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/lit/ - Literature

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9647901 No.9647901 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into gentrified neighbourhood
>buy a book from secondhand book shop
>arrive home
>check book online
>literally 1/5 the price on Amazon


FUCK gentrified neighbourhoods and FUCK you hipsters

>> No.9647905

You're joking, right? Half the experience is shooting the shit with the crotchety owner, enjoying the sensory experience of the bookshop, feeling like you're supporting a local business, truly being a part of the city.
You're a groundless piece of shit.
>muh online dealz
>muh Amazon

>> No.9647911

>Falling for the bookshop meme

Mmmmmm, i love walking around unorganised piles never being able to find what i need just so i can spend double the price for the same information!

Yes, Amazon is evil for offering consumers the same quality for 1/5 the price!

>> No.9647915

This is why, at stores, I only buy the used books. I find the experience of looking at different editions and finding books I didn't expect to be worth it. But fuck buying new editions at stores, where they do charge twice the price as Amazon.

>> No.9648139

Amazon is massively subsidized by investors who believe (probably rightfully) that it can become the primary mode of purchase for the world. So the prices are lower than they should be

>> No.9648151

m8 are you retarded or something?

>he doesn't but buy his used books for a dollar each

>> No.9648296

Amazon always sends me the wrong edition.

>> No.9648509

>wahhh I can't spend the extra $3 on a book guize :(

get a job you fucking loser

and what kind of shithole neighborhood do you live in where your bookstore doesn't alphabetize its stock?

>> No.9648587 [DELETED] 

>Hey man go to a Splatoon fan site and say that haha

Yeah while I'm at it I'll go over to /mlp/ and make fun of bronies, that'll go well too huh faggot

>> No.9648592

>log on to the internet
>buy a book from amazon
>arrive back to sanity
>check book online
>literally 1/5 the price on abebooks

>> No.9648638

You're an idiot. If $9 while supporting a local business is too much for you then stay in the suburbs faggot.

>> No.9648642

Bookstores are for browsing new shit

Amazon is for getting exactly what you need, when you need it.

>> No.9648655

>literally 0x the price on a torrent site

Daily reminder that both Amazon and bookshops exist to artificially enforce scarcity.

>> No.9648657

This. I hate these losers that whine when small businesses are try to make a living.

>> No.9648671

>I'm too poor and autistic to go out in public to a nice book shop so I'll buy something from a soulless internet conglomerate to save myself the embarrassment

>> No.9648672

Daily reminder: Amazon is not only killing small book stores, they're not only killing small publishers, they are killing the whole literature szene because they skim an obscene amount of revenue - this hinders publishers to invest in promising but unknown authors and instead publish the same shit over and over again.

>> No.9648677


amazon isnt killing shit. the consumers make their own decisions, blame them if anyone

>> No.9648688

>muh market
Kill yourself faggot. Some of us don't live in a rural hellscape and understand the threat posed by Amazon is analogous to the one posed by WAL-MART before it

>> No.9648693

Fucking this. Anyone ITT who denies this is delusional, and should check the NYT bestsellers to see why insipid airplane trash like Girl on the Train or another Grisham rag are the only things that ever make it there.

>> No.9648699

>shooting the shit with the crotchety owner
Why the fuck would I want to waste time talking to some smelly old jew? Do you even go to book shops to buy books, let alone read them, or to gossip as if you were some sort of woman? You're the vermin that op was taking about, so why don't you take some inspiration from the op pic and literally shoot the shit by pulverizing the better part of your bony brain bag, you literal shit-for-brains.

>> No.9648701

That's true.
Nevertheless, the contracts Amazon forces the publishers to sign are bizzare: the guys who produce literature (publishers and authors) get 30% of the revenue while Amazon gets 60+% of the profits (not revenue!) and moreover, the publishers bear quite the whole entrepreneurial risk.
Everyone who buys books via Amazon should be tarred and feathered.

>> No.9648708

And WAL MART only became big because consumers decided to shop there.

>> No.9648710

>being this autistic
Local bookshops are a great resource insofar as they'll promote lesser known writers and put on poetry events. They're a great place to meet people and talk about what you've read with knowledgeable people from your local community. Has nothing to do with muh Jews you reclusive faggot

>> No.9648715


Nobody is forcing consumers to use amazon.

>> No.9648720

I'm glad my neighborhood gentrified. Sure, prices have gone up but at least it's clean, safe, and beautiful now.

