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File: 29 KB, 445x432, FB_IMG_1496415426554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9634129 No.9634129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we share and critique writing ideas
>An Aryan boy is super hyped to join the Nazi regime, but through a series of trials he goes through a moral and ethical crisis and loses his taste for Jew killing, only to have mengele (or some other high ranking recognizable Nazi figure) turn on him
Fresh off the presses, so very rough around the edges

>> No.9634153

A jewish man who's confident he's not gonna get caught enters the nazi army to feed his family and ends up corrupted by society.
Actually scratch that, a crossdressing jewish single mother of three.

>> No.9634158

Breaking Bad but with nazis

>> No.9634165

Exactly why it works.

>> No.9634167

>man gets sent to aushwitz
>spends his days playing as a midfielder on the camp soccer team and lounging by the pool.
>war ends
>man claims they tried to make him into a lampshade
>history begins

>> No.9634174

"N-no really! Gas chambers! I swear!"

>> No.9634203

> "Herr Werner, you do realize ze punishment for traitors of ze sirt reich is ze same for all enemies uff de state? I voodnt risk a turn in de offen iv I ver yoo."

>> No.9634234

Eh, it could work, but it's pretty cookie-cutter. "Innocent guy raised in evil culture rejects his culture and becomes good" isn't exactly original. Hell, I had an idea for basically the same thing, just set in the X-Men comics.

>> No.9634246

I'm thinking of not making THAT the conflict, but rather how a good person in such a high standing position can handle himself when everything he stood for is against him. Maybe things like helping prisoners whom he tortured/experimented on escape or some such like

>> No.9634252

I guess I'm just not seeing it then. A guy raised in a Nazi culture hyped to become a Nazi. How could he stand for anything other than Nazism?

Also, didn't this plot already happen in real life?

>> No.9634262

Probably. Crazy ass shit happened during the Holocaust

>> No.9634274

>A dog gets disemboweled in a fight and eats his own guts

>> No.9634289

For what purpose?

>> No.9634291

>Crazy ass shit happened during the Holocaust
Some of it so crazy it defies the laws of nature.

Do y'all really think you can milk this forever?

>> No.9634293


>> No.9634298

Please tell me I'm not the only one sick of seeing /pol/ in /lit/.

>> No.9634309

Don't worry, we all want then to go back

>> No.9634321

Oooh maybe because the propaganda he was raised up on was all about peace for the German people, and he's just so patriotic he wants nothing more than what's best for Germany, up until he's faced with the Nazis horrific deeds

>> No.9634329

Not everyone ribbing you about the fairytale side of your little victim racket here is affiliated with pol. I've never even posted there. Information is just out these days, people know.

>> No.9634332

Quit trying to sound smart. Leave.

>> No.9634335

kek please explain

>> No.9634338

Eh, ignore him, I'm sure he'll leave eventually.

Anyway, isn't this thread supposed to be about discussing writing ideas? Does anyone have any they want to share?

>> No.9634344

I got a few but they're mostly just unorganized idea soup

>> No.9634345

What, you don't know about the lampshades?

>> No.9634349

Ted Bundy made lampshades out of humans if that's what you're referring to... But otherwise no

>> No.9634357

Shit, me too. I really should get around to writing some of this shit down.

I'll bet five bucks he thinks the Holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.9634358

I had a dream about it, and want to practice my writing technique. Also might try to work in some ouroboros imagery

>> No.9634371

Ah shit, too late. The dog's a clone, and so is the dog he's fighting. After winning the latest match, there's a part of him that realizes what's going on, and he decided to kill himself out of spite, to hopefully stop what's happened. The guy doing the cloning expresses annoyance over how he's never been able to get that little genetic quirk out of the original dog's DNA, and it turns out the same events have already happened dozens of times before.

>> No.9634394
File: 354 KB, 990x1278, serveimage(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason jews have a reputation for being a little loose with the truth, and there's a reason this is the only historical event you get thrown in jail for questioning in much of the West. And there's a reason why so many who have claimed to be victims of it have been caught fabricating their stories, because many of those stories could not have possibly happened. And 6 million is no random number. But I'm not here to say something did or didn't happen, I'm just saying people should look into the veracity of the claims themselves because jews have routinely been caught spreading lies about in order to portray themselves as victims.

