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9630905 No.9630905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is a life without a caring woman by your side.

>> No.9630912

Probably a shitty one. I'm getting prepared

>> No.9630913

What is your life without Jesus Christ?

>> No.9630923


>> No.9630925

one in which there are no caring women by your side

>> No.9630942


When you have Christ with you you don't actually need anything else. This is why priests and monks can be so cheery.

>> No.9630948

"It's a hard life without a soft girl."

>> No.9631151


t. Christianity that caused a 1500 year long dark age, where sexual neurosis - including nofap - was just one of the many maledictions set upon the western world

>> No.9631163

>tfw no mommy gf

>> No.9631165
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an undeluded one

>> No.9631166


>> No.9631169

epic post my friend, upvoted btw

>> No.9631212

A life you still have to live.

>> No.9631218


>> No.9631221

>What is a life without a caring woman by your side.
It's called marriage.

>> No.9631223

a life with a caring woman at burger king

>> No.9631225

reddit intellectual bait

>> No.9631238

I laughed a little bit out loud at this.

>> No.9631344

being lonely is really bad for health desu

but it cant be helped for some people

>> No.9631352


>> No.9631362

Pretty good since you can get sex workers to fill your craziest sexual fantasies.

>> No.9631364
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>Have severe mommy issues
>Get into philosophy heavy, learn to overcome that, the ADHD meme, and then some
>Get 9.7/10 gf
>Love is so passionate our personalities become one. She teaches me to care, I teach her to overcome her anxiety
>Have our first "break up"
>She's torn up about it too
>Friends watching us like hawks, just incase one of us kills ourselves
>First time, I experience true suffering: I'm afraid of truly losing her
>A week later we get back together
>Through that one moment I got swole, finished my degree, got my shit together
>She's currently finishing her degree in Pharm
>Year 3 in our relationship I promised I'd marry her when I'm ready to
>When she's finished, plan on having a wife

Get yourself one. It'll humble you like nothing else in this world. Best 12 year journey so far.

>> No.9631367


>> No.9631374

This is inspirational. I feel like I've knocked most of my issues, or at least have a clear idea of how to get rid of them. See you in 12 years my man

>> No.9631419

A free one, if one has the nerve for it.

>> No.9631430


>> No.9631432

I too have serious mommy issues... ADHD and anxiety... What philosophy did you read?

>> No.9631434


>> No.9631438
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>tfw no russian gf who reads Pushkin to you

>> No.9631480
File: 696 KB, 633x758, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know a 16-year-old girl from church
>be 20 myself
>she's smart, beautiful, kind and genuine
>plays three instruments and sings more beautifully than literally any girl I've ever heard
>reads a lot, and I mean actual literature, not just YA crap
>she's also into writing and sports
>she seems to be pretty much my ideal girl
>we've only talked once or twice really alone, just the two of us, but we've known for a few years
>she laughs at my jokes and all in all we get along fine

>decide to call her
>"Hey, you wanna go for a coffee tomorrow?"
>she seems dumbfounded
>"I... I really don't know."
>"What does that mean?"
>"Not tomorrow, at least."
>"Okay, I'll call you some other time."
>call her maybe a week later
>she doesn't pick up or call back
>repeat the next day; the same result
>haven't called her since
>I know for sure I'm going to see her in the summer, but I don't know what so say to her, or should I really say anything

Maybe I shouldn't have called her. Maybe I should've waited and acted in the autumn, because like I said, I know I'm sure to meet her in the summer, meaning I could've gotten to know her a bit better and kind of warm her up for whole coffee thing. Have I dun goofed?

>> No.9631487

shes under 18, wasnt gonna happen bud
should have waited two years

>> No.9631512

You were born in the wrong decade my friend. When my grandparents got married she was 16 and he was 23 (this was in the 1960s) They are the happiest couple I know.