>> No.9648723
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Literal retardation right here, folks.

Enjoy your soulless, inbred like-click-subscribe corporate cesspool of a culture.

>> No.9648726

Amazon should be heavily taxed in a major city to protect local businesses, similar to major cities barring Wal-Mart (which had great results). The successes of Amazon and Wal-Mart are multifactorial but have as much to do with wage stagnation as anything else. Most of us in cities want to protect our unique identity, which includes local businesses (and local bookstores!).
You'd think an anti-globalist, anti-immigration board like /lit/ could understand this impulse but apparently we have underage ancap suburban retards as well.

>> No.9648729

Walmart is banned in my city but not the city next to it. Everyone goes to the neighboring city for Walmart's low prices.

>> No.9648736

Congrats. Saving 75 cents on a tub of mass-produced potato salad by supporting a conglomerate who treats their workers like ants is what will be the death of our culture at large.

Hope you like King, Grisham, Patterson and Danielle Steel, cause 15 years from now that's all that there will be to read because of inbred retards like you.

>> No.9648738

Walmart is banned in my city and no one I know travels to shop at another one. Which "city" do you live in

>> No.9648749

Most of the edgy isolationist xenophobes here are, a) crossposters from /pol/, who are b) 23 years old, at the oldest.

If they're not angsty wage slaves who still love at home with mommy and their stepdad, they are NEETs who think money is a finite resource and panic at the thought of not getting anything for the lowest possible price. Saving a couple bucks on a Blu-Ray box set of a harem anime doesn't mean anything to them other than saving a couple bucks. It's not a proclamation of a socioeconomical stance, it's the same case of the gimme-gimmes making them just as entitled as anybody they look down upon.

>> No.9648757

>Liberals fight for decades to institute "urban improvement" in destitute areas
>Draw businesses
>Improve housing and economic opportunity
>young multiracial population begins taking advantage of vibrant upcoming community
>Liberals decry gentrification

>> No.9648770

>anti-globalist, anti-immigration board like /lit/

t. someone who has never traveled to /k/ or /pol/

>> No.9648773


What sort of shitty ass attitude is this? You don't even know the person you're responding to so why question their story's veracity? Cities are filled with the same vile, worthless trash as the rural areas.

>> No.9648775

>I'm such a bourgeois stuckup hipster I can't emphatize with the fact that a few dollars might matter to some people

>> No.9648776

That's not how it works. The liberals decrying gentrification are the multiracial people who are being driven out by the increased prices.

>> No.9648780

I realize this. If we may start a gentlemen's conversation, how do you have Urban Renewal in ghettos or post-industrial urban wastelands without gentrification?

>> No.9648789

inb4 mass incarceration, deportation or genocide

>> No.9648790

>I'm an entitled working class hero who would gladly work at the same company that is completely fucking over the town that I live in
>haha but it's cool bro I'm saving 4 precious dollars on a copy of Lolita, so epic

>> No.9648792

You don't. I'm not opposed to gentrification, but I get the impression that a lot of those people opposed to it would prefer their ghettos.

>> No.9648797


Theyre morons. Gentrification is just a side effect of the endless growth espoused by modern society. Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room of population growth.

>> No.9648803

the only ones LARPing as a working class hero is (as always) the bourgeoisie, trying to artificially raise prices and gentrify communities in their quest for "identity". nobody that works for a living could give less of a fuck about this. I, for one, welcome Amazon.

>> No.9648804

But in the late 60s and up to the Giuliani era they were decrying the fact that corporations and the state were pulling money out of ghettos and not reinvesting or offering incentive to businesses.

Now they are claiming there are barbarians at the gates.

>> No.9648808

Reminder that (as always) communists are the ones that read marx, anti-communists are the ones that live under a system created by him.

>> No.9648811
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>tfw the neat mom-and-pop bookstore 10 minutes from my house will never be able to afford to hire anyone
>my only other option is to work at a Books-A-Million in the mall and sell Minecraft t-shirts, fidget spinners and Harry Potter books to 11 year olds

>> No.9648812

Yup. The lesson to be learned here is that when you're dealing with people who view themselves as victims there's no possibility of appeasement.

