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File: 75 KB, 660x800, DAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9639607 No.9639607 [Reply] [Original]

What do yuo all think of Gabriele D'Annunzio?

>> No.9639830

On my to-read-list

>> No.9639839

My great-grandfather was with him when they took Fiume. Once I've finished all the shit they're forcing me to read, I want to study him.

>> No.9639947
File: 1.31 MB, 3190x1845, vittoriale d'annunzio 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My great-grandfather was with him when they took Fiume
Woah man, that's fucking nice. D'Annunzio's comrades were very few, your ancestor must have been a privileged man.

>> No.9640045
File: 201 KB, 1200x685, 1200px-Foto_Fiume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be more /his/ but are there any (preferably good) books in English on Impresa di Fiume? Specifically, I'm interesting on the the state apparatus and society, which I seen described by several as a mixture of anarchism and fascism.

>> No.9640058

The experience of Fiume was actually the first dictatorship of modern times.

I don't know any book about it though, except D'Annunzio's diaries and letters.

>> No.9640565

I'd recommend reading "The Pike" a biography that talks about his time in Fiume. You could also try Tom Antongini's biography on him. Antongini knew D'annunzio personly and was his friend and servant.

>> No.9640616

>9639947 Your great-grandfather was a hero.

>> No.9640649

He lived to 103, but he died the very same year I was born. You don't know how much I hope I could meet him. At least he saw my birth.

>> No.9640657

sorta looks like the people's hero Vladimir Lenin

>> No.9640659
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>> No.9640675
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>> No.9640742
File: 72 KB, 500x320, Fiume_D'Annunzio_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't know how much I hope I could meet him
I'm sure it would have been a beautiful opportunity.
When you think a poet, thin and 5 foot 3 inches in height, made a single city the centre of the world by occupying it with a fistful of men, you really get to believe everything is possible in life

>> No.9640779

pompous terrone

>> No.9640845

A waste of talent and potential.
Pointless art is amazing, at the end of the day, is just pointless.


>> No.9640915

t. ubriacone veneto

>> No.9641058
File: 272 KB, 1200x1252, casa del lavoro trieste - fascismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. D'Annunzio was a decadent poet and he still holds value because he's an expression of the late 19th century's sensibility and even further.

>> No.9641134
File: 179 KB, 763x595, Untitled-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.9641172

>D'Annunzio was a decadent poet and he still holds value because he's an expression of the late 19th century's sensibility and even further.

all true, but doesn't change that he could have done better with his, not small, talent.

>> No.9641289

you guys are finding even more obscure right-wingers to idolize lmao

>> No.9641454


>> No.9641501

I am waiting for the rediscovering of Maurice Barres

>> No.9641734

What world are you living in?

>> No.9641776

a non-wop world thankfully

>> No.9641779

What have you got against wops?

>> No.9641841

Turn of the century Italy was a goldmine, and thanks to the fallout of ww2, it's a goldmine that our generation (a couple posters on 4chan specifically) gets to plunder.

It's amazing that even the most avant garden writings of, say, the invisible committee, or the various identarian movements emerging now, are just starting to tiptoe onto territory the doctrine of fascism had mapped out a century ago.

>> No.9641873

Futurism has never been so topical as now.

I feel bad for people like >>9641776, whose simplistic view leads them to believe Italy has nothing to offer just because its economic situation is bad.

>> No.9641877

Barres is too Francocentric for non french.

>> No.9641980

The whole concept of individual sublimation into a greater whole is incredibly relevant.

Right now we're seeing a huge rise in identity politics of all kinds due to globalization as well as information technology essentially allowing for the removal of subjective, material considerations like race, geography, and class, which only cause people to retreat deeper into these constructs. The disembodyment of the individual only allows for greater individuality, which is scary.

The traditional political camps are trying to use this, but it's clear that the Black power Marxists and white power fascists screaming at each other in the streets and on our airwaves are just two side of the same pathetic egotistical id-fixated coin. The real conflict is between the individual and the constructs that demand his affiliation.

Ive even seen college campus groups attacking individuality as a construct of white power, or a "privilege" for only the super rich. Even Obama tries to argue this in his book. It's all a pathetic attempt to reduce such a beautiful ideal to their level, and attack it through an identarian assault which demands everyone take sides.

On the other side of this with have the noble notions of high modernism. The individuality of Pierre Trudeau, the flighty rebelliousness of the futurists, the artistic freedom of the decedents (a rebours especially, as the rise in NEETs and the immersive capabilities of the internet only makes it more relevant every year) and even the post racial character of Italian Fascism itself.