>> No.9634403

Yeah sure believe what you want just keep that antisemetic garbage faaar away from me

>> No.9634438

>And 6 million is no random number.
Yeah, maybe it's the number of Jews that died due to the Holocaust.

I also see you haven't familiarized yourself with a dictionary. The word "holocaust" refers to the mass-killing of a people. It doesn't refer to just Nazi Germany's mass-killing of Jews. I know a lot of people refer to that specifically when they say "The Holocaust", as I did above, but usually that's the one people are talking about because it's the most infamous, and usually you can tell if people are speaking of a different mass-killing that could be referred to as a holocaust by context. Words can have multiple meanings and context is important, you'd do well to remember these things.

>> No.9634439

No garbage, that's all true. But just as you want to keep it far away from yourself, I want you to be far away from me -- to leave the white country you currently reside in and move home to Israel. You'll be more comfortable there writing the antiwhite garbage you're attempting to get advice about itt.

>> No.9634454

>to leave the white country you currently reside in and move home to Israel.
>"Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm from /pol/"
>"Because you don't agree with me that must mean you're from Israel."

>> No.9634457

Could you please point to the part in my post where I used the word "holocaust"?

>> No.9634467

>"I want you to be far away from me"
Then why the fuck did you comment on my post, dumbass. Kek

>> No.9634476

You're jewish, right? So what are you doing trying to write antiwhite stories while living in a white country? Do you think this is an acceptable way for a guest to act in their host nation?

>> No.9634483

You didn't and I didn't say you did. But the image you posted did, and that's what I was referring to, since it seems to imply that because The New York Times used the word "holocaust" before WW2 ended, that it was evidence of a conspiracy or something. Though the fact that you posted the image, like it was proof of something, does make me draw the conclusion that you don't know how to use the word "holocaust".

>> No.9634488

Because I want you to write your antiwhite stories from outside of the white nation you are a guest in and clearly disrespecting by pretending that your behavior is acceptable.

>> No.9634490

Pfft, OK, you must be a Poe. Great job, 10/10.

>> No.9634500

The image highlights the recurrent use of the number 6 million prior to what is known as "the holocaust." Try to pay better attention and think things out before you post.

>> No.9634504

I'm not even a Jew I'm just sick of you people projecting against a culture that's been one of the most discriminated against in all of history... It is quite telling, however, that you immediately assume anyone who calls you out on your bigoted bullshit is a Jew.

>> No.9634509

I'm telling you, and I'm telling you nicely, that you shouldn't expect to get pats on the back when you claim you want to write antiwhite stories. You are an outsider and writing disparaging stories about the people you live among is not ok. Do you understand?

>> No.9634512

Just because a story involves Nazis doesn't automatically make it anti-white

>> No.9634514

Not every article in the image does though. The May 16th, 1903 article doesn't mention a number. Neither does the September 16th, 1903 article. Or the June 1st, 1933 article. The article on May 31st, 1936 does mention "millions" but doesn't give a more specific number of 6 million, though itdoes use the word "holocaust". The October 2nd, 1941 article also doesn't mention a number. Try to pay better attention and think things out before you post.

>> No.9634521

Most discriminated against? Did you know that the jews murdered upward of 60 million ethnic Russians after a coup they led against the native people of that state a hundred years ago this year? If you're white and defending these people under a false belief that they are victims, you need to educate yourself better.

>> No.9634528

>False belief they are victims
>Have been slaughtered more than any other race in existence
Keep trying, I know you'll get there some day

>> No.9634534

Not race, group is a more applicable word

>> No.9634539

Go ahead and suck the nearest tailpipe you can find.

>> No.9634556

Did you not read the part where I told you that jews murdered upward of 60 million Russian less than a century ago? Do you know what bolshevism was? You really don't know what you're talking about do you? Maybe you're young and don't understand the extent to which you've been lied to, I don't know. But jews are bad people, their religion is based around genocide. Their holidays celebrate their genocides of others. These people aren't innocent and they aren't your friends. They hate you. Are you familiar with the word "goyim"? That's what they call you, it means "cattle".