>> No.9648813


its almost as if reactionaries are always going to be reactionary or something

>> No.9648828

I will never understand people like you
what is it about the experience of "a nice bookshop", a "nice coffeehouse" or whatever that makes it worth paying twice/thrice the price for some product? do you have THAT much disposable income? do you identify with what you consume that much?
I love good deals. when I buy some book I've been mirin for months at 50% off, it fills me with warmth

>> No.9648829

Except I'm not fucking "bourgeois," you humongous faggot. I live in a share house and make not even $10k a year. The only thing that makes me any different from you is that I'm not a brainless consumerist sheep.

When I buy books I go to my local bookshop. If they don't have the book I want, I ask them to order it. I try to support local/indie authors as much as I can because I don't want to live in an insipid world where my only options are Amazon or B&N.

>> No.9648830


some people value community over small change

books even brand new RRP are cheap as shit, maybe you should reevaluate your life if thats a big expense to you

>> No.9648835

You are 17, poor, with social anxiety

>> No.9648841

Capitalism kills culture

Liberal corporatists like Mark Zuckerberg want gentrification

>> No.9648844

*materialism kills culture

>> No.9648853

Materialism is a direct product of capitalism

>> No.9648857

>nobody that works for a living could give less of a fuck about this. I, for one, welcome Amazon.
It never ceases to astonish me how happily people are digging their own graves. Why do you think half the Silicon Valley occupies themself with the idea of an unconditional basic income? Maybe it's because they know they'll kill millions and millions of jobs in the not so far future?

>> No.9648860

Marxism is also Materialist.

>> No.9648863

I don't think we're using the same definition of materialism

>> No.9648866

I'll break it down for you and all the other plebs ITT.

>Independent bookstores
>Run by educated, friendly people from the neighborhood
>free readings from local writers or touring ones
>fresh coffee and pastries (the woman who works the one near my university makes delicious little book-shaped sugar cookies and sandwiches named after authors)
>always courteous and friendly, will always try to help you for the sake of their business because they care
>have regulars who are passionate about the store, can meet people there
>almost always have a great atmosphere, designed for comfort

And now here we have Barnes and Noble, or soon, Amazon outlets.
>The corporate "bookstore"
>Run by angry, tired, hungry wageslaves who only work for a paycheck
>coffee is served to you by a fat SJW with blue hair and a septum piercing who doesn't care if she fucked up your order
>the pastry you get with it is dry because it came from a box that got shipped in a truck across the country
>only thing to sit on there is those hard plastic tables that are likely dirty and covered in crumbs because the corporate slaves don't care enough to clean them
>the couches there are old and dirty, likely stained with baby piss and homeless people farts
>more than half of the actual stock is only the lowest-common-denominator shit that sells: Stephen King, GoT, John Green, Veronica Roth, James Patterson, Jonathan Kellerman
>no indie books or authors
>half of the store is dedicated to Legos, DVDs and superhero toys
>dedicated section of public toys so all the niglets can run around and destroy the place and ruin any chance of immersion you have while reading

This is the future you choose every time you order a book from Amazon.

>> No.9648867

>he isn't looking forward to NEETing it up in a post-scarcity future
'Sup, reddit

>> No.9648876

>my futile sense of coziness and some abstract communal identity is more important than material progress, with widespread cheaper products for everyone

>> No.9648880

Marxism is anti-family, anti-culture, anti-nation, anti-religion, and anti-art. It also chalks up the entirety of human history to materialistic struggle. Marxism is perhaps even more materialistic than capitalism in this sense. Though both capitlaism and communism are horrendous abuses of human nature, and we'd be better off without either of them.

>> No.9648882


you're all conflating three very distinctive senses of materialism

1. Scientistic materialism, which reduces all mental/social phenomena to neuroscientific/biological causes.

2. Consumerist materialism, which finds meaning and value in the acquisition of commodities or "material goods."

3. Historical materialism, which finds the cause of systematic ways of thinking about the world in the social structures and economies they reflect and reproduce.

>> No.9648885

>abstract communal identity
Kill yourself you autistic moron.

>> No.9648886

>anti family

Good. Moral alarmists are brainlets

>> No.9648888

>Marxism is anti-family, anti-culture, anti-nation, anti-religion, and anti-art

Wrong. Read a book.

>> No.9648892

>my very exploitable desire to save as much money as I can on books means more to me than the culture/industry I enjoy

Congrats on saving $2 on a copy of Lord of the Flies, only available at our Amazon retail outlets! If you have any questions about books, please schedule a consultation with BookBot5000 and join or email listing!

>> No.9648893

>Maybe it's because they know they'll kill millions and millions of jobs in the not so far future?

