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/lit/ - Literature

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9651800 No.9651800 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else miss /fitlit/? I really think if that had lasted we would have gotten rid of all the protestants, fedoras, frogposters, redditors, and /pol/cucks that constantly run every thread into the dirt.

>> No.9651809

/fitlit/ was reddit incarnate

>> No.9651820

/fitlit/ would have created the autistic ubermensch

>> No.9651824

"It is a mark of a mean capacity to spend much time on the things which concern the body, such as much exercise" - Epictetus

>> No.9651900

>gotten rid of all the protestants, fedoras, frogposters, redditors, and /pol/cucks
but that's literally everybody

>> No.9651911

I don't mind the Protestants. It's the Catholics I want out.

>> No.9651915

Really you fucking r9k-tier faggot? /lit/ is a board exclusively for Chads and Catholics.

>> No.9651919
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Make me leave

>> No.9651920


>> No.9652462


>> No.9652497

/fit/ is unbearable, but very similar to /lit/ in one respect. It is inhospitable to oldfags. The discussions are circular with each new wave that reads the sticky. The discussions all revolve around beginner questions, with some long timers in /plg/ or /owg/ and varied bodyweight and aesthetics generals. Once you get to a point where you have educated yourself on the finer points of fitness, there is little purpose there other than pushing memes and tinder threads, with maybe an injury question for the generals.

/lit/ is the same way. Its why we are still discussing Orwell, DFW, and unironic Stephen King or "Mishima, where do i start" threads are always up. And once you have developed your taste, and know how to seek out what interests you, /lit/ becomes redundant aside from shitposting.

>> No.9652516

You just described /fa/ as well

>> No.9652517

Hard to tell out of context. The rest of the passage explains that pleasures of the body, exercise, eating, sex, drinking, should be experienced subordinate to your main focus which is the concerns of the mind.

>> No.9652520

So the shitposters are the most informed?

We may have reached an unparalleled level of counter-culture here. Raving lunatics, autistic cretins, the mass of indifferent lurkers; strewn about this small pearls of insight..with just enough combatism and vitriol to not let you get comfortable about it. And it's all neatly contained within the circular track of literary discussion that we, invariably, come dipping in and jumping out to parlay on. Absolutely marvelous.

>> No.9652550

Image reminds me of when I first went to school, and some sperg who was majoring in physics was running around checking everyone's math grades and bragging. Dude suggested we should be friends because "Nobody else belongs here."

>> No.9652648

They have /fitlit/ on cripplechan. Pretty dead.

>> No.9652664

just like every other board on that shithole

>> No.9652666

Basically this. I only really come here for half an hour a day now to shitpost and defend James Joyce against the reddit tier pseuds. I've also started to pick a good, underrated book to subtly shill every month. This month is Winesburg, Ohio.

There's very rarely any threads worth seriously posting in. And most of the threads are just repeats of the same 20-30 threads we see every few days. This board is really boring now. It's sad looking through threads and seeing shallow opinions on the same few books.

>> No.9652778

Most new readers consider themselves uninformed, but want to fit in, so they parrot what they perceive as elite literature, but what is really the canon pushed on them by the current literary milieu as represented by university sylabi. This board desperately needs adventurous souls to explore 1950-2017 lit critically to find and meme new classics, as well as enterprising souls to examine the 19th century for more books like confessions of a justified sinner or stoner type classics to exhume and bring to the fore of the internet literary community.

>> No.9653157
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>all these Earthbound fags
lol, just lol

>> No.9653276

god dammit Akane is so fucking nice oh god fuck shit gof fuck gdamn fu god.

>> No.9653547

4cucks is the real shithole

>> No.9653557

And yet here you are.

>> No.9653606

The same thing with pretty much any interest/hobby-based board. I've noticed this a lot with /a/ and /mu/ as well, and I only ever go on those boards to shitpost anymore.

>> No.9653756

Why did season 2 have to suck :(

>> No.9653892

its sad seeing this happen to so many boards.

I guess it is the natural progression as a board becomes more popular. Its funny since this happened to /fa/ to and part of the reason it happened is because it think people were looking for better and more knowledgeble thread, so saw that /lit/ (or another board) had that, but ended up ruining it