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9638654 No.9638654 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder if you read on the train, you're a pretentious faggot. Fly overs need not apply.

>> No.9638664

What board did you come over from? Did a book reader fuck your girlfriend?

>> No.9638666

Lmao kys. What would you like me to do for 30 to 40 minutes?

>> No.9638677 [DELETED] 
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What about coffee houses anon?

>> No.9638690

Half Priced Books price tags are easy to remove, so remove your's, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9638698

Why is everyone so angry?

>> No.9638708

I'm not going to spend my train journey staring out the window just because some fat autist gives me dirty looks

>> No.9638720

people give you looks for reading? where the fuck do you live? in Toronto every train has at least 4 or 5 people reading. usually women and usually garbage. actually always garbage. the most lit thing I've seen was a Russian guy reading life and fate in Russian.

>> No.9638724

No of course not, I was talking about OP

>> No.9638811

They are deeply insecure and unfulfilled.

Why does this faggot OP hate people who read on trains? Because he's too insecure to read on a train himself. Why does OP hate blacks? Because he has a small penis and can't last long enough to animalize his wife like blacks could. Why does he hate pynchon? Because he's too retarded to understand the text. Why does he hate his mother? Because she's responsible for putting such a weak, useless pussy on the planet, and he hates himself so much that he blamed her.

How do we solve this?


>> No.9638827
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Projecting much?

>> No.9638837

>doesn't last long enough to animalize his wife
Oh boy.
"What did he mean by this?"

>> No.9638979

congratulations this picture made me puke

>> No.9639034

real patricians have brail books in their pockets that they read without anyone seeing

>> No.9639044

now this is clever.

>> No.9639417

Can I read comic books or porn?

>> No.9639421

What about runes or hieroglyphs can i read those on the train

I'm too poor to afford a car and trains are nice

>> No.9639423

no it isn't

>> No.9639424

>topo chico mineral water
what the fuck

>> No.9639426

yes it is :^) desu senpai

>> No.9639431
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>nigger on transit says to the driver if this thing doesn't turn around to Walmart right now Imma shoot up this bus
>get into work late
>no one will ever believe me

>> No.9639441

le best poetry

>> No.9639456

Why would you take a photograph like this?

>> No.9639462

i also stare at my phone for an hour on my commute to and from work

>> No.9639464

because she's an indie tumblr-bitch, edgy as fuck!

>> No.9639503
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>> No.9639516

>marb reds
why get the premium water and then buy those cigs

>> No.9639521

Probably because they were out of camels

>> No.9639526

why are camels now "in?" just the vintage packs? they're pretty good but there are nicer cigs available

>> No.9639536

camels are "artist" cigs. If someone is an "artist", "writer", "poet" or anything like that, you can bet they smoke camels.

Like American Spirit are hipster cigs

And Menthol smokers aren't to be trusted with money.

>> No.9639554

i switch between winstons and american spirits, but my cigs do not define me

>> No.9639556

>menthol smokers
code for black folks

>> No.9639603
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these are artist cigs because poets are broke af, like me

>> No.9639643

Most people on the train read. It's not remarkable and no one notices. You're sheltered.
t. Chicago

>> No.9639661

Are those fucking animal crackers?

>> No.9639753

>he doesn't pray the entire commute to work

Fucking pagan

>> No.9640032
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Damn, Midwestern countryside posters are best posters.

>> No.9640071

Is that sarcasm?

>> No.9640079

>that semi-artsy hipster filter
>Topo-Chico mineral water
>Marlboro cigarettes with a pretentiously logo-d lighter on top
>cup of coffee and ashtray
>Basic Writings of Nietzsche

Wow, it's amazing how, with just such subtle choices, one can portray the most complete pretentiousness possible in a seemingly simple, randomly taken picture

>> No.9640086

topo chico is pretty good, but if he had some dunhills and a bottle of apollinaris instead, he may have inspired anything but derision from this patrician.

>> No.9640092

>basic writings

embarrassing. might as wel say 'PLEB' on the cover.

>> No.9640099

>voluntarily drinking wetback water

is this how bernie voters show solidarity or something?

>> No.9640151
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>> No.9640156

4chan was intended for 18+ only, anon.

>> No.9640389

Midwesterners despair their solitude, lack of culture, and the utter absence of beauty in their encironment.

Despair is a necessary ingredient to all good writing.

I should move to Ohio.

>> No.9640539

Are you actually this judgmental? Or are you simply trying too hard to fit in?

>> No.9640562

he's right tho

>> No.9640578

Stop defending yourself

>> No.9640586

I don't have time to read anywhere else but the train. If it triggers you OP, you need to work on that. There are a a lot worse things to bothered by such as teenage niggers pole-dancing or able-bodied men panhandling.

