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9657248 No.9657248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lol fuck capitalism *tweets off iphone and eats quinoa bowl a third worlder died harvesting*

>> No.9657260
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>> No.9657261

So i can only talk about socialism trough primitive ways?

>> No.9657266

Fucking trash thread

>> No.9657267

haha if I put a rose emoji in my name capitalism will be defeated I'm not at all doing this for cool rich white artfag teenager points I really mean this guys

>> No.9657269

Am I a faggot or is it OP?

>> No.9657272

The point is that complaining about capitalism while using technology made available to you through a capitalist economy is a performative contradiction

>> No.9657276
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>another boring, cliché SJW

Literally the Victorian moralisers of today, with no individuality whatsoever.

>> No.9657278

>eating the rich will improve society
this is b8.

>> No.9657279

"performative contradiction"? are we /judithbutler/ now?

>> No.9657287

*reads literature once*

>> No.9657291
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>> No.9657293

What the fuck is with the emote spam?
Social media is to human interaction what small pox was to the native americans.

>> No.9657294

serves you bookfags right for not being popular enough to have any mods LOLE

>> No.9657296
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>implying it won't

You mean the system which alienates workers from their labour and product. runs off the exploitation of their labour as well as what funds Wars for profit and causes the deaths of millions annually?

Or is that just HUMAN NATURE?
""""Capitalism""""" didn't """INVENT""" my iPhone, a chinese woman working in a shitty factory with a shitty pay check, being forced into wage slavery.

>> No.9657316

The Chinese peasant didn't invent your iPhone, the Chinese peasant built your iPhone like a child would build a Lego set. That Chinese peasent, whom capitalism saved from the harshness of agricultural work and from the mass starvation caused by communism, has a higher standard of living then all of her ancestors because of a market based economy.

>> No.9657319

How are we going to seize the means of production if they're off limits because we're giving capitalism the sort of respect we'd give an elderly person or a disabled veteran?

>> No.9657326

pretty sure most quinoa in circulation is now grown in the united states

>> No.9657327

Capitalist inventions like GMOs and vaccines have saved more lives than any other inventions in human history. 2015 was the first year where more people died for eating too much than from eating too little, which is thanks to the material advancement made possible by capitalism.

>> No.9657334

>>9657248 >>9657260 >>9657261
>>9657266 >>9657267 >>9657269
>>9657272 >>9657276 >>9657278
>>9657279 >>9657287 >>9657291
>>9657293 >>9657294 >>9657296
>>9657316 >>9657319 >>9657326
the same person made all of these posts

>> No.9657336


damn nigga u surrounded by a cadre of spooks

>> No.9657341

>technology made available to you through a capitalist economy

Every time you use a simple machine you are committing a performative contradiction by not participating in a prehistoric foraging society.

>> No.9657347

>18 yous
god I'm cool

>> No.9657354

The point isn't that she's a hypocrite, it's that she's acting against her own self interest. Kids who live off their iphones are minimizing their power and influence by claiming that the tools that allowed them to express themselves to the entire world are the result of oppression

>> No.9657356

I only got two (You)s lad. Thanks anyway

>> No.9657361

Theres only ever been two people on this website Anon. You and me.
I just post alot more than you.

>> No.9657362

socialism will win

>> No.9657364

Oh no if capitalism didn't exist she wouldn't be able to post about how capitalism shouldn't exist!

>> No.9657383

I highly doubt that every single one of her posts are about capitalism, and if capitalism were dismantled that she'd be okay with not using the tools of expression made possible by capitalism to talk about other issues. Even the staunchest leftist doesn't think that Twitter is just a tool for dismantling capitalism.

>> No.9657386

There's no contradiction if they believe the production of iphones and whatever else can be done in a more ethical or socially conscious way.

>> No.9657387

If she is an American female is in the top %1 of people to ever exist in history.
Don't really have a point, other than she seems like kind of a basic bitch

>> No.9657388

Socialists are too lazy to get up at 7 am and make their beds every morning. Socialists are too lazy to change the system.

>> No.9657392

that reminds me of milton friedman talk.

>> No.9657393

It's entirely logically consistent to use the tools and weapons capitalism has invented to precipitate capitalism's own destruction. I'd argue it's even satisfyingly ironic.

>> No.9657398

what the fuck is a foodie? someone who enjoys eating? so for women a biological necessity such as eating is glamorized into a hobby? they've turned their consumerist love for fast food a label?

>> No.9657400

This is true.

>> No.9657402

What's wrong with eating quinoa? It's not my responsibility to make sure everything fucking piece of material I ever touch or consume or enjoy was produced ethically. Who has the capacity and wherewithal to do that? You have to allow other parties, e. g. the individuals and sovereign nation states that produce the quinoa, to look out for their own interests. There's a difference, fundamentally, between action and inaction. If there weren't, you would be committing murder every second of every day just by staying alive and hogging all your organs.

