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/lit/ - Literature

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9642407 No.9642407 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading through Infinite Jest right now. What other books/writers will make me seem cultured and sophisticated to cool college kids (particularly the ladies)?

>> No.9642458

College students don't read
Also stop posting bad threads

>> No.9642610

People will think you're cultured just for reading outside of class in college as long as you aren't reading YA shit. Also in my experience most people read different things.

I read infinite jest and Im in college. Nobody talks about it unless they are making a joke. Great book, dont get me wrong, but dont read it just because you think itll advance you socially.

Marukami is popular on my campus, but Ive yet to read any of his books. I dont know, maybe Keruoac will create some conversation starters.

>> No.9642621

why don't you focus on bettering yourself to make the world a better place in stead of worrying about your image

>> No.9642627

I hope your not majoring in literature or some other prancy study... major in math

>> No.9642629

>durr why don't you just be a good person instead of being a selfish social animal herp d'derr
shut up.

>> No.9642635

I'm majoring in finance, goy

>> No.9642835

Does Dave ever tell the story of the first time he tried marijuana?

>> No.9642846

He left us hanging on that one

>> No.9642857

How much of IJ mentions marijuana? I've read the story at the front about waiting for the friend, are there more stories featuring marijuana?

>> No.9642865

Read the whole thing. Half of it is set in an addicts house and it's got a bunch of random little stories about weed addictions

>> No.9642909

If you want to seem cultured, read big-name philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Kant, etc.). Avoid NEETche cause he's an edgelord. Classics also help.

If you want to have decent conversations, read mid-tier literature like Vonnegut and Orwell.

If you want to get laid, develop an actual personality and stop doing things to impress people, you fucking moron.

>> No.9643009
File: 96 KB, 1440x810, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to break it to you, but you are wasting your time. In prog circles Dallas Fort Worth is coded as man-lit-for-men.

>> No.9643111

women are a waste of time.

>> No.9643135

>'durr, just be a beter person blah"
No, I'm going to try to attract babes. You can be a better person and develop your own personality.

>> No.9643154
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>> No.9643366

>herp d'derr
are we in middle school?

>> No.9643507


>> No.9643508

But reddit told me weed is not addictive.

>> No.9643541

I literally cried

>> No.9644173

I never said anything about being """better""" or """good""". Just don't be an autist who thinks name-dropping books is a good way to get laid.

People (especially womemes) can tell when you're actively trying to impress them. It's not a good look. You'll be much more successful with people of all genders if you just have conversations like a regular person.

Again, you don't have to do anybody's ebbin self-improvement program or anything like that. Just be sincere. That, more than anything, is what other people appreciate.

Did DFW teach you nothing?