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/lit/ - Literature

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9644310 No.9644310 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about the next book I'm going to read.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
Heart of Darkness
Are these considered literary fiction or genre fiction?

>> No.9644323

Well I can tell you that you should start the first one or the last one because those two are shorter reads

>> No.9644332

Read Conrad last; Literary Fiction

>> No.9644338

They are all good, read in whatever order you want

>> No.9644371
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>in Barnes & Noble
>all Barnes & Noble classics are $5
>impulse buy 8 books
>realize that they're probably horrible translations
Should I return them?

>> No.9644657

Take a little time to research what translations they are, research whether they are good translations. If not, return them

>> No.9644705

What's a psued?

>> No.9644712

What are the best places to publish a chapbook?

Want to get my foot in the door of poetry but I know I need some smaller works before I publish larger collections

>> No.9644721

Pseudonym. It's a name an author will write and publish under rather than using their given name

>> No.9644938 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9644964

How do I write things that are funny?

>> No.9645194

how do i expand my vocabulary? ive noticed, especially with older books, it can take me ages to read a single page because of looking up words. are there any good websites for this or should i just go through the dictionary and write down words

>> No.9645259

Do you guys take the dust cover off your hard cover books? mine dust cover was somewhat damaged during an incident and was considering to just take them all off

>> No.9645261

what is the point of reading

>> No.9645272
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How do you do one of this charts? I want to do 2017 version

>> No.9645365

Set up an expectation and then subvert that expectation in an unexpected way.

>> No.9645370

Read books that have a wide vocabulary, but not so wide so that you have to constantly be looking up words (try Dickens). Write down the words while reading and look them up afterwards.

>> No.9645382

Paradise Lost isn't a translation

>> No.9646592

I toss all of mine

>> No.9646749

Femanon vocaroo ‘At Last’ by Elizabeth Akers Allen pls

>> No.9646800

Return all but Les Mis, Siddhartha, and Paradise Lost. From experience those Barnes and Noble Russian ones probably use Garnett which is highly Anglicized, Smollett for Don Quixote is a translation from the 1700's, and the chances of it being a good Metamorphoses translation are next to none and is especially important because Ovid is a poet

>> No.9646802

Someone who tries to express an opinion that they didn't personally come to or tries to be someone they're not, usually to give the impression of being more intelligent than they are

>> No.9646805

Best secondary lit that explains and analyses Plato - partularly The Republic or trial and death of Socrates dialogues?

>> No.9646816

What's a good Pynchon for a non native English speaker? Im reading GR with a little difficulty and since Ill be ordering a bunch o books in a few says I might as well get another one by him. I find the story really engaging, just a little over my head at times.

Also, Im gonna order The Man In the High Castel cause I liked the show, is it worth it? Are any other books by PKD good?

Im all eyes.

>> No.9646891

pseud is short for psuedo meaning false/fake
basically a poseur

>> No.9647096


>> No.9647230
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>all that pleb
>no Raymond Carver
shiggity diggity cheeki breeki

>> No.9647231

Short for pseudo-intellectual
>>9646891 etymologically

>> No.9648198

if i want to learn spanish, italian, and german, which is best to start with? do any of them act as a sort of gateway to the others

>> No.9649314

German first, because you already know English, dumb idiot. And after that one pick whichever cause youre not gonna make it anyway

>> No.9649345

are there any significant works that deal with the origin of preference/inclination to make certain choices

>> No.9649809

I'm about to read Crime and Punishment, translated by Constance Garnett. Is this an OK translation? It's the only version my local library had

>> No.9649821


holy shit

>> No.9649885

Garnett's fine, as long as you can get accustomed to her Victorian style

Bartelby the Scrivener, by Melville

The reason those editions are so cheap is that the texts and translations they use are public domain. The Russian titles are okay as long as the Dostos aren't Whishaw (which they probably aren't). If the Tolstoy is the Maude translation, then that's actually very good

>> No.9649924

didn't say it, but I was hoping for non-fiction. still going to read this, thank you

>> No.9650096

I stared learning german by reading children's books. I then slowly built off of that.

>> No.9650120

Garnett is perfectly fine for Dostoevsky. She's really the standard that every translator has to go up against in regards to those books.