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/lit/ - Literature

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9639062 No.9639062 [Reply] [Original]


>The controversy began when Hal Niedzviecki, editor of Write, the magazine of the Canadian Writers’ Union, penned an editorial defending the right of white authors to create characters from minority or indigenous backgrounds. Within days, a social media backlash forced him to resign. The Writers’ Union issued an apology for an article that its Equity Task Force claimed “re-entrenches the deeply racist assumptions” held about art.

Lolwut? A white writer can only write white characters then? But won't that be reinforcing the cultural status quo or whatever?

>> No.9639066

The whole idea of cultural appropriation as a bad thing is retarded.

>> No.9639083

It honestly frightens me that "cultural appropriation" has been gaining traction. Culture is not owned. Culture reproduces, culture reinvents, culture grows naturally. Culture is not created in a vacuum, surely people know this. How can this intellectual dishonest be so widespread? How can these censors not see they are The Bad Guys?

>> No.9639090

i'm a fucking white man and wrote a book where one of the characters is a native american woman

whenever i get around to getting it published i plan to give zero fucks about such things

>> No.9639116

>why do you only write about white people you racist?
>woah, are you trying to write about minorities? Cultural appropriation much, you fucking bigot?

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.9639180

>Hitler did nothing wrong.
That's not true. He didn't complete his task.

>> No.9639183
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>Equity Task Force

>> No.9639189
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>> No.9639200


>> No.9639296

For further context: the guy's article claimed that the reason Canadian literature seemed so overwhelmingly white and middle class was because that's the background of most Canadian writers, and because those writers never stretched their imagination beyond their own backgrounds to write about other cultures and other sorts of people. The backlash was based primarily on the premise that, actually, the reason Canadian (and generally Western) literature is so white and middle class is that such voices are lifted up while minorities voices are often disregarded, and that encouraging white writers to write about minorities just makes it harder for minorities to publish authentic works about their experiences. They also took offence to his suggestion of a 'Cultural Appropriation' Prize, and to the fact that the editorial appeared in an Indiginous Writers issue of the magazine, the contributors to which never saw the editorial before its publication.

>> No.9639299


Sorry, typing on my phone

>> No.9639304


Fuck's sake!

>> No.9639591

It's about two things:
>Fuck Whitey
for the basic bitches and

>Gibs money
for the pros.