I feel like that camp is primed for an artistic resurgence in society. People everywhere are tired of being told who they are by politically motivated puppet masters. As a mascot, I suggest the Jannasaires. A group of people untied not by race or religion, but by a lack of it. A genuine otherness that manifests itself as slavery to the state, elitism, and celibacy.

>> No.9642004


>> No.9642011

My bad, I meant the janissaries.

>> No.9642025

Was he a homosex?

>> No.9642041

No, he actually fucked thousands of women. They used to line up for him outside of his villa.

>> No.9642048

*outside his villa

>> No.9642052

Stinking greasy whop, fuck you and fuck your grandfather

>> No.9642076

No, fuck YOU, pimply fat burger. Even the lowest of the Italians is cleaner than your bunghole.

>> No.9642105

Jesus. is this pasta? I laughed harder than I should have at this.

>> No.9642112

I second that lol

>> No.9642122

Sh-shut up p-p-pleb.

>> No.9642125

Nobody cares about your opinion until you find rational and mature arguments in response to >>9641779

>> No.9642136

>rational and mature arguments

hmm I wonder what piece of cake do we got here

>> No.9642145

I don't get it.

>> No.9642152

I remember him from The Art of Seduction. It seems this bald manlet was quite the womanizer in his prime.

>> No.9642153

You're stupid. I mean, the post may be written like shit, but the key point is clear (and correct).

>> No.9642158

1. I hate niggers.
2. Wops bred with niggers.
3. I hate wops.


>> No.9642161
File: 108 KB, 939x486, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the decadentism trilogy

>> No.9642169

>asked for rational and mature arguments
>replies with mongoloid and immature ravings
Congratulations, little piece of burger nigger shit.

>> No.9642181

The language is shit and so are the ideas. You don't sound like someone who knows what they're talking about. It seemed like you just wanted to show off your vocabulary and throw around names as if to gain recognition from a professor.

>> No.9642188

History is not rational or mature enough for you, huh dago?

You've posted the same thing three times now. I think you're done.

>> No.9642196

Why do his insults bother you? Is it possible he's right? Do you hate yourself?

>> No.9642215
File: 1.82 MB, 1279x4410, 1488507571418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him. The language is shit but he's right when he talks about people's need to identify with something, and the consequent research of such identity in political movements.

History what? History history what? US literally consist of niggers mixed with whites. You're a fucking retarded kid if you think Italians are black. Travel more, idiot.

Don't bust my balls, samefag. Your arguments are embarrassing. (Bother? Falsehood and lies bother me, yes. But I'm fine until I talk with an underage shit like you).

>> No.9642222
File: 91 KB, 640x622, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians are nigger
My friend's Italian gf in pic related.

Back to /pol/ you go, turds.

>> No.9642451
File: 275 KB, 505x700, 1478451725039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was typing that out on my phone in a trance like fit of passion, so forgive me for the unwieldy language.

The life of an individual is short and miserable. In the grand scheme of things, we exist for barely an instant, accomplish barely anything, and (assuming a good deal of infamy and success) are forgotten in a couple of generations. We barely have the strength to overcome our own temptations, and set against the world we're like a leaf blowing in the wind. For this reason, people throughout history have attached themselves to different causes, movements, and ideologies. Be it the purely material object of their family tree and town, or more abstract things like their race, nation, or various political movements.

Globalization, the economic destruction of small scale economies, and an internet which removes the individual from their racial/national/etc. context (for example, right now "I" have no ethnicity, I'm simply a body of text without a physical body attached to it), has caused an equal and opposite reaction, which we are now experiencing through Trump and Obama, through BLM, through the alt right and left, and through the daily which hunts we see in the newspapers. Various political institutions (not to be confused with political ideologies) have cynically started using this for their own benefit as well, hand crafting certain identities and creating demographics to fulfill their own will to power. Specifically, the rise in transexuals and people who identify chiefly by some form of queer identity, and the push against any questioning of these new forms of identity.

These forces, which forces people into an ideological cage of "selfhood", which in fact sublimates various individual impulses and the human condition in general into politically motivated identities and defines that as the authentic individual, are actively seeking to destroy concepts like individuality, universalism, freedom, and radical notions of selfhood. Both the left and the right have started to dismantle these concepts, from different viewpoints but to the same ends.