>> No.9640588

I own that book but thanks to this picture I now have to throw it away

>> No.9640613

stop being a pretentious faggot and I'll think about it

>> No.9640630 [DELETED] 

>able-bodied men panhandling

>There are a a lot worse things to bothered by such as teenage niggers pole-dancing or able-bodied men panhandling.

quality of life is about to drop another notch now that council women "mark-vevirito" or however the fuck u spell it is pushing to "decriminalize" things like urinating in public etc. i'm always noided as fuck to piss outside cuz i expect some guilini time cop to jump out from behind and dumpster and turn me into a sex offender, but now it's gone full circle and bums blasting anything and everything with piss like stray dogs will be a thing again...

>> No.9640639

>There are a a lot worse things to bothered by such as....

quality of life is about to drop another notch now that council women "mark-vevirito" or however the fuck u spell it is pushing to "decriminalize" things like urinating in public etc. i'm always noided as fuck to piss outside cuz i expect some guilini time cop to jump out from behind a dumpster and turn me into a sex offender, but now it's gone full circle and bums blasting anything and everything with piss like stray dogs will be a thing again. on the other hand if quality of life crimes get bad enough to 80s levels maybe rent will actually go down (not until every new rich chinese and arab on the planet has their manhattan condo first)

>> No.9640650

I smoke Marlboro lights 100s, what does that say about me?

>> No.9640654

wannabe yuppie, but real yuppies are all health fanatics, so it shows you are destined to peter principle out in mid management and grow a belly

>> No.9640658

Marlboros aren't for yuppies, they smell too much. Not like a fart like Pall-Malls, but you smell like a heavy smoker

>> No.9640667

he said marlboro lights moron, marlboro reds are for proletarians, gold box = yuppie aspirations, red box = greasy overalls for life

>> No.9640673

you only think marlboro lights are for yuppies because you live in a city too small to have any, like Boulder, idiot

>> No.9640676

Do you go to clubs a lot? I've only ever seen women in clubs smoke lights 100

>> No.9640690

i used to work in manhattan when i smoked, fuck off flyover fag

>> No.9640699

>wannabe yuppie

I'm a published author, faggot. How's the creative writing workshop you're in going? Make sure you foster those connections

>> No.9640708

rad, was your advance enough to buy a new macbook? anyways, writers aren't yuppies, get a clue

why do i waste valuable time talking to hill billies on the internet?

>> No.9640711

those things aren't mutually exclusive you know.

>> No.9640741

>I'm a published author
So is Stephenie Meyer.

>> No.9640809

>not liking reds

>> No.9640824

shut the fuck up u faggit

>> No.9640913

i appreciate your commitment to being That Fucking Guy anon

>> No.9640925

>Ascended tier
Staring other passengers minutes at a time

>God tier
reading books
reading e-books
reading the newspaper

>Good tier
reading non-meme magazines
looking up stock quotes on your smartphone
listening to music

>Shit tier
playing games on your smartphone
staring through the window for minutes at a time
social media on smartphone
reading meme-magazines
watching movies/tv shows on your smartphone

>Subhuman tier
playing games on your portable device
watching anime or porn on your smartphone

>> No.9640931

Schwarzer Knauser, self rolled. Anything else and you might as well not smoke at all.

>> No.9640958


not the anon you replied to, but you're a fucking loser, man

>> No.9640986

this famlam
if you aint rollin your ciggies your'e not verse-ing

>> No.9640993

oh wow this picture made me stop being a smoker
and reader

>> No.9640997


Don't let the other posters get you down man. We were all 17 once.

>> No.9640999

this is correct

>> No.9641002

Master troll at work
I hope.

>> No.9641019

how about listening to music while staring out the window?

>> No.9641031


It's one thing to not keep on eye on everyone around you but to also remove your ability to hear? You're just asking to become a victim.

>> No.9641055
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>> No.9641057

>all these anons being so judgemental
uhm could we not?

>> No.9641071

Synched my Kindle account and downloaded the app for my phone, so now I can continue reading whatever I'm on while on the train and I'll look like everybody elsewho's staring at their phone, problem solved. :)

>> No.9641079

My Grandpa rolled his own cigarettes, his lungs were so black they couldn't see the cancer.

>> No.9641088

>listening to music
>reading the newspaper
only proper way to travel

>> No.9641093

I have that ashtray in my apartment.

I would never let any of those other things in my apartment though, you suck.

>> No.9641095

I don't known if that's the only way. Some train have bathrooms, for example.

>> No.9641258

Funny shit buddy

>> No.9641365
File: 36 KB, 521x223, gngcjg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've done all of these

>> No.9641389

I have closed my eyes and sort of half-slept/tranced out while a drunk hobo went up and down the aisle screaming at people. I remember overhearing somebody say "how can he even sleep like that?" Felt pretty boss.

>> No.9641484

A disaster; a shallow pond, you never have felt what it means to indulge in a subject.
You are lazy. You're interchangeable with the common plebe.

>> No.9641487
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I find Half Priced Books price tags to be aesthetically pleasing. I have no defense for this position . . . but I felt the need to say it.

