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9634455 No.9634455 [Reply] [Original]

Prerequisites to reading him?

>> No.9634459


Be 16 to 22 and kewl.

>> No.9634460

a noose

>> No.9634469

one people won't mention is Kant, who is a pre-req for all modern philosophy, but many people like to skip to get to the cool stuff. but Land makes direct use of Kant and you should too

>> No.9634479

marx, deleuze.

but esp this

t. guy who skipped kant to get to the cool stuff

>> No.9634486

deleuze, definitely. land uses a lot of deleuze lingo

>> No.9634494

Most people who read him I think are much older.
For what?

>> No.9634501

>For what?

A bookmark so you don't lose your page.

>> No.9634513

Read Deleuze.

>> No.9634516

ignore the weenies, some cool anon is putting together a reader

you might track down a copy of this

or just go directly to fanged noumena

>> No.9634522

True, specially on his essays on him and Schopenhaur (the former being necesarry to understand the later)

>> No.9634526

Seems big for a bookmark, why can't I use one from the local library, or better yet, make my own using scissors and paper? I made bookmarks for when I read Infinite Jest, two to be exact, different colors, one to mark my place in the story and one to mark my place in the footnotes. Unfortunately I never finished that book since it's pretty long (and also dense as well, he [David Foster Wallace, the author of Infinite Jest] can really fit a lot in just a sentence) and I'm kind of a busy person but I plan to revisit it at some point since I did enjoy what I read, though I haven't really been into fiction much lately, it just doesn't hold my attention or interest the same way nonfiction does (I guess I'm just autistic or something but I'd rather skip the foreplay and get right to the fucking, or to speak more plainly, get the explicit information I need without analyzing the text to get the message, which oftentimes could be better stated in nonfiction writing anyway.).

>> No.9634527
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i'm currently going through hume, to get to kant. then marx to get to deleuze. so at this rate i'll be reading nick land in only 2 or 3 years.

>> No.9634536

That anon's selection is actually good. But I think is rather useful to have knowledge of what influences Land, specially when he sometimes can be eclectic.

>> No.9634545

i wish the best philosophical works didn't require so much prep
i just turned 18 and i feel like a complete moron wanting to read certain writing but having no idea how to tackle it

>> No.9634546

Read Mencius Moldbug. His reactionary essays inspired Land and the DL. start with "An Open Letter"

>> No.9634559

What are some of Land's more occult and esoteric influences?

>> No.9634560
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Then it's Kant/Marx/Deleuze. Capitalism and Schizophrenia is mandatory for understanding Land.

The first essay in Fanged Noumena is excellent and bears little resemblance to the outer-edge craziness he writes later. His essay on the critique of Transcendental Miserabilism is also important for understanding his anti-humanist views. I'm basically useless in terms of talking about Kant but Marx and Deleuze are important.

>> No.9634561

they don't. It helps but you will have plenty of time to revisit them later in life. If you're specifically concerned about prerequisites for reading Land, ignore these autists assigning half the Western Canon to you. Just read his dark enlightenment essay, it's very readable. If you want, read Mencius Moldbug first. Dont let these made up reading orders prevent you from diving into something that excites you.

>> No.9634568
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Lovecraft, mainly. He also likes Gibson, but he's not occult or esoteric. Whatever spoke to him in his CCRU days came through the back channels of drugs and other weirdness I think.

>> No.9634579
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I'll post another good reference here. This guy's essays are excellent.


>> No.9634606
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>> No.9634850

I only read him because he was vital for my understanding of Dies Irae.