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/lit/ - Literature

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9624581 No.9624581 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up and go to gym
>strength has been low because my sleep has been ruined by coffee
>bench two plates when I havent benched for a few weeks and its by far weakest lift (to give you an indication of how lifting doesnt help ugly losers no matter how much you lift)
>go outside, just like all the normies say you should do
>tortured by the sight of attractive women everywhere, each with 500 matches on Tinder no doubt, and who are disgusted by non-Chads
>drink coffee while sitting in public, browsing the internet on my phone: 4chan, redpill "jus talk to them bro" cope advice, and occasional blackpill stuff
>sitting in busy stations seeing huge amounts of Staceys
>go home to watch end of the tennis
>buy loads of junk food to dull the pain of subhumanity
>tell myself its the last time Ill eat junk food as I see attractive blondes walk past my window and it gets hotter and sunnier at 4 pm (wish I was joking)

Its incredible how pointless all advice is. Either you are a normie with a social circle or a Chad with tinder, or you are nothing. Even having a job changes nothing.

Oh, and not only all that... If I really was living life like I tell myself to (being the best version of myself), Id be spending EVEN LESS time outside: more reading books, more learning various things, less wasting money by eating out, doing as much as possible at work instead of my assigned work and 2 hour breaks. Kind of hilarious, and a lesson for all the overly righteous red pillers. There are two ways to succeed in this world. Good or above social skills (including looks / being female) or MEGA autism.

>> No.9624587

You are the most pathetic being imaginable.

Several of these threads every day for over two years now. Get your shit together already

>> No.9624888

tbf we're living in a civilization in decline, it's natural women are going to start seeking out exclusively strong and alpha protectors over providers.

>> No.9624909

Things won't get better from here on out.

Might as well sit back and enjoy the decline.

What an interesting time to be alive, don't you think OP?

Who cares about chads, stacies and all that shit.

>> No.9624916

I simply don't care

>> No.9624938
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Another quality post about literature from /pol9k/

Please, as a friend just kill yourself. Itll be much better for yourself and the world

>> No.9624959
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"Monks, there are these five strings of sensuality. Which five? Forms cognizable via the eye — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. Sounds cognizable via the ear — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. Aromas cognizable via the nose — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. Tastes cognizable via the tongue — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. Tactile sensations cognizable via the body — agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. These are the five strings of sensuality.

"And any brahmans or contemplatives tied to these five strings of sensuality — infatuated with them, having totally fallen for them, consuming them without seeing their drawbacks or discerning the escape from them — should be known as having met with misfortune, having met with ruin; Mara can do with them as he will. Just as if a wild deer were to lie bound on a heap of snares: it should be known as having met with misfortune, having met with ruin; the hunter can do with it as he will. When the hunter comes, it won't get away as it would like. In the same way, any brahmans or contemplatives tied to these five strings of sensuality — infatuated with them, having totally fallen for them, consuming them without seeing their drawbacks or discerning the escape from them — should be known as having met with misfortune, having met with ruin; Mara can do with them as he will.