.9659197

t. Varg

>> No.9659200
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Thank you, I am 18 myaelf and that sounds like great advice.

>> No.9659205

18 ;)
Literature wise try not to read postmodern tomes till you've read some other stuff. It's the mistake I made.
Everything else wise, maybe take a year off and really think about what you want to do in life and don't jump into any career (another mistake I've made although I'm beginning to get into computers, sort of).
Also don't be a beta bitch, talk to lots of people, learn as much as you can and start lifting.

>> No.9659220

Do whatever you want. If things go terribly wrong, kill yourself.

>> No.9659263


>> No.9659414

heh. pretty interesting but p.111 (112 hand-written on bottom-right) - 114 (115)

>unless advised to the contrary, no further action on the instant case is contemplated by this office.

>> No.9659526

38. Don't go for that PhD.

>> No.9659578

I'm 30.
> Know yourself and be true to yourself.
> Realize that every moment builds up to your future.
> Don't do what your parents tell you to do.
> Take good care of your health, a young male like you is at high risk of lasting injury.

>> No.9659643

The only salvation is to become truly An Individual that goes His Own Way by being Original and leaving The Beaten Path.

Only this way can you truly fuck the system and make none of the powers that want to make you an instrument towards their own gain win.

>> No.9659652

I'd kill myself, but I don't want to burn in hell forever and ever before I really have to.

>> No.9659679

62-year-old here (am I the oldest on /lit/?). Though I'm not yet 65 I think I'm close enough to say that, far from fearing cancer and death, you'll become so inured to pain and suffering in old age that it will only be an annoyance. The thought of death is not only not frightening but actually somewhat comforting. That's not to say that life is miserable. At this age you expect next to nothing out of life, so disappointment is rare and pleasure is an unexpected gift. Being old isn't as bad as most of you probably think it is. I'm a hell of a lot happier now than I was at 20 when I expected everything.

>> No.9659701
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35 here.
learn the variations of nuts and rice grain. when the end times come, knowledge of stuff with long shelf life will come in handy.

make sure you learn how to pitch a tent and to create your own velco straps. you'll NEED this when the end times come.

learn how to sniff out bullshit hidden in ambiguous phraseology. when the end times come people will try to take advantage of each other and you'll NEED to know who to trust.

save all your aluminum cans now so when the end times come you can melt it down into a flat sheet, cut it up into many small combat weapons of various shapes and sizes to trade for food during the end times.

>> No.9659725

Since the election the demographics have definitely started to skew older. This place is the mainstream now. Don't worry, you're not a fuddy-duddy interfering in the kool sekrit klub.

>> No.9659752

33 and Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. Eternal Life is to know Him.

>> No.9659785
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>make your bed every morning, or sleep on top of your comforter so it's already made
>Be cognizant of wasted time. Fill that empty space with reading, writing, or something productive
>Discover your ancestry
>Ask questions to the elderly
>If you even for a moment desire to talk to her, then do it.
>Live in a big city for a while
>Write in a journal what you want to endure
>Pick one thing you love, and dedicate yourself to the extent possible while obtaining and maintaining a happy life for yourself and one day your family.
>Take the stairs
>Fight hard against the temptation of normality
>Read Plato

>> No.9659794

Some good stuff but damn, try knocking off some of that anti normie angst

>> No.9659797

Fuck off slave, I said I want tips, not trips.

>> No.9659807

Men not much older than I have produced sage wisdom in this thread. Wisdom that I know nothing of. I'm 23, six months in, and I see little change in me since boyhood.

Except I remember my days as a twelve year old who laughed, and laughed like life mattered little to him, and believed that a laugh could be evoked in any circumstance in life. Then a parasite reached my brain, and I mean a literal one -- this is no metaphor, and I had a seizure. I recovered fully but two years of medicines had profound effects on me as a child. Then my parents got divorced, and boy was it rough.
Physical violence rough. Scared to sleep at night rough.