You say that as if it's a bad thing. Leisure is the basis of culture. Since the industrial revolution people have been working an unhealthy amount.

>> No.9648895

>meeting and conversing with other people who love books is "abstract"

fucking kill yourself my guy

>> No.9648900

>what are book clubs, libraries, universities and so on
But no, the only way to achieve any sense of belonging is through consumption. Let's all buy $100 paperbacks from cozy, local bookstores and eat pastries! culture wahoo!

refer to >>9648775, you fucking delusional hipster

>> No.9648902

>anti-culture, anti-art

You have no idea what you're talking about. It couldn't be more pro-culture and pro-art.

>> No.9648903

Nope, I was talking about a single materialism from the very beginning. Sorry mr Brainlet couldn't realize that

>> No.9648907

he's right. I think you are the ones who should read a book

>> No.9648910

Mom and Pop stores were only coopted by affluent white liberal hipsters in the first place because corporations took over yet another market

I don't give a shit about comfyness or whatever, but when the same bookstore is in every small town in America and only sells Stephen King and manga you probably have a big factor as to why most Americans are illiterate

The Barnes and Noble by me doesn't even carry Joyce. Most of the store is a jungle gym for small kids, and the rest is a Starbucks

>> No.9648914

>I am against local buisinesses AND globalism, tell me how I'm a moron
Bleed out

>> No.9648917

>the only way to achieve any sense of belonging
Way to miss the point entirely, smartass.

>> No.9648934

>Detracts someone else for choosing to consume in a way that preserves culture and identity
>acts superior for buying books from warehouses and sitting inside on his ebin gaming PC
>too poor to afford USED books from a USED bookstore

Lmao the only delusional person here is you, pal. Leave your cheeto cave and come outside once in a while.

>> No.9648935

You're totally right theoretically.
Problem is: I doubt it will happen that way.
Our technology has become a lot better since the days of my grandparents. Nevertheless, I'm working at least three times as much as they did, produce at least 50 times as much as they did (due to technological progress) but have to earn at least ten times as much as they did to have the same standard of living. But I'm only earning three or four times as much as they did, despite being a lot more productive and working a lot more efficient as they did. Technological progress didn't give me more leisure, it didn't give me a better standard of life, it just gave me more and harder work and a lower standard of living.
Therefore, I doubt an unconditional basic income will give me any leisure at all - instead it will be so low myriads of unemployed people are barely able to stay alive while they are searching for one of the few left jobs 24/7 instead of being idle. And the companies will pay even fewer for even more work because there's so much request for it.
Don't get me wrong, I hope it won't be that way but I honestly doubt it.

>> No.9648953

I have. It's called the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.
It uproots nationalities and suppresses culture and tradition, because those things provide opponents to the state. That is why both the Bolsheviks and the Maoists destroyed thousands of years of culture in their "Cultural Revolution." They are also anti-art as, according to the labor theory of value, art is only as valuable as the amount of time put into it. And if all men are 'equal' there is no difference in talent. So all art is of the same level, and has no objective parameters other than the amount of time it took to make it. Just look at the housing in communist countries, it's horribly depressing. And I encourage you to see stories of Russian artists being forced to only make state propaganda.

>> No.9648957


my point is we don't need local businesses at all to have a culture or communal identity. you're a retarded, empty, braindead consumer

Your way of consuming preserves shit. Culture exists outside customer relationships and businesses. I'm sorry your life is so empty you need your daily latte and overpriced literature to have an identity or a community

>> No.9648960

Amazon is a greater threat to culture, identity and tradition than yesteryear's spook of communism in 2017

>> No.9648968

American culture has been deeply intertwined with consumption for at least the past 150 years. Having drone-delivered SPQR flags hanging on the walls of your NEET den doesn't change the fact that you're part of the problem

>> No.9648970

I've already said that both capitalism and communism are materialistic and hurt culture. Both should be done away with.

>> No.9648972

>haha community and identity is for faggots, now if you'll excuse me I'm off to /pol/ to discuss the latest Trump memes and maybe if the night goes in the right direction I'll preorder a sixth copy of Milo's book

Consumption is american. You're not above it and you're not better than anybody. Hope you enjoy the walls of your basement cause that'll be your view for the next 30 years.

>> No.9648973

I see this all the time. Hipsterish looking book shops selling pristine books for RRP. What's the point?

>> No.9648984

why do you insist on the "NEET" accusation? I have a job
The ones with disposable income (read: daddy's trustfund) are the hipsters defending >muh mom and pop's overpriced shit. Get out of your bourgeois fantasy world, buddy.