>> No.9634562

I thought a great story idea, but I'm not sure how to go about this, would be an occult story where everything is ambiguous. The reader can only speculate on who the members of the cult are, and depending on who those members are would depend on the how the reader may interpret the objective of the cult. The only way I could see this being possible is if it was a small town (I know, a cult in a small town, how original) and some of the cult's culture slowly just diffused into the town's culture. For instance, common things could possibly be important to the cult, like a certain flower, moon dials, colors, clothing, etc. I think it would be really interesting, but it would need a lot of planning, and I would need to improve my writing significantly.

>> No.9634572

Oh my God he thinks the Bolsheviks we're Jews... Poes law pleeeeasssse

>> No.9634573

Eh, fuck it, I'll just try it.

I used to really like Hellsing a long time ago. Shameful, I know. But I wanted to see supernatural stuff going on in an actual WWII setting. So, there's a mishmash team going around crippling the various Nazi superscience and supernatural projects that they discover. They're all different with different powers, except for the leader, who is a normal human. Except maybe not. Quincey Morris came back from the dead and had this kid as his son. He's like a high-level ghoul, pretty much immortal but has to feed on human flesh. There would be a werewolf girl because for some reason it turns me on a little, a vampire who acts as their scout due to the giant wings sprouting from his back, and a character who's basically Frankenstein's Monster crossed with Robocop.

>> No.9634583
File: 13 KB, 642x591, 1467988196166-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Please educate yourself before speaking on matters you are uninformed about.

>> No.9634593

Try again, homie. Maybe some unbiased sources

>> No.9634596

Eh, I'm not a huge fan of "interpret as you please" because to me it always sounds like "I wrote half a book, you finish the other half", no offense. Well, I guess Roshomon was really good, but there wasn't a whole lot of interpreting you could do with that.

Also, I'm not sure on the diffusion of cult culture. It just seems to me like the boring setup that happens to the town before the protagonist arrives and shit gets real.

>> No.9634600

What do you mean interpret the objective of the cult? I'd be interested in an elaboration, if only because I'm a sucker for potentially creative twists on mystery-based fiction.

>> No.9634601

I've read each of those sources and they do not give any hint of the evidence presented in the graph.

>> No.9634602

This is why you never get into a debate with a lunatic, kids.

>> No.9634610

Also, note how the graph talks in percentages rather than in raw numbers.

>> No.9634612

Lol. There's nothing biased about those sources. Why are you trying to be deceptive? Because you're jewish and don't want others to know your people murdered tens of millions of Russians?

>> No.9634616

I don't understand why the Jews, who are implied to be homogeneous here, would outright murder 60 million people in one instance and in another undermine European ideals in a subtle way after the first instance supposedly failed?

>> No.9634617

These are empty word until you post counter evidence.

>> No.9634621

What is this image trying to convey?

>> No.9634622

Counter-evidence to your non-evidence? Do you want me to spend 10 minutes making up a fake graph too for you to be satisfied?

>> No.9634625

Jews are very homogenous -- they're known as "the tribe." I'm not sure what the other instance you're referring to is though. Undermining subtly when and where? In the west now?

>> No.9634628

That is rich coming from a nazi

>> No.9634633

>Jews are very homogenous -- they're known as "the tribe."
There are these people you may have heard of called "Christians". They're pretty big now, but they started out as Jews.

I'm pretty sure OP isn't the annoying cunt who won't shut up.

>> No.9634634

Are you really expecting anyone to take your word that you debunked the numbers in the graph? And are you really getting defensive upon me asking you to present your evidence?

Stop wasting people's time.

>> No.9634635

"He disagrees with me he must be Jewish"
You're obviously white, how can you live with the murder of thousands of Indians that you're obviously responsible for, seeing as how you're the same race... Tsk tsk tsk

>> No.9634638

>There are these people you may have heard of called "Christians". They're pretty big now, but they started out as Jews.