So, yes, ten or so years have changed me profoundly. I have acne scars, I've got bigger emotional ones. I don't think these ever heal. Unless one finds enlightenment, or something.

My post only demonstrates that I am not someone to advise anyone. But I did come up with something as I was typing. Don't be me, OP.

>> No.9659822

Everything about this is mentally retarded. Ignore this moron.

>> No.9659824

Have a prostate orgasm at least once in your life

With all the significance that comes with an anonymous stranger telling you these words i want you to know that youre a good guy

>> No.9659827

>Have a prostate orgasm at least once in your life

How do?

I'm not gay, so dick isn't an option.

>> No.9659830

If you don't try you can't ever fail

>> No.9659848

Its a mountaineous task, non ironically

First you should work on your butt, fingers are staple, lube is luxury

Then you can either macgyver something up and risk a trip to the hospital (not that bad, theyre used to it) or get one of those aneros, theyre the market leaders here

Then comes the tough part, surpassing your penis
Theres this book called the ultimate guide to prostate pleasure thats apparently pretty good, but i never used it. You gotta find a way that lets you focus entirely on the stimulation from your prostate while youre turbo horny. Theres probably other ways to do it, but what i did was basically mindbreak myself into it, dont know if youre into that

Its worth it though, its basically a more intense female orgasm. Hard to describe in dick terms, but its sorta as if your dick were in the back of your tummy and pumping pleasure into your whole body, lasts a while

>> No.9659852

Finger or phallic object (dick like). You will feel gay doing it no matter what.

t. Tried it once.

>didn't orgasm

>> No.9659855

I'm a doctor, tell me the parasite, the seizure semiology, the location of the lesion, and the antiepileptic drug you received. Was it carbamazepine or levetiracetame?

>> No.9659868

I have a vibrating toothbrush, you think that might work?

>> No.9659917

Its more about just pushing down on it, not really stimulated the way youd stimulate a clitoris. Fingers work just fine, but that requires endurance, my first prostate orgasm took 50ish minutes

But tootbrushes can work if you get a good angle on them, and some people do prefer the vibrating I guess

>> No.9659925

You won't get any reasonable advice from people who are over 25 yet still have nothing better to do than be on this board.

>> No.9659942

Browsing this board has been pretty beneficial for me

Without /lit/ I wouldn't be reading nearly as many books as I am these days, last year I read one this year I'm already at four, and I only started browsing /lit/ like two months ago (no bully, I'm slow)

I'll take the dent in pride from relying on a bunch of elitist autists if the solidarity from conversing with them gets me reading

>> No.9659955

What a ridiculously stupid outlook.

>> No.9659964

>Without /lit/ I wouldn't be reading nearly as many books as I am these days

Same. Younger me never would have given a shit about anything other than pulpy sci-fi stuff.

If nothing else, /lit/ has helped me expand my literary boundaries.

>> No.9659967

"STEM" (probably comp sci or electrical engineering) retards detected

>> No.9659995

Damn, how'd you do that
Maths here

>> No.9659996

I study scientific stuff in my spare time because I enjoy science. I fucking despise math though.

I clean shitters for a living and a High School diploma is all I have education-wise.

I just like to read.

>> No.9660073

Kek. Speak for yourself

>> No.9660137

He's right about

>always remember you are the cause of your own resentment
>the past yearns for death. let it die.
>the future is the impetus for the present. stay mindful of this
>exercise often
>look people in the eye when you speak. if you cannot, change what is necessary to be able to do so
>porn deranges the mind. stay far, far away from it
>keep your living space clean

>> No.9660143

>Tell others about your plans, brag about your eager intentions to them, so that your fear of disappointing them and looking like a retard will act as motivation.

This how I achieved great things

>> No.9660147

Read Calculus Made Simple, by Some Old English Bloke

>> No.9660157

25. advice: calm down.

>> No.9660188
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>> No.9660206

i'm 19 and this thread is sending me into the dirt

>> No.9660281

You son of a bitch, I've trying it and now there's shit EVERYWHERE.