>> No.9641502
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A good subhuman ascended shit god

>> No.9641505

I have a long commute and work long hours so by necessity I read on the commuter train, get over it, fag.

I usually see one or two at most, but a lot of times zero. Commuter train in a capital city in yurrup.

>> No.9641571

Fucking roasted haha

>> No.9641751
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>NYC tier
Trying to ignore pole jumping niggers.

>> No.9641802

How about staring through the window thinking deep thoughts you'll write out later?

>> No.9641828
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>> No.9641869

Maybe that applies to big cities, but it's suiting for long rides. Everytime I get to visit my relatives on the other side of the country I chug books on the way. It's a great way to kill time and find time to progress with your reading.
I get why people on major cities find people that read on the subway pretentious pieces of shit lacking self consciousness though.

>> No.9641910

>flyover detected

>> No.9641946

just embarrassing

good job if you were trolling

>> No.9641994

my bus ride takes at least forty minutes. fuck off, nerd, i'll read if i want

>> No.9643151

Literally , the most faggot Pinterest Texan on earth , I hope when you tell someone " you know if you stare into the abyss , the abyss stares right back at you a ha ha Nietzsche said that , Im an avid reader of his work " to some bitch that will look at you in the same place you bought that gay ass frappe , and before she replies you are pretentiously smiling thinking you are going to get some poon , then she tells you ... " ughhh what a faggot " I hope you kys after you delete that picture from your INstagram account

>> No.9644146

That makes absolutely no fucking sense.

>> No.9644158


>> No.9644163

NYC is weird because it's made me simultaneously less racist while also making me believe that all stereotypes about African Americans are true.

That is to say, I have black friends I love and I know that not ALL black people randomly beat and rob elderly people on the subway, or blast loud music from their Bluetooth speakers, or do these inconsiderate goddamn train performances. However, ONLY black people do these things, and that's an absolute fact.

I try to make this distinction with my friends, but they just call me racist.

>> No.9644178

I'm saying you'd have to be some kind of paranoid cretin to even imagine reading on the train is pretentious. Even the goofiest hillbilly wouldn't think it's the least bit remarkable.

>> No.9644191

I read on the train sometimes but even I will admit to the superiority of being master of your mind and aware of your surroundings.

>> No.9644196

>However, ONLY black people do these things, and that's an absolute fact.
I've only ever had this problem with fucking wiggers

>> No.9644211

I honestly don't think I've seen more than one wigger in NYC in all my years of living here.

In fact, I heard they went extinct.

>> No.9644298

Not in germany they're not. It's fucking embarrassing. And they're all under 30. You ever have to deal with a 13 year old "gangsta?" If there was ever an argument for eugenics, wiggers are it.

>> No.9644463

I love people who read on the train

>> No.9644473

> mfw I am subhuman tier

>> No.9644478

that's why I always take ear plugs to the train

and butt plug if I actually fall asleep and am scared somebody raped me because I look so good

>> No.9644524

Why? It's like a variable time sitting on the train with your brain rotting, why not use it to read up?

>> No.9644979

He's just worried he's being judged.

>> No.9645270

Anything to get the fucking rich brown people out of the cities

>> No.9645280

Are you severely autistic? What are you on about...

>> No.9645281

It does seem quite excessive to categorize someone taking a leak on the street as a sex offender. It's the type of dumb thing one would expect of an American.

>> No.9645367
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it doesn't count if you lost money in the process

>> No.9645559

I don't read on trains or any other public transport because I don't want to look pretentious. Also, I have motion sickness.

>> No.9645574

Why shouldn't "fly overs" apply? Is it okay to read on the train in flyover states?

>> No.9645582

I disagree.

>> No.9645597

Not sure what gave you this idea. I've lived in the midwest my whole life and the people here are generally happy, myself included. Though I live in Minneapolis, not Toledo, so maybe that's why.

>> No.9646081
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But what about coffee shops?

>> No.9646115

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.9646139 [DELETED] 

Fully agree. And given that I'm ascended tier you plebs would should value my opinion.

>> No.9646143

Fully agree. And given that I'm ascended tier you plebs should value my opinion.

>> No.9646214
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>implying I have a gf

>> No.9646365

I grew up in Ohio. Everything I said was a lie. I miss it deeply

>> No.9646375

This reminder doesn't seem so friendly to me

>> No.9646400
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>If it triggers you OP, you need to work on that.

>There are a a lot worse things to bothered by

uhhh, you should work on not being triggered. uhhh, actually it is ok to be triggered by these things.


>> No.9646414

Word, son!

>> No.9646426


>unironically triggered

this board sucks major dick when all you summer people come back and shit it all up

>> No.9646438

>>unironically triggered by an unironically triggered post

we can go on all night like this but i gots to go fuck your mom inna bout 30 mins brah

>> No.9646451


>unironically triggered by an ironic triggering mistaken as an instance of unironic triggering

fuccboi pls.

>> No.9646465

>unironically retarded n gay

ur a retard