>> No.9648988

Since you're so superior to us, how about you tell the class how fulfilling and great your life is?

>inb4 he doesn't respond because he knows he's a tasteless, textbook millennial who pirates video games and uses mommy's money to buy amiibos to hotglue

>> No.9648989

also, you're clearly arguing with a strawman. my post demeans notions of community and identity that are intrinsically connected to consumption; i'm not opposing the notions of belonging themselves

>> No.9649000

>"kultur" is relative pleb, just like morals ;)

>> No.9649001

I work, I have friends, we play live music every often and we also play sports (bball and soccer). I don't play any videogames besides Dota 2 and I buy my books from Amazon.
I'm sorry I'm not into the whole "buying overpriced shit for the benefit of our gentrified hellhole" thing, no need to get so salty tho

>> No.9649010

Because you're autistically screeching about used bookstores being too expensive, when in reality a book from a used bookstore is only priced at several dollars more than what you would get for a shitty, beaten-to-shit copy from Amazon. Spending several extra dollars on a book to support a business or an author I like isn't "bourgeois," and I bet you think that anyone who buys shoes at any store other than Payless is "bourgeois" too.

If you did have a job, you'd know a $10 book in good condition vs a $6 one in bad condition isn't gonna put you in the poorhouse.

Also, if you do have a job, you're probably one of those pretentious faggots who live home with mommy and daddy and squirrel all their money away into a savings account they'll never use, and act like anyone who actually spends the money they earn is dumber than you.

>> No.9649017
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>we play live music
>refers to basketball as "b-ball"
>plays fucking Dota2
>thinks anything that you can get used on Amazon for less than the price of it being new is """overpriced"""

Yeah, you're not better than anyone here, bucko. Try again.

>> No.9649026

>refers to basketball as "b-ball"

I was referring to baseball, kid.

>> No.9649029

You're so fucking delusional. I literally saved thousands of dollars buying my college textbooks from Amazon instead of the local, hip bookstore. The price difference is astounding since these estabilishments disregard any notion of competitivity whatsoever. Just an example: I saved over $90 by buying my copy of Zettel's Traum from Amazon

You seem to never have visited any store in a gentrified area. Everything they sell is overpriced

not me

>> No.9649035

Holy kek, the hysterics coming from bookstorefags in this thread are a sight to behold.

>> No.9649039

On what planet do people call Baseball b-ball? It's the same amount of syllables

>> No.9649044

Were not talking about college textbooks, those are a fucking scam so I agree with you there.

>> No.9649045

>college textbooks
>hip bookstore
Confirmed underage dweeb. You don't have the life experience to have this conversation. No one is telling you to buy your $300 textbook at some locally owned shop that won't carry it.

>> No.9649050

What kind of fucking bookstore carries college textbooks? Jesus Christ anon apply yourself

>> No.9649065

There's a used bookstore in my city with nothing over $10, and they've got a fantastic selection. Literally fantastic, like it's from a fantasy world. Just don't go to the gentrified parts of the city OP. What, are you afraid of the negros?

>> No.9649085

>what are you, poor?


This is one of the most well-known bookstores in gentrified Brooklyn, and even their 15% off staff picks are invariably way more expensive than the exact same edition from Amazon. Stop supporting these people

>> No.9649092

doesn't really matter if you do or don't, yuppies will continue paying the prices cause they can and it's away from the filthies

>> No.9649097
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>he can't test-drive the new Echo, Kindle, Fire tablet, and Fire TV families while he shops

>> No.9649098

Most of these are ~$15 which isn't even expensive. I'll spend double the next time I go there. You should be killed.

>> No.9649118

>muh amazon
None of those books are even $20. If you're that poor you deserve to starve to death.

>> No.9649169

>not buying used books on ebay from some nice old lady who includes a sweet post card in the package

>> No.9649194

>not using thriftbooks and buying a good old edition of a book for $1.50

I got the Viking Gravity's rainbow for five dollars, no joke

>> No.9649208
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>be me
>live in Australia
>see book on Amazon for $3
>try to order it
>Sumtotal: $3 + $69.99 P&H

>> No.9649264

The patrician choice.

>> No.9649292
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I found one of those at my parents' cottage, unfortunately the mice had nibbled away most of the spine.