>> No.9657404


>> No.9657406

Replies: 35
Posters: 19

>> No.9657410

First of all, the ethical concerns people have when it comes to Foxconn are highly exaggerated. The suicide rate there is lower than the suicide rate of China as a whole. Second, a capitalist economy doesn't necessitate free trade agreements with pseudo communist countries like China; a capitalist country can have an ethical iPhone production factory that doesn't involve cheap labor,

>> No.9657413
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Yes, it's awful isn't it?

>> No.9657420

It's not logical in the least; its partially asking for your own destruction by limiting your toolset and therefore limiting your power. It's masochistic.

>> No.9657424

How can I be a commie but not associate myself with people who look and write like this?
Move to Europe?

>> No.9657428

the IP counter is useless in the age of the phoneposter, no idea why it was introduced

>> No.9657439
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sage /pol/ threads

>> No.9657440

>destruction by limiting your toolset and therefore limiting your power.


>> No.9657461

Her post has been seen by thousands of people. That's a sort of power that none of her ancestors enjoyed. She wants to stop the economic engine that gave her that platform.

>> No.9657483

whoever drew this is megabitter and resentful. not a good look

>> No.9657487


but are we - or is she - any better for it?

>> No.9657501

No. But unless she only uses Twitter to dismatle capitalism, then she's arguing for her own concession of power, which is masochistic, and which would allow the powerful to create an even larger hegemony.

>> No.9657511
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>> No.9657527

This a bigger strawman than the strawman it's trying to dispel. No one says that having property is a tacit endorsement of capitalism, only that criticizing capitalism using the tools brought to you by capitalism is contradictory.

>> No.9657545

there's nothing inherently capitalistic about the inventions of phones, computers, or internet. In fact, the core technological advances that enabled the creation of smart phones were based on public research

>> No.9657555

Why would you want to be eaten by third worlders?

>> No.9657560

>criticizing capitalism using the tools brought to you by capitalism is contradictory.

This is retard logic.

>Criticizing public schooling using the education brought to you by public schooling is contradictory.

>> No.9657561

Mass production of smart phones leading to their affordability and the creation of platforms like Twitter are the result of market incentives

>> No.9657566

>No one says that having property is a tacit endorsement of capitalism
But that's wrong. To some people being against capitalism and being anything more than a hobbo is a contradiction.

>criticizing capitalism using the tools brought to you by capitalism is contradictory
That's as retarded.

>> No.9657569

Retarded analogy. Knowledge and material goods are fundamentally different concepts. Using a tool to destroy the hardware store means that you'll have no more tools. Knowledge, on the other hand, can be passed on without the help of an

>> No.9657570


A lot of "committed leftists" at university use apple laptops, even though much cheaper computers are available. I'm not him, but I would like an explanation for this kind of contradictory behavior.

>> No.9657573

>tfw frogtwitter are the only true subversives by using capitalist technology for targeted assassination and cyberterrorism

>> No.9657588

She's criticising the rich.

>> No.9657589


Literally weaponized shitposting.

>> No.9657623

When the people let me become King of America I will hang the CEO Walmart, McDondald's et al for treason. I will commission a deep learning algorithm be created to run through all court cases, including transcripts. Any living judge found to be corrupt will be murdered for treason.

Requests for H1-B visas will be closely vetted and analysed, and will dictate where educational efforts will go. A country's inability to fill its own employment demands speaks to an educational problem and H1-B visas are only a temporary solution.

Welfare will be replaced for a living wage minimum and research will begin for basic income. This will push companies to innovate, automate and dramatically increase production.

Allow me to be your King and through me, you will have eternal euphoria.

>> No.9657632

I'm not sure if I understand the psyche of the modern communist/socialist. Why do they hate the rich?

>> No.9657636

It's irony.

>> No.9657639

Simple resentment. Same reason /r9k/ hates Chad

>> No.9657643


Daddy issues.

>> No.9657661

labor created it. capitalism determined the means in which said labor occurred.

>> No.9657668

Same reason the old ones did

>> No.9657674

that is exactly what the powerful want.

>> No.9657676

they blame rich people in banks for the 2008/9 recession thanks to Fannie Mae (ironically a half-gov entity) falsely rating subprime mortgages as AAA to turn a quick buck.

This is literally all just a snowballed effect from that

>> No.9657686

>there's nothing inherently capitalistic about the inventions of phones, computers, or internet
Their wide spread is inherently capitalistic. Planned economy is shit when it comes to consumer goods.
t. Russian