What in God's name are you talking about? Jews are a semitic ethnic group from the middle east.

>> No.9634640

Ok how about this: Jewish man gets stuck in attic and performs all manner of sex crimes on his young children. At the end of the book a Nazi death squad shows up and kills the man and take his three daughters as sex slaves.
Thirty years later, the three daughters are all prestigious feminist authors and activists who advocate for mass chemical castration of all men. They get women really riled up and a bunch of women start seducing men and cutting off their dicks in the middle of the night as retribution against the patriarchy. This and other acts of violence become so common that Jimmy Carter eventually caves into their demands and approves a new amendment which castrates all men and gives them hormones at a young age so they turn into females past puberty.
Well this backfires because without men to defend the country, the Mexicans invade and basically capture all the females to turn into sex slaves.
The novel ends on a scene of the three sisters slitting their wrists instead of submitting to the patriarchy.

>> No.9634642

So you don't have any evidence to support your claim?

>> No.9634645

Are you really expecting anyone to take your graph at face value? Are you really getting defensive upon hearing the suggestion the graph may be misleading?

Educate yourself.

>> No.9634646

I didn't make a claim...
>being this detached from reality

>> No.9634648

Can we please ignore the idiot and actually discuss writing ideas? And not obvious bait like >>9634640

>> No.9634650

How do we know the number of Jews stayed the same after the 40s? After the Great Purge? Who did the killing in the revolution? The war? The gulags after the 40s?

>> No.9634653

I'll try. Scouts honour

>> No.9634654

You suggest the graph "may be misleading," you said you had debunked it personally. And I think it's become quite clear that you weren't telling the truth.

>> No.9634658

Is it clear? Why are you not posting text sources to accompany the graph?

>> No.9634661

So you're just a third party who butted in to make a juvenile statement? Try to make that more clear next time.

>> No.9634662

So instead of having a typical cult story where the cult is trying to preserve the town, or maintain political/social power, it's never defined. It would be a secret cult that remains secret. For instance, if you believed that people that worked in the town government where the ones who comprised the majority of the cult, the reader would interpret that the cult is trying to maintain an oligarchy. If the cult had mostly business owners, then they're goal would be to maintain their businesses. If the prestigious family that has lived in the same town for many generations, then the goal would be about keeping a social status. Then there could, also, be a social issue that the cult is trying to maintain, like ethnic/racial, political, religious, etc.

I do understand >>9634596 problems with the story. I guess the point of the story would be to show how depending on what you pay attention to, and how you analyze information would determine the outcome of the story. I guess an example would be the R. L. Stine books where you could make a decision on how to proceed in the story, but a more sophisticated version

>> No.9634666

Well, if you're familiar with the history, you know that after the jews went on their murder spree they were purged by Stalin in the 40s and were less involved after that, eventually fleeing to the US and Israel.

>> No.9634669

What are you even talking about anymore.... Wait SHIT nevermind I never replied to you I promised, scouts honour

>> No.9634671

I think a better version would be to have all the different connections and cults brought together by the protagonist. He thinks group A is a cult, then group B, then group C, etc. That way it doesn't depend solely on the reader. But it would have to build up to something. Maybe there is an actual cult gaslighting him?

>> No.9634677

The text sources are available within the graph ... the graph you said you debunked.

Get some coffee, Moshe, I know hasbara HQs keeps it stocked.

>> No.9634687

Text excerpts I mean. It is just excepted that the reader will dig up documents from 80 years ago to double-check the numbers. You know exactly what kind of trickery you are up to. I think you're the Jewish one, honestly. The only kind of person who would be so underhanded. You're sowing antisemitism for a certain purpose...