>> No.9649647

Saged and reported

>> No.9649947

>college textbooks
You were calling out the strawmans weren't you

>> No.9649997

fuck you, you're wrong and stupid and evil. do you enjoy behaving in this way, alone in your room on your computer?

>> No.9651270

people buy books in 2017?

>> No.9651281

>You're an idiot. If $9 while supporting a local business is too much for you then stay in the suburbs faggot.
>not realizing all the bookshops in manhattan and brooklyn got gentified to death long ago

looks like you're the one in the suburbs with your "support local businesses" crap, it's not possible to pay commercial rent in nyc based on selling used copies of beatles biographies for 2 dollars to tourists (The Strand not withstanding)

>> No.9651292

>buying local is a suburban meme
Unconvincing LARP

>> No.9651295

>thinking people in nyc consciously "shop local"

when you live in a major world city you don't have to worry about the one store in a 40 mile radius going out of business or whatever kind of anxiety smalltown folks like u suffer with

>> No.9651317

The point isn't specific to NYC you provincial faggot. I have lived in LA and SF, both muh major world cities, and buying local is definitively a thing.
in b4 muh libcuck

>> No.9651335

like if you buy your gucci loafers at the locally owned boutique instead of the flagship gucci store it really makes a "difference", kys

>> No.9651363

>google abebooks
>Parent company:Amazon.com (2008–present)

>> No.9651365

Yes, it does matter. 48% of every dollar spent at an independent retailer is recirculated into the local economy whereas only 14% of every dollar spent at a chain store is recirculated into le local economy. It makes a substantial difference and people who want to see their neighborhood thrive give a shit about this sort of thing. Numbers were from a study Civic Evonomics did on book and music stores.

>> No.9651390
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You did not calculate the price of the paper you print the book on, to read it

>> No.9651393

>14% of every dollar spent at a chain store is recirculated into le local economy

and this is why you are a provincial faggot, my friend. do you really think the "local economy" of nyc or london or hong kong is in any danger? moreover, do you ever consider the places the money from chainstores flows into is major economic hubs like nyc and london? barnes and noble was founded by two dudes from the bronx, so is it a "local business" to nyc? is amazon a "local business" to seattle"? move out of your little hippieville podunk town and get a clue

>> No.9651420

Those stores are actually nice. To bad they have no soul.

>> No.9651421
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>tfw you have no comfy local bookshop and only stale, big corp ones

>> No.9651530

Well no because the money goes to shareholders who are distributed all over the world

>> No.9651549

>Go to second hand bookshop
>All random shit that i don't want
>Anything worthwhile like loeb classical library they are selling for the same price as new

And then i went back to the chain that has a decent poetry section with authoratitve texts

>> No.9651962

>half the experience [a book] is talking to the people that sell the book and enjoying the store

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9651972

Build the courage to speak to people without your voice shaking faggot.

>> No.9651983

>Well no because the money goes to shareholders who are distributed all over the world

and suppose i am a shareholder? what then, nerd?

>> No.9651988

Kill yourself moron. You're LARPing as an adult.

>> No.9651994

same thing happened to me literally yesterday, went to "locally owned" shekelstein shop, only had meme stuff in stock, had to go to big ass barnes and nobles, which had multiple copies of what i wanted

>> No.9652000

wow man so you have to go shopping to get any human interaction in your life? don't you talk to your mom when she brings you your tendies for dinner?

>> No.9652017

ok bro keep shopping local and see if those local shops pay any dividends into your retirement fund, i'm sure marty shekelstein "local book merchant" really gives a shit about you and your family

>> No.9653125

t.bookshop owner

>> No.9654240
File: 33 KB, 525x384, 30 shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I have a dead end job flippin' burgers anyone that has anymore must have a trust fund.

Is that how you try to preserve any semblance of self-worth?

>> No.9654255

I should be able to buy The Art of the Deal at my LBS without being judged by the customers around me. Amazon gives no fucks what people order as long as they are making money hand over fist. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9654318

Why not just check the price via your phone in the store? And shortly after why not just pirate it on your phone then buy it? Fucking idiot.

>> No.9654332

>supporting intellectual property laws
Just pirate the books, you nonce. I bet you buy software, too.

>> No.9654335

You should 100% be judged for your book purchases.

>> No.9654704

Seriously, where do you guys live that any book store only stocks "meme shit?" Or what are you trying to buy? I can't think of any book that I would be able to find at B&N but not at a smaller shop

>> No.9654759
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>> No.9655676


Wow, it seems that they are the real jews.