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9654832 No.9654832 [Reply] [Original]

Before finding out about /lit/ I've read mainly books from my language (Montenegrin/Serbian) and few Dostoyevski books.

Also few high school books like The Trial, The Stranger, Hamlet,...

After coming to /lit/ I read some "starting level" books found in some infographic that you guys upload:

Lolita - good book, expected more honestly

Catcher in the Rye - decent book but a little childish

Ham on Rye - pretty bad, like reading a cartoon comic or something, somebody told me to read whole Bukowski trilogy but I can't return to those books

Old Man and The Sea - decent book, a little bit boring

Siddartha - fun to read but pretty naive message in my opinion, don't know how can anybody consider it a classic

and lastly Catch 22. I've had doubts on reading it since I don't have much time for long books and also don't like war thematic, but oh I was so wrong.

Catch 22 is my personal best book ever, my favorite writer is Dostoyevski and I loved his books before but Catch 22 just topped them

Catch has everything, it's entertaining, it's funny, it has love stories, friendship stories, it is doubious at some points, it has quirky parts ( that dreamy sequence when Yossarian is in Rome nearing the end of a book).

I don't want to ask anything , just to thank the board for recommending me this book multiple times.

I might read it again right away, or consider watching a 1970 movie about it.

>> No.9654852

Protip: No matter how many people say"Oh, you like Catch-22? Try Slaughterhouse V." DO NOT. It is garbage trash on its own and comparing it to Catch-22 is just insulting.
I sexually identify as Nately
>Lolita - expected more honestly
>Old Man and The Sea - decent book, a little bit boring
You should be hanged for such opinions.

>> No.9654857

>"Oh, you like Catch-22? Try Slaughterhouse V." DO NOT.

>> No.9655165

>it has love stories
instantly turned me off

>> No.9655178

Slaughterhouse V sucks.

And good for you, OP. Glad you like it. If you want something in the same tone (albeit less satirical), read The Third Policeman.

>> No.9655195

they are still comedic and pathetic and imo fit very well with the rest of the novel.
Leaving them out would leave an unfullfilled part in the book.

>> No.9655443

Don't get me wrong I liked both of these books, but Lolita was held on such high regard on this board that I expected more.

I liked the concept of lying narrator and everything but I can't say Lolita is one of my favs.

Also maybe it's because I'm not from USA so those passages where he describes the landscape while traveling through the country didn't do anything for me.

>> No.9655720

You did read Lolita in English though right?
The prose is absolutely beautiful. It is what makes the book such a paramount classic.>>9655443
>Also maybe it's because I'm not from USA so those passages where he describes the landscape while traveling through the country didn't do anything for me.
I can understand why one would find that uninteresting but not enough to ruin any aspect of it to me personally.

>> No.9656411

Drago mi je da si se aktivirao sto se citanja tice, ali definitivno ne mogu da se slozim sa tobom da je Catch 22 bolji od Dostojevskog.
Samo nastavi sa citanjem, ima toliko dobrih stvari, nikada nece da ti ponestane. Ja ne stizem mnogo zbog faksa, ali bitno je da se trudim.

>> No.9656430

If you continue this journey long enough you will come back to Lolita and Siddhartha and see more there than you did before.
Good work though, keep it up. Catch-22 is top tier no doubt. Maybe you're ready for some McCarthy, check out Child of God I would say. Or jump right on up to Blood Meridian even. But Child of God is nice and short and will let you know if you like McCarthy's style or not.
I also recommend Family Happiness by Tolstoy. It's a very long short story, should be able to just find it online or in a super cheap Tolstoy collection.

>> No.9657300

this, i fucking hate vonnegut but i love Catch-22.
I'd say Catch-22 is pynchon lite. I really got pynchon vibes reading it, and it didn't surprise me at all to learn that pynchon loved the book too. definitely influenced his writing

>> No.9657389


Why is this a copypasta?