>> No.9634700

Alright, let's run this one up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it:

The year is 2076: the story follows the last human alive, he is orbiting the earth in a massive bio-preservation satellite, all humans have been wiped out by nuclear war which put earth into a new ice age. The man is functionally immortal, since he can put himself into hibernation that stops all aging, and the space station is self-powered and will never run out of food, air, or water (because of the plants)
The narrative follows the man as he attempts to breed a race of parrots intelligent as people so he can have someone to talk to. It's a complicated process, as he has to devise tests to determine intelligence and conversational ability, and he has to spend long times in hibernation so his plan comes to fruition: it will take thousands of years for a parrot to ascend to the same level as a person, although it is much easier in space since they don't need to sacrifice brain size for flying ability. Over this long process, he often reflects on the ultimate fate of the universe, the demise of humanity, and his own life and history.
Anyways, he is eventually successful, and creates a breed of parrot that is as intelligent as a person, or maybe even a bit smarter. It's a bit of a bittersweet ending though, because he or the parrots will never be able to return to earth, and they will all eventually die, just as the stars will eventually wink out of existence a trillion years from now.

>> No.9634708

Face it. You got caught lying, and caught lying bad. You should feel embarrassed lying about debunking sources you didn't even realize were in the graphic, then demanding I go find them for you.

That's epicfail.jpg territory. I'm taking it easy on you.

>> No.9634711

You could do some interesting things with that. Have you considered tying in the protagonist's personal history with the cult's activities involving him? That way, you can tie up things nicely by revealing that towards the end, so we understand that we've not been following a passive bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time, but someone who, in some capacity, has a stake in all this?

>> No.9634720

That's true, but I would still want some unknowing involved. I was thinking it would be kind of a good story, because a lot of people think that their's some kind of conspiracy going on (kek at the Jew and Nazi anons), and I the point is to draw on this belief people have, and build fear from that.

>> No.9634722

I clearly did realize they were in the graphic because I explicitly mentioned sources in my first reply. Like I said, I meant excerpts. There aren't even page references in the listed sources, that's how badly referenced it is. The point is to give the appearance of knowledge but making it so hard to actually double-check the evidence to verify it so it can be used as an image to shut down conversation, as you had done earlier in the thread (quite literally too -- you told someone to stop talking while posting such a meaningless graph). I was illustrating that point -- you wouldn't have known if I had debunked them or not (since you were waiting on counter-evidence) because you were simply posting a graph you hadn't actually verified yourself. You are the joke here.

>> No.9634734

That could be really interesting, especially if some of the parrots didn't turn out quite right, like a parrot that was really depressed, or aggressive. I think if you added a lot of psychology to this story it could come out really interesting.

>> No.9634744

>There aren't even page references in the listed sources
Then how did you debunk it before?

There comes a point when you have to stop digging. You were caught lying and have presented no evidence showing anything in the graph is incorrect.

Bolshevism was a jewish movement and jews slaughtered millions of people under its reign. This is a fact, and the ancestors of those murderers are now residing in the west. Jews are not innocent people, they are a tribe of genocidal nomads.

>> No.9634745

Eh, I guess it could make an interesting indie movie in a similar vein as Moon. Not really hyped for it though, sorry.

>> No.9634761

>Then how did you debunk it before?

Like I said, I was illustrating a point. I was bluffing in order to call out your bluff, which I did successfully. Unless that is you want to admit to being such an idiot you believed the graph was indisputable proof or even relevant to the comment to which you initially replied.

>You were caught lying and have presented no evidence showing anything in the graph is incorrect.

Of course not which is the point of the graph -- as I said, to give the appearance of knowledge but expect people to read multiple books in order to discredit the graph. Isn't that why you posted it? To shut conversation down, rather than to reveal a truth?

>Bolshevism was a jewish movement and jews slaughtered millions of people under its reign.

Up until 1937, which wasn't the end of Communism in Russia. The graph is incomplete in proving your point unless you want to provide numbers from beyond that date.

>> No.9634764

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check it out

Yeah that would be interesting, maybe he wakes up from hibernation one day and all the parrots are sort of insane. He is alarmed, but he also wonders what he should do, how much does he want to play god in their evolution?

>> No.9634780

>I was bluffing
You were lying.

And I find it remarkable that you would expect to have anything you say afterward taken seriously.

Good luck becoming a better human being, I have a feeling it will be an uphill battle for you.