>> No.9642501
File: 93 KB, 582x787, Pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to this is modernism, which sought to radically place the individual and his creative impulses above history itself. We see this in Pierre (and Justin) Trudeau's rejection of nationhood as the basis of a state (I'd argue that this was in fact pre-modern, stemming from Canada's monarchical form of government, but that's another essay altogether). We see this also in the Futurists, who called for artists to burn museums and flood libraries, to embrace technology, sex, and violence while radically rejecting traditions. Going further into the past, we see this same sentiment in A Rebours, where the lofty and decedent artist locks himself away from society to pursue his own unrestrained artistic and individualistic inclinations. Given the modern world, where NEETs are becoming more and more prevalent, and where countless works of art are available at the click of a button, without the constraints of time and space, A Rebours may very well be the most relevant novel of our generation, and only becomes more relevant with every advance in technology.

So what are we to do? Us freethinking men and women who find ourselves standing between the rock of prescribed identity and the hard alienation of those with no place in the world.

My humble suggestion is we take up the cause of the Janissaries. These elite Turkish warriors were taken as slaves from all corners of the empire, brought together not because of a common identity, but by the want of one (in Islamic law it's illegal to enslave Muslims, so the credentials for becoming a Janissary was that very lack of belonging to the dominant political block). After being castrated and trained as soldiers, they enjoyed an incredible amount of prestige as elite soldiers and a central pillar of Ottoman society. Not being able to have children, separated from their parents, and without a common background, they made due with being a Janissary. Through this shared experience as cogs of the state, without hope for the future, permanent outsiders of the society they served, they found meaning in their lives through the fraternity of their shared experiences. They were the elites of the Ottoman empire, part of a community that didn't define itself by shared heritage or a common future, but by their existence as a community completely situated within the time frame of their lives.

This elitism, otherness, and infertility is (in my opinion) the perfect response to the populist, identity focused, and disgustingly productive zeitgeist sweeping the Anglosphere right now.

>> No.9642514

Janissaries weren't castrated, black slaves were.

>> No.9642518

hahahahahaha, thanks, gave me a good laugh

>> No.9642524

hush, the repressed faggot is trying to revive a faggot army, we might be looking at a new byron.

>> No.9642566

>big words make me uncomfortable: the post

>> No.9642735

Yes they were.

>> No.9643057

>saving slutty pics of your friend's gf

just how fucking friendzoned are you, you pussy?

>> No.9643565


They make us study him in highschool, amerifat

>> No.9643601

>merely a fascist

You're so fucking ignorant, it's amazing.

What's the name of that pleb-tier English philosopher who hated Nietzsche? Go back read him

>> No.9643618
File: 32 KB, 500x646, GabrieleDAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be half as cool as this sexy beast

>> No.9643624

He really was a Ur fascist tho. Most of what was unique about Mussolini was cribbed from him anyway. Mussolini of course knew this and accepted by paying D'annunzio off. That D'Annunczio lived a comfortable bourgeois lifestyle by being quiet for Mussolini's sake is all you need to know really.

>> No.9643787
File: 298 KB, 600x512, confused afro american gentleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right now we're seeing a huge rise in identity politics of all kinds due to globalization as well as information technology essentially allowing for the removal of subjective, material considerations like race, geography, and class
What do you think identity politics is?

>Black power Marxists
You severely overestimate the influence of Marx in modern campus activism.

>As a mascot, I suggest the Jannasaires. A group of people untied not by race or religion, but by a lack of it. A genuine otherness that manifests itself as slavery to the state, elitism, and celibacy.
>argues for a resurgence of some enlightenment fetishism of the individual
>wants us to embrace the values of literal slaves

>> No.9643794

>sexy beast

>> No.9643940


>> No.9643944



I'm tired of /pol/.

>> No.9643955

Considering that was his penis' size, I don't see the paradox.

>> No.9644604

That's Cayenne Klein, an Hungarian pornstar

>> No.9644773

didn't he removed two ribs to suck his own dick?

>> No.9644793

Actually I'm quite intrigued by his life and accomplishments. In his first writing - "Prime Vere" he was 16 at the time - he announced he wanted a "inimitable living" and a "big name", and he certainly achieved both.
Would like to know more

>> No.9644975

Sometime ago I tried to find his works in libgen.io but I wasn't lucky, does anybody had any luck?

>> No.9646114

>this entire wall of nonsense
So basically, Marx's entire theory of alienation and the proletariat but mutilated to fit your own ego and tastes?

Try better.

>> No.9646182

No. They weren't.

>> No.9646201

i think that was marilyn manson