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9628920 No.9628920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do philosophers still study Freudian Psychoanalysis? It's regarded as non-scientific garbage by scientists.

>> No.9628930

why do any of us do anything
i mean really

>> No.9628940

citation needed desu

>> No.9628945

Well it's important for understanding Lord of the Flies, and most Philosopher are still as smart as the dumbest high school English student.

>> No.9628948

go to your local pyschologist and asks what does he think of him

>> No.9628951

because it has lewd bits. scientists are still studying it because it turns out he was kind of right and the scientists got a couple of things wrong because they were obsessed with cinema and machines. apparently humans are not exactly like a bluray reader. who'd've guessed that though, right?

>> No.9628954

I'm dating a psychologist and she thinks Freud created a useful model for understanding the mind and did good clinical work

>> No.9628955

and Aristotle was wrong about almost everything he said.

philosophy is just a thought experiment. its value lies not in practical knowledge but in allowing you to follow ideas, understand others, read critically, and in expanding your worldview. that is why philosophy students make the best lawyers, businessmen, etc.

>> No.9628966

do you mean Aristotle or works attributed to him? because most of the probably theophrastos stuff stands up to scrutiny. course most of the rest of the stuff is ethics, so i'm not sure how you want to apply science to that rather than ethics to science, but i would agree it's not terribly good ethics.

>> No.9628969

>I'm dating a psychologist
The only psychology majors I've met have been mentally unstable themselves. Kind of ironic

>> No.9628971

I meant mostly his Physics treatises and biology works. I still enjoy his metaphysics and ethics. and the Organon is a decent intro to logic in my opinion

>> No.9628976

useful to understand the individuals he influenced. He was a huge influence on Joyce and other modernists I personally think.

>> No.9628984

Positivists are the worst.

>> No.9628989
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>Psychology is science

>> No.9628991

try building your life exclusively out of things not regarded as garbage by scientists and then tell us in your suicide note how long it took until you felt like shooting your brains out

>> No.9628993

Biased sample which speaks more to the mental health folks YOU associate yourself with rather than making any salient observation of psychology students.

Seek help immediately, you're very very sick.

>> No.9628998
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>you're very very sick.

>> No.9629000

the question of Freud's scientific rigor is the absolute most boring pleb-bait thing to talk about with respect to his works.

turn off Bill Nye and go read Freud's books already you fucking children

>> No.9629004

Kek, this is the only thing I've ever read with which I can wholesomely agree.

>> No.9629005

Or better read up what scientific rigor actually entails and put orthodox psychology under its scrutiny for ten seconds

>> No.9629012

Not a "psych major" but a practicing, accredited psychologist. I've heard there are more psychology degrees given out than degrees in any other field, and a lot of the unstable people I know who majored in psychology are working in call centers or other stuff along those lines now

>> No.9629019
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Yep see pic related.
Bigger problem is more so that its a useless meme science with no real life productive use so literally no other industries are interested in psych grads.

>> No.9629027

He was quite niggardly

>> No.9629122

>being wrong about science and morals in two eras
i suppose it's a skill

>> No.9629220

>implying philosophy majors don't have the highest average iqs

>> No.9629230


>philosophy, science, and psychology are perfectly compatible and terms that can be used interchangeably.

>> No.9629237

>philosophy student

>> No.9629262

Philosophy undergrads make better law school students than any other humanities major.

>> No.9629265


>> No.9629274

Grad Law is one of the most common transfer courses for Philosophy majors

>> No.9629323

A panel of international climate scientists have unanimously agreed on it.

>> No.9629381

"Publish or perish."

Philosophers are academics and they're just as much wageslave rat-race cucks as the rest of the normies.

I think he's pointing out the irony that a good student of the "love of wisdom" can easily become a shit head for $$$.

>> No.9629392

Dude at least half of all actual philosophers were shitheads

>> No.9629397

LOL philosophy has nothing to do with the study and practice of the law. It's all normative eithics and public policy implemented in case law. The ONLY reason they may make better law students is that they are used to reading hundreds of pages of trite garbage to extrapolate one rule from a reading. But that's a learned skill like anything else, so it doesn't much matter.

>> No.9629398
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>publish or perish

>> No.9629399

> actual philosophers

I can count them on one hand.

>> No.9629400


psychoanalysis is still chapter 1 in most therapy textbooks

>> No.9629410

I like the part in Freud's letters where he says he sneaks in naps in his sessions and the patients don't realize.

Oh, and he was charging something like 500 euros a day and recommended you go 5 days a week or something. Basically, if you went to see Freud you had to be a millionaire, and he still fucking sleeps on the job.

>> No.9629421

that's nothing compared to Lacan

>> No.9629426

indulge me

>> No.9629429

the equivalent of 500 euros now*

>> No.9629431
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because he is the best of them all

>> No.9629454

>Lacan would often write to friends to either borrow or purchase books that were rare and collectible. When asked to return them, they were often “lost,” and in the case of purchasing them he rarely shelled out the full agreed-to amount.

>Many psychology undergrads know the case of Aimée (a pseudonym for Marguerite Anzieu), Lacan’s patient and the subject of his now famous 1932 doctoral thesis. Aimée was jailed and put under Lacan’s ward after she tried to stab famous French actress Huguette Duflos. Aimée was described as paranoid and delusional, but Lacan was fascinated by the novel she was writing while under his care. Even Aimée couldn’t escape his avarice, as Lacan “borrowed” the novel’s manuscripts for his own scholarly work. To this day, the descendants of Aimée are trying to recover the manuscripts.

>Another great Lacan scam was his “variable-length session,” a fancy way to justify bilking his therapy patients out of money. Throughout his life, Lacan slowly decreased the time he spent with each patient; what began as nearly an hour of psychoanalysis later dwindled to only a few minutes

>> No.9629476

top kek, I knew about the variable length session because some Lacanians were actually defending it as a good therapeutic technique...

I heard he would have sessions while getting manicures.

>> No.9629482
File: 114 KB, 528x381, Screen-Shot-2014-09-15-at-13-32-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many psychology undergrads know the case of Aimée (a pseudonym for Marguerite Anzieu), Lacan’s patient and the subject of his now famous 1932 doctoral thesis. Aimée was jailed and put under Lacan’s ward after she tried to stab famous French actress Huguette Duflos. Aimée was described as paranoid and delusional, but Lacan was fascinated by the novel she was writing while under his care. Even Aimée couldn’t escape his avarice, as Lacan “borrowed” the novel’s manuscripts for his own scholarly work. To this day, the descendants of Aimée are trying to recover the manuscripts.

lel I bet he fucked her too

>> No.9629488


>implying this is not the most /lit/erary lifestyle conceivable

>> No.9629494

Its the natural patrician step up from shoplifting at libraries

>> No.9629545

>Publish or perish
Can somebody explain why people think It's unreasonable to expect people to do their job? all academic jobs are firstly advertised as research positions and teaching positions secondary.

>> No.9629584

why not name them instead?

>> No.9629681

Cause it's way easier to make single contrarian comments and never elaborate on them than initiate real discourse.

>> No.9629714


>> No.9629723

Those scientists are retards who treat science as a god

>> No.9629730

Freud was right

>> No.9629735

>they are used to reading hundreds of pages of trite garbage to extrapolate one rule from a reading
I've never seen someone more perfectly describe philosophy.

>> No.9629739


he gave honest theories about what he saw

today's social "scientists" are too constrained, they start with a conclusion (equality) and then try to find things that justify the conclusion

>> No.9629740

Why do people paint portraits....the camera was invented , like, years ago?

>> No.9629752

Freud is relevant since every form of media is filled with people's electra and oedipus complexes