>> No.9634790
File: 915 KB, 832x1225, moonposter2.jpg.pagespeed.ce.AEs83s76L5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't really meant as a recommendation, but sure, go ahead. I really like the movie myself. And talk about a small cast. There are, like, six actors in that movie.

>> No.9634792

I lied to expose a lie, sure.

But yes I'd probably leave if I were you too.

>> No.9634819

You people are such spergs it's unbelievable

>> No.9634824

You exposed no lies and presented no material contrary to my own.

You were just caught lying. A normally adjusted person would use this opportunity for self-reflection, not to entrench himself further. I feel sorry for you. If you are jewish, I understand why you would try to lie, because it would be in your nature. If you are not, you have no excuse for stooping to jewish levels of dishonesty. Please work on becoming a better, and more honest, human being.

>> No.9634825

Maybe to hold the point of the story should be about having the protagonist being convinced that their is a cult. It could follow the story of a group of friends discovering the cult, and each one creates their own theories. The protagonist isn't convinced in any of the ideas, and their friends are trying to persuade them.

So maybe the story would go along the lines of having a squad go out into the woods to smoke some weed, and they come across an item that belongs to the cult, like a ring with a symbol of a bull. The school's mascot is a bull so one friend starts to believe that it maybe a cult involved in politics. The curiosity of the group causes them to dig further into the cult. One friend goes to hang out with another friend, not in that group, and notices that they have book ends that are bulls. Then one starts to believe that its a family to preserve social status. The town could have a history in subsisting off farming, and people started moving into the town to start office jobs. Thus, one friend believes its about business. One friend may believe that their isn't a cult, and thinks their friends are being ridiculous.

>> No.9634841

If I did not expose a lie I exposed your subpar level of thinking. It's your choice. But since you're avoiding the points I've raised about your intentions I assume it's the former. I'm sorry that your time on /lit/ hasn't worked out well for you.

>> No.9634846

Welcome to the list of spergposters, sperg.

>> No.9634852
File: 69 KB, 1126x748, presidential-election-results-1952-2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah tell me about it, its sort of stupid how jsut two spergs can completely derail a thread like that, arguing over some stupid shit.

anyways here is my idea:
a guy is hiking in alaska. his leg gets caught a bear trap, its rusted shut and he can't free himself. He has no choice but to saw off his own leg. However, once he finally cuts it off, he dies of blood loss. A wealthy hunter finds his body and skins him and taxidermies him and proudly puts him on display at his house. a year later, a young woman is having sex with the hunter. she sees the taxidermied man and is shocked: it is her late fiancee, who was lost in the wilds a year ago. mistaking the hunter for a murderer, she flees the cabin, however, on her way to the police station, she is caught in a bear trap, and dies of hypothermia.

>> No.9634863

You lied, I exposed you as a liar, and then you admitted to being a liar.

That makes you a bad person and someone who can't be taken seriously. And since you didn't respond to me asking if you are jewish, I must assume you are.

And that goes to my first point (are you still here OP?) that jews are incapable of telling the truth. You just proved that, and I hope the kid who started this thread takes that to heart.

>> No.9634869

ok, i think thats the end of that!

>> No.9634878

You didn't respond to posts about your intentions so likewise I must assume that yes you were lying, and me lying to expose that was justified.

I have an answer for everything you can think of. I exposed you before and I can do it again. The only reason this didn't end so long ago is that you're taking a long time to realise it is over.

>> No.9634883

Shut up you idiot.

>> No.9634903

God I wish I was jewish

>> No.9634909

Take note, kid. As I told you at the beginning, the truth is a foreign concept to the jew; they aren't like you, and I hope you will look into the jewish question at some point in your life. Good luck with the story, I liked this idea better >>9634700 and Moon is a good movie to base something on. Thread's yours.

As for you, Shlomo, you're long past the point of salvaging anything here, but I thank you for helping me prove my point about the inherent dishonesty of your sick people. You know no grace and are liars to your desert semite core.

>> No.9634911

Why did you include >>9634711 ?

>> No.9634955

>Millionth "evil nazis" book
Boring, how would it be any different?