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9634980 No.9634980 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, any recommendations on books about meditation? particularly books on how to meditate rather than the why of it, though whatever works.

want to start meditating as i have a lot of downtime and find myself bored to the point of frustration, not quite sure where to start and i know meditation is definitely one of those topics that will have a shit ton of pop-culture books looking to cash in on soccer moms and the sort so i'm looking to avoid those.

>> No.9635011

i've been recommended the mind illuminated and after some four or six months of following the scheduled regime i'm finally starting to see results

just my two cents, but whatever you do, be patient and don't go too hard on yourself because it'll come back to bite you; make sure to practice regularly and diligently though

>> No.9635506

thanks, i'll check it out. and i doubt i'll be impatient about it, i've meditated before and even when i struggled it was "enjoyable" in a way

>> No.9635545
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Read Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Really good book.

>> No.9635667

here, this one's free: http://www.meditationexpert.com/ebok/howtomeditate.pdf
and so are these guided meditations: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9avnnk9e5180bon/Meditation.zip

>> No.9635680
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you don't need books to meditate. don't overthink it. just google forms of meditation. what helps is visualisations like your mind being a blue open sky and the thoughts are clouds, coming and going. you just observe them without identifying with them, etc

>> No.9635729

why the fuck do you need books on how to meditate. sit your ass down, don't do shit, don't think shit.

in all seriousness, life circumstance has made it natural for me to where i never realized it was meditaton. kind of odd to me that people work towards being able to observe their own thoughts